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Everything posted by yamiyugi

  1. Okay while I have to catch up with this show and I am way behind I thought that I would respond to some of the questions over here even if the show hasn’t answered them properly. The first one is how did the father have the funds to operate the guesthouse when back in the day he only had enough money to run his business from his truck. The closest that we got to that was when he mentioned in an episode that he took out a large loan to do so. Not sure how he is ever going to pay it back considering the fact that he only seems to have two guests in it (male lead and his mother). Are they even paying or has he got them living for free considering their past history. He even lets them live in what he calls the penthouse suite. I know that the gym owner and female leads best friend at work will also eventually end up living in that guesthouse. Hopefully they will pay the rent at least but again will it ever be enough to pay back the loan. As for the second female leads relationship with her father. She only met him that one time when the female leads house was on fire and they had to flee in the middle of the night. Her mother asked him for help in leaving the country and to do that as a favour for her and their child. Doubtful that she would have remembered him because of that single meeting. As for why the mother never brought him up is also answered in an earlier episode. She mentions that both his mother and him used to beat her up (the second female leads mother) with spoons on the head during meals. Indicating that they were quite abusive and all. I am actually glad that they let her leave or even keep the second female lead. I guess it was because she wasn’t a male child. It might have been a different story altogether otherwise. Someone asked about how the second female lead knows the second male lead. Back in college she was dating an imposter who was claiming to be the second male lead. He confronts the imposter, and she feels extremely grateful towards him that she was saved and all. She then starts to hang out with him and develops feelings for him. Or at least thinks that she does. Along the way she discovers that her mother has been kicked out of her house due to her gambling addiction (by the mother’s boyfriend or whatever). So, she decides that she should go and be with the second male lead as he makes her feel protected. But just before she can confess her feelings to him, she discovers that he has a girlfriend much to her dismay. Did she break those two apart. Not surprised I did get the feeling that he was being manipulated when he confronted his wife about her being free with other men. Her reaction was that of frustration and more. Anyway, as it normally happens in these shows she returns to Korea a few years later when she thinks that she can be more of help to him and his family and be accepted. She has no intention of losing him to another woman this time round. Better luck next time. Okay so the second male lead seems to be aware now that his current mother is his stepmother. For a moment it seemed like he had forgotten about it. Regardless he will eventually need to turn against her. My question now is that deserved as we all know she is indeed the rightful member of that family. The other two are illegitimate kids from her husband’s affair with their mother. It also doesn’t help that the grandmother is also against her for dumb reasons which we don’t need to get into. Female leads friends also don’t make sense in a way. Remember the pearl necklace incident. Turns out that she discovers that they were faulty because all of her friends who watched her on TV decided to purchase them. Okay not all but a few. They all ended up with reactions. As far as I know pears are expensive and the way she talks her friends really shouldn’t be able to afford them. There really seems to be something interesting about second female leads father. Apart from him being perhaps ambitious or maybe even in love with the stepmother he thinks that he owes shares in the inheritance I wonder what that is about. Is he also an illegitimate child of the family. Those keep popping up in this show. One claimed to be the one responsible for the shootout at the second male leads birthday. Again he could have been framed considering that the second male lead was later on attacked at the temple by someone claiming that he had dirt on the stepmother. Was he mad that he or someone in his family was framed for the earlier incident.
  2. Yep, totally weird. I like to refer to it as K-Drama Blindness <Patent Pending> it just doesn’t seem to make sense otherwise. How could they have not seen Suji’s mother while entering the kitchen before. It wasn’t like she was using Pym Particles or shrinking down to the size of an atom (yes, all comic book references) so how could they have avoided to notice her earlier until Mari called attention to her. One could give two arguments but even then, I would find it hard to buy. The first was that her back was turned to them when the entered the dining area. Problem with this is that when you know somebody really well that won’t really fly. If the adults could recognize each other after so many years passing, then the back excuse isn’t going to really fly. They would have felt a bit of familiarity, and it should have shown much earlier. The other is that both families were so engrossed in talking with each other that they didn’t really notice their surroundings. I would say that is partially believable, but I just find it hard to believe that all four of them would be able to keep up a chain of conversation for so long that they didn’t notice her again. So yes, doesn’t really make sense. Now if you were thinking that K-Drama Blindness is only in this drama, and it shouldn’t be named think again. Numerous dramas have this fault. But for a simple example I will demonstrate the same issue in a drama called Home For Summer. We all know one thing K-Dramas are quite fond of showing are the large family portraits in the shows. Something we all notice. It would make sense that other characters should do as well. I mean the bigger an object or item the more one will notice it. But why doesn’t it work over here. In this show the female leads former MiL happens to rent a place in her parent’s place (by coincidence). She then invites her family (Both sons) to her new place where she is staying. She removes any kind of evidence that she is living in a rented place, so they think that she is living well and not worry about her, I think. Said evidence happens to be not only the smaller family pictures but the family portrait. Note she moves them twice so that the family doesn’t know that she invited guests over. Only her eldest son manages to show up then. But the point over here was that both times that she moved the family picture she didn’t notice that one of the people in it looked like her current DiL. Just not believable. While the show did have other things that didn’t make sense I won’t go into it. But this thing of not noting the people in family portraits isn’t only in this show but others which I am not choosing to mention at this point as that will definitely become off topic. But as you can see K-Drama needs to come up with more believable scenarios in the future. Na Young is getting really desperate to be approved in that house. Look at how sneaky she was in the recent episode. She buys side dishes from the restaurant and claims that she made them. I know she can’t cook but that really was just plain stupid. Also look at how insecure she was in this episode. When she sees Suji and Uri together, she wraps her arm around Hyung Sun trying to show that he is my man now and we are happy. Totally unneeded. Only Hyung Sun didn’t seem to realize what was going on. Mari went shopping for baby items. I have a bad feeling about the baby now. It also seems like Dr. Han may fall for the baby in the end and it will eventually get hurt if something happens to it. While he did sound a bit grumpy when he saw the items it also felt from his facial expressions that he was drawn to them as well. Let’s hope the baby survives till the end of the show for a change. As for why Na Young didn’t warn her mom on the phone or before dinner that Suji’s mom was there. To be fair she did call her mother and try and do that. Only to be informed that they were already outside. As for before dinner how could she. The entire family was having a chat. She would have to therefore speak in a code that only the two of them could understand without sounding suspicious. Maybe like Oh mother we have ordered food today from the restaurant we last visited where that nice lady was a chef or something along those lines. But otherwise, I doubt that it was possible. Still, it gets to me that they all went inside and didn’t notice her. Oh well. Amusing how Na Young’s mother felt that Suji’s mother was there intentionally or that something might be going on with her husband when she caught the two of them in that situation. Glad that other people around her seem to have more sense. It is also getting irritating that she seems to be associating every male person around Suji’s mother has her having a thing with them. It is getting old. I do wish the uncle at least clarified his relationship with Suji’s mother in this episode when she called him her husband. The misunderstandings will continue to grow. At least the father knows that Uri was adopted and not her actual son. So, no misunderstandings in that department. This brings me to a point that some people are making or brought up. If Uri is Hyun Woo how is he currently related to Dr. Han. I am going to assume by his reaction when his wife brought up the fact that Hyun Woo wasn’t his son that he was surprised by it all. This indicates one of two things. He either married her without knowing that she was pregnant and thought that when Hyun Woo was born it was his kid and therefore Hyun Woo would be registered as his child. The other thing is that it is quite possible that he was aware of the fact that Hyun Woo wasn’t his kid and that while he may have thought that he loved him he might not have realized that wasn’t entirely the case and when his wife brought up his current behaviour, he was surprised that was the case. But for some reason it looks to me like the former where he had no idea that Hyun Woo wasn’t his kid. About Suji wanting to still stay as her mother’s daughter so that she doesn’t cancel the lawsuit and if it turns out that Uri is Hyun Woo that would make her Na Young’s SiL. To be fair either case would still be true to some extent. (being related to Na Young). As long as her father is legally married to Na Young’s mother whether she likes it or not it makes Na Young her sister. If Uri accepts to be a part of his family, then that would make Na Young her Sil if she marries him. So, either way she can’t let go of that connection unless her father divorces his current wife. Doori and Rapper Brother finally decided to date. Oh, the heartbreak that is bound to come. You know what we should have for a scene. Both of them end up at the hospital for some reason to meet Suji. When asked why they are there they mention to meet their sister. Just then Suji comes there way, and they both say Unni and Noona. When they realize that they both know Suji they say to each other Dr. Jin Suji is your sister. We then get to see Suji with a surprised/confused expression before the episode ends. So, in this ending picture we will have her in the middle with the confused expression and on either side of her Doori and Rapper Brother with the surprised and shocked expression. This does lead me with a question of my own. Has anyone been keeping track of such situations in other dramas to know the fate of these two. I know some dramas the two do end up as items while in others they just decide to stay good friends. Examples Home For Summer the female leads sister ends up with the female leads former BiL but in Angels Revenge the female leads brother doesn’t end up with her former SiL. What do you think will happen over here and is anyone shipping the two of them together. I don’t know about the Dr. Han and Suji’s mother as endgame. I feel like that is a loaded question at this point. Either way someone is going to get hurt. In a way I do feel their connection, but I don’t think either one is quite ready for the long term commitment. On his end I do feel that he is drawn towards her. Otherwise, how he is always willing to help her especially when she is hurt or trying to carry heavy stuff doesn’t really make sense. But as for her I don’t think that her mind is even in that direction. But then again that was prior to her finding Suji which was her priority. Now that is done, she can finally be open to other relationships. So, who knows. But even then, it is unlikely that she may be willing to accept him though considering the fact that his son is now married to Na Young. Which would be more of an issue than the fact that he was once married. I guess that will be another reason for him to dislike Na Young. Has anyone noticed Suji’s current reactions living with her mother and the family in that house. Normally when characters who are not only separated from their parents but have also changed their name they mostly stick with their current name because that is how they have grown up with regardless off the fact that the separation might not have been the parents fault. But over here she seems to have no issue with everyone in that house calling her Soo Kyung her birth name. Only her family from her father’s side seem to call her Suji and the same goes for her workplace. Granted she can’t change her name over there due to basing her career and all with her current name. Also, she would have to explain some of her family drama which is none of their business. But either way I do find this point interesting. I guess this also does show that she would rather be her mother’s daughter at this point. So, her wanting to break up with Uri kind of does make sense. I do wonder how they will end up back together. Speaking of the Uri and Suji relationship who found the selfie between the two of them during the mealtime awkward. I know I did. She didn’t look happy or comfortable in that picture. Someone did say that they didn’t like how Uri was ignoring her feelings and bulldozing his way in much like her former boyfriend especially when she wanted to be alone with her problems and thoughts. It was frustrating for them to watch. I think after watching that selfie that is probably what has been going on Suji’s mind as well. But at the same time that was also Uri’s goal. He knows that whenever Suji is going to face said issues, she is going to shut herself down and try and compartmentalize her issues. Hence suffering alone. Just look how long it took for her to come out of her shell at his place and how much each member of the family had to contribute to help her heal. His goal therefore was probably to help her focus on something else even briefly this would let her calm down and then assess her situation with a clearer head. For instance, when you are angry you may end up saying things that you don’t mean, or you might mean it then but when you actually calm down you may realize that those initial thoughts were dumb and unnecessary. For instance, you get into a fight with someone and say that if I see you again, I am going to kill you. Perhaps you actually mean it back then. But after taking a break and when you calm down you may realize that while you are still mad at them and probably don’t want to deal with them in the future you certainly don’t want to kill them as that would equally ruin your life and place you behind bars. So, to avoid such a situation for Suji Uri tends to take her out and make her focus her mind on other things. Even when they return home, she would have been too tired to think about her current situation and a good night’s rest would make her feel a lot calmer and perhaps she would come up with a better solution and she certainly wouldn’t go into lockdown mode. Not sure of how Suji will get out of this mess though. Come to think about it back to an earlier point that I brought up. When Na Young’s mother asked the uncle if Suji’s mother was his wife there was also that issue of Ara calling the both of them mom and dad further causing the misunderstanding. So, it would have been nice if the misunderstanding was cleared right of the bat. Now if anything does happen between Dr. Han and Suji’s mother, she will be so happy that she was right. Her problem is pretty obvious. She is treating other people as how she would behave. For instance, since she seduced her husband, she is afraid that Na Young’s mother would do the same simply out of revenge. Otherwise, she would have calmly asked for an explanation or have understood when he explained what had actually happened instead of being furious and suspicious. Not sure how long Na Young is going to stay happy in her current marriage. She works hard to make breakfast only for everyone to leave home early due to earlier commitments forcing to eat on her own. Clearly that was Hyung Suns fault. If he knew that he couldn’t make it for breakfast, he should have informed her beforehand. Granted he didn’t know that she would wake up early and try and prepare breakfast for the family but still as a courtesy he could have informed her this could also be a way to ask for her opinion. Come to think about it her making breakfast is a bit strange considering the fact that she hasn’t shown any cooking skills in the past. In the earlier episodes and even todays her strategy has always been to order from outside and claim it as her own. Did she pull the same stunt again for the breakfast and are we just feeling bad for her. Darn it she got me good. Okay not sorry for her. She got what she deserved. Thinking that she had it so much better than Suji or the fact that she will have a family that is going to love her only to discover that she is still ignored. She might be in a worse situation. At least in her family they at times did ask about her. It seems like this may not be the case over here. I did like the fact that in this episode when she comes to Suji’s mother’s restaurant and begs her not to reveal her past to Hyung Sun’s family because she is trying to turn a new leaf. Suji’s mother simply tells her that she has no interest in protecting her secret if questioned about it. Simply to avoid any kind of confrontation it is best if their paths don’t end up crossing up. Which come to think about it is actually quite good. But this also means that her secrets are going to be safe for a few more episodes. Then we had in this episode Na Young pretending to mend bridges with Suji but at the same time asking for the most awkward double date. I mean it was clearly obvious that she just wanted to get a rise from Suji so that she could play the victim card once again. But it would certainly have been interesting if for once Suji did accept the invitation. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t have been fair on Uri so I guess it was a good thing what happened. Though I am sure that Na Young would have found a way to make an issue regarding this as well even though she was the one that had initiated it. So, Dr. Han knew all along that his assistant was keeping tabs on him on his wife’s orders. Loved the assistant’s reaction when he gets caught. He was like what have I gotten myself involved into. Not that it matters since he still hasn’t done anything inappropriate. Yes, his visits to the restaurant can be a cause of concern but that isn’t exactly his fault. Nor has he done anything to be ashamed of. But even then, I do think that he should control his actions in front of his wife. He knows that she is uncomfortable with the notion that he sees another woman regardless of the situation they are in. He then offers to carry the stuff that she has brought or offer to have her dropped of home. Clearly his wife is not going to like that so he should have been extra careful. He could have asked the housemaid to help her for the former. If he doesn’t provide the same services for the maid assuming that she doesn’t live with them then he shouldn’t volunteer to drop of Suji’s mother home. The wife’s doubts are only going to increase at this point. It will also be easy to manipulate her by others by taking advantage of this situation. Or people like Na Young’s mother might say the wrong thing which will further cause issues in her marriage. For instance, Na Young’s mother suspects something is going on between Dr. Han and Suji’s mother. If she were to say that aloud in front of Hyung Sun’s mother, she will feel like she wasn’t wrong because someone else can see the same thing. This will result in a confrontation with her husband which is unnecessary. After watching the last episode and how Suji’s mother was invited by the housemaid, I realized something. Mari with her current personality is probably never going to invite Suji’s mother over to host a function. Apart from the fact that she may have hidden the parentage of her first son from her husband she doesn’t seem the overly confrontational type. She tends to keep her problems bottled up which is one of the reasons why she has so many issues. Even therapy doesn’t seem to work or yoga. But like I was saying she had a few times to confront Suji’s mother and clear up any kind of misunderstanding, but she chose not to. She could have gone over to the restaurant anytime or even when she went to the orphanage and noticed her or especially when her husband showed up later on. Her showing up and claiming that Dr. Han was her husband. She probably doesn’t do anything along those lines because of her pride. She can’t seem to bare that she being an elite is being out shone by someone not even on her level that she doesn’t want to know the truth. The question that we need to ask is whether any of that would even help her at this point. Oh well the good thing is that by the time the show ends she will have two doctors to help heal her mind. Uri and Suji. She really can’t keep away from the doctors. Anyway, I think that will be all from my end for the time being. As for those of you in the states. Happy Independence Day. Hope all of you enjoy it. Wait what will you enjoy more the day or the show. So, till the next episode I will be trying to rest. Take care and looking forward to your posts.
