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Cho Seung Woo 조승우 | [Drama 2023] Divorce Attorney Shin/Sacred Divorce, 신성한 이혼

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Kim Yun Seok "I could marry thanks to foxy Cho Seung Woo"
At year 2002, Kim Yunseok and his current wife and Cho Seung Woo were performing together at musical 'Blood brothers'. At that time CSW was 22 years old, he was attached well to KYS and his current wife. They were old singles, CSW eagerly hoped them to get married quickly. One day, KYS made his mind to propose her, so he prepared trip to Kangwondo. He didn't have a car, so he asked CSW to lend him his car without telling him anything."I kept it secret to Seung Woo, but how foxy he was. He put two cans of coffee in the car. After trip, he asked us in wily face, 'Did you two enjoy your trip?!'"He confessed Cho Seung Woo was decisive factor to get married.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Later they did movie Tazza together at 2006. And year 2011 when CSW did movie Perfect Game, he went to KYS's home almost everyday to learn Kyungsangdo dialect. So there's even a line in credit screen. 'Cho Seoung Woo's Kyungsangdo dialect tutor - actor Kim Yun Seok'.
They are 'Five Eagle Brothers' of actor's group 'Hak Jeon' who performed the musical Blood brothers, Subway line1 since 2000. Now all five became top stars.Performers of Subway Line 1 at 2001 - do you see young five eagle brothers?

Actor Jang Hyun Seong appears in SBS Healing Camp on May.12 (tomorrow), will talk about five eagle brothers.j1zDYYj1iPRAQ.jpg

His acceptance speech is always so funny and unique.
2007.Oct.25 The 13th Korea Musical Awards - Popularity award

video here https://www.mediafire.com/?f21vpjzhcb4jdfl
01:47~ Cho Seung WooThank you. I really didn't know I could win this award.When I performed 'Man of La Mancha', there was one day when our fans couldn't come, but people invited by our production company came. They were chosen from who purchased a lot at a famous department store. I was good because it was the first chance that I could meet objective audience. But I felt so difficult to act because they didn't show any response.What I'm talking about is, this trophy is given by fans. Without you, how can I enjoy my performance? With that performance, I could realize once more how precious you are. (applause)I appreciate you from my heart. I will work harder. Wow~ I have popularity.
~03:10 Actress Oh NaraWow I am taking the same award with Cho Seung Woo and Oh Man Seok.By the way, when I was 4th year of university (Kyunghee Univ. dance major, Kyewon art high graduate) I went to a teaching practice to Kyewon art high school. At that time, Cho Seung Woo was 2nd year student there. Now he grew up like this, became a big star. Now I call him 'Seung Woo nim'.~03:36

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@saturn.  the last line of his speech LMAO =)) ... I love that adorkable and funny side of him XD specially when he makes fun of his popularity and handsome looks :-) 
Thank u for the info about Jang Hyung Sung appearing on Healing Camp , hopefully he'll reveal sonething interesting about oppa =P .... btw , Hyung Sung and Kim Yoon Seok will act soon ( the movie began filming today coincidentally ) in a movie called C'est Si Bon ..... it would be fantastic if JSW decides to appear with a cameo there, after all his 2 close friends are in the movie ^^ ah , and the movie is a tribute to the 70's korean folk music ... I can totally see oppa doing a cameo as a guitarist :x or a singer 

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Interpark musical ranking for June, of course our JSW's Hedwig is #1:Screenshot2014-05-10at101548PM.png
source: http://sodamchae.blog.me/150190317112
@saturn. Thank you once again! JSW is just way too adorable! I find it hilarious and endearing how he's always so self-deprecating! Come on now, how can he not know he's popular! :)) Just look at the ticket sales for any of your musicals Mr.! And don't get me started on his comments regarding his looks! :D I love that he knows to value his fans, that's why he's always to respectful and playful with his fans! Love him!! 

