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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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hope somebody can translate the preview for 144 :)

[ 144 회 ] 2006년 4월 13일 (목)

석현은 기웅의 발령으로 나라를 찾아가지만 나라는 완강하고, 종남이 일로 기웅에게 화풀이했다는 걸 알고 착잡해진다. 종남은 재옥으로부터 석현이 집나간 얘기를 듣고 속상하고, 석현은 큰집과 기웅, 나라의 일로 마음이 안 좋다.

재만은 기웅이 발령이 기정사실화 되자 위로차 큰집을 찾아간다. 아무 것도 모르고 있던 큰집 식구들은 기웅의 발령 소식에 벙치는데..

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Guest kawaiiyuki

:o:huh: this is getting weirder and weirder.... but i guess that's what happens when they decide to end things in may instead of april. :) at least we know that so far nothing has happen to the baby and that he got there in time to stop things. I had a feeling that he would move out. :phew: but I just thought it would have be soon. :blush: I think he'll stay at Mk's place. I don't think JN's mom would let him stay with them. :sweatingbullets: Then again if he did. he would be closer to the baby and JN. I still think that SH and JN should get married even if people still oject. :sweatingbullets:

Ps. If someone has time could they post some screen caps for eps 141. THanks ... my laptop is somewhat slow and it would take forever!!! :P:D:blink:

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Guest professor97

Now I understand why Sukhyun's disease comes back--it's Nara and her control tactics. I was pretty sure there would be no abortion because the audience would have been in an uproar over that. So Nara is alone now--to bad for her. You reap what you sow.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Now I understand why Sukhyun's disease comes back--it's Nara and her control tactics. I was pretty sure there would be no abortion because the audience would have been in an uproar over that. So Nara is alone now--to bad for her. You reap what you sow.

I totally agree with you. NAra is offically alone. :D What i don't understand is; why NAra would stay with SH's dad if she could take him after they were married for the one month. Did she have someone she loved already and was forced to marry SH's dad? But a few eps back SH's dad once said that she was never this cold. Was it a blind date for NAra because she's so mean and no one would marry her so she was stuck with SH's dad?! :sweatingbullets:

PS in the previews HI had her hair down and curled. Wow, never seen her look that... must be married life!! :) So glad that SH got there in time. Looks like he got there as JN was begging his mom. He looked very upset with his mom and JN must have noticed something or was shocked that SH was taking her way. :blink::o:mellow:

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Guest chevm

Hi! I downloaded the filefront links ronni posted here, and I had no trouble doing so with the first few eps. Actually some were pretty quick, taking as fast as 10-15 mins per ep.

I don't know what went wrong, but suddenly it's taking forever to download them, including the 141st ep. It says, for ex., "6 hrs, x mins" remaining... At first I thought the server must be busy, so I tried downloading at different times of the day---with the same results! It's soooo frustrating :fury: What can I be doin wrong? Any tips how I can speed up the process?

Re SH's disease: I recently saw the ep where JD had a flashback of that time when SH was a baby and got sick. The subtitle said SH had biliary atresia, and from what I know, it's a liver disease that affects infants. It requires a liver transplant, and may take several years to see if the liver is functioning properly. I have no idea though if it can recur in adulthood, as in SH's case.

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Guest ronni

I think he'll stay at Mk's place. I don't think JN's mom would let him stay with them.

Ps. If someone has time could they post some screen caps for eps 141. THanks ... my laptop is somewhat slow and it would take forever!!! :P:D:blink:

Wow, that's going to be one crowded house if they all stay at Kiwoong's house. So much for privacy for the newlyweds. :lol:

Here's some YSI links for Ep 141, for people who are having problems with FF and don't use clubbox. (Clubbox is really actually easy, you should try it!)

Episode 141

Episode 141 mirror

You only need one or the other, not both. They're the same. The colour is a bit off in this episode, on my computer, but I can't fix that, sorry.