  3. At this point I believe that it totally possible but then I have been proven wrong so who knows. For instance it turns out in the episode that the housemaid took her own initiative to hire Suji's mother for the catering service and that it wasn't a plot from Mari's end. So my apologies in that regards. It always feels good to admit when you are wrong.
  4. For starters @backstreetboysfan posting ratings is fine and if you like it or have gotten so used to it that is okay. I was just trying to say that it isn’t a priority for me. I watch a show if I like it or not. Ratings don’t really matter to me. On the other hand, a show may be great and have great ratings but if I don’t like it, I will drop it. This is a more recent development though. Prior to this I would complete a show regardless of how it went down due to already having put so much commitment in it. I just don’t have the time I used to in the past. The only show that I actually dropped after just watching around only the first 15 minutes or so was 100 Years Inheritance. (due to reasons regarding the story). So as I was saying you are free to post ratings as that might be helpful to others and that is something you are used to doing. Now moving on to the show itself. @maribella you mentioned that Suji’s mother was hired by the housemaid. Now while I haven’t watched today’s episode yet. Will hopefully do that after I finish my post and it is out. (need to check) So I can’t confirm my point. What I was saying and sorry if that was a bit unclear in my post. It happens. I was aware that the housemaid contacted her. But it is highly doubtful that she did so randomly. The only way the hired help is going to contact her randomly is if her instructions by the family are vague. For instance, they tell her to order food but anything that she wants. Doesn’t really make practical sense. So, what if she decided to order barbecue and nobody was feeling the mood or that it didn’t fit the occasion. Therefore, it makes sense if they gave her slightly more instructions such as this as to be on the menu. That would further limit her from where she could/should order the food. Also are you (show) trying to tell me that there is only a single restaurant in all of Korea that just belongs to Suji’s mother or was it just pure coincidence (K-Drama style) that hers was selected for the catering service. No, I find that impossible to believe. The other thing to note is that from everyone currently living in that house Mari has the most time to come up with a scheme like that. Dr. Han seems far to busy with work or be bothered to call her. Not only that but Suji’s mother and her restaurant seem to be his safe or happy spot that he doesn’t want to be interrupted by anyone else. This can be seen by the fact that he has never brought his wife over even though the grandmother has asked him numerous times. (According to her at least). So, it won’t be him. Hyung Sun is the apparently clueless about how to interact and deal with situations, so it won’t be him. Plus, why would he order from there. Na Young wasn’t a part of the family back then but even if she were she would avoid that restaurant like the plague once she discovered the connection. This automatically leaves Mari as the master planner. This is further supported by the following facts. She has all the time in the world because she only goes to work at the foundations when she is needed or feels like according to Na Youngs research. Not only that but Hyung Sun also mentioned that when it comes to things regarding the house she seems to take charge. This was especially seen when Na Young was asked to decorate her room. She pretended that everything was okay until Mari volunteered to set it up for them. Na Young clearly wasn’t expecting this from her facial reaction. But she had to go with it otherwise her plot would have been discovered. At this point Hyung Sun informed her of the fact that everything in the house was set up by his mother. Therefore, I find it highly unlikely that the housemaid would randomly hire Suji’s mother for the catering service and all. To me it seems more like a planned situation. For which I have already given an explanation in my previous post. Things that I wanted to bring up in my previous post about past episodes but was unable to do so. Dr. Han is wondering what happened to democracy. Since everybody was eventually going to do what they wanted in regards to Hyung Suns wedding to Na Young. They want his blessing, but he tells them that since his opinion doesn’t matter just go ahead and do whatever they want. But then again it probably is democracy, and he was just outvoted. Frankly he is still the only sane one in that house of his. He does have issues but so far, he can see things straight. Let’s see how long that lasts. Will he eventually fall prey to Na Young’s tactics and start believing her. Let us wait and see. I guess Suji’s mother being invited over to Hyung Sun’s house for the family dinner is a good thing in a way. This means that Na Young’s mother is going to be extra careful and nervous the entire time. She will therefore not blurt anything negative like her previous requests for a spot at the hospital or wedding gifts. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. Speaking of the invitation did anyone note that for plot convenience the brother and grandmother also didn’t show up. For the brother this is going to be important because when Doori initially introduces him to her mother she will have no objections until she discovers his mother’s identity. Should be fun to watch. Speaking of which I can’t wait for both Doori and him trying to introduce their cool big sister to the other. Someone mentioned that hasn’t Hyung Sun noticed his parents’ unhappy marriage so why does he think that having a baby will solve everything for him and make him happy with Na Young. I think that there are a few reasons for his thinking. First of all, I am going to call him a bit naive for thinking like that. The other is that he has fallen for the act that Na Young is putting up at the moment. So, he thinks that Na Young is this kind sweet, caring and loveable person who will be a great mother. The other issue is that since he has witnessed his parents in this sad type of marriage he has also been deprived of their love. This is something that he doesn’t want for his child. He thinks that if he showers it with love everything is going to be perfect. The other thing to consider is the fact that Na Young has also given him a sob story of how she has also lived a tragic life where she was deprived of the love of her parents which eventually led them to become estranged. He might thus think that two people with wounded hearts could come together and heal each others wounds plus with a baby between them the connection is only going to be stronger etc... I do feel sorry for Suji and her current family because of the misunderstandings further caused by Na Young’s mother. Her accusation that Suji’s mother has remarried and that she had a child before Suji aka Uri. Which would imply that she was also involved in an affair. Problem is that the uncle made things worse without realizing this. When Suji’s father asked him what his connection was with Suji’s mother. He simply replied that they were family. Which when you consider how they are all living in that house with only the uncle and his sister the only blood related people prior to Suji showing up there it does make sense. They take care of each other regardless of this fact and are there for support and in anyway possible. So yes, they can be considered as family. But if they were to tell this to a stranger, he may perceive things differently and may indeed mistake them for an actual family (ie married and all). It isn’t like that family would try and correct the misunderstanding which probably makes it worse. Not to mention the fact that she has indeed adopted Uri and Doori. If someone were to try and verify the facts it won’t mention that they are adopted further increasing the misunderstandings. Though I doubt that is possible. Suji’s mother doesn’t have any relatives so they can’t use that and since she is divorced from her former husband, he can’t exactly ask for her paperwork. But like I said Uri and Doori use her surname and as they are legally her kids now the misunderstandings will continue to grow. Na Young has finally become part of her dream family let’s see how long her facade will hold up. I did find it amusing though how her mother mentioned that Suji should feel jealous that Na Young is marrying Hyung Sun a rich person. Ah why would Suji feel any jealousy at this point. She was fully aware of who and what he was when she broke up with him. So, I really don’t see how that could be true. I mean look at Na Young she was jealous when she did discover the fact that he was rich and comforting Suji when she was facing a hard time. If Suji was still interested in getting back with Hyung Sun she could or better yet she wouldn’t have broken up with him in the first place if she was motivated by his wealth and social background. Just goes to show just how out of touch with reality the mother is. Na Young is getting curious about a mysterious room in Hyung Suns house. Though she tried to find out more she did end up with a short of dead end, but she does think that there is more to that room since she suspects that Mari wasn’t being honest. But I disagree with that claim. While I don’t exactly recall what Mari told her she thinks that it goes like this. Hyung Sun – we just use the room to store up stuff that we don’t need. Mari – there is nothing the room is empty. So here is the thing depending on her perspective this could be true. When she says the room is empty, she means that nobody is living in there but that could easily be because they are storing stuff in it. As for her claiming that there is nothing in there. It could simply mean that there is nothing in the room that would interest Na Young at this point. But we all know what could be in that room. This brings me up to a point that someone made earlier in regards to Uri’s mother. He claims that his birth mother met his current mother (Suji’s Biomother) in the hospital when he was young before passing away and then he was sent away to the orphanage. Since he has no reason to lie his memories would be accurate and therefore, he shouldn’t have a connection to Dr. Han and his family. To this I would say that isn’t necessarily accurate. Memory can be a tricky thing. We may remember something, but another person might remember the exact same thing differently also it is a well known fact that our mind tries to shield us when it comes to traumatic incidents. If we take these points into consideration, it is safe to assume that it is possible that what Uri currently recalls may not necessarily be correct. Unless he has photographic memory and then things would be different. So, for instance his encounters with Suji would be fresh but give him a few years and ask how he fell for her or when they first met. He probably might not recall the exact events. In this case it is still possible that he was kidnapped or lost and then raised by his mother of that time. I don’t know how many of you were here for the drama Hide and Seek which had Lee Yuri as the female lead and Miss Otoke as the second female lead. Over there Miss Otoke had been kidnapped as a child by the male leads father (male lead had lured her out without realizing this fact then). Then my memory of events are a bit hazy but her then mother had tried to let her go but young Miss Otoke ran after her and held onto her. (I think that the mother had tried to rescue her from a fire while she was still kidnapped) and as I mentioned due to trauma her mind made her forget certain details such as she was kidnapped. Since she was rescued that made her think that only a mother would be like that. So it is equally possible that for some reason Uri mistakenly thinks that the woman that raised him was his actual mother when she may have simply found him wandering the streets or rescued him from being drowned and all etc... Speaking of Dr. Han he must also be wondering when exactly he may have ended up in a KBS drama. He suddenly discovers that the first kid that he raised was his only for his wife to suddenly reveal that wasn’t the case. Oh, the shock. Mari should have just stayed silent for the rest of her life. Speaking of this someone wondered if the scene with her husband playing with their kids wasn’t repeated. The answer is that they are partially correct in their memory. Yes, she did have that memory twice, but it was different each time. The first time was with the grown kid only. I think Hyung Sun was called over there. Then the second time was when she had the nightmare where there was a little kid as well who suddenly disappeared. She then panicked in the dream and called out for Hyun Woo. Apparently, the older kids brother. Now I guess this memory can feel a bit confusing. If we are to take what the character bios/chart says, then Uri is older, and he should have been the older brother. Frankly it doesn’t feel like that considering the positions that they have at the hospital. But if that memory is to be taken for fact, then we could possibly interpret it along these lines. There were indeed two brothers but one of them went missing when he was extremely young. Since Mari would only know what he looked like when she last saw him, he would always be younger than Hyung Sun who has constantly been growing up. It could also lay credence to the fact that Uri’s memories could be inaccurate and therefore he could possibly be this Hyung Woo character later on. I think someone pointed out to an earlier comment of mine that if it indeed does turn out that Uri is related to that family what will the parents think of Suji’s mother and whether or not they would be grateful to her. Dr. Han might certainly do that, and he may even finally approve of Suji at this point. Plus, him saving Suji’s mother the scale has been balanced since she helped raise his kid and ensured that he had a happy and successful childhood. But for Mari they pointed out that she would further be jealous of Suji’s mother because her son was raised happily and all and that he has forgotten about his real mother. While she hasn’t and she would feel like Suji’s mother has stolen something important from her again. After careful consideration to their point, I will sadly have to agree with their assessment. Even after watching so many dramas I always hold out hope that the other party should be grateful to their rival and use this as a means to burry their hatchet with them. Sadly, I am disappointed almost every time when they get jealous or feel more insecure with their rival. I think the only time this wasn’t the case was in A Man In A Veil. Though things were a bit different back then and the mother didn’t exactly have a rivalry with the female leads current family and while the dad did wrong her back in the day, he also made up for it without concealing said facts. So perhaps that is why he got a pass back then. Every time Na Young decides to speak up, I feel like she is going to reveal what she really is, yet she tends to surprise me at the same time as well. For instance, after she got married in Hyung Suns family I was thinking that she was going to request to use the locked room in someway. For instance, when she asked for a nursery to be made later on for their child, she would ask that particular room be used. I guess she still has a lot of time before the baby is due so there is no rush to get started on the nursery at the moment. But when the time comes let us see if she does indeed ask to use said room and what her reaction is going to be when she is refused. It does make me wonder how she will figure out that Uri is related to that family if that is indeed the case. As of now a missing/dead child does indeed seem to be the case. Someone asked why do both parents think that their child is dead and if he was simply missing why didn’t they try and locate him back then. I think this is what may have happened. Something did happen back then which resulted them in loosing their kid. Perhaps he was kidnapped or actually lost. It would indeed make sense that at this point they did try and locate him but as time went on and they didn’t hear any word from him. Their hope dwindled. Dr. Han being the practical person probably thinks that he is indeed dead. But Mari being a mother possibly still has hope for him and this could be a reason for their arguments. For all we know the kids’ grandfather could have been the culprit. Perhaps he feared that if Dr. Han discovered the truth that Hyung Woo was not his child he would want to breakup with the daughter. So, to prevent this he tries to hide Hyun Woo and perhaps gave him to be raised by someone he trusted. He may have also tried to keep tabs on his grandson since I doubt that he would let him go. But before he could inform Mari of this fact, he ends up passing away. The woman raising Hyun Woo is unaware of this fact as well otherwise she may have brought him back home to his actual family. But then what do I know what the writer is currently thinking. But I have realized that I have been rambling on for too long again. I guess this means that I will have to end my post over here for the time being. Take care all of you. I will check out the latest episode and then try to go on to my theory board and try and figure out the story on my own. Wish me luck. So till my next post take care all of you and I hope to catch up on the rest of your posts as well.
  5. So, before I go to sleep, I thought that I should answer a question that @kboramint asked. After all it is nice to help others out when they have always been kind enough to respond to my questions and long posts. They asked why Suji’s mother visited Hyung Sun’s house especially when she was hated by her as the mistress. My assumption is that it is for that very reason. First of all, as one noted she was asked to cater to families’ event. Suji’s mother would have no reason to object to that because as mentioned earlier she considers Dr. Han her lifesaver since he apparently saved her life considering her condition and all. So going over there as a favour to him is something minor on her part. In other words this is another job for her. We also have to remember something important she is totally unaware of the fact that Hyung Sun is his son or that Dr. Han objected to Suji as a potential Dil. She was about to reveal to him this fact in one of the few previous episodes before he was interrupted by the fabled K-Drama interruption times, and she was unable to reveal this fact. She did find out that the person his son is currently dating he is more opposed to her than the previous girl. Which might be a saving grace. Anyway as I was saying she was unaware of who Hyung Sun is currently dating/married so she would have no reason to avoid the place from her end at the moment she accepted the order. Now as to why Mari may have invited her over to cater for the event. I feel like that was probably a deliberate attempt on her part. Just to be clear while it was the house staff that contacted Suji’s mother it was probably under the instructions of Mari. She may try and justify her actions by claiming that since her husband used to love the food from her restaurant (considering he visits it so frequently) she simply decided to order from there. Unlikely that he will buy it. The actual thing on the other hand would be to try and send a message to Suji’s mother indicating that Dr. Han is a married man and that if she would choose to chase after him at this point, she would be breaking up a family. Not that this would be an issue for Suji’s mother because she clearly never saw Dr. Han in a romantic light. But like I said earlier that is Mari’s fault because she never confronted either of them together and has just been going along with her own assumptions all this time. It is also the reason why Suji’s mother has accepted the offer apart from considering Dr. Han as her lifesaver she has nothing to hide in that department (of being a housebreaker). Interestingly Na Young’s mother is going to think that Suji’s mother is deliberately over there to sabotage Na Young according to the trailer. Considering that it is highly unlikely that she will accept the truth that it was a coincidence that she was hired for the job especially when you realize their past history and all. I agree Suji and Uri dating or even getting married shouldn’t really be an issue at the current state, but it depends on what Suji’s mother plans on doing in regards to it all. We have to remember the fact that Suji currently isn’t her daughter legally because of the actions of her family and therefore on paper she is apparently Na Young’s daughter. Now if Suji’s mother decides to let this be then yes her marring Uri isn’t a problem. On the other hand, if Suji’s mother succeeds in cancelling out the adoption issue, then she will be back as her daughter and then since Uri is also already on her family register than we can see how that can be considered an issue. A possible solution to this issue could simply be to remove Uri from her family register. This would make him and Suji strangers once again. Problem over here is that if anyone makes this situation it probably should be Uri himself. The mother might hesitate to do this considering the fact that she has mentioned a few times that she doesn’t want to hurt her children’s feelings. This could easily qualify as hurting Uri’s feelings as he may think that he was being abandoned the moment she discovered her actual daughter. On the other hand, if he figures out his mother’s dilemma, he may suggest it himself considering the fact that he can be quite smart at times. So, who knows how this will turn out. The other thing is that he can go and try and find his remaining biological family assuming his mother never told him that his father was dead or so. This way he will have no connections to Suji and the path for them to be together will be clear. Anyway, let me end this post over here for the time being. After getting myself a bit recharged, I will get back to posting the rest of my thoughts. Also, on a side note @backstreetboysfan I am so disappointed in you for slacking of on your only job of posting the ratings. How could you have left us dangling for so long. Just so you know I am planning on suing you for dereliction of duty. Be prepared to see me in court. Hope that you can tell that I was just joking. I am the least bit interested in the ratings so them being late didn’t bother me. I do appreciate you posting them still even if they may be meaningless to me. It might certainly be helpful to the other posters over here. So in regard to that do keep up the good work and don’t worry if you missed out on some. It isn’t like it was your fault that the ratings were posted late. Anyway, take care all of you and keep up with the posts. Perhaps I can answer a few more of those questions that you might have down the line then.
