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[drama 2005] Peculiar Woman, Peculiar Man. 별난여자, 별난&#45224

Guest jinhee

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Guest Mme. De Giry

Screencaps for Episode 140

At the Hospital











It only lets me upload a certain amount of images, and I don't want to cut the flow of the story so I'll wait and upload the rest later. :)

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Guest Mme. De Giry

SH dropping JN off


"Jong Nam. Thank you." *sighs*



JN worried. "What should I do? Baby, I'm sorry."


But of course, our Suky is happy.



The newlyweds at HI's house



Help! They won't merge... :tears: I don't know why they won't merge. And they're supposed to be smaller. Hmmm...

SH asking JN what she wants to eat (JN takes long to decide)






There's nothing sweeter than sharing a bone


And peppers...




JaeMan showing off his other hidden talent


Getting busy


SH watching out for JN


Nara being her nasty self


JN in pain after being pushed roughly by Nara





SH to the rescue!


Watch out, Nara!


SH protecting his family











Truth is out





The 3 stages of shock


I'm sorry, I've really tried making them go into just one post, but they won't. :(

Go, SH and JN! Aja!

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Guest emceema


Wow! Our Sukhyun is going to be a DADDY! I feel like he is my son and I'm going to be a grandma. What a feeling. Love that picture of him beside JN at the hospital bed holding her hand. ADORABLE!!!!! :D:lol::w00t:

That last preview where JN & NN are at the hospital and JN is pleading with NN, could it be the abortion scene? That twist in this drama is so UNNECESSARY. I know that the writers would like to explore all possibilities of exciting the viewers, but this is too much. :w00t:

The reason I watch K-drama is to escape reality and be in a dreamland where everything good is rewarded at the end. Now, if the writers will turn again and go to the right direction, like stopping the abortion in time, but will cost Sukhyun's life or impair his health, I wouldn't like that either.

So to all the writers: Please give us a happy ending or you'll never see me watch any of your k-drama in the future. :tongue2:

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Guest kawaiiyuki

Thahks for the great screen caps. I love them.... I thought what nara did towards the end was stupid. Why push JN when your son is there. It would just make yourself upset. I mean looks what happened right after she(nara) JN. It got SH to run into the ktichen to see what happened to his family. Now that the turth is out more pain for NARA!! :lol:<_< I love shot where SH is peeking into the ktichen to make sure everything is alright. AJA- AJA FIGHTING, SH AND JN!!

Ps if someone has a chance could they post the spot translation. I'd love to know what happened in the ktichen with NARA and JN and SH

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Guest mrshyunbin

i hope some reups :D

i love this drama so much!!!!!!!!!

nara is such a LOSAHHHHHHH

LOL sukhyun doesn looks less tired

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Guest grrly

Oh man oh man!!

I just watched episode 140. It was cute how SH is so excited about his baby protecting JN all the way. I think MS is the key to their relationship. If the truth about SH parents comes out maybe they're relationship will go smoothly...but with the baby on the way...idk..hopefully we'll see happy ending between these couple. I mean they've gone through so much that they deserve a happy ending...(all three of them)

Ps. Just noticed that some users have hearts below the member...what does that mean??

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Guest Mme. De Giry

I know exactly how you feel, emceema! I'm just an avid fan, but I feel like I'm going to be a grandma! :w00t: I loved how he looked when he thanked JN in his jeep. He was so happy. :blush: I think what he said to Nara in the kitchen was something like 'she's carrying my child' or something. I'm not Korean so I had to strain really hard and look at his mouth at the same time (so my face was plastered to the screen) to at least catch one word then look it up in my sister's trusty Korean-English dictionary. One sounded like 'territory', but that'd be too primitive if taken out of context, wouldn't it? So I'm guessing he really was just protecting his family. *sighs*

grrly, you become a friend of soompi (hence the hearts) when you give a donation to the site. :)

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Guest n5y17cgirl


Wow! Our Sukhyun is going to be a DADDY! I feel like he is my son and I'm going to be a grandma. What a feeling. Love that picture of him beside JN at the hospital bed holding her hand. ADORABLE!!!!! :D:lol::w00t:

That last preview where JN & NN are at the hospital and JN is pleading with NN, could it be the abortion scene? That twist in this drama is so UNNECESSARY. I know that the writers would like to explore all possibilities of exciting the viewers, but this is too much. :w00t:

The reason I watch K-drama is to escape reality and be in a dreamland where everything good is rewarded at the end. Now, if the writers will turn again and go to the right direction, like stopping the abortion in time, but will cost Sukhyun's life or impair his health, I wouldn't like that either.