I'll post some screen caps in a bit, my boy is sick today and making me crazy. :(

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Guest emceema



Except for Minsook, which is natural for her to act that way as a mother, why is everybody condemning Jongnam? The guilty one is Sukhyun..........! OK, it's consensual, but we are talking about a baby here. That is one thing that all of these adults should think about. Abortion shouldn't even be mentioned. How shocking.

I can emphatize with Jongnam because something similar to this happened in my family and I was involved personally. Where I came from, pregnancy before marriage is a taboo. That was in the 60's. My younger sister got pregnant before she got married. She was living with me at that time away from our parents. When I found out about it, my first reaction was to get the guy who did this to my sister and force him to be responsible. Why? Because of Pride and Shame for the family. I did it without even asking my sister if she wants to get married at that time. She was in her junior year in college and if she gets married, she'll have to abadon school and live with her in-laws who are poor and would not be able to support her education. Looking back now, I was so regretful. My sister never finished college, bore 5 children and worked her butt off supporting them. She died of cancer at age 45. I have grown and matured since then and learned a lot about compassion first before pride. If only I can turn back time ............. :(

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Guest ronni

Sorry about the quality on these...

Episode 141 screencaps

Sukhyun tells all




Distraught JaeOk


Protective MinSook


The witch takes off.


JaeMan hitches a ride home with Sukhyun. What's up with the plastic suitcase?


Grandma's reaction.


Showdown at home.


The oblivious newlyweds arrive home.


Poor pitiful grandma.


Minsook fills in the newlyweds.


Kiwoong's transformed bedroom.


Minsook decides not to interrupt. ;)


Upset JaeOk.


One of Sukhyun's filler scenes since he joined that other show.


The newlyweds......


Busted by little sis.


Sad Jongnam.


The witch makes plans to meet Jongnam tomorrow.



Jongnam gives JaeOk special water. After JaeOk's reaction and Nara, she should stop giving out that special water....


"Don't call me mom anymore. Call me ajumma (a.k.a. ma'am)"


Fatherly wisdom?


Camping out in the study.


Face off.


What?!?! You're planning to kill my biological grandkid?!?!


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Guest Mme. De Giry

Thanks for the screencaps ronni! :) I'm sorry to hear about your sister, emceema... It must have been really hard for her and for you watching her through all those. But do you think she led a happy life? Then if she did, it was all worth it.

I can't wait for epi 142!!! :w00t: Good thing SH is standing up to Nara and fighting for JN. I was happy watching Jaeok and JN embrace in the preview video over at KBS. It was really bad hearing Jaeok tell JN to call her "ajuma" and not mom. :tears: I hope Jaeok will finally realize that JN is happy with SH, that there's nothing she can do about it. I can understand that she does not want JN to fall into Nara's manipulative hands and therefore is protecting JN by trying to drive SH away. But those two can tough it out, I'm sure. All Jaeok needs to do is be like MS and support the couple! And tell SH and JN to get married of course. ;)

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Guest ronni



Except for Minsook, which is natural for her to act that way as a mother, why is everybody condemning Jongnam? The guilty one is Sukhyun..........! OK, it's consensual, but we are talking about a baby here. That is one thing that all of these adults should think about. Abortion shouldn't even be mentioned. How shocking.

I can emphatize with Jongnam because something similar to this happened in my family and I was involved personally. Where I came from, pregnancy before marriage is a taboo. That was in the 60's. My younger sister got pregnant before she got married. She was living with me at that time away from our parents. When I found out about it, my first reaction was to get the guy who did this to my sister and force him to be responsible. Why? Because of Pride and Shame for the family. I did it without even asking my sister if she wants to get married at that time. She was in her junior year in college and if she gets married, she'll have to abadon school and live with her in-laws who are poor and would not be able to support her education. Looking back now, I was so regretful. My sister never finished college, bore 5 children and worked her butt off supporting them. She died of cancer at age 45. I have grown and matured since then and learned a lot about compassion first before pride. If only I can turn back time ............. :(

This is an interesting story. I have to think though, that from my experience, your sister wouldn't have traded a single one of her kids for a college degree or a different life.