  6. So, the first thing that I want to do is thank everyone over here that takes time to read my really long posts and especially those that then reply to them as well. Now in regards to this I want to thank @tulip06 for confirming that the female lead in that other drama has a habit of mumbling at times and that it wasn’t just all in my head. Now moving back to this drama itself. @Lmangla I appreciate that you responded to my inquiry about the pairing of Suji’s biomother and the uncle at the restaurant, but I am hesitant to consider that story arc is complete even though she made her feelings clear that she simply sees him just as family. I agree that she did make that statement back in an episode. But considering her circumstances back then I have my reservations about it. Is it possible that it is indeed true that she simply sees him in that light. Yes, especially when you consider how she has ended up raising kids that don’t belong to her/related by blood. But as to why she had turned him down back then was also explained. She feels guilty that she lost her daughter back then and has been separated for so long from her. Due to this she feels like she shouldn’t be happy while she has no idea of what her own daughter is going through. Is she happy or suffering. Now on one hand if her daughter was currently living a happy life and so was, she it wouldn’t have been a problem. But on the other hand, her guilt would have increased tenfold if she discovered that only she was happy and had moved on with her life but during this time her daughter has been suffering. She probably would not be able to handle it. Thus, she was sacrificing her own happiness until she got confirmation. I think that she has said as much to the uncle’s sister back then when she tried to set them up as well. Another reason would be that her daughter could possibly hate her if she discovered that her mother was happy etc while she was suffering (basically the same as above) and she couldn’t bare that. Now that she has discovered who Suji is things have changed. Granted Suji discovered before she could reveal itself so now, we have a whole new drama between them. So once this matter is resolved then it would make sense that she would try to live her own life, and this could mean to move on and perhaps find a new person to settle down and get married with. So, at this point why bother finding someone new (drama would have to pay a new actor and I doubt that they have the budget for that). Therefore, I feel like this plotline still has potential. Not saying that you are wrong mind you and yes like you mentioned perhaps this plot has been closed and I am the only one hoping for more. Also, I would prefer her to be with him rather than director doctor at this point. Moving on to the recent episode. Boy were we in for two surprises in this episode. Or were we is the question. Turns out that Hyung Sun did indeed have a missing brother. Though the MIA brother is older than him. Ahem just two words. Birth Secret. Who didn’t see that coming. LoL. Someone made an interesting comment how Kdrama lose their babies like runaway Kittens. Good point. So now we are starting to get an idea why foundation mum seems to hate her husband. Though at the end of the day Uri being the missing child makes a lot of sense. Apart from this being a K-Drama trope and all. Currently Mari seems to hate Suji’s mum because she feels threatened by her and thinks that it is unfair that her husband seems drawn to her and that she will eventually steal her husband away or whatever goes on in that head of her. But at the end of the day like I keep mentioning these stories seem to have an arc of redemption, acceptance and repentance. Perhaps not in that particular order but one gets the idea. The only way for these two women to be happy is to bury the so called hatchet and move on. Of course, things can take the opposite turn for the time being as well. Considering the fact that Mari isn’t mentally sound due to her own tragedies. So, I can see things go either way until the final few episodes For instance, the moment she discovers the fact that Uri is her long lost son and that Suji’s mother has been raising him all this time and with great love as well. She can be totally moved by her and touched by the revelation and perhaps even see her in a new light. Of course where is the drama in all of this. Plus considering her mental health it is more likely that she will start to hate her even more. She already feels like she may be trying to steal her spot/husband etc.. and then discovering that she has already done that with her son. Well things certainly won’t be good at that point. Then if she does something to Suji’s mother and later on when Uri discovers all this, he wont like it and she will continue to blame Suji’s mother for trying and turning her son against him. The other reveal that happened in today’s episode was Suji finally discovering that the restaurant owner is her bio mother. Now while I was totally expecting her to discover this fact before the mother could reveal said fact due to some reason, I wasn’t expecting the reveal to be so soon. I estimated that we would take perhaps another 10-20 episodes before said reveal. Goes to show how wrong one can be, or this might also mean that since I haven’t been watching dailies for so long, I need to get back in the groove of making more accurate predictions. At this point I still believe that stepmother should own up her mistake to Suji to rectify the problem that she caused. So, I guess at this point the next few episodes will be Suji’s mother trying to heal this rift until the Uri birth secret pops up. We all know how that will then turn out. It is also quite sad to see how Hyung Sun and Suji are now treating each other. Instead of the good friends that they once were they are more like total strangers. Things might get worse between them courtesy of Na Young I suspect. Question was there always a small sink in Suji’s hospital room? I just noticed it or was that a new edition. Now someone brought up the fact of how the next arc will be more focused on the couples and how they will eventually get together or not. Something like in the previous drama. Now while I do agree with this assessment, I still feel like the previous drama the second female lead was far more likeable than Na Young over here. Over there while she had her issues with the female lead and she also did try and turn the male leads mother against the female lead she did bring up sort of valid points. But at the same time, she also knew how to deal with her via her personal and work life balance. For instance, when the male leads mother asked her to find a way to get rid of the female lead. She refused and claimed that there was no way to do so. When in fact a scandal could have worked or something else. She noticed how dedicated the female lead was to her role and that she was actually quite good. So, she didn’t sabotage her in anyway, that was dropped to the female leads rival from her previous place of employment. Granted she wasn’t 100% honest in earlier episodes by not clearing up misunderstanding when she could. But over there one could claim that she just didn’t clarify things properly etc... But over here Na Young is totally manipulative and has been actively trying to hurt the female lead. Will her becoming a mother change anything at this point. I have my doubts for the time being. Sure, by the end it will be a different story altogether. They will become the best of sisters once again. But as of now we can still tell that she is still extremely manipulative. She still has an agenda of wanting to get married to Hyung Sun. Why else was she furious that her mother went over to see Hyung Sun and say what she said. Na Young was mentally playing with him by deliberately making him feel guilty so that he couldn’t consider other options or listen to other people’s advice which could sway him. So, for as long as she was missing, he would be wondering where she was and how his child was doing. This does bring me to the next question does he truly love her at this point or not if it wasn’t for his baby. When his father asked him about his feelings, he mentioned that he wasn’t sure how he felt about her but that he probably did love her. This hesitation will probably be important later on. Now while I certainly have issues when it comes to hurting innocent people that have nothing to do with feuds and whatnot. So, in this case we should probably have another poll at this point asking what will happen to Na Young’s baby. Will she successfully deliver the child, or will she end up with a miscarriage which she will initially try and conceal and then later on pin the blame on Suji. These kinds of stunts aren’t unheard of in these dramas. Not only will that end up making his family (including him) start to hate her but when the Uri secret will be revealed or nearly discovered they will hate her more until the truth is exposed. Speaking of exposure and all Hyung Sun’s mother is already starting to wonder who the actual Na Young is. The one who is currently in front of them or who she met a kind and helpful woman. Anyway, take care all of you. I will end my post over here for the time being. This should be an interesting week and hopefully the Na Young and her mother issue will be resolved in this week. So, till next time.
  7. So, I think that everybody over here knows that while I tend to ramble in my posts I also try to be as fair as possible when it comes to character assessments even the villains. So, if I think that the second leads may have done x crime, they should certainly be charged for it but if someone is implying that they have done y crime then I will probably be defending the villains for that issue at least. Granted the point that I want to cover in today's post has already been covered by some over here. @Lmangla has done it quite well. Still here I go. The first question someone asked is whether Rapper Bro is actually aware of what is mother did to Suji’s mother. My take is that he is at least partially aware of her actions. Depending on how one views the situation. Things that are clear are as followings. He knows that his mother made a serious mistake for which she was kicked out because his mother told him just before she was kicked out. He even tried pleading with his father to forgive her by saying that she knows that she made a mistake and feels bad/guilty about it. So, there is partial awareness over here. Follow up with this fact in the last episode when Na Young is about to get a miscarriage due to tensions about getting exposed and all. His mother mentions that Suji’s mother must have plotted with the fellow PD to ruin Na Young. To which he responds that Na Young was in the wrong from the start and things have only been put right. This indicates that he is at least aware of the fact that Suji’s mother has discovered Suji and that there is a thing over here. Just how much he has managed to figure out on his own from these points remain to be seen. Not that it matters because as of now he seems to be on Suji’s side anyway. As for him being jobless at his age. To be fair the moment he discovered that his father had issues due to scam incident he tried his level best to change. He sold of as much as he could of his collectibles and tried to get a job at a restaurant. He did end up getting fired due to his behaviour and the owner had the last straw when he ended up causing more loss and damage to them. Even now he is helping his father with the cleaning in that building complex. I won’t say that he has totally matured considering the fact that he expected his father to pay him in helping him sell the rolls considering their financial situation and all. But at least I still feel that he is way better than his mother in this department. Now moving on to the next question as to why nobody in Suji’s family didn’t reveal to the media that she and Na Young were sisters because as mentioned the fallout to all of this would have been less severe. In response to that I want to say that my memory is quite hazy so the details may not be a 100% accurate. So please help me out. First of all, when the first video went viral either the father or Rapper Bro did suggest the following to Na Young. It is highly likely that it was the father though. Na Young at this point went and started emotional blackmailing them. She went on about how everyone was so worried and concerned about Suji that nobody was even considering her feeling and what she went through and that she would rather die than admit this fact. The family went silent at this point and probably thought that giving both of them sometimes they would be able to settle the matter peacefully. Perhaps Suji even mentioned that she would resolve the issue. Suji did by the way try and reveal the truth at least twice but each time she was sabotaged by Na Young. The first time Na Young sabotage the press conference and made herself as the victim. The second time Suji tried to reveal the truth Na Young posted the second video online making Suji more of a pariah. A lot of her supporters started to hate her at this point by believing the lies. This further broke Suji and made her want to go into hiding for the time being. Which was another cause of concern for her family. I think another reason why the family didn’t intervene earlier was also because of the father being caught in a scam and how they had to suddenly move out and resolve the financial situation. So, they also had a lot on their plate at that time. Should they perhaps have done more most definitely. What I do find interesting is how Suji corners the PD and tells him that he should have verified facts before posting them online. Which is true especially considering the fact that he works in the media department so he should know of his action’s outcomes. Yet when she tells him that she is Na Youngs sister he simply takes her word without any evidence. Showing that he probably still hasn’t learnt his lesson. Though I guess some of her actions might have been more convincing. Such as dragging Na Young when she was being harassed by her boss or refusing to take the job as a presenter because that is what Na Young wanted. So, I guess we should give him a pass. As for the Doori and Rapper Bro being a couple. I do think that there might be a bit of objection from both sides initially considering the family backstories. But from my understanding of these shows and how they work. They will probably be endgame. Like I said these shows are all about forgiveness, repentance and acceptance. In this case the children are usually a form to bridge the gaps. We have already established the fact that Suji’s mother is never going to return to her former family or at least as the lady of the house. Not only that but she is equally disappointed that family could have believed the lies that Na Youngs mother told them about her (those that she is aware). So, the only way to mend those bridges would be through the kids. We already know that the Uri/Suji pairings is going to be an issue for that family. Na Youngs mother asked about the relationship between the two. Not only that but mentioned how that would end up making them in laws and she knew that neither of them would want that. She is partially true in that department though. Or at least from a legal standpoint. Suji’s mother isn’t seeing this right now because she just wants to see all her children happy. Speaking of her children she better reveal the truth to Suji fast before someone else drops the bombshell. Na Young’s mother is already loose lipped and let it slip a few times. Then there is Na Young who may simply do it out of spite. She can’t bare to see Suji happy while she perceives her own happiness regardless of who is actually at fault. I like the fact that at least Hyung Sun’s father seems to suspect that Na Young may have an ulterior motive. A shame that the others don’t realize this. Then again while he does have a few valid points the rest of the family are just as much in a pickle. For instance, he has pointed out how they can be sure that Na Young is carrying his grandchild. To which his wife counters that at the same time how can they be sure that she isn’t. A simple solution may be to simply wait till the baby is born and then have a DNA test done to verify this fact. Problem to this of course is the fact while this is certainly possible, they will look bad and that is what they are afraid off. It is the reason why he doesn’t want Na Young treated/tested at their hospital because of the gossip that is being done over there (already people were talking when they discovered that she was pregnant and assumed that Hyung Sun was the father). So, what is going to happen when Na Young gives birth first and then gets married. People will badmouth the family and wonder how this could have happened in the first place. On the other hand, if they get married first and then she gives birth the rest of the world may not catch on so soon and think that she got pregnant after marriage thus everyone gets to save face. It is the reason why Na Youngs’ mother is rushing for them to get married before Na Young’s bump starts showing. Oh, speaking of Hyung Sun I wonder what Suji’s mother is going to think about him getting married to Na Young. Remember she has already seen him, so she is going to recognize him. Not that she is going to be invited to the marriage. So, we have to deal with that situation as well. She has warned Na Young not to hurt her daughter in anyway. Granted Suji has moved on so this might not be such a major issue for her even if she were to discover the truth. Someone mentioned about Hyng Sun’s family thinking that Na Young and Suji are biological sisters. From what I read in one of the subs I think Na Young was honest with them and told them that they weren’t biologically related, and Suji cut of all sisterly ties with her and that is why she never corrected her and went with the press conference with her version of the story. The director was correct to find her claims suspicious. Regardless of whether or not Suji cut of her ties with Na Young her reputation took a hit and if Na Young considered her a sister, she should have still tried to rectify the situation by claiming that they were sisters as everyone around her was telling her to. I am still looking forward to the director discovering that Suji is the daughter of the restaurant owner. Will he look at her fondly at this point. From what I can tell he still seems to like her as a doctor but not as In Law material for two reasons. She doesn’t come from an influential family so she can’t help if the hospital were to ever face a crisis and support Hyung Sun. Secondly, he has issues with her family especially her stepmother. Na Young tried to strike a deal with Suji to burry her secret and in return she would open a private practice for her. Does she know so little about her sister that she would actually think that it would work. If money was what motivated Suji she could have asked him for that favour personally ages ago. Especially when she was facing a difficult time. She also claims to be in love with Hyung Sun but what is the reason. Does she love him because she feels a connection with him. In that they both have heavy emotional scars or is it for his looks or his wealth. It would help if we had a better idea. Though we finally have confirmation which of the sleepover attempt got her pregnant. It was the second one like some of us predicted. Speaking of that I feel like Hyung Sun deserved the slap when he questioned her whether the child was even his. Granted she has been telling so many lies that he would begin to doubt her as well as the fact that others were telling him to make sure that she wasn’t pulling any more stunts or confirm the truth. But even then, I feel that the slap was warranted because he could doubt her in regards to this if there was enough proof. Over here the doctor clearly told them that Na Young was six weeks pregnant. (Has the show even been out that long or since said sleepover scene in particular). At this point he needs to do some basic calculation. Does he know her for that long and have they been in a position during that time where he could have gotten her pregnant. Next during this time period has he noticed anytime when she could have been with someone else. If the answer is no, then he should man up and take responsibility. Just to be clear those two have been meeting way to often during that time period. Him to vent his problems to her and she was there to console him. Also, they probably left late and all. Therefore, considering the time that he would probably appear unannounced she wouldn’t really have time to meet someone. There was only one time that he could probably consider suspicious if he thought about it where she was a bit hasty to get rid of him because she claimed that she was tired. But like I mentioned that was after the six weeks incident. Hence the probability is high that he is the father. So are we back to the speculation that Ara is possibly Uri’s kid. Ah well I haven’t given much thought to that theory. Just saying that I am open minded to it though at this point. But given the number of episodes remaining we will just have to wait and see. Till then let’s see what plot points need to be resolved in the remaining episodes. We are currently at episode 64 which makes it the halfway point so far. Two acts remain. Suji