So to all the writers: Please give us a happy ending or you'll never see me watch any of your k-drama in the future. :tongue2:

Thahks for the great screen caps. I love them.... I thought what nara did towards the end was stupid. Why push JN when your son is there. It would just make yourself upset. I mean looks what happened right after she(nara) JN. It got SH to run into the ktichen to see what happened to his family. Now that the turth is out more pain for NARA!! :lol:<_< I love shot where SH is peeking into the ktichen to make sure everything is alright. AJA- AJA FIGHTING, SH AND JN!!

Ps if someone has a chance could they post the spot translation. I'd love to know what happened in the ktichen with NARA and JN and SH

finally had a chance to catch up on this drama. oh emceema - I love reading your comments!... and threat. :P

quick spot translation for that last scene in Ep. 140:

time 31:10

Nara walks into the kitchen and glares at JN.

JN: Would you like something?

(no response)

JN: Would you like some water? There's some [special kind] of water here. It'll just be a moment.

Nara: Forget it.

JN: Here, use this (glass).

Nara: Why are you hovering all over me? Move away!

(Nara shoves JN's tray away, and glass breaks all over the floor)

SH walks into the kitchen

SH: JN, are you o.k.?

JN: I'm o.k.

SH: Just leave it alone. You'll get hurt. Come out from there.

Nara: What are you doing right now?

SH: JN isn't feeling well right now.

Nara: Why, has she at least contracted some kind of deadly sickness?

SH: JN -

JN: Stop it (don't say anymore) please...

Nara: Can't you take your hands off... let's go home.

SH: JN - she's not just 1 person.

Nara: What?

SH: JN is carrying my child.

Nara: What did you say?!

SH: JN is carrying my child!

*End scene*

seriously, I don't get why Nara hates JN so much. it's a bit ridiculous and unreasonable. but I guess when you hate someone that much, there's not always a lot of reasoning or logic behind it... and yes, that preview scene with Nara dragging JN at the hospital is the scene where Nara tries to have her get an abortion... what I don't get is, no matter how much Nara hates JN (for whatever reason) that baby she's carrying is still her unborn grandchild. how could she abort that baby? that just seems too extreme, especially for a korean drama. i don't like where they're heading with that storyline.

dramaok, ronni, myapril, mme. de giry and everyone else - thanks for helping out with all the episode summaries, spot translations and screen caps this past week. you guys are awesome! :)

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Guest kawaiiyuki

N5y17cgirl, thanks for the spot translation. EVIL NARA! run away... joking.. but yeah i can't believe nara hates JN so much. So much that she'd drag JN to get an abortion. shouldn't she be happy that she's getting a gradchild. I mean now that she knows that SH knows the truth; she should use her gradchild to gain some points (if you know that i mean.) but instead she's pushing the two people that means so much to SH away. Guess she's not thinking. :blink:

PS looks like KBS is end set on placing two previews up... we'll just have to wait till the week starts to see what's to happen next. :w00t:

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Guest professor97

dandan 1964--where did you get that picture? Is that supposed to be a picture of Jongnam pregnant or did you just make it up?

n5y17cgirl--thanks for the translations--I agree with you--dragging Jongnam to have an abortion is pretty preposterous--I mean how do you do that? I wouldn't think even in Korea where elders are respected that doctors would perform an abortion on an unwilling mother. And since I know for a fact that Korea changed the law regarding a man's sole right to his children, Nara has no rights just like Ki-joon's mother had no rights in MSMD--or the grandpa in Yellow Handerkerchief. So where can they possibly justify what Nara is doing? Does she have so much money she can force a doctor to abort the baby in a hospita?

OK I know I am getting carried away with all this, but must we suffer so much with this romance--just kill Nara off--maybe Okdoo will shoot Nara so she can have Jaemin. Now that would be a story. Then the big family can do a freedom dance around Nara's coffin and live happily ever after! :D

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Guest Mme. De Giry

N5y17cgirl, thank you sooo much!!! I was getting spoiled with your blow-by-blow scene translations! :w00t: At least, I can sleep more easily tonight, knowing what SH said to Nara. Ha-ha! Take that, Nara! :P

I'm with you professor---no decent and noble doctor could force JN to to do it. It's just too absurd. She's of age (so there's no issue about legal guardians and stuff) so the doctor needs the consent from her and her alone (not even a husband of a legally competent patient is supposed to have a say in the signed consent)! :fury:

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dandan 1964--where did you get that picture? Is that supposed to be a picture of Jongnam pregnant or did you just make it up?

I found the pic on the KBS website..I think they were just goofing around for the camera ;) They take so many pictures...before, during and after filming- - Maybe they took that one while they were filming some part where she was just a little preggo...Or what was it Imshim??

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