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Two more speech of 2012 MBC Acting Awards. It seems he prepared the speech for the best actor award, but he didn't for the grand prize. But anyway both are great.
2012.Dec.30  MBC Acting Awards - Best actor 18:00~20:30Thank you. It was my first drama since I debuted. I wanted to take new actor award but I received this big award, thanks. Really, you guys here look so great to me. I've performed only on the stage and in the movies and now I came to this drama location. I couldn't do well. The script comes out too late, I must work over night. Although I am so pleased now, I want to finish it quickly, finish till ep 50, then go back to the stage quickly. I appreciate to all viewers who loved Horse Doctor till now. I appreciate a lot to who worked with me, who are working hard even now. I appreciate to director Lee Byung Hoon, especially congratulate So Eun. I'd like to send this honor to the writer and also send my message that I hope to get the script more quickly. I miss Horse doctors staffs so much.And, I've been running away for 14 years saying I'm afraid of TV drama, my mom was sorry about that. Now I'm doing Horse Doctor. While her son is suffering this hard, my mom ma'am Kang Hyemi is enjoying it very much. I send her this honor. Sir Lee Soonjae will do the last filming tomorrow. I appreciate him. When I was filming the operation scene of Lee Soonjae, my loving sister was taking the same operation at the hospital. But I couldn't go due to the filming. I send this honor to my blood sister Cho Seo Yeon. Thanks brother-in-law. My loving niece Riu, 'Uncle got the award. Thank you, I love you.'Thank you!
Grand prize 47:28~50:03CSW: Ah... really what to say. I am actually this... (to Kim Jaewon) Hyung did drama a lot.But I just love animals and I liked the warmth of Horse Doctor made by director Lee Hyunghoon. So I willingly...Kim Jaewon: Why are you looking at me?CSW: Because you're showing the killer smile. (killer smile=KJW's nickname)So I made my big mind to do TV like an outing. I did it at the risk of my life and really I almost lost my life during the filming. Here are our Soo Hyun (Kim Soohyun), Ahn Jaewook sunbaenim, Lee Seongmin sunbaenim and many more great actors. I'm just doing it for the first time, can I take this big award? I feel a burden on my shoulders. If I don't do drama anymore, isn't it a hit and run? I feel like I should keep a mind of doing drama again. Over there, 'Super handsome man Cho Seung Woo' how you 'With Seung Woo' members hanging such a non-sense placard, thank you. Director Lee Byunghoon already mentioned, I don't have special complaint to the writer Kim Yi Young. I'd like to send this award to her to cheer her up.51:06~52:23Our drama is like this. Of course the basis is the heart which loves animals. But the essence is, how warm the human's heart is, how wonderful being humane is, although there are adversity and obstacles, how wisely you deal with them, how you will live your life, what heart you will have, these are the most important things. If you're having hard time now, I hope this drama be a cheer for you, if you're happy now, I hope this drama help you feel happier. Thank you very much.Kim Jaewon: Since you're grand prize winner, we have more questions. There were 6 candidates, to whom do you feel sorry most? You don't need to look at me.CSW: Frankly speaking, beside the grand prize candidates, I feel sorry the most to Ahn Jae Wook sunbaenim.52:36~53:44Kim Jaewon: Who do you remind most at this moment?CSW: I already mentioned my family. I appreciate the most to my partner Lee Yowon.Son Dambi: Please say a word to her.CSW: To Yowon? Actually she is one year junior at my university, but she is senior at acting career.As an acting senior, I've learned a lot from her. I was touched so much by her emotion and attitude toward her role.

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2012.Dec.30  MBC Acting Awards - Best actor 18:00~20:30

Awwww, of course he mentioned his mom and sister like the good son and brother that he is! :x "Ma'am" LOL  Also love the shout out to his niece! So cute! Kim So Eun and him have a really sweet relationship! :D And I love how honest and true to his previous sentiments about the Korean drama filming climate! Haha love that he basically said, "this was "great" but I want to go back to what I love, musicals"! :D Like finish already you 50 episode drama! I also hope he never puts himself through something like that again, just mini-dramas please! 
Side note: AJW did not look pleased...

Grand prize 47:28~50:03
He seriously wasn't expecting it! Humble man! Him and his hilarious comments! Maybe that's why he did GG14D, to avoid the 'hit and run' he was referring to! :)) But I can see why he didn't want the award. I love his little speech about humanity! :x And way to call out MBC for the AJW snub, poor guy wasn't even nominated for the Daesang, he didn't even have a chance!
Also love how he keeps mentioning how he wants the scripts earlier! As an actor that's the least you can hope for to fully prepare and immerse yourself in the role! Also, we all know that he's a perfectionist so those comments were so fitting! But it's hilarious that he kind of retracted since he didn't want to hurt the writer's feeling! :))
@saturn. Do you know what he's referring to about almost losing his life during the filming of HD? And what did AJW say to JSW's comment, it seemed funny? Sorry I have so many questions. Why did JSW refer to KJW as 'hyung' when it is JSW whose the older one? 
And Jung Eun Pyo in the audience just brings back GG14D feels! He really looked like he was enjoying JSW's speech! It was hella entertaining! :D 
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Some more pictures before I say goodnight! :D 
JSW, looking a lot more polished, presenting the Daesang Award at the MBC 2013 Drama Awards:Fotor051121959.png

And then this hot picture for Yi Sang, That Yi Sang: 4aba31d8962d3ce99e33023da69a2629-2.jpg

Compare and contrast the seriousness of the previous pic with this adorkableness! :x yiyangbts.jpg

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Guest chochofan

CSW looks so much younger without the beard! Thanks for uploading the pix! Is there a link to watch the MBC 2013 Drama Awards preferably with English or Chinese subtitles.