needs to discover that she is living with her biological mother, and we need to deal with the fallout of said revelation. This will also affect her initial relationship with Uri because she may think that he is her brother. So that will take a few episodes to resolve Na Young will try her level best to get Suji or Uri fired from the hospital because she will be uncomfortable with the fact that Hyung Sun may get swayed if Suji continues to be near him or that she may reveal more of her secrets. Speaking of which need to be exposed. Currently Suji’s name has been cleared regarding the two earlier videos. But at the same time Suji has again covered for Na Young and let the world know that she deliberately posted them with malicious intent. Na Young would therefore be afraid that if Hyung Sun were to discover this fact he would want to breakup with her again. She has only with great difficulty managed to sort of win him back. Hyung Sun’s parents’ backstory needs to be resolved. So, we need to know just why foundation mom is so against him. She also tends to twist everything that he says and does these days. So, what triggered this. Does Uri have a birth secret. Speaking of him we need to discover just how and why Suji’s mother ended up adopting both him and Doori. There are hints that he was at the orphanage where the restaurant family tends to volunteer. Probably the same for Doori as well. Doori and Rapper Brothers relationship needs to come to light and the ramification of said relationship needs to be resolved. If Uri has a birth secret, then we can be sure that Na Young will be the first one to discover it and she will try her level best to conceal it. I guess that is another thing that she will have in common with her mother. Assuming that he belongs to the hospital family she wouldn’t want him to discover said fact because this would mean that somebody else would have a shot at the family wealth and she wouldn’t want to share what she already has. Furthermore, this would also mean that Suji could be happy and still live a comfortable life. Something that she doesn’t want Suji to be/have. In this case be sure to expect a few episodes where secret DNA tests are being done, swapping of official/original results. Stupidly keeping evidence instead of destroying it allowing her to get caught. Perhaps even bribing certain people to keep the secret. This makes me wonder if the Scoop PD role is finally over or will he return. As of now he claims that he wants nothing to do with Na Young since she jeopardised his career. The only reason that he probably didn’t sell her the evidence this time round was because Suji also had evidence which she could reveal which would have incriminated him and thus totally destroyed him. But this time round things could be different. On a side note, from all the people that suddenly came to Suji’s side once her name was cleared was an actress whose child Suji had abducted way back in the early episodes. Does anyone know who that actress was? Just asking because she looks familiar, and I know that I must have seen her in some other show. But as of now the name and shows elude me and it is driving me nuts. I think that I have partial OCD at times. Anyway, after all those other sub plots have been resolved and we don’t get an extension then yes, it is possible that Ara’s mother will not only show up but will also turn out to be Uri’s Ex. Though frankly I suspect that my initial theory is better in which she is on the run from loan sharks. Who knows perhaps if we want people to be connected then they could have been the ones that loaned money to Na Youngs mother way back and they may have something interesting to reveal. Speaking of loan sharks and loans we also need to discover just how Na Young can afford her current lifestyle. Initially I felt that she may have taken out a loan from the bank. But the way this show is going and how her mother keeps moaning how Na Young seems to be taking the worst aspects of her such as seducing a man that already has someone that they are interested in, getting pregnant before marriage and wanting to be a single mother. Why should Na Young stop at this point. She might as well also have taken out loans from loan sharks who can come and hound her for money. Which may result in her stealing from Hyung Sun’s family. I guess she could use it to frame the theft on Uri and Suji if they are part of the family by this point. But that would end up making her more like her mother. Another side arc that they seemed to have stopped is the so called love triangle between the uncle, Suji’s mother and Ara’s teacher. A few episodes back she tried to integrate herself into the family and even popped in unannounced a few times. Not only that but she even told Suji’s mother to not come in between them and send mixed signals over here. Yet she hasn’t popped up for some time. While I admit that she is better off forgotten a plot like that shouldn’t really have been introduced. Not only that the uncle briefly seemed to consider dating her properly, yet he seems to be busier with the restaurant family. Speaking of Suji and her mother another plot point that needs to be resolved is the issue of her adoption being cancelled so that Suji’s mother can get her rights back. Ever since she discovered who Suji actually is this matter has also been put on the back burner. In real life a court date would have been set and the family should have been summoned. While this has been hinted nothing has been resolved. So, what is going on over here. Also, while I am glad the husband has discovered what his wife did how was she thinking that she could resolve the issue. Even if the husband didn’t show up as he was scheduled (could that be considered contempt of court) she would still have to come up with a convincing argument with evidence mind you why the adoption shouldn’t be cancelled. Which frankly she had nothing. Suji’s mother had evidence to back up her claim that she was in the hospital so she couldn’t make it back when she promised, when she did, she was lied to (a bit hard to prove) but when she returned the family had not only moved out with no way to contact them. So, unless Na Young brings up fake witness that can claim that they informed Suji’s mother of her whereabouts, but she refused to follow up she isn’t going to be winning anything. Also, I am going to assume that Suji has to be also informed that her adoption has been cancelled or is going to and she should have some say in said department. After all she has to ask why now. So, trying to hide the fact that they were summoned to court just doesn’t seem to make sense to me at this point. People have also wondered by neither Na Young or her mother feel bad over any of their actions. I think the problem over here is that the majority of the time villains don’t think that what they are doing is wrong. They have points which they can try and justify their actions. For instance, does anyone remember the drama, Blood. It was on KBS a few years back. Over there everyone presumed that the villain was the head doctor where the main leads worked. Why simply because he was doing things that seemed abhorrent to them and that made him against them. But from his perspective he was probably the hero. Now I can go on with what justification he probably came up with but since nobody here wants to know that I won’t get into it for the time being. But getting back to the point that I was making. Neither Na Young or her mother think that what they are doing is wrong and they have far weaker justifications than the villain of Blood. For instance, whenever Na Youngs relationship with Hyung Sun is brought up she claims that firstly she was totally unaware of him being the one with Suji since nobody brought this up before and secondly, she didn’t come in between them since their relationship was officially over at that point. When Suji slapping her went viral due to a misunderstanding on her part she tried to defend herself again by pointing out that while she did initially upload the video due to her misunderstanding, she instantly deleted it when she realized it. Also, that it wasn’t her fault that it became viral so fast. The same goes for her mother. While she does feel guilty to an extent about what she may have done to Suji and her family she tries to justify her actions. Not only that her wanting Hyung Sun as a SiL makes sense to an extent. Her family is going through a rough patch financially so it would actually be nice if someone could live comfortably plus they would equally benefit from it. When Suji was dating him she might have also felt a bit relieved that this could make up for her past actions. She is therefore baffled why Suji would suddenly want to breakup with a person simply because of her pride at this point. As I mentioned earlier marrying him would have benefited the entire family at the end of the day. Now moving onto a sidenote. Someone asked about the drama Beauty and Mr. Romantic and how it was. Granted they didn’t aske me but since I brought up the show. First of all, I want to thank @kboramint for getting me up to date on that show. Secondly my opinion is that the show up to where I watched seemed okay. Female Leads mother was terrible in more than one way especially how she treated her kids and daughter. But that is another story altogether. I did like how the second male lead even brought up some of the female leads past works (albeit with slightly different names but those of us in the drama watching business probably picked up the references). So, bonus points for that. The only reason why I ended up dropping the show was because I didn’t like how the female lead at times seemed to mumble her lines. It has been sometime since I watched her previous works that I can’t recall if that was a trait of the actress or simply the character in this show. Anyway, the mumbling just bothered me and got me sidetracked. To the point that I would rather watch a Kamen Rider or Super Sentai show instead. Well while I have more to add. I will end the post for the time being. It is quite late over here, and I need to finally catch up on my sleep. So, take care all of you and do keep posting. Also, thanks once again for everyone who has been reading my long posts and even answering some of the questions that I had not only for this show but also some others. Till next time then. I will leave now but with a final question. What do you think will be revealed next.
  8. @kboramint thanks first of all for keeping me up to date on this show with your fact. It is so hard at times to keep track of everything happening in shows due to time constraints and all. The next thing I want to bring up is the fact where some people are wondering if Suji is a doormat. I think it depends on the people she is confronting. For instance, with her family and people she is close with that might be true but compared with strangers this probably isn’t the case. As a doormat she should be a yes person to everyone around and not try and take risks. But this isn’t the case all the time with her. For instance, when she abducted the minor (even if it was for a good reason) she even tried to give a justification for it. If she was a doormat, she probably wouldn’t have the guts to try something like that or she would have immediately tried to apologize and get the matter resolved. With family I think it is a bit more complicated. As Asians who value the importance of family she would try and be polite towards them at all times and not try and get in any kind of arguments as that would probably seem rude. Not only that but as the eldest sibling it would have been reinforced in her to look after them. Let’s face it her stepmother was no saint and she scolded her for not looking after Na Young when she went missing as a kid. Then we also know that she has been taking care of her family’s other problems such as whenever her brother got into trouble, she would bail him out. Again, something which was probably encouraged by her mother. So, in a way it makes sense why she may seem like a doormat. Someone mentioned but she was the same way towards her bio mum when that family was only trying to be nice to her. I would say that in this case (frankly I don’t recall which scenes are being referred to) that she was in no mood to fight, argue with anyone at this point due to her own personal issues that she might have been going along with what the others were saying. This would be the best way to avoid any kind of conflict. Okay now moving on to someone mentioning that they think that Uri is condescending and is just as bad and manipulative as Suji’s Ex and is taking advantage of her vulnerable state. I am going to partially agree with this assessment. The former does make sense as he can come of like that at times. Especially with some of his encounters with Na Young and maybe even Suji. As for being manipulative like her Ex I don’t agree with this part. Let’s just look at what both of them have done or would likely do and we can see the difference. Uri is someone who actually tries to take into consideration what Suji wants and doesn’t try and force his way. Hyung Sun is the complete opposite. Once he discovers where Suji was living or what she was doing he demands that she leaves the place and that he would find her another place or job instead. If Suji wanted any of that she could have easily asked him to do so. Speaking of jobs Uri found places where she could apply and gave them to her. This gives her the freedom and choice of where to go and work if she wanted or to even accept his help. He wasn’t like you have to take a job and go to X hospital. Nor did he try and influence any of the doctors or staff that they had to hire Suji. Hyung Sun on the other hand would have probably tried to use his influence and clout forcing the hospital to select her if it was possible. Again, this brings up the point about Suji being a doormat or not. If she was one, she would have probably never broken up with Hyung Sun or told him that it was over and that she has moved on. She would be with him and rather be unhappy than bring up this point. @Lmangla I am glad that you are agreeing with some of the points that have been brought up. Speaking of Na Young and her getting pregnant. Let’s face it nobody should be surprised at this point. To some extent we were all expecting this. Do I think that it is her former PD who is the father. Highly unlikely. The only way I can see this happening if she was drunk, and he took advantage of that. The guy may be sleazy and out for a big scoop, but I don’t think that it was him at the moment until I am proven wrong. Na Young just comes of with the impression that I am better than everyone around me, so she is only going to be with someone that she genuinely likes or is on her level. The PD probably can’t do that. For her he was probably just a work partner, and she was more than ready to ditch him, if possible, for better opportunities (job wise). This could be seen when he informed her that she might be the finalist for the anchor position. She initially pretended that she couldn’t decide how she would keep both posts when she was already thinking of leaving that spot for the better one. So, her in a romantic relationship with him seems unlikely for the time being. I agree Na Young clearly isn’t the smartest person in the room with the lies she is coming up with. Considering the fact that her face was plastered all over the airwaves due to the incidents that she had with Suji and that one press conference. As I explained in one of my earlier posts there is a reason why Hyung Sun or his family haven’t recognized her apart from the said makeover. (Someone brought up the Beauty and Mr. Romantic drama. Can someone please give me some spoilers for it. I dropped it ages ago. Why is the female lead disguised that nobody can recognize her. Last I saw she got the blessings of the male leads family so she shouldn’t be doing that), Anyway back to the point I was making in this show. There has been no real reason for that family to think about the Suji incident until now. The Father never approved of Suji as Dil material for certain reasons. The scandal probably further intensified his justifications for not wanting her part of the family. He was more focused on the hospital’s reputation and the best method for him would have been to fire Suji and claim that the hospital has no more ties with her. Even if he wanted to consider and give her another chance Incident Number two would further reinforce the idea of letting her go. Plus, as they say where there is smoke there is bound to be fire. In this case her getting into the incident with the same person makes Suji more guilty. So, he wouldn’t try and look into the matter. His wife didn’t involve herself much into the incident as well. She just asked Suji what she could do to help and whether she was innocent or not. The rest she left up to the kids to resolve on their own. So, it makes sense that she doesn’t recognize Na Young as well. Since I already explained earlier why Hyung Sun probably doesn’t recognize her I won’t be doing so over here unless someone wants me to. Though like some of us have pointed out Na Young’s end game is confusing. Perhaps her initial plan was just to win Hyung Sun over and once she was sure that he was over Suji and into her she planned on breaking up with him. She would be confident that Suji would be hurt that Hyung Sun fell for someone other than her and even when she broke up him (Na Young). Suji would be too proud and hurt to accept him back. Then Na Young’s plan sort of makes sense. She does admit to her mother that she wasn’t planning on falling in love with him but now she actually has feelings for him. So, this certainly complicates her plan. Because now she needs to come up with all these lies which will eventually get exposed. For instance, her former PD is always after the next big scoop and him discovering that Suji is her sister is certainly enough material to attempt and blackmail her. Considering the fact that he even helped her out a few times, but she continues to look down upon him. But like I said he is always out for the next big scoop, and we knew that he was going to be trouble when he noticed her with Hyung Sun and wonders if she entrapped some Chaebol. Since he is one of the few people that actually knows her, he can threaten to expose her for some kind of gain. Plus, it would be interesting to get an actual villain in this show. While it is true that both Na Young and her mother can be annoying and causing issues between family members, they aren’t someone that one can take seriously at this point. Speaking of Na Youngs mother someone brought up the fact that she revealed to her family of how Suji’s mother had another man on the side before/after she married into the current family and how she is recently married to someone younger than herself. I think the reason for doing that is the same as Na Young and her treatment towards others especially Suji. She knows that she isn’t great and a common trait among people is how they judge people around themselves. They try and justify their actions by basing other people on how they would act. So just because she would steal/seduce someone else she would only feel better if she thinks that others are just like her so what she has done isn’t anything bad/wrong. Remember when the family was wondering why Suji’s mother hadn’t returned, she is like well she must have found herself another man and that is why she has abandoned Suji and is living happily ever after now. This is because she would have done this if it meant that her kids could live well. I also suspect that her putting down Suji’s mother like that is also a backup insurance plan. She knows that the family kicked her out of the house because they were furious about her actions regarding the separation of Suji and her mother like that. But all this time she is afraid of getting kicked out of that house if Suji’s mother ever decides to return. She knows that the only reason that she gets to live in that house is because of her son and the fact that Suji’s mother left. Now if Suji’s mother wishes to ever return the family might be more willing to take her back especially after the misunderstanding, she crafted for so long has been exposed. To prevent this, she will try and drive a wedge further between the family. This means that they will be forced to let her stay as she is in their minds still the better person. Getting back to the Na Young issue. Like people have mentioned over here she is planning on getting married to Hyung Sun but at the same time she is lying about her entire backstory. Living abroad, hence her current name, parents (I forgot what she said about them), her job etc... but at some point, she needs to come clean. Now I get it that someone said over here that if she loves him why doesn’t she simply tell the truth. The problem over here is that she can certainly tell him that she is Suji’s sister but that will mean an instant breakup between the two. Like I mentioned earlier the only person for him was Suji and he wouldn’t look at anyone else. He treated her family like his own. Therefore, if he knew Na Young was her sister his treatment towards her would instantly change. He would consider her more like a SiL than potential girlfriend material. Hence her wanting to win him over using any means necessary. So, by the time he discovers the secret he can’t do