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BIGGEST TURN OFFS on the opposite sex?

Guest StylishAzNx07

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Guest pretty_in_pink

smoking X10000000

it's so unattractive

And not being able to have a serious conversation~

ALSO immaturity, and unclean-ness :)

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in no particular order

1. doesnt make effort to dress clean when possible

2. immature

3. i think crooked teeth are cute..but needs to be sparkly and cleannnn

4. too overboard with smoking and drinking

5. bad hygiene

6. ask annoying easy questions

7. not emotional

8. no self confidence

9. no humour

10. close minded

11. hating kids

12. spitting on ground

13. swearing

14. selfish

15. stuck up

and lots more~

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Guest babiichink

bad breath

rude (manner wise)

smells bad

clingy <- huge big no no

thats only a couple i have a huge list

too lazy to type out so much lol

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Guest xx_princess


-rude/curses A LOT


-no personality

-no humor



-immature (in a bad way)

-facial hair and pit hair >_<

-smoking (I HATE the smell)

-dress and talk all "gangsta" and stuff

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Guest mightycandy

This is insane. I hope some of you are really attractive or else you won't find Mr or Mrs perfect till the day you die.

biggest turnoff - girls who think they are the hottest piece of meat on the planet and searching for the Mr perfect. One day they will cry after being used and abused for just being plain stupid. Mr perfect would probably not like you, because you are too picky and your personality stinks.

So after reading some comments Mr perfect is someone like this -

Good looking


Smells good

dress fashionably


have money



no alter ego

not a mama's boy

doesnt spit

doesnt smoke

not immature

not boring.

have a nice voice....

wow.... just wow....

ps.... most of you must be singles.... probably for life.. mauahahahhaa :lol:

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- Dry lips, it's horrible, that one moment scarred me for life. :mellow:

- Clingyness

- Immature to an extent

- Spits and flems alot.

- Snores

- Smokes

- Tries to be 'Gangster'

- Cocky/Bigheaded

- Disrespectful/rude

- Guys that "Bust-Low"

eee.. My list is too long. :phew: the big 10 no no's XD

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Guest Babobang

1. A girl thats 'too loose'

2. A girl thats 'too goody goody'

3. Bad hygiene

Basically I like girls that are playful but can be shy at times and someone that can take care of themselves and dresses well.

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Guest -x.smile.31

mine would be...

guys who are

- conceited - i hate when they only talk highly about themselves

- stuck up - guys who think they pwn everyone and are all that

- inconsiderate - i don't like guys that only care about themselves

- immature - people who act so child-like that you can have a serious convo. with them

- messy - dirty eating habits, ways of wearing their clothes, hairstyle, etc.

- facial hair - they tend to make me want to shave it off for them, same with chest hair

- REALLY skinny guys - people who tend to NEVER eat or look like it

- fobs - (no offense) guys who just wear fob clothes and dye their hair crazily

...i think that's it O.O

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Guest mintpanda

1. HORRIBLE grammer. i'm sorry but it annoys the #@%^@^ out of me.

2. Bad hygiene. let's face it, who would want to cuddle with someone who smells or looks like a wet dog :|

3. Clingyness. i need some space once in a while.

4. Saying things you don't mean. i.e. saying i love you when it's your 3rd day of admitting your crush. not good.

5. Bad breath. i can' take it >w<

6. REALLY bad clothing. not too bad, but they could use improvement.

7. Facial hair (mustache). i think they're disgusting, i like clean faces.

8. Immature. i like my guys to act their age, not 7 years old.

9. Cocky. It gets annoying.

10. Spitting on the ground. one word, NASTY.

11. No humor. Sorry we can't along that way.

12. Acts "gay" with his friends. I can take it sometimes, but after awhile it's like wtf?

13. Smoking. it's not cool, and it kills.

14. Fob guys. no offense or anything, but i'd appreciate it if i was able to understand them.

15. Doesn't care about his grades. I like someone who has a future.

16. Shorter than me. that's just sad..

that's all i can think of at the moment xD

but yeah i can't take those things :|

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Guest tinasarangg



-Bad hygienes


-TOO arrogant (some is cute)


-Curses a lot



-Involved with drugs

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Guest HERinsinuation

#1: DEADBEATS with no future/higher motivation in life.

No sense of style

Bad hygeine/skin/hair

Talk big but can't follow up on it

Ignorant and idiotic yet pretend they know everything

Incapable of speaking without defying the laws of grammar

Crude, curse every 5 seconds




Dumb and proud of it, for reasons unknown to man.

Whine about how pitiful they/their lives are but do nothing to change their situation. Crack open a book and grow a spine maybe?

Brag over and over again how they smoke, blaze and drink and whatever else they can to try and look hard.

Clingy/Insecure/Lacks confidence - especially when they're constantly looking to you for reassurance

SPITS ON THE GROUND>> This drives me crazy whenever I see it. Especially when guys start doing it in groups. WTF, is covering the ground THAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE WALKING ON WITH SALIVA some twisted sort of ritualistic male behaviour?!

Guys who wear their pants so low the crotch is at their knees and walk with a gangster swagger...or whatever the hell they call it. The only good thing about it is if you want to nail them in the balls, they're yours for the taking :]

Out of all the lists that I've read so far, I have to say that I'm cool with perverted guys cause I'm a pervert myself and need someone to swap perversions with HAHA >)

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Guest xenchantme

guys who smoke. it's just disgusting. not only are they killing themselves, they're killing the air, and they're giving people asthma from second hand smoke. HMPH.

among others. but i'd rather be in a room with someone who's totally obnoxious then someone who smokes.

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Guest conzerz

not talkative (i always have to start and carry the convo..)

noo sense of style or wears same clothes a lot with no variety (i just think they dont care about their appearance or hygiene)

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Guest 영원한 사랑

I dislike:

1. Guys that have goals of just partying and drinking aka people with no future.


2. Immature/annoying ... can't take it.

3. Shorter than me ... thats a no no, since i'm short.

4. Too quiet ... I'm quiet, so yeah. He has to be more talkative than me.

5. Has too many friends/ too popular / too many girlfriends .. ehh I think I would prefer a less popular guy ^^

6. Guys who dress, act, talk gangsta' .... OMG I CANNOT STAND IT.

7. Guys with no style ... gotta have some style!

8. Not close/disrespectful to parents/family ... I wouldn't like a guy who's not close to his family, b/c I happen to be to mine. ^^

9. No manners, cusses all the time .. just seems so uneducated eww

10. Talks too much/too loud ... Outgoing is good, but if they talk too much then thats just plain annoying.

11. Selfish, only thinks of himself ... Has to think of others not just himself

12. Much younger or much older than me ... nothing more to say.

13. Moody/grumpy ... I dislike moody people

14. Rude ... Would lose my respect in the beginning

15. Never smiles ... I would like a pleasant guy ^^

16. Liars ... grrr


That's about it.

Everything on the list bugs the crap out of me.

Not that I'm really really picky, but those things I can't take, big turnoffs.

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