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Cho Seung Woo 조승우 | [Drama 2023] Divorce Attorney Shin/Sacred Divorce, 신성한 이혼

the girl who!

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Fun tidbit. Jekyll and Hyde is often considered as Jo Seung Woo's "musical masterpiece" but another musical could have claimed that title. Jo Seung Woo actually auditioned for 'The Phantom of the Opera' in 2001 but was passed up. He made it to the final auditions but received a letter stating that he was dropped, however, it was later discovered that it was due to a clerical error made by a new employee of the production who sent the letter out by mistake. (source: http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=106&oid=003&aid=0003513715)

Here's a video from his audition.

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What the .... because of a dumb employee ??? o_o  #mentalbreakdown #speechless
Btw , talking about musicals that for whatever reasons he never did ... how I wish he can star sometime in The Boy From Oz ( http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_from_Oz ) , I watched the local version last year and loved it .... since them I have pictured Seung Woo oppa in the role of Peter . 
Thanks for the info and vid( OMG , it's my beloved Park Kolleen with oppaa!!!  ) , @autumn93 

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@the_girl_who! I think that's what you call fate. He got passed up for "The Phantom of the Opera" but instead got "Jekyll and Hyde" in 2004 which shot him into musical stardom! :D Everything turned out for the best! 

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Guest chochofan

I have wondered the same as to how good CSW's English is. On May 17 at Baekam Art Hall, after signing on my Hedwig poster, he said "name" when asking for my name to write on it. No matter what, his pronunciation is very good when singing in English. Indeed, I'd love to hear him sing more in English.

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May.26.2014 At a cell phone shop.
Suddenly a man came wearing a mask riding a bicycle (not motor)He requested a Vega Iron2, and I was about to write a contractHeok!!Cho Seung Woo tada!!I was too much shocked to say a word kkSo embarrassed, I asked his autograph and photo taking..His voice is really cool kkHis outlook made me look like a squid in a momemt!!I was going rotten with embarrassment kkkHe was jus the best kk
갑작스럽게 마스크 쓰고 자전거 끌고 온 사람..베가아이언2를 달라고 하고 계약서를 쓰려고 보니헉!!조승우씨가 딱!!너무 놀래서 말도 안나오고 ㅋㅋ쑥스럽게 사진촬영과 싸인을..목소리가 진짜 간지난다는 거 ㅋㅋ한순간의 사람을 오징어로 만드는 비쥬얼!!난 부끄러워 썩어가는데 ㅋㅋㅋ최고였음 ㅋㅋ
p.s. Haha I know his number. I just sent him SMS, about additional services.
FYI: Vega Iron2http://www.ivega.co.kr/prt/productInfo.do?intprdseq=1384

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All the musical actors are good at singing in English and accent is very natural, because they listen to the original CD so many times and so carefully and copy it. And they usually work with foreigner staffs, so conversation would be no problem too. A popular musical actor Hong Kwang Ho (CSW's highschool junior, also trumpet player of Devils in movie Gogo70) are performing Miss Saigon at London with 1 year schedule.
But it seems CSW's English wasn't that good at school. His highschool classmates are popular musical actors and actress now, his school life is well known. :) Actress Cho Jeong Eun (acted his lover at Jekyll&Hyde and Zorro) said that in their class (acting class in Kyewon art highschool) one student became the chief of one subject, and Seung Woo was an English chief. But he couldn't do his own English homework, mostly Jeong Eun did it for him. Then why he did English chief?
CSW also said that at highschool days, he had worked at construction area to earn money to buy musical CDs and music books. In his schoolbag, he brought only CDs and music books of various musicals and CD players, no textbooks at all. And said they didn't have vacation. In every vacation, they made musical, so almost lived at school to practice for couple of months.
One more funny story is, at highschool there was a sudden pocket inspection. (There is in most schools, especially for boys, to find out smokers mainly.) And a lighter was found at CSW's pocket. He excused, "It's to broil chestnuts. See." Then he lit up the lighter and burned some chestnuts. So what happened? He was beaten by the butt double than other boys. (That's why he could act naturally in the movie The Classic.)
I found this photo at page 21: Cho Jeong Eun, CSW and Choi Jae Woong.
In the circle, CSW and TV&movie actress Kim Yumi. And poor blurred friends, I see Choi Jae Woong wearing black hat on the right end, Cho Jeong Eun wearing white shirt in the center.jbhdqmIRtETA4N.jpg