anything but accept her. Plus, I assume that even if the press were to find out after their engagement the family can’t easily break it off as they would look dumb or bad maybe even both. So, in other words they would have been forced to go on with the marriage. Speaking of when she got pregnant with his kid. Probably the second time from what has been hinted when they could have slept. The first time was when she came over with the excuse that she got the wrong package by mistake and noticed that he was drunk due to heartbreak. She further fuels this. But the next day when he apologized if he made any mistake. She informs him that he didn’t do anything wrong, and she is confident that even in a drunken state he wouldn’t make a mistake like that. So, it is probably true, and nothing happened then. The second time when he was home drunk, she apparently spent the night at his place and told him that he told her not to leave and that she staid back of her own violation so he shouldn’t feel guilty. This seems the most likely time. Even though we don’t see them in bed together at this point it is safe to assume what happened. The third and most recent incident was when the both of them actually wake up in the same bed the next morning. But most likely nothing happened between them at this point. I am assuming this because when both of them wake up they are still mostly fully dressed as they were the last night. The only thing that he had removed while sleeping was his shirt at this point. Normally shows indicate when something has happened with subtle hints, and we had none of that over here. So, someone also mentioned what was Na Young thinking that Suji would always be depressed and never get back on her feet. To an extent that is probably correct. Like I said she is a lot like her mother in certain regards. She tends to blame Suji for everything that has gone wrong in her life. Whether that makes sense or not is a different story altogether. Not only that she thinks that Suji has been living the perfect life while she has been secretly suffering all along. For instance, when she found out that Suji was dating not only Hyung Sun but that he was also the son of the hospital owners her jealousy and insecurity rose. Her reasoning here was that while she was struggling to get a decent job her sister was already with a successful person and if she were to get married to Hyung Sun then she would have nothing to worry about and would get to live a comfortable life while she (Na Young) would still be living the same pathetic life. It is also the reason why she didn’t feel a 100% guilty after ruining her life because she justified her actions that even if Suji was suffering now, she would still have a rich friend who could comfort her while she herself had nothing. In fact, she felt that everyone was still ganging up on her when she was also suffering. So, as I was saying she now wants Suji to go through the same thing that she did and therefore wants Suji to suffer to an extent. The other thing over here is that she wants to move on with her own life and be happy. But the problem over here is that she knows that she is living a lie and that to an extent frightens her. There are people that can easily expose her lies. Such as her family and especially Suji and Uri. Her best bet would be to avoid them at all costs if possible. Now she can be certain that her mother at least will cover for her but when it comes to the others especially Suji and Uri her doubts increase. She can totally try and justify her actions as okay since she isn’t having an affair or stealing a person that is taken. But when she lies about other stuff it is because she knows deep down that she is in the wrong. As someone mentioned if she truly loved him, she would have been honest with him from day one. But she will always be afraid that once he discovers the truth, he will want to leave her. @maribella you were wondering about the grandmothers comment about how the father and son duo are doing cleaning work when the father should have a company. To answer this question is as follows. The father may have had a company when he was in the States but when they returned to Korea, he worked with a shady person who was his partner who encouraged him to get sponsors so that they could open multiple franchises on one of his items that he used to sell in the States. Which was called Bibbi Roll (a fusion of a burrito and Bibmap from my understanding). The guy being a scammer took all the investors money and made his escape, but he also made it appear that Suji’s father was the face of the company and owner. Hence, they all demanded that he pay them back. It also didn’t help that he used Suji’s reputation to get them to sign up. This resulted in a mini scandal which Suji was forced to pay them back. Even taking a loan from the second male lead and all. She still needs to pay him back. Anyway, the father and son then initially decided to get their act straight and find jobs to help the family. The son initially worked at a restaurant as a waiter and delivery person. But he was eventually fired due to certain reasons. Later on, the two of them decided to sell their rolls on the street. But that has issues since they don’t have a proper licence to do so. The father has also discovered that his son is sort of in debt. (at the restaurant he caused damages which the owner demanded he pay up. Doori [Uri’s sister] ended up paying it for him. So now he owes her). Once the father discovered this, he ended up taking a few more side jobs to help his son out. Such as he does the service where he has to drive people who have drunk a designated driver and on top of that cleaning washrooms and being a partial caretaker of a building. Once the son found out about the later, he has been helping him. To the family they have been lying and claim they head out early in the mornings to play soccer and sports. It just so happened that the grandmother witnessed them by accident. Hence her comment. I assumed initially that Na Young had to have taken out a bank loan for her transformation but now I wonder if she has also taken out a loan with loan sharks. This would make her a lot like her mother in this regard. Especially when they come calling. Even more so if she is married into Hyung Sun and his family. Will she end up making the same choices as her mother. That is what the show seems to be hinting at. Perhaps then she will be like I understand everything that you had to do to raise me. I forgive you. There is something that I don’t quite understand. Suji’s mother has insisted that nobody reveal to Suji that she is her mother until she does so herself. Which is find I kind of understand this. But at the same time, she is doing this because she wants to clear up the misunderstanding between the two that she didn’t deliberately abandon her daughter. Sure, I can even go with that partially. But I feel like there has to be a better way going about this. I get that she wants to slowly break the revelation in, but she should take help when possible. For instance, now that the family is aware of the truth they should reveal to Suji that her mother didn’t abandon her and that she was lied. If it is too risky for them how to explain how they know this then the stepmother should be the one to reveal, simply this fact by admitting her involvement. If Suji asks why she is revealing this fact now. She can simply say that she has started feeling guilty about her actions and wanted to clear her conscious and knows full well that Suji will never forgive her, but she still had to try. This will allow Suji to finally have hope and perhaps she will try and find her mother on her own. Yes, I am glad someone else has also brought up the point about the adoption and name change. Sure, it makes sense that they changed it to a name that could be pronounced easily when living abroad. They decided to go with her rival’s real name from Dream High. LoL But yes how was her mother supposed to find her after the adoption and name change. Even the grandmother wonders why the mother hasn’t shown up for so long especially since Suji is now famous so if she wanted money, she could have shown up for that. Were they all thinking that Suji still looks like the little kid when she left then so she will instantly recognize her as an adult even with the name change and all. Come on writer please come up with something more believable. I am also glad that someone else pointed out Mari’s absurd behaviour. She accuses her husband of having an emotional affair but who is to blame for that. She has constantly been giving him the cold shoulder or trying to get one over him. So, when he does go to clear his mind elsewhere, she has issues. She thinks that she is punishing him. When instead she is punishing herself. This character makes no sense at times. When her husband got frightened when he found out that she may have taken too much medication. She tells him that she isn’t taking medication to kill herself. While that may be true, she still needs to be monitored as we witnessed her last attempt and she accidentally? took enough that it was risky for her had Na Young not showed up on time. Even then she claims that she wasn’t taking medication to kill herself. Sure, let’s go with that claim. She needs to be heavily supervised at this point. In a way it is good that Na Young is giving her company. But how long will that last once she discovers that Na Young is Suji’s sister. At the end of the day, I think she doesn’t have issues with the sisters itself. It is more with the parents especially the mother. Though with Na Young there might be an issue considering that she has been lying about her past, or has she? She mentioned that she lived abroad as a child which technically is true, her current profession though is a partial hogwash. She was never a publicist but the fact that she is writing a book can be true. Probably not mind you. But there is no actual way to prove this. She can claim that she can’t show her work because it isn’t done. If worse comes to worse, then I can probably see her try and steal something belonging to Suji and claim it as her own. Of course, that is a risk, but she might be counting on the fact that since Suji is family, she won’t take any kind of legal action against her and if needed the family can try and resolve the problem internally. Thus, her secret would be secure for a short time again. Anyway, I will leave my post over here for the time being. Take care all of you. Also, it is nice to finally see more people in this thread. I need to catch up on the last few episodes.
  9. I am so sorry for getting back over here. I was busy travelling since I had to come visit my maternal grandparents. My grandfather isn’t doing so well. It seems like old age is finally getting to him. So, I will probably be busy for the time being and therefore if I do respond they will be slow and to older posts. Someone mentioned that Ara has to be correct about her mother not abandoning her since we can’t have Suji be correct over here or the fact that there can’t be a birth secret relating to the fact that Uri is her actual father. The second point can be left open ended like I mentioned earlier if the writer is forced into an extension. Then at that point you know they don’t even leave throwing in the kitchen sink at the last moment. Oh, and on another site, they have already mentioned the actress portraying the mother and there goes the random fan theory that it was the female lead from Elegant Empire who had to leave her daughter to go avenge Puppy Oppa who got into an accident or something. Anyway, back to the main point that I was bringing up. Yes, I agree that Ara has to be correct in this regard for a simple reason. She is the one to inspire hope in Suji once again that there could be an actual reason why her mother left and that she wasn’t abandoned. In a way she is doing that already. Now the only way that this happens is if the mother left Ara for a genuine reason which the show has already hinted at. I am basing my speculation on the clues that we are given at the moment so I can easily be wrong mind you. Both come from statements that Ara has made. The first one was how her mother loved money or something along the lines how she was always busy trying to earn money. To the extent that poor Ara was saving up her allowance to give her mother. Now on one hand this doesn’t sound like much. After all everyone would want to work hard to earn money. A child may not fully grasp this concept so they may think that their parent loves money more than anything. Sadly, life can’t operate without money as of now so there is that. The next and final clue came from the episode when Ara has gone missing. It turns out that she was hiding in the closet in Suji’s room. Everyone was worried and when Suji’s mother points out that had she left the shoes outside people would have known where to look and not be so worried. To which Ara responded that she was playing hide and seek the way that she was taught. Now this may seem unusual to some but when you combine the first and two statements together you can see a picture forming. It will be therefore eventually revealed that the mother has actually gone missing because she was on the run from loan sharks. How have I come to this conclusion is simple. She worked so hard to pay back the loans that she has taken out. Her friends probably wouldn’t harass her to pay the money back. Loan Sharks on the other hand can be extremely intimidating. The other clue is how Ara had to hide with her shoes. Why would the mother teach her this bit. Again, the answer is two fold. First of all, she wouldn’t want her daughter to witness her get harassed by random strangers as that could get her to worry and perhaps even get scared if the loan sharks got physical with the mother. Secondly it is like a double insurance. If the loan sharks are unaware of Ara’s existence they can’t threaten her or try and use her as leverage against the mother to pay them faster. So, this works out both ways. When we look at things this way then we can see that she left Ara at that house because she knew that they were kind people and wouldn’t kick her out but also to protect her. Therefore, even if the loan sharks caught up to the mother all they could do was threaten her with her own life but when compared to her own daughter that would be nothing. So, when she has cleared of her debts she will return to get Ara back. This will make Suji finally realize that everyone has their own stories and painful past that they can’t share with others and another reason for her to try and attempt to make things correct with her mother. Someone wondered why people were trying to make it that Ara’s mother was Uri’s Ex when we haven’t seen any clues to that. To be clear I wasn’t in that camp, but I am open to that idea if it happens, and I won’t be surprised at this point. They also asked how Uri would be unaware of the fact that he was a father. Actually, the last part isn’t really all that surprising if one has watched numerous dramas. A few characters at times don’t even know that they have birth secrets until they are dumped on them. In other words, fathers or their children may not even know that they are related until something reveals the connection in someway or the other. Take for example the male lead in the morning KBS Daily drama doesn’t even know about his birth family but that is because his mother due to some trauma/accident is unable to reveal said fact to him. Or fathers have been in prior relationships before they married their current wife or are with their girlfriends when their Ex happens to pop up in their life. They may have in these cases done one of the following things. They either think that their Ex and child are dead or are unaware since they never revealed said fact, Examples Miss Monte Cristo. The female lead was planning on revealing that she was pregnant with her current boyfriend’s baby on their wedding day. Until her best friends plotted the unborn baby’s demise which resulted in the story, we ended up getting. Smile Again (2010 Version) the male leads father was suddenly called back home and when he returned the male leads family had already moved. She was unable to tell him that she was pregnant that time and I think she found out after he left if memory serves correct, or there have even been cases when it is the opposite for the mothers. They have been informed that their child has passed away as soon as they were born, and they were therefore totally unaware of their childs existence until someone reveals said secret. The child may now have become a grown adult who may or may not be seeking their own parents along the way. So, in short, the girlfriend could easily have broken up with Uri and either discovered after that she was pregnant with his kid or simply broke up with him for said reason. Perhaps she didn’t want to be a part of his family because he wasn’t rich. Remember the show Man In The Veil. The second female lead discovers that she is pregnant with her current boyfriend’s child, and she is initially excited about this news because she thinks that her current boyfriend is from a wealthy family, and this would have been her entrance into said family. Only when she discovers the truth does she realize that she needs to come up with a new plan that will also help her save face. Hence the whole thing with the main lead. Knowing Uri it seems highly unlikely that he would breakup with his then girlfriend especially if he knew that she was pregnant. There may actually be more to this story. But I will have to catch up to discover this. Someone posted a GIF of Na Young’s mother getting kicked out of the house because her secret has been exposed. How many over here think that is just her imagination. At the end of the day (show) I don’t think that she will end up divorced. She will probably still stay on as the lady of the house. This being a family drama she has to be forgiven because redemption and forgiveness seems to be the key points of these shows. Or they used too. I haven’t been keeping track of these shows for sometime now so I can be wrong over here. Plus, she also has a son in that family. Even though he is an adult now I doubt that family will be okay to kick the mother out. For all her faults and issues, she did give them that. Another thing to note is that Suji’s mother isn’t going to want to return to that family because her husband not only cheated on her but did so with her friend. It was the reason for her divorce. So, there is no way she is going to want to return to that family. Plus, she feels like they have wronged her by moving away so suddenly and taking her daughter with them. As far as she knows her friend promised that she would talk with the family and let her meet her daughter. She probably assumes that they didn’t want that to happen and that is why they moved. Even when the truth is revealed she still wouldn’t want to return because of her husbands affair. How far she has moved on with her life remains to be seen. But once she has had her closure she can move on with her life and perhaps get married to someone else. Though she may be equally scarred from her husband’s betrayal that she may think that she doesn’t want to ever get married, and her focus will be to try and recover the lost time with her daughter. As for the question whether Suji asked her stepmother to adopt her or not is up for debate. Frankly I think that Na Young’s mother is lying. She will say anything to protect her secret. Remember when Suji’s mother asks her for Suji’s contact information, she initially lies that she is living in the States and is happy. Then when she asks again, she points out that she lost touch with her because she divorced her husband because she caught him cheating again. If you think about it those statements were contradictory which proved that she was lying at some point. So, in this case it could be a lie once again to cover her tracks. This woman clearly doesn’t have a brain to think things through. For instance, hiding court documents isn’t really solving the problem at hand. If she doesn’t show up for the hearing the court is probably going to come banging at her door and expose her crime. The same can be said over here. Her claiming that Suji came up with the idea of getting adopted absolves her of any wrongdoings. In this case her aim is to probably convince Suji’s mother that since she isn’t to blame, she should drop the case against her since she would lose the case and also her daughter. This way everyone could go back to their normal lives without anyone catching on and still stay happy. I also suspect that is the reason why Suji’s name was changed. If Suji was still trying to wait for her mother to find her why have her name changed. That makes the job all that much harder. Someone had to probably convince her *Suji) that the name change was a good idea and it could only be effective if they were quite young at the time. Though it is quite possible that both statements could be true at the end of the day. For instance she convinced Suji to change her name for reasons XYZ. Suji may have then considered the options for a few days until giving her the response that worked to her advantage. Anyway, I am starting to doze off so I will end my post over here for the time being. Take care all of you and I am looking forward to both the next episodes and your theories/comments. Sorry about this.