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As @saturn. noted Actor Jang Hyun Sung appeared on Healing Camp today and this was what he had to say about our JSW: 20140512081605931.jpg

  • Of the 5 eagle brothers, Jo Seung Woo looks the youngest and its enviable.
  • And that JSW looks, since they are a little different/unique, is recognizable compared to the others :))
sources: http://m.media.daum.net/m/entertain/newsview/20140512081605128
That's all I got from the articles so we'll have to wait for @saturn. to see if there were any more mentions of JSW :D 
Totally agree with JHS about JSW unique (and natural) looks! So charming! And JSW needs to pick up a mirror or listen to his friends because, contrary to what he thinks, he's still very young and handsome!!! :D 
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A couple of days ago, CSW was soptted at a big grocery store in Gangnam (near his house maybe) A fan saw him but couldn't say hi to him because he looked too relaxed to be a top star LOL. He was wearing sleeveless shirt, training pants and slipper. Actually CSW is famous(?) for going around wearing loose tracksuit everywhere.
Apr.26.2014 Actor Choi Min Cheol's interview after GG14D.http://media.daum.net/entertain/star/newsview?newsid=20140426000304620"Seung Woo had many scenes, he had to work overnight often. Sleeping one or two hours in his car was the only sleeps he could. At the location site, he strolls around in limp tracksuit, holey slippers and with sunken eyes. But as the filming starts, how his eyes shine so brightly... He is a real great actor."
At 2003, CSW and Son Ye Jin appeared in a variety show for promotion of The Classic.

2:47~3:58PSH: Cho Seung Woo is said that you wear tracksuit often. That's because you're a miser and never buy clothes. Is it true?CSW: No, I'm not.SYJ: (Objection) I don't know if he's a miser. But he always wears tracksuit. Really always.CSW: Actually, at the filming location, clothes are being prepared. I don't need to care for the clothes. And I should go out quickly in the morning. I just go out as soon as I wake up. I am wearing tracksuit at home.KYM: Are you saying you go out in tracksuit which you were wearing at home? You even sleep in that tracksuit?CSW: I usually sleep in shorts only. But sometimes when I'm tired, I fall asleep wearing tracksuit.KYM: Wearing it, you sleep, you go out. That's too much.PSH: You're a good son to your mother. You hardly give her laundry.
One more funny scene
0:50~1:48KYM: How is CSW?SYJ: He is very quiet. He looks quiet, but he is just too quiet. He said to me just two words, hello and goodbye.KYM: From the first day? Hey why did you do that?CSW: Because I palpitated to see her. She was so beautiful. I thought from where this beautiful person came. I didn't know she was younger than me. She looked matured. While acting with her, I learned a lot from her. When I saw her on TV, I thought her face was small, but as I saw her in person, her face was as small as my fist.KYM: Hey you should not say about the face size in front of me.CSW: I'm sorry. It's my first time in TV show.
@autumn93I don't think he got any special accident. He's just saying he suffered a lot.When he said he's sorry to AJW, comedian Seo Sung Man said, "Then give it back!", so AJW laughed. CSW said, "It's not to you SSM sunbaenim."Yeh I just found KJW was born in 1981. CSW called him "Hyungnim" in his speech. Maybe he was joking? or he didn't know KJW's age?
At 2012 daesang speech, the exact word he said is 'Meok Tui', direct translation is 'Eat and run'.
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As if my love for JSW wasn't evident enough, I decided to sub JSW's MBC Daesang acceptance speech (my first time 'subbing'!! :D) with the translation provided by @saturn., hope you don't mind!!! (will probably do the Best Actor video as well...)Enjoy! If the subs don't show up right away, click the CC button:
JSW Daesang [Eng Sub]http://youtu.be/SnBUNY3fqQM

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@saturn. Thank you for answering all of my questions! :D 
:)) :)) :)) Tracksuits and slippers?!?! Why does that just make me love him more? A real down to earth celebrity who chooses comfort and practicality above looks! 
It's true what CMS said, although I bet the drama filming climate took a toll on JSW, he rarely let it show in the end product of each GG14D's episode! A true professional! 
Haha JSW had a mini-crush on SYJ! How cute! She is gorgeous! I heard that JSW used to be very quiet but don't think he's like that anymore... :D 

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Guest korpur7

Hi Everyone!

 You all make my day with all the videos, pics, gifs, news, articles, etc. about our dear Cho Seung Woo. And thanks for keeping this forum so alive. I'm so glad that there are more and more fans. He deserve it!!

:x :x :x

@thegirlwho! I'm from Puerto Rico así que hablamos español! Bienvenida y tienes muy buen gusto!!

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korpur7 said:

Hi Everyone!

 You all make my day with all the videos, pics, gifs, news, articles, etc. about our dear Cho Seung Woo. And thanks for keeping this forum so alive. I'm so glad that there are more and more fans. He deserve it!!

:x :x :x

@thegirlwho! I'm from Puerto Rico así que hablamos español! Bienvenida y tienes muy buen gusto!!

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Noticed the first page of this thread haven't been updated yet, since the member who start this page havent been acitve since 2009, its about time to update it isn't it JSW fans?
Anyone who wants to take over the starter page?

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