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Guest chochofan

Thanks Saturn. It could be a wrong impression but since he sang What Kind of Food and Fly Me to The Moon so well, I expected him to be rather good at the English language. Well, it's yet to be found out! :-? By the way, thanks a lot for all the links and information about our beloved oppa! I don't understand Korean language and this is the only forum I know that talks about CSW in English! Besides, I took a couple of photos and a short video clip on CSW on May 17 but don't know how to upload on here. Can someone help?

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chocofan ... u saw him recently? my gosh!  Please if u have time share with us ur time with him :x ahhh u're so lucky :-) 
@saturn. Thanks for all the info , that lucky guy lol his fan account was great ( the squid part :)) ) ... and about his high school days =)) oh the irony , being in charge of the english class :)) about the punishment uhmm he deserved it T_T I'm not okay with those methods but he was definitely in fault ( lolol to boil chesnuts =)) )
@ruzikie ... true , reunions ae a trend these days but most f them are happening after 7 or 8 years ... hopefully a movie for them can make a miracle for us who loved their chemistry in the drama

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@saturn. Awww, how cute! I love that he biked to the shop and did his own errand when he could have easily had someone else do it for him! :D And that guy at the phone store was actually kind of cute too lol The man crush he had on JSW was so adorable, JSW casts a spell on men and women!! :x Love hearing stories about his youth! Haha no wonder he and CJE are good friends up until today, she did he English homework for him :)) and to roast chestnuts? LOL but if he actually had a chestnut for demonstration maybe it was true? :))
@the_girl_who! Ooooh I love the black and white photos!!

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May.27 Tuesday 8pm Hedwig Review
Very much excited. His first word was "Whose car 8*** is? Move away! You're making big trouble." Then "Let's play for 4 hours. You can't go home tonight." He repeated 'Don't go home' many times.And the beer scene, after it exploded, he usually sips once then give it to the audience. But he kept joking and he drank all of one can.At 'Exquisite', he played the keyboard, suddenly threw away his wig LOL, then put off dress. (?) "I'm mad tonight!"
He imitated girls dancing in the club. "They dance crazily, but if guys approach, they act elegant suddenly, if they go away, dance crazily again." (Why? Did he go to the club last night?)
There was a sound error. When he opens the window, a Tommy's voice should be heard, but no sound. He said, "I opened it just because I felt hot."
He introduced new Yitzhak actress, Choi Woori.At first week, Yitzhak was Lee Young Mi, familiar musical actress. He was courteous to her.Then popular rock singer Seo Moontak at the 2nd week, tough and powerful. He said she could re-arrange your teeth. he joked a lot.Choi Woori is young, cute and pretty, seems it's her debut stage. I guess that's why he acted more active, to cover her shyness. He praised her a lot, said among all Yitzhak, Choi Woori is the prettiest. He said she was his university junior. When he went back to university after absence of years, she was there at musical group. He taught them musical singing. "Now she grew up like this and is performing on the same stage!! Efforts never betray!"
There were old people, he apologized them. "You came here not knowing what it is. Now you may think 'What's that crazy girl?'. You just came because someone bought you ticket. Who the hell did?!"
And he usually says ok after fans shout 'Encore' for more than 10 minutes, but he said Oh yes immediately, as if he was waiting.He even said "I prepared something." It was Beyonce's Single Lady.At the encore stage, he put off his tshirt and threw it. Then when he went out, he boasted his arm muscles making his arms < > like body builders. Then he picked up blue dress on the floor which he put off at Exquisite scene. Audience expected him to throw it too, but it was to cover his upper body. He said "I'm naked, embarrassed." LOL
On his way back home, he was holding a cell phone charger in his hand. Maybe he played with new phone too much, so the battery was out. And he didn't drive, got in company van and was standing in the car and kept shouting to fans, "I drank a can of beer, I'm drunken. Go home!"Fans said, "Sleep tight." (That's what he says to fans, imitation of singer Sung Shikyung.)