  10. Okay this story secondary plot has just gotten disappointing. I am about to go on a rant over here so be warned. Look I get the fact that a story can have only so many variations to it before you end up telling the same story just change the names, locations and a few more things to call it a new story. If you don’t believe me, take a look at James Cameron blockbuster movie Avatar. At first glance it looks like a great Sci-Fi movie until someone pointed out that Disney did that first in their animated movie Pocahontas. But with totally different visuals add aliens and all James Cameron made it feel like a totally different movie but when you compare plot points you realize this isn’t the case. Now with K-Dramas we have come to see a lot of common points that we like to refer to as tropes. Examples of some of these can be seen in Birth Secrets, drunk scene depending on whether you are the main or secondary characters will often result in a piggy back ride or sleeping together and ending up pregnant respectively or the famous White Truck Of Doom. But when you simply recycle the plot from the previous drama so soon, I call that lazy. Perhaps after say 5-10 shows we had this plot repeated it wouldn’t have been an issue for me. Again, let me demonstrate my point. In the last drama a couple is divorced because of a misunderstanding (regarding an affair). The wife wants a divorce but mentions that she wants to raise her children and that she is going to return for them in a few days. Unfortunately, she ends up in an accident and when she returns, she discovers that her Ex Husband has not only moved away without warning and taken the children with him. It also turns out that the husband had informs her sister about his plans and even handed over some money to her so that His Ex could use it as alimony and perhaps to raise the kids. But the sister instead gives the money to her Ex Boyfriend (they were dating at that point) who is being hounded by loan sharks. So, she never reveals this to her sister who believes the worst of her Ex (well that and the fact that she considered that he cheated on her as well.) Now let’s look at what we have over here. Suji’s mother wants a divorce from her husband (no misunderstanding this time round though) because her husband was caught cheating on her. She makes the same request that she is leaving but she will return to take her daughter and raise her. She also ends up in an accident which results in her coming to late. The family also ends up relocating and her searching for her daughter. Though in this case she did arrive when they were still living but she is deceived by Na Young’s mother to give them a few more days before coming before the family and she then uses the time given to leave for the States. Now you may be wondering okay but the money plot hasn’t been reused. Wrong. Apparently, it turns out that the husband had some money in the safe which he was planning on giving to her as child support and all. But turns out that she ended up stealing the money because she was the one that was hounded by loan sharks. As you can see the plot points are so darn similar it is like the writers from the previous show and this one were sharing plot points or something. KBS should have noticed this earlier or someone else and brought it up. I get the fact that writers for dailies work differently, and a lot of things happen last minute but this is just wrong. Anyway, enough of the rant and let’s get on with the show itself. Some of you must be wondering how Na Young’s mother could have gotten away for so long with her stealing said money and no one brought up this point. This is actually partially explained in the latest episode. If anyone were to notice the missing money all she had to do was tell them that Suji’s mother showed up when nobody was at home, and she handed over the money to her. She may have had to figure out what lie to tell them if they asked her how she figured out the code to the safe. She could perhaps say that Suji’s mother told her that (assuming she did know it). They might believe her. She may have then further lied to them that Suji’s mother told her that she had nothing to do with their family and that she had moved on with her life so they should take care of Suji from this point. Hence the people in that house would believe that she had abandoned Suji at this point. The only way her lie would be discovered is if Suji’s mother suddenly appeared and exposed her lie by denying that she received any money at this point. Hence her reason for panicking when she saw her after the accident. Now someone suggested that Ara might be Uri’s daughter by his Ex. I think that the writer may be keeping that plotline open for the moment depending on how many episodes remain and if we get an extension (hopefully not). Because as of now there is already another issue for the two of them (Suji and Uri) to breakup. We know how in these shows the main leads have to break up at least once either due to some misunderstanding or noble idiocy on the part of the other. For instance, someone might try and guilt trip them into breaking up. But once the other party discovers this fact, they realize just how much the other cares for them and declares that they aren’t breaking up, but their feelings only grow stronger. So, for instance when Suji was dating Hyung Sun his father could have pointed out to Suji that he disapproves of her and if she continues to date Hyung Sun he is going to cut him out of the family and that she is going to be responsible for separating a child from their parents. Thankfully that didn’t happen but like I was saying that one of the reasons that the main leads could perhaps end up breaking up temporarily is Suji discovers that she is currently living with her biological mother (Na Young’s mother could be the one to reveal this fact in the hopes that she leaves the house). At this point one has to realize that she thinks that her mother is Uri’s mother. She isn’t aware that she has legally adopted him. So, she might think that she has fallen for her brother so she might want to break up without explaining her reasoning. Eventually either her mother or Uri is going to discover the actual reason and they will clear up their misunderstanding. Thus, they will end up back together. Then depending on how many episodes remain we might get the Ex to pop back up or the fact that Uri maybe Hyung Sun’s brother. Na Young will probably try and hide this fact so she will cause issues so that there are misunderstanding between them so that they don’t realize the truth etc... Na Young is still someone I have a hard time to get a read on. On one hand it seems like she is getting better then on the other hand she is back to old scheming methods. For instance, after seeing Hyung Sun’s muscles she seems to be physically attracted to him and then just when they feel a bit of a connection they are about to kiss. But she comes to her senses and stops him in time. Was she actually feeling guilt in that brief moment and realizes that she was doing something wrong. But then a few scenes later we see her take advantage of a situation. His mother calls her over for dinner. She then persuades Hyung Sun to show up knowing full well that he will see her and think that this is an amazing coincidence and all. She already knows that he is drawn towards her from that near kiss. This will allow them to get another step closer. His mother can already see the sparks between them. Just how real are they is the question. Oh, and speaking oh his mother I just can’t believe her. She tells her son that his father is having an Emotional Affair with Suji’s mother. She feels hurt because of that but my question here is just who exactly is to blame for said situation. Whenever her husband tries to communicate with her, she has an issue. The guy needs to express himself she herself fortunately has an outlet with her hospital’s psychology department what about her husband. Perhaps he should do the same. But are those sessions even working. Granted I get where she is partially coming from. It might not have been a major issue for her if he was seeing another guy to get his issues of his chest. But then again you never know she might have made an issue of that as well. Also, her accusing her husband that he deliberately brought Suji’s mother to his office for her to see. I am not a 100% sure what she was implying (i sort of do but at the same time don’t) but this again doesn’t make a lot of sense. For him to do that he must know that she was coming and how could he do that unless she contacted him beforehand about her arrival time. In other words, any misunderstanding is on her part because she refuses to have a civil conversation with her husband. Not only that she doesn’t want to divorce him because of her ego. Just because she can’t be happy, she doesn’t want the same for her husband and she thinks that she is punishing him. But what she doesn’t get is that she isn’t going to be happy either way. Once she gets a divorce, she may actually discover the things that are keeping her unhappy and find her own happiness instead of being stuck in the past. I think Hyung Sun’s father on the other hand is finally discovering that Suji is actually a better person than he thought. She after all was honest with him by pointing out that his son helped her out with her family debt and that once she is in a better financial position, she plans on paying him back. Also, the fact that she is done with him and how she left so abruptly on the engagement party day. Perhaps it can be a plot point in the future when he thinks that she might make the better DiL and gives her his approval only to be reminded that she has moved on as she pointed out earlier and she is happy in her current life. Granted that would make Na Young furious and we can get more plots where she is scheming to get him to hate her and Uri. Oh, and the part when Na Young orders the rack and tells Hyung Sun not to worry as she will manage. Then calls him over as she is having a hard time fixing it. The prop department should have done this better. They already provided her with an almost done shelf. What exactly did Hyung Sun have to do at this point. Tighten up some screws? Maybe if it was more in parts I wouldn’t have an issue. Time saving points correct. Rapper Brother at least is the only one in his family that is decent at this point. He is realizing just how much trouble his father is going through to keep the family together. Secretly doing another job. That he is helping him out over here as well. I was really hoping to see more time with him and Doori but he just doesn’t have time. He is definitely growing from when he started out. Doori acting cute and faking to be his girlfriend just didn’t work. Don’t get me wrong sure she looks pretty and all it is just that cute tone these characters tend to use that bugs me. Again, if they might have been younger like little kids I might be able to bare with it. But not when they are adults like this. Still, it was so satisfying to see Rapper Brother finally beat his rival in something. Perhaps we can see more of him teaming up with Doori. Like I said she seems to be a positive affect on him. I don’t like the fact that Na Young’s mother has spotted Suji’s mother with the Uncle because this will further justify her earlier claims that Sujis mother has left the family for another man and she is living happily with them. Another reason to cause misunderstanding between her former family and think that she abandoned Suji. It isn’t like the others in that family will go and confront those two. I am just waiting till the truth is exposed. Perhaps we should have a poll at this point on what will happen to Na Youngs mother when they do. With possible answers. Nothing (She will come up with a lie) She will get kicked out of the house (allowing her to return in the future) She will get divorced Something Else. Speaking of her she is so insistent on wanting to make Hyung Sun her future SiL. Perhaps she is simply looking out for her family in her own twisted way. But my question is what she is going to do when she discovers that Na Young has been pursuing him. Will she eventually let it slide after all she is still getting him as part of the family or will she try and break them up. Clearly, she is going to initially scold her for trying to steal her sister’s man. Until Na Young will point out that those two were over and Suji has no interest in getting back with him and that she has her own love interest at this point as well. That might go well until she realizes just whose son Uri actually is. She will then try and break them up because Suji’s mother is bound to be involved and she can’t allow that. Okay I will end my post over here. So, till then take care all of you and let’s see how the show pans out. Surprisingly the morning daily got faster subs than the latest episode for over here. Not that it matters. We still got it in one day. So, all is good.
  11. Oh, I love a good guessing game. Though if I am being honest my memory just isn’t as good as it once was. After reading some of the clues it feels like I might know some of the answers while others are either no clue since I have probably not watched said dramas or I might have but the name sadly eludes me at the moment. Anyway, here are my guesses. Let’s see how many I manage to get correct. 1.
  12. So after watching the latest episodes I am going to go with the scene when the main leads are drunk and are having a blast. To the point that even Doori records their actions as evidence. I do wonder as kids did, they end up watching/reading the same things because the coordination to do all that totally drunk is amazing. They were on the same page. Though the rest of the drunken act was just as equally entertaining. I guess to avoid such embarrassment it probably is best to avoid alcohol altogether especially when you are having a rough time. Now moving back to points that seem to confirm certain plot points. Yes, I know this is repetitive but please bare with me. Let’s start with Hyung Sun’s parents and their constant fights. She blames him for being responsible for losing someone important to her. To which he tells her that while he understands her feelings in regarding this, she also knows that he didn’t really have a lot of choice in said matter or in other words she is being a bit unreasonable over here. What does this imply. This probably means that if a person close to her was lost it could either have been her father or a child. Which we can probably assume to be Uri. I do have a small issue with this part which I will get into later. Now whether the child was his or not is also another story altogether. For instance, she could have discovered that she was pregnant before marrying him but the person she wanted to be with something happened ie he died or went missing. This meant that her other alternative would have been the choice that her father chose for her. Though considering that this isn’t a revenge drama and we have had no inkling of her past love I am hesitant to confirm this part. As for him we can safely assume that he either tried his best to protect the important person but got sidetracked somehow. Perhaps he might have performed a surgery, but some unforeseen complications resulted in the person dying. Now while he isn’t responsible for any of it, he probably has been living with the guilt of losing said person. Another thing that was heavily hinted in the last episode was Uri and that he was adopted at a young age. This can be seen when he went to the orphanage and the sister over there mentions how well he has grown up. Now while this could easily mean that she has seen him when he was young considering the fact that his mother (Suji’s Mother) has been showing up to said orphanage for the last 20 years or so and preparing food for them. So, it is possible she brought him along. Or this is a bit more likely she ended up adopting both him and Doori from said orphanage. How the two of them ended up over here is what we need to find out. Now my issue with Uri being Hyung Sun’s parents’ child. Don’t get me wrong we have K-Drama tropes which might indicate this. Just like how I predicted in Elegant Empire that Puppy Oppa could have been related to corrupt politician back then and was surprisingly right for a change. I might just get into said tropes over here as well if I have time. Anyway, back to the point that I was making. If he was the said child, how was he separated from his parents and just how old everyone was back then. Hyung Sun is clearly the eldest in that family, yet he seems to be unaware of the fact that he had a younger sibling. Had this show been like the one where we had Thunderbolt Love, and the female leads mother kidnapped the elder sister in her quest for revenge it could have been understandable. Though in that case the second female lead was still aware of the fact that she had a missing older sister due to her mother blaming her for the daughter/sister going missing. So, unless Hyung Sun was also a baby I could sort of understand this. But does this mean that there is only a single year’s difference between him and Uri. We know that they are roughly the same age considering the interactions between Suji and Hyung Sun. She refers to him as Sunbae which clearly means Senior. Indicating that he was also probably a year ahead of her in their school and also possibly a year older than her. Uri on the other hand is clearly in the same age and school year as Suji (even though they probably studied elsewhere). This can be seen that they are currently in the same position at their current hospital. If she was his senior, he could also be referring to her as a Sunbae. This shows that rank wise they are in the same department. The only reason for him to refer to her as his senior would be because she was currently serving in their current hospital before him. Since we aren’t getting any of that we can safely assume that they are the same age. So once again how did Uri get separated from his family and how is it that Hyung Sun doesn’t remember him. As for why Uri and Doori were adopted together could be for the following reason. Back at the orphanage she was way to attached to Uri that to separate them would be to cruel which resulted in their mother deciding to adopt the both of them. The other thing could be a mere coincidence. Either they both somehow ended up being left or finding their way at the orphanage at the same time. Which resulted in them relying on each other. But if they were both left at the same time it could be possible that the orphanage might have thought that they were siblings. It isn’t like they would bother with doing a DNA test to verify this fact. I am starting to feel sorry for Suji’s mother because of a misunderstanding between her and Hyung Sun’s mother. There is definitely going to be a sort of rivalry between the two. As we have seen so far Mari (Hyung Sun’s mother) can be really unreasonable especially when it comes to her husband. He is partially to blame over here mind you but at the end of the day they both are at fault. So, in this case she incorrect assumes that there is something going on between her husband and Suji’s mother. This is due to him constantly frequenting that restaurant and then it didn’t help when she questioned about his whereabouts in this episode only to find out that he was out fishing and then he ended up in the same orphanage. She also noticed how Suji’s mother was smiling towards her husband. Now what she doesn’t realize is that any feeling that her husband might have could be one sided and if she has an issue confront Suji’s mother civilly. Instead, we all know how that is going to turn out. Not only this but the uncle’s sister has asked the director numerous times to bring his wife along. Now if he doesn’t do this after all he is the one at fault. Again, since she isn’t talking out her problems, we know that when she does confront Suji’s mother it will be with hostility since she doesn’t seem to be aware of what happened between the two. She probably thinks that the mother deliberately charmed her way over here, but her pride won’t let her confront her at the moment. The other thing why they will end up as rivals even briefly is because like I mentioned she will feel like Suji’s mother is trying to steal/take away everything that belongs to her. We have seen in the recent episode that she has been also donating to the same orphanage as Suji’s mother. Probably for the same reason she is doing as well. Not that she knows this. Regardless as we witnessed in todays episode all the kids suddenly left her the moment Suji’s mother showed up. She could easily feel like Suji’s mother is deliberately trying to take away everything that is important to her and her so called life. The only time she may regret her actions might be when she discovers that Uri is her long lost son and that Suji’s mother has been raising her all along. Then again knowing how she is she might just blame Suji’s mother for keeping them apart. Sorry folks but I don’t like Hyung Sun anymore. Sure, I felt that he was a bit too nice in previous episodes and that he could be a bit misunderstood even in his actions to help Suji. But now I can see his obsession for Suji take another level altogether. The way he insists that Suji is going to be his no matter what or the fact that he can’t see him lose her to Uri. He is also not respecting her wishes to be left alone. This indicates that he doesn’t see her as a person at this point but rather than as an object that he must acquire at all costs. It is possible that he was attracted to her because he could sense her misery/tragedy and that was something that he was going through as well. But now he needs to let go. I guess in someways Na Young might just be good for him. It does seem like he is actually opening up to her and it seems like it is more than with Suji. So, i am going to assume that at some point Na Young is genuinely going to fall for him rather than scam her way into said marriage. (pretend to love him). Naturally his obsession over Suji might continue to fuel her hatred/frustration towards Suji as well. With her it is hard to know just when she is being genuine and when she is faking it. For instance, once she finds out that Uri actually has feelings for Suji she tells him just before leaving that she wishes the two of them success in regards to said feelings. Now here is the thing knowing her competitive spirit and her wanting to acquire everything that Suji has she would have tried to break them apart as well. She didn’t do that instead she is still focusing on winning over Hyung Sun. This says a lot. While clearly wanting to get Hyung Sun makes more sense since he is clearly well off this means an upgrade in her life compared to being with Uri. So by her logic it could be that as long as Suji and Uri are busy focused as a couple then that would mean that Suji won’t try and get back with Hyung Sun freeing him up with her. Hence her wishes could be genuine. Of course it could also mean that once she has won Hyung Sun over and perhaps even gotten married to him she will try and get rid of Uri for a few reasons and all. Anyway, while i have more to add I will end my post here for the time being. I am running low on my laptop battery so while I will go and charge it, I will try and experiment with baking some eggless cookies and also try and make a small batch of sugar free since my last experiment with them didn’t go so well. So, wish me luck and the rest of you enjoy said show and keep posting. In my next post I will try and bring up some tropes to see how Uri can be part of Hyung Sun’s family. Let’s see how many of them will turn out to be true by then.