That's how I feel. :blush:

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Guest karaoke

dang . . .

I think from all the stress jongnam is going

to get a misscarriage . . . but she's strong ^-^;

thanks for caps & translations!! xD

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Guest professor97

Ronni--did Jaeok really say that to Jongnam. Oh my gosh, I knew she said something shocking but I would never have thought that she would have said anything like that. Has anyone translated the previews from 144 because it looks like Nara has another trick up her sleeves. It makes me cry to think that Jaeok would say that--my mother's heart would never, ever turn my back on my children. And I know Jaeok is just her adopted mother, but I would not expect her to ever do that.

Ronni can tell us what this says:

[ 144 회 ] 2006년 4월 13일 (목)

석현은 기웅의 발령으로 나라를 찾아가지만 나라는 완강하고, 종남이 일로 기웅에게 화풀이했다는 걸 알고 착잡해진다. 종남은 재옥으로부터 석현이 집나간 얘기를 듣고 속상하고, 석현은 큰집과 기웅, 나라의 일로 마음이 안 좋다.

재만은 기웅이 발령이 기정사실화 되자 위로차 큰집을 찾아간다. 아무 것도 모르고 있던 큰집 식구들은 기웅의 발령 소식에 벙치는데..

I hate Nara. I wish the writers would teach her a lesson or FOUR. When Sukhyun gets sick you know she's going to blame Minsook and Jongnam. I wonder if Sukhyun has to leave the house--does that mean he loses his job?

And also--can someone who has seen the previews see what is on the paper Nara has in her hand?

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Thanks ronni for the screen caps. :D:D Not to sound to grabby could someone post the spot translation for the kitchen scene at the big house.... :tears: With SH in the other show there will be lots of filler. With his getting sick they might just mention his name or something...

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Guest ronni

Ronni--did Jaeok really say that to Jongnam. Oh my gosh, I knew she said something shocking but I would never have thought that she would have said anything like that. Has anyone translated the previews from 144 because it looks like Nara has another trick up her sleeves. It makes me cry to think that Jaeok would say that--my mother's heart would never, ever turn my back on my children. And I know Jaeok is just her adopted mother, but I would not expect her to ever do that.

Ronni can tell us what this says:

[ 144 회 ] 2006년 4월 13일 (목)

석현은 기웅의 발령으로 나라를 찾아가지만 나라는 완강하고, 종남이 일로 기웅에게 화풀이했다는 걸 알고 착잡해진다. 종남은 재옥으로부터 석현이 집나간 얘기를 듣고 속상하고, 석현은 큰집과 기웅, 나라의 일로 마음이 안 좋다.

재만은 기웅이 발령이 기정사실화 되자 위로차 큰집을 찾아간다. 아무 것도 모르고 있던 큰집 식구들은 기웅의 발령 소식에 벙치는데..

I hate Nara. I wish the writers would teach her a lesson or FOUR. When Sukhyun gets sick you know she's going to blame Minsook and Jongnam. I wonder if Sukhyun has to leave the house--does that mean he loses his job?

JaeOk did say (something like) that. Sorry, I'm not Korean, so its not an exact translation. But I think it actually might be JaeOk trying to do what's best for JongNam. By giving up Jongnam as a daughter, Jongnam can be with Sukhyun with less opposition..... sort of. I hope that's why she did it!

As for the translation, I have a vague idea of what it says, but it will be better if someone who understand Korean better than I do could give a translation. :)

With SH in the other show there will be lots of filler. With his getting sick they might just mention his name or something...

It might be my imagination, but he seems to have a lot more phone scenes lately.

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Thanks for the eps 143's preview tranlation Ronni. I think some one also translated the preview of eps 143 on page 106. Have a look. :ph34r:

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