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saturn. said: May.27 Tuesday 8pm Hedwig Review
Very much excited. His first word was "Whose car 8*** is? Move away! You're making big trouble." Then "Let's play for 4 fours. You can't go home tonight." He repeated 'Don't go home' many times.And the beer scene, after it exploded, he usually sips once then give it to the audience. But he kept joking and he drank all of one can.At 'Exquisite', he played the keyboard, suddenly threw away his wig LOL, then put away dress. (?) "I'm mad tonight!"
He imitated girls dancing in the club. "They dance crazily, but if guys approach, they act elegant suddenly, if they go away, dance crazily again." (Why? Did he go to the club last night?)
There was a sound error. When he opens the window, a Tommy's voice should be heard, but no sound. He said, "I opened it just because I felt hot."
He introduced new Yitzhak actress, Choi Woori.At first week, Yitzhak was Lee Young Mi, familiar musical actress. He was courteous to her.Then popular rock singer Seo Moontak at the 2nd week, tough and powerful. He said she could re-arrange your teeth. he joked a lot.Choi Woori is young, cute and pretty, seems it's her debut stage. I guess that's why he acted more active, to cover her shyness. He praised her a lot, said among all Yitzhak, Choi Woori is the prettiest. He said she was his university junior. When he went back to university after absence of years, she was there at musical group. He taught them musical singing. "Now she grew up like this and is performing on the same stage!! Efforts never betray!"
There were old people, he apologized them. "You came here not knowing what it is. Now you may think 'What's that crazy girl?'. You just came because someone bought you ticket. Who the hell did?!"
And he usually says ok after fans shout 'Encore' for more than 10 minutes, but he said Oh yes immediately, as if he was waiting.He even said "I prepared something." It was Beyonce's Single Lady.At the encore stage, he put off his tshirt and threw it. Then when he went out, he boasted his arm muscles making his arms < > like body builders. Then he picked up blue dress on the floor which he put off at Exquisite scene. Audience expected him to throw it too, but it was to cover his upper body. He said "I'm naked, embarrassed." LOL
On his way back home, he was holding a cell phone charger in his hand. Maybe he played with new phone too much, so the battery was out. And he didn't drive, got in company van and was standing in the car and kept shouting to fans, "I drank a can of beer, I'm drunken. Go home!"Fans said, "Sleep tight." (That's what he says to fans, imitation of singer Sung Shikyung.)

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Guest chochofan

Thanks for the review. I got all green with envy!!! If you girls care to hear about my brief meeting with CSW, here it is. On May 17, I went to Baekam Art Hall about 10 mins to 4 pm hoping to get a copy of the Hedwig OST CD. To my huge disappointment, it was sold out. And even worse is they said they had no date of replenishment! At that time, there were about 8 girls waiting. The crowd grew bigger and bigger as the clock continued to tick. I think there were close to 100 people when CSW finally appeared. My view was blocked by about three or four layers of fans in front of me. He said something in Korean but I don't have a clue what it was. :-S Then CSW started to sign for the fans. When it's my turn, I told him where I came from and asked if he would sign my Hedwig poster. CSW helped by a male staff member unrolled my poster and signed. When done, I lingered a little more and had to leave as my friend was waiting for me a few blocks away. When CSW was just a foot or two away from me, I was so nervous that I felt unreal.

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chochofan said: Thanks for the review. I got all green with envy!!! If you girls care to hear about my brief meeting with CSW, here it is. On May 17, I went to Baekam Art Hall about 10 mins to 4 pm hoping to get a copy of the Hedwig OST CD. To my huge disappointment, it was sold out. And even worse is they said they had no date of replenishment! At that time, there were about 8 girls waiting. The crowd grew bigger and bigger as the clock continued to tick. I think there were close to 100 people when CSW finally appeared. My view was blocked by about three or four layers of fans in front of me. He said something in Korean but I don't have a clue what it was. :-S Then CSW started to sign for the fans. When it's my turn, I told him where I came from and asked if he would sign my Hedwig poster. CSW helped by a male staff member unrolled my poster and signed. When done, I lingered a little more and had to leave as my friend was waiting for me a few blocks away. When CSW was just a foot or two away from me, I was so nervous that I felt unreal.

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