  13. Let us start of with the fact that they finally revealed who was responsible for the separation between Suji and her mother. It doesn’t really come as a surprise though because if we used the process of elimination, we really had two main suspects that had the most to gain from this. For the chairman there were two possible routes why he could have done this. Which I have already pointed out so you can feel free to skip. The first one was that she (Sujis mother) was his first love, and he found a way for him to be with her and keep her happy at the same time. Now how much of her being his first love remains to be seen. But we do know for a fact that she is someone that he is currently infatuated with. We just don’t know since when. Either way he could have tried to cut a deal with the family if this was true. The other reason was the fact that her accident was. You know what it really doesn’t matter or make sense completely so we will move on the culprit itself. Na Young’s mother on the other hand had the most to gain back then. As I pointed out she was a single mother who either had to raise the child on her own if Suji’s mother returned and as her experience with Na Young, she must have realized just how difficult this was going to be. Or she would end up losing her son altogether. As we noticed the grandmother volunteered to have Suji’s mother raise the child. Again, something a parent wouldn’t want. So, it makes sense that she would try and prevent Suji and her mother to reunite. Even to this day when she pointed out she saw her, and the grandmother brought her up. She was like why do you still see her as your DiL and will accept her back if she were to return. Also, she had no intention of letting the two meet as we saw in the latest episode. She was fully aware that the family was going to move out in a few days because there is no way they could have packed otherwise in just 3-4 days and left the country. Of course, one thing that I don’t really get is why she wouldn’t want to simply let Suji’s mother take Suji and leave. It couldn’t be because Suji was the breadwinner at the time since she was a mere kid then and she isn’t a fortune teller and predict the future. Suji actually leaving should have been good for her back then. Not only does she not have to raise a child that doesn’t belong to her, but her rival won’t also be returning as she has no reason to do so at this point. Unless it turns out that Suji is really sick and needs a transplant from someone in her family. But again, unless she is a fortune teller she can’t know if this will even ever happen. If she was afraid that the mother could come for money in the future or try and use Suji as a bargaining chip, she could have the family agree to sign a document (the mother included) preventing her from doing so. Problem solved. Come to think about it after watching Na Young I wonder if there is anything that her mother says that is actually true. For instance, she claims that her husband cheated with her when things were going well for his company. Okay this might be true, or she might be trying to justify her actions. Her daughter is going after a man who is clearly not interested in her. So, she is trying to win him over through trickery. What if her mother was the one that ended up seducing Suji’s father instead of the other way around. Mostly because of two reasons. Firstly it would help her raise Na Young in a better environment. But also, due the second reason which would have been jealousy. We have seen just how Na Young is towards Suji. This could be trait that was subconsciously transferred to her as well. Either way her jealousy could stem from the fact that her friend seems to have gotten married into a well of family and where she is also happy. But she on the other hand has a husband/boyfriend who is either dead or just not bothered about his own family resulting in her having a hard life. If she wants one she will have to take it from someone else. Finally, in the whodunit game we can rule out Na Young as a suspect. I know that we like to like to blame her for everything that goes wrong with the main leads or her family, but she was really way to young back then. And if someone did believe her if she said something like Suji’s mother was never part of the family or something along those lines, perhaps that nobody by that name lived in said house. Then they were total idiots. But that is a story for another day. Speaking of her I really don’t understand her current plan. Perhaps I am just not that smart or even close to Jarrod’s’ Pretender level skill set. But a lot of things she is doing just don’t make sense logically without us knowing her thinking process. Sure, I can explain some of the things she is doing but they are more like temporary measures. For instance, she is pursuing Hyung Sun but what is her end game. As of now she hasn’t revealed to him that she is Suji’s sister. This makes sense since he would never fall for her and would always consider her as his SiL. So, this part of the deception as of now makes sense. But eventually when they decide to become serious, and marriage talks come up. How does she plan on avoiding this fact. A family meeting needs to happen, and his parents have already met Suji’s family and they are clearly against them for good reason. Even if they may like Suji as a person or not. In this case they would certainly oppose the two of them. The only way that she therefore has to avoid this situation is to either play the orphan card or hire fake actors to pose as her parents. But like I have pointed out these are merely temporary measures does she think that she can keep her secret hidden forever and what does she plan on doing so when she gets exposed. They could charge her with fraud, or something along those lines perhaps even ask for a divorce. Though this is not the only thing that doesn’t make sense in regards to her plans (will try and come up with some excuses that she can possibly come up in her defence in a bit to explain her situation). The other thing was what we saw in the recent episode. She asks Hyung Sun out for dinner then she provides him with so called home cooked meal. Which was in reality all store bought. Naturally the food is going to taste well. But again, what is she going to do if after marriage he asks her to cook something for him and his family. Even if she gets away with it temporarily she may eventually get caught and the fact will be revealed that she can’t cook. Now in regards to her so called defence if she ever gets caught at least in regards to the fact that she lied about being an orphan and is related to Suji. I can probably see her claim that for all intent and purposes that is what she felt like. Everyone in her family ignored her and all they were focused on was Suji and how great she was. This would certainly qualify her for some pity points. For the food she might initially try and get out of the fact that they have a house servant, so she has no real reason to do so. If she is ever forced to do so and she cooks something, and it doesn’t taste great she can always claim that she was never really good at it and just attempted to make food. The only way that she is getting caught in this part of the lie is if she has to make something that she claimed to have prepared previously and it tastes totally different. The other way has to be that she needs to smuggle the food inside so that she can pretend that it is her own but someone catches the delivery person or she has insufficient time to hide the boxes which contained the food. Now let’s move on to her current thing that she did. Meeting up with Suji and so called apologizing to her as well. At first, I thought that she was using this as an excuse to meet her then secretly stalk her to find out where she lived and then try and use this fact to her advantage. Surprisingly she didn’t do that. Her apology on the other hand if someone were to ask just how genuine it was. I am going to say that was probably 40% the remaining 60% was her fishing for information of sorts. She wants to be happy and there is nothing really wrong with that. Just her way going about it is questionable. In this case she asked about Suji’s relationship with Hyung Sun and whether she may have been responsible for them breaking up. After confirming the fact that Suji had broken up and probably had no intent of getting back with him or the fact that she wasn’t responsible for breaking them up. Leads to the fact that she doesn’t need to feel guilty in regards to pursuing Hyung Sun at this point. This means that he is not only fair game at this point since he is single but most importantly, she can’t be accused of cheating on/with him at this point. She also wasn’t the reason for the breakup so she can’t be further blamed along this line as well. As I pointed out she can use all of this for her defence. If anyone does bring up the point of how wrong, it was to chase after a man that dated her sister she can use ignorance as her defence. Firstly, she can claim that she never knew this fact as she had never met Hyung Sun prior to moving into the apartment next to his. Which is partially true. Whenever he showed up, she was either not in the house or not in the same room. The only time that they did sort of meet was at the hospital when she came over to see Uri and the other time was when she was crying with him at a bar. I don’t recall if Hyung Sun saw her fact that one time but still. So, it sort of works. Now people can be wondering how Hyung Sun doesn’t recognize Na Yeong from both those times or when she held the press conference and when the video of her kneeling towards Suji and attempting to take her life after said conversation went viral. I have an explanation in regard to that. Just how possible that is, remains to be seen. If this theory has any holes in it be free and try and help us patch them up. Like I mentioned Hyung Sun only briefly managed to glance at her at best during those times. Also to note is the fact that since he is obsessed with Suji, he isn’t going to be bothered with any other women around him. So, it makes sense that he wouldn’t really notice her back then. When the two videos were released, he again was more focused on Suji rather than the person in the video. Nor did he care to discover the truth, so he didn’t try and meet her and get an explanation. In other words, he never really saw her. Her hairstyle and wardrobe change further helps confuse him at this point. Now someone might be wondering by saying that Na Young was a sort of celebrity even prior to this and he still didn’t recognize her. I would argue and say that just because you may have seen a celebrity you may not always recognize them right of the bat unless you watch a lot of shows that they are in. For instance, lets take a drama where a character maybe a regular character in said show but you probably would never have noticed them in some of their previous works where they were a side character and think ah this is the first time watching them. The same can be said for Na Young apart from her so called small fan base who is going to actually recognize her. She could have become more famous had she taken those deals that shows were offering her after the news conference, but she had enough shame to refuse them. This serves well for plot purposes as well. Now in an earlier post I wondered why the chairman decided to leave his post at the hospital when he worked so long and hard for it. On one hand it doesn’t really make a lot of sense. But after carefully considering a few things, it sort of does. According to the little backstory that we have been given of him and his wife we can gather the following fact. He was a promising doctor back in the day. But he wasn’t well off. His wife on the other hand was influential to the point that her family was the one that owned the current hospital. Now let us look at two statements that he has also made in a few episodes and what they could imply. Firstly, he pointed out that he genuinely loved his wife and that he had no ulterior motives in marrying her. Such as going after her family wealth. Secondly, he told her that he was her husband and not her servant. With both these points assuming that they are genuine we can gather that he worked extremely hard to get the hospital where it currently is because he wanted to keep his wife and her family happy. While it would certainly help him live a comfortable life that was probably a secondary goal for him at this point. But there comes a point in a person’s life if he doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves then he will have enough and will want to leave. Him being treated as someone as someone with no value and as a servant of sorts would be more than enough to leave that place. also him wanting an uncontested divorce further attests to his claims that he married her out of genuine feelings towards her and had no ulterior motives back then. Otherwise he could demand that the hospital be left to him as part of the settlement or something along those lines. Since he doesn’t do any of that he might actually be genuine. There is certainly the question about him and his feelings towards Suji’s mother but like I pointed out it isn’t clear whether she was his first love, or he started to develop so called feelings towards her after his wife started to give him the cold shoulder. Also, in case people were wondering when he might have been treated as a servant by his wife. Just look at one of the episodes when his decisions were looked down upon or not even considered. This was seen when there was the hospitals X year anniversary function. He had a full thing planned out when his wife suddenly popped in and told him that they were going to scrap the majority of his plans and instead go with her plan. While I do agree that some of the points that she brought up were valid I am sure that there could have been better ways to handle it. In fact, after Hyung Sun pointed out that what she did was wrong she realized it and they had a pretty civil discussion in regards of how the hospital should move ahead. She even considered one of his suggestions. So, I think that there may actually be some hope for them down the line. Though I don’t feel like they are going to get a happy ending at this point. Too much damage has been done. Any feelings that they might have had in the past for each other are probably long gone at this point. So, this could mean that they will indeed get that divorce by the end of the show, but they will have made their peace and leave on better terms. Perhaps they might also end up meeting each other on a few other occasions. Their grandson’s birthday or something similar. At this point the meetings are going to be cordial at best since their differences will have been hopefully resolved by this point. No I still don’t see him ending up with Suji’s mother at this point. Someone over here asked why Suji was hiding in a kimchi pot. Blame that on Uri. Apparently, his co-workers decided to have a meal at his family’s restaurant. (not aware of his connection to it). Since Suji is working part time at the restaurant to make ends meet, they would have discovered her there. So, to hide her and also to avoid unnecessary explanations he decided to hide her. Considering that anyone could see inside the kitchen it had to be somewhere they wouldn’t spot her. I am guessing that since people had known Suji for a long time, they would have recognized her even with that mask on her face. He did try and move them to one of the serving rooms which would have allowed Suji to move out and perhaps hide in her room until they left. Unfortunately for him all of the serving rooms were occupied and he was forced to hide her in the first place that he could think of which just so happened to be the kimchi jar. Before I end my post for the time being. Someone posted a video of the main leads performing in a music variety show. Just how recent is that. Either way they both seemed to have a lot of fun which is just as important, and they both could sing well. Not surprising for Suji but as for him. As for the delays in the episodes coming out, I just don’t get it. Some suggested that it was perhaps due to licencing issues. But that doesn’t make sense. If I was going to licence a show I would do so for the entire show. Now I do understand that ratings make or break a show which results in extensions or in rare cases cancellation. So, we can’t be sure just how many episodes are going to be released. But here is the thing when we have watched so many shows we know just by the time zone it is in how many episodes it will get. So at least when it comes to KBS World this show is going to get 120 episodes while In Cold Blood is going to probably get 100 episodes minimum. Unless like I pointed out we get a few extensions. This means that they should licence a deal for those base numbers as a minimum episode at least with a clause for possible extensions if necessary. As for delays in technical reasons is something that also doesn’t make sense. The recording and editing is done by the respective studios/company and they need to simply hand it over in a timely manner to whoever has the licence to air it as well. If it is a matter of subbing the show at this point they should just hire enough workers for this job and if they feel like they can’t keep up with the load then don’t take on new projects. Anyway, now that I have gotten this off my chest, I will end my post over here for the time being. So, all of you take care and keep posting. Let’s see how this show continues. We have finally moved into the second act of this show. Then it will start to get a bit slow and repitive by the third act. Also is the preview of the next episode deceptive once again or will Na Young finally take advantage of Hyung Sun’s vulnerable state. What do you folks think. Should we perhaps hold a vote on this point. Come to think about it why does Na Young’s mother even want to be in the promotional video of the rolls that they are selling. Now that we know that she was responsible for separating Suji and her mother from meeting she should do her best not to alert her as to where they live. If both she and her husband show up in a video it will be easier for someone to try and trace them down. Rapper Bro is the best choice since nobody is going to recognize him at this point. I guess it shows just how vain and smart she really is. Anyway really ending my post for the time being. Will add more points later on. Take care all of you.
  14. Probably knowing how K-Dramas and their predictable formulas work. Some people are even speculating this. I am going for a wait and see. I want to base my decision after collecting a few more facts. But like I said the probability is quite high and the show will like to prove me wrong or right depending on the day. Well the show is out on one of the unofficial sites which I won't be mentioning due to the forum rules but I would assume that this would mean that the official ones should be out. I will be watching said episode in a few hours because I have been sidetracked by some personal work. from the preview clips it seems to be interesting and I can hardly wait to check it out.
