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BIGGEST TURN OFFS on the opposite sex?

Guest StylishAzNx07

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Guest StylishAzNx07

Mine would definitely be: 1) Bad Hygiene ... i dont think i coudl stand a guy whos dirty looking 2) No sense of humor ... it would b dead boring.. 3) Stupidity ... it would annoy the heck out of me 4) Emotionless ... showing barely any emotion is a big turnoff LIST URS and explain~ ^O^

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- Stupid, it's annoying if i can't have a philosophical conversation with him so that'd just be a turn-off. (Doesn't mean they have to be incredibly smart, just average)

- Height, if he's shorter then me that's really irritating I don't care what others say it just is haha.

- Hygene, they have to smell decent and not stink -____-;;

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Guest PurpleRain

1)saying some stupid dirty jokes thet arent' funny at all(it makes him look stupiddd) :angry:

2)dirty(keeping long finger nails..y do they need it anyway?) :wacko:

3)too corky

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Guest ShiGuyBriGuy


1. Bad Breath

2. Ash marks

3. huge deposits of plaque on thier front teeth, or something that looks like that

4. Corns

5. Hermorroids

6. Foot Fungus

7. When a girls PH level is so high they smell mildly of vineger

8. Does too much drugs

9. Hasn't/Isn't willing to try drugs

10. CLose minded

11. quiet in bed

12. doesn't like sex

13. cannot cum

14. emotionally fridged

15. Doesn't do brazillian wax

16. hair

17. pit stains

18. over compensates for her lack of whatever it may be in some other area of her life, EI she's a super i can't read because she has low self-esteem this comes up a lot

19. boy hair cuts when they can't pull it off

20. If a gurls name was Randall some guy names are a turn on like Kris, imagine in bed OOH yea randall thats it feel so good, I would feel soo gay

21. STD's

22. girls who have bastard children

23. girls who have had abortions

24. when they lack modesty from the get go, its ok later on but don't fling out your tampon in front of a bunch of poepel you don't know

25. when they are a gold digger

26. when they live in their own world and whine and pout like a kid when they dont' get thier way

27. when they play dumb games

28. when you get tested, like "oh my ex never took me on a date"...HA maybe there's a reason you whiney

29. when a girl doesn't know how to cook,

30. girls who dont' foot the bill now and then

31. girls who lack class

damn i could go on for days....

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Guest Happy_Day





*has a dirty mind (MAJOR turn-off)

*too serious and silent

*no amibtion; no plans for the future

*mama boy

*doesn't like to lead

*no sense of humor; can't make me laugh

*bad breath

*body odor

*ugly teeth


*metrosexual, too preppy style

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Guest the one

1. Smell.

2. Dances weird. (Stiff body)

3. Weird teeth.

4. Doesn't know how to sing.

5. Annoying voice. (When they're talking)

6. Steals my food. (^^;; )

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Guest s u n d a e_

1. shyness

2. quietness, can't start a convo

3. bad smell n breath

4. rudeness

5. skinnier than me

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Guest xiaoyi

1. bad smell like if he smells like cigarettes or sweat. if you smoke outside and wash your clothes and chew gum right after then i don't mind the smoking.

2. dirty clothes and worn-out shoes just looks sloppy. there's no reason to be going around with dirty clothes and beat up shoes.

3. is rude to people but nice to me. this is your true personality showing through. a genuinely nice person will act nice to everyone whether they are friends, gf/bf, waiter, stranger, shop clerk, etc.

4. bad manners makes noise when eating, eating with mouth open, drinking when there is still half-chewed food in ur mouth. i want to eat with you, not gag when i see u stuffing your face.

5. bad haircut if you don't know if you have a good haircut, ask a girl friend of yours. don't rely on your mom to tell you what style is good. she's prolly wrong.

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Guest *.:StarryEyeSurprise:.*

1.Bad hygiene -__-

2.bad manners (like eating with their mouth open, and slurping when drinking =__=)


4.concieted as hell + rude


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Guest Alice

1. Self obsessed and only cares about himself

2. Selfish

3. Bad hygiene

4. Dumb.. should be reasonably smart -__-

5. Shorter than me (which is nearly impossible)

6. Skinnier than me T_T

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Guest sayuri43

guys who spit on the ground often in front of people

yah, that's disgusting...

here are mine!

1. bad hygiene [if you smell we'll want to get away quickly~~]

2. dirty-ness in general [make sure your clothes are clean too!]

3. cussing excessively

4. constantly talking about yourself and not taking time to listen and forever drawing the conversation back to you [self-absorbed]

5. self esteem problems

6. clingy-ness [stop following me around -_-;;;]

7. eating disgustingly [like with your mouth open and stuff... we don't want to see it inside your mouth!]

8. cynicism

9. doesn't know when to stop joking around

and that's it!~~~

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1. Bad Breath

2. Ash marks

3. huge deposits of plaque on thier front teeth, or something that looks like that

4. Corns

5. Hermorroids

6. Foot Fungus

7. When a girls PH level is so high they smell mildly of vineger

8. Does too much drugs

9. Hasn't/Isn't willing to try drugs

10. CLose minded

11. quiet in bed

12. doesn't like sex

13. cannot cum

14. emotionally fridged

15. Doesn't do brazillian wax

16. hair

17. pit stains

18. over compensates for her lack of whatever it may be in some other area of her life, EI she's a super i can't read because she has low self-esteem this comes up a lot

19. boy hair cuts when they can't pull it off

20. If a gurls name was Randall some guy names are a turn on like Kris, imagine in bed OOH yea randall thats it feel so good, I would feel soo gay

21. STD's

22. girls who have bastard children

23. girls who have had abortions

24. when they lack modesty from the get go, its ok later on but don't fling out your tampon in front of a bunch of poepel you don't know

25. when they are a gold digger

26. when they live in their own world and whine and pout like a kid when they dont' get thier way

27. when they play dumb games

28. when you get tested, like "oh my ex never took me on a date"...HA maybe there's a reason you whiney

29. when a girl doesn't know how to cook,

30. girls who dont' foot the bill now and then

31. girls who lack class

damn i could go on for days....

you have a lot. jerk.

just kidding.

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