  15. Darn I forgot to vote for Uncontrollably Fond. Surprisingly I have not watched a lot of the dramas mentioned over here. Most that I have watched I didn't really have any major issues with them. The Ones that I did are surprisingly not on this list. So I am going to start of with them over here and why. The first one is A Tale Of Two Sisters. this writer automatically became the first writer that I banned. They probably decided to do something different from the standard K-Drama Tropes I guess. Perhaps that is why I failed them. Clearly they don't know that the main leads should end up together and have their happily ever after. So over here the male lead ends up single (especially because the second female lead ends up passing away near the end.) Just when she got herself redeemed. The female lead ends up marrying the Second Male lead and well you can see my issue with the Main Lead. so yes not a show I would recommend to anyone. The Second One surprisingly aired after this show. It is Melody Of Love The show was going okay I guess until it decided to get an extension. After that things were introduced which if you come to realize just didn't match with what we had been previously shown. Consistency should be very important and this just failed over here. I can forgive a few mishaps here and there but when you have a lot of them going on. Sorry but then it is time to move on. For instance it is revealed that the female leads family was conned by a person. It isn't until much later on that it is revealed that the person happens to be the male leads uncle and the judge that favored the decision for the uncle happened to be the main leads father. Nothing strange at first until you realize that the female leads father met the main leads father way back because he happened to be friends with the second male leads father. (the whole everyone is connected trope). At that time neither of them realized who the other one was. Do you honestly expect us to believe that you have forgotten the face of the judge that caused you such injustice but remember the face of the con artist. Sorry but things don't add up over here. There were other issues as well but this isn't the place to bring them up. The Third and Final one (though this gave me more issues than the second one) but it did come after the second one. anyway it is Save The Family Pretty much the same issue with the first one. I really started to dislike the main lead in this show. Boy was he so flip floppy over here. First he is with the second female lead then decides to break up with her. Which I am going to agree was partially her fault. He starts to find happiness with the female lead until something happens and he breaks up with her. Not an issue until he decides to get back with the second female lead. Ouch. Oh and he knows that it is a bad idea so he needs to get drunk to propose to her since he probably wouldn't do it when he was sober or needed liquid courage. Not sure who would accept such a proposal but the Second Female Lead loves it and accepts it right of the bat. Then we have the entire Soy Sauce Drama later on which is developed by the female leads family and is stolen by the Second Female Lead and the end resolution to it. So yes this is another drama that I would probably tell people to avoid. Now as for some of the dramas that were mentioned. Vagabond. While I won't lie it was certainly interesting with a few good lines even. It had a major issue. A good story had a beginning, a middle and an ending. Problem here was that the ending and the beginning were the same. Now I get that we have a story that ends full circle and if done properly this won't be an issue. Sadly over here we still have a lot of questions remaining. A simple solution over here would be to either give us a movie special which ties up the lose ends or give us a second season that resolves these issues properly. Also don't give us totally brand new characters without handling the old stories. Yes I am looking at Season 2 of Iris and Dream High. things don't match up and those that we still have questions in regards to some of the characters that were previously introduced. Perhaps they might have been aiming for a season 3 I don't know. Uncontrollably Fond Was okay I. Again I just didn't like the sad ending. Though it was still probably better than the drama Big which wasn't on this list. Gu Family Book I Predicted who was going to die with 100% accuracy for a change and when I revealed who it was (mind you before watching said episode) I was accused of spoiling the show for others. I should have probably better explained my reasoning but I won't complain being kicked out from that site. The ending was decent and if they ever want to revisit that world they have left a nice opening for it. Again I just hope that they don't ruin the other season. Manhole and 49 Days I feel that both of these stories were neatly wrapped up. but then again it was ages since I watched them that I may have been mistaken. Sure the female lead had to pass away but I still felt like she made enough of a difference between the people she left behind and the twist of whose body she was inhabiting. I did like Grim Reaper Granny in that show. Riding a Motorcycle. Now that is a Grim Reaper that knows how to have fun. King The Eternal Monarch Overall was okay I guess. I love the concept of parallel dimensions and all. The ending was decent. Perhaps they could one day make a special of the worlds the main leads decide to travel and visit. also how they interact with their doppelgangers for extra fun. mostly the female lead. Can we please have a team up with them. Rugal Now I wouldn't say that I was traumatized by the ending over here. But I would again love to see a second season for this show. Frankly it can be a never ending show as they can always try and bring in new and interesting villains of the week over here. Perhaps bring in a rival agency who uses similar agents and have them clash with the main characters. perhaps even get a cameo of Lee Majors. So much potential. but overall my verdict over here is that the main case was wrapped up perfectly from what I recall. The main lead was learning to get better control over his eyes and the AI in them. The banter was nice and he was going after small time crooks (I say small time compared the big bad that they were after in the show). But it would still have been nice to see a reunion of the team at some point. anyway this covers my post. but yes the top 3 dramas that I mentioned certainly gave me issues with K-Dramas. Even after considering K-Drama Logic and all. Have any of you seen those dramas and what are your thoughts regarding them.
  16. For starters I am glad that the father made the correct choice of not accepting Hyung Sun’s deal and most of the family supported it and his reasoning. The only one that didn’t was unsurprisingly his wife. While she may have a point that he is only considering his daughters feelings and not her own as she is suffering by having eczema and how tiring it is to prepare the rolls. But what she doesn’t seem to realize is that everyone needs to pitch in to help run the house. Her son at least seems to have started is growth into maturity. He has stopped some of his wasteful expenditures courtesy of Doori and her influence on him. Anyway, as I was saying the mother if she feels like she can’t prepare the ingredients she needs to look for alternate ways to help out with the family finances. Moving on let’s talk about the Na Young situation. So, it seems like she is still sticking with her original plan to win over Hyung Sun. Be there for him and when she feels like she has made some progress suddenly disappear forcing him to make first contact with her. She isn’t taking advantage of him being drunk and attempting to get pregnant like some of the drama characters do. Or at least she is claiming this to be the case. Let’s see what happens next in regards to this. In a way this ploy makes sense because even if she blackmails him into marrying her with the exposure of a scandal or emotionally by pointing out that they should take care of the child as it is equally their responsibility and all. It won’t be real, and he could easily dump her later on. This ensures that he will be faithful to her and have genuine feelings towards her. The other thing I want to bring up is the fact that the mother pointed out that both her daughters left home together and how she at least threatened Na Young that if she didn’t hear from her, she would report her missing. Hyung Sun actually suggested that they do that for Suji as well. Now if I am being technical Na Young could have simply messaged her mother that she was fine and perhaps sent her picture proving so. The mother never asked for her address. Okay now let’s get a bit practical. In both cases where she threatened to report her as missing and Hyung Sun’s for Suji I have to ask is that even possible. Again, I don’t know how law works but would the police even take this case seriously. They could easily point out that since both women are adults, they can take care of themselves and have moved out so the family shouldn’t worry. Granted both of them should have informed their family before doing so. I would therefore assume that the police can’t really do anything over here and their hands are tied in this case. It would make more sense for them to investigate the case if Ara was missing since she is a minor and she can’t fend for themselves. @kboramint Technically only Na Young moved out of that house. Suji never really moved into the house due to the shortage of rooms. She told her family that she was planning on temporarily using the hospitals night rooms for the time being because of this so they shouldn’t worry about her. Then the scandals broke out which resulted in her being forced to leave. Even then she was living in Hyung Sun’s apartment which he informed her family, so they didn’t need to worry about. As for Na Young she did leave and how she can afford not only the apartment but a whole new wardrobe. According to her the clothes are more like an investment and the place is on rent. I suggested earlier that it might have been possible for her to take out a loan for some of these things. Also, it is safe to assume that she had some money stashed away since she was working. So, dipping into said pool makes sense. She also didn’t pay for the moving expenses or finding their current house. As for why Suji is so broke and can’t afford an expensive apartment like Na Young. I am going to say the following. We have to remember that thanks to her father being scammed she was the one that had to clear that mess up. She also took out loans to cover some of this. I would assume that she has maxed out on her loans so she can’t take out anymore. Rapper Brother has also pointed out that back when he was immature, he got into a few fights, and she had to pay for the settlement damages. Indicating that she did have money issues. Not only that the scam even forced her to sell of her car for funds indicating her issues. Na Young on the other hand probably didn’t have a credit issue and if it was her first time she probably could have gotten the loan or she bought said items on credit with the hopes of scoring big once she marries into Hyung Suns family. Hyung Sun’s mother seems to realize that her husband still has some influence, and she is resorting to spying on him. Though I am again confused because it seems like I may have missed something over here as well. He mentioned that Hyung Sun should return home and when he does, he will leave it. As far as I could tell he didn’t mention anything about leaving the hospital. Also, why should he. Leaving home when he is already in an unhappy marriage is one thing. He may have thought that he had a chance to salvage it. But once he discovered the fact that not only had his wife drawn divorce papers but had done so 30 years ago it shows to him that she has no intention to reconcile. At this point he really doesn’t have any motivation to stay in said relationship. He did point out that he genuinely married her out of love and not for greed. How much of that is actually true remains to be seen. Anyway, returning to the point of him leaving the hospital on the other hand doesn’t make sense. As his wife pointed out he has been running it for so long that he is critical at this point. It is live his child where he has invested his blood and sweat so there is no reason for him to even suggest that he will leave it. Granted some of his methods might clash with the foundation that his wife is running but that is a story for another day. The house rules that Suji received, and someone brought up may not make a whole lot of sense but frankly I think it makes a lot of sense and to be fair most of them were even reasonable. So, let’s get into this point. When you move into a rented place it is more than understandable that you need to abide by whatever rules the homeowner’s place. for instance, it can be as simple as having no pets or who pays the utility bills. So, this means that either the utilities are included in the bill (the owner calculates how much a person can spend and adjusts the bill in such a way) or the rent and utilities are separate, and the renter has to pay both. Now in this case Suji moved into the house without being aware of any rules that they may have set (clearly because there weren’t any) and she could therefore argue that since this wasn’t in their contract she isn’t required to do so. It would get really complicated and she really doesn’t want to do that at this point. now while I don’t remember each of the rules that her mother set up, I can tell that only two seemed to be a little off. Now for starters let’s look at some of the more reasonable ones. She had to have at least one meal with them, clean the dishes at least once a week and clean the house/restaurant also once a week. Now these there can be argued that if she even had a meal one time in the house then she automatically becomes eligible for the one week dish washing. She may not feel well enough to go out and get some on her own or has problems with her funds. This helps her out. Same for the cleaning. Since she is living in that house even if it is a separate room. While she can argue over here that is the only part, she really needs to keep clean. It really doesn’t hurt her to put in a little extra effort and help the rest of the family clean the rest of the place up. Yes, if she had to do it entirely on her own on a random day then she would have a right to complain. Okay now that we have covered these three points. Let us move to the two points that I would agree could seem unreasonable to her. She even brought up one of them. The first one was that they had to help out at the farm at least once and the weekly family meeting. Now I could give this one a small pass if the farm was connected to their current house so they could argue that it come in the house maintenance. But since it is far away, she could bring this point up. Instead, she brought up the point that since she isn’t actually part of the family (since nobody is aware of the birth secret over here) why should she attend the family meeting. It really shouldn’t concern her. The mother tried to justify that isn’t really how you define a family. Considering her situation, it makes sense but practically Suji is correct. Oh, come to think about the mother and her current family situation. Uri and his sister are registered as part of her family, but Suji isn’t. Convenient isn’t it because otherwise this would make it that Suji and Uri are related as siblings and that would mean that they couldn’t end up together unless the show decides to take a page from My Lovely Enemy. This way they get a chance at their own love story and happiness. @tulip06 I agree with you it was probably dumb of Suji to try and meet up with Na Young. It is totally possible that she will decide to secretly follow her and see where she lives and when she discovers that it is with Uri. She can reveal it to Hyung Sun. Most probably indirectly depending on what role the writer is going for. For instance, she can suggest that she has heard that the restaurant serves really good food so he should try and treat her over there for reason X. Once there she needs to time it when she knows that Uri is going to be there and two make some sort of scene where he sees Suji as well. Hyung Sun once he sees this will feel betrayed and perhaps even think that they were hiding this for a reason. (she was having an affair with Uri or something along those lines) same for him. Once he will be devastated, she will be there to pick up the pieces. Perhaps this time take advantage of him being drunk. He might suddenly remember that Uri was her supposed boyfriend, and she might use this to her advantage. @africandramalover I am going to disagree with you over here. Apologies in advance. I certainly don’t want Suji’s mother to end up with the hospital chairman. Sure, that would be an issue for Hyung Sun to end up with Suji. But we really can’t be one to judge why he is unhappy in his current marriage. His wife clearly blames him for something. Whether or not that is justified remains to be seen. While he may deserve to be happy so does his wife. I do agree that if they are both happy just go for a divorce at this point. The wife is certainly being unreasonable from what we can currently tell. But we all know that there has to be some sort of backstory in regards to this. Perhaps for all we know Hyung Sun isn’t his biological child. Plot Twist I know. But let’s face it we shouldn’t be surprised at this point. Also, something that I found odd was how his wife told him to get on board with their son’s decision because otherwise she would lose him and if that were to happen, she wouldn’t forgive her husband. He was the only thing that she was currently living for, and she wouldn’t let it slide if her husband took this away from her as well. This means that something major has happened between the two. Like we have been shown at her fathers remains she also prays for the soul of another person. We can safely assume that this was the person that was taken away from her and she holds her husband responsible for this. Aka a missing child. Anyway, let’s just end this post over here for the time being. So, take care all of you and do keep posting your theories because I feel like some of you bring some really interesting points. Some that I may have even missed.
  17. @ladyda I think that I may need to update my browser because I can’t seem to see the GIFs that you have made. Sorry. Someone mentioned about Na Youngs obsession with Suji/Hyung Sun and taking advantage of him being drunk etc... Let’s be honest over here this really shouldn’t come as a surprise at this point. Someone over here posted that she might do something along those lines and if one comes to think about it, we realize that she really didn’t have a lot of other options. As we have clearly seen Hyung Sun is totally obsessed over Suji. To the point that it is safe to imagine that he probably lived the celibate life in the States. Unless the show wants to do a major plot twist down the line where someone from over there shows up with his kid. But since he is the second lead it would seem moot. Anyway, as I was saying nothing anyone tries to say to him is even close to swaying him from his goal of marrying Suji. When his father in the recent episode asked him whether he was still planning on marrying Suji after she not only walked out of the family/engagement party and how his mother was behaving (thinking that the family owed them something). To just add to this. His response was that he was indeed planning on marrying her no matter what. Even when the father tried to set him up with a girl from an influential family (earlier) he nipped it in the bud by pointing out to the girl that he already had a girlfriend and was only there because of his fathers’ wishes. This shows that nothing is going to sway him from his goal of marrying Suji no matter if they are richer or even more beautiful than her. She is his Helen of Troy to the extent that he doesn’t care if she has any faults or not. But like I said since he only has eyes for her, he isn’t going to be bothered or even swayed by someone else. In this case what was Na Young going to do. Her current tactic was clearly obvious, but it would be too time consuming with a small chance of failure. In case someone is wondering what she was going for it would be as follows. She suddenly shows up in his life and would deliberately bump into him making it seem like coincidence. For instance, when she met him in the morning just before he left for work does anyone really think that was chance and she just happened to be coming from a walk/exercise. The answer is no. She had planned to do just that. Then she offers him some friendly advice where to get some good food. She would continue to do this and make her presence felt. Then when she thinks that she has her claws deep enough she would suddenly decide to cut contact to the point that he would wonder why he hasn’t seen her for such a long time that he would have been the one to reach out to her first. Also, her taking his package was deliberate so that she would have an excuse to see him again. In this case it was fortunate for her since she found him in a vulnerable state, and she decided to take advantage of this fact. Now let’s bring this up. There are a few things to note about it. The first is him waking up and realizing something was up and then asking her if he didn’t make any mistake to which her response was that he didn’t do anything wrong. Note this is important from a legal point of view. Now while I don’t know Korean Law or even K-Drama Laws which can change as the plot demands. According to standard law being drunk is no excuse especially if you commit a crime. In this case taking advantage of a female that can’t defend herself. She can take him to court, and she would win. Her telling him that he didn’t make any mistake not only absolves him of this but indicates that it was consensual. The other thing to note is this is a K-Drama where people can get pregnant in the first try unlike real life. So, she plans on using this fact later on to get close to him. If anyone were to question her behaviour or how she could steal her sister’s man (assuming she gets caught). She is going to play the victim card since we can tell that is what she normally does. In this case she can say that she tried to resist but because he was a male, she couldn’t do anything. Making him feel extra guilty and responsible for his actions. She would then try and mollify him by pointing out that it doesn’t matter, and she won’t hold it against him since she has also developed feelings for him. As for the others she will give the same kind of sob story. This makes her the victim and they would not only feel bad for her but think that she must be so nice that she isn’t holding it against him and is ready to not only forgive him but be with him as well. Of course, if he really wanted to teach her a lesson, he could be a total jerk and tell her that it doesn’t matter whose child she is carrying he still has eyes just for Suji and that he is willing to pay for her abortion or simply hand her over some child support but then his job is done to the child. Granted she can then simply go the blackmail route at this point and threaten to expose his actions to the public which in short would affect his hospital. She knows that her bluff would have more credence at this point. The other thing to consider about Na Young is that she can also still play the orphan card, so nobody is going to catch on to her actions until much later. She gets double pity points because of this. Moving on to Hyung Sun’s parents. The father has finally discovered that his wife had prepared divorce papers but that this isn’t a recent development and that she had been holding off on to them for the past 30 years. This number has got to be significant. When he asks her why she doesn’t simply divorce him she tells him that it isn’t the right time and also that is how he can suffer the most. Interesting facts. Now this indicates that something happened 30 years ago, and she blames him for it. Hence, she wants him to suffer. This could very easily be him losing their child. So instead of him watching over the child he got sidetracked like having an affair which resulted in him slipping away. She therefore blames him for his inattention whatever the reason. It could be that instead of having an affair he was so focused on work or a meeting. Perhaps their child died etc... So do I think that he was having an affair. Probably not. I am basing this on the following facts. A standard K-Drama trope is how everyone is connected to another character. Even a neighbourhood dog could easily turn out to be a dog belonging to someone’s Ex or a future love interest. Using this as a basis let us look at the women who could be his affair partner. The only ones introduced are Suji’s mother and stepmother. Both seem unlikely at the moment. Let’s start with the stepmother. She was introduced at the family meeting and both the chairman, and his wife were present and there didn’t seem to be any kind of reaction between them. A wife would probably know who her husband was cheating with if she caught him or wanted to file a divorce for said reason. Not only that but he thought that the stepmother was crude to even consider asking that they take care of them by opening a cafe for them at their hospital. So, she is most likely out. If she was the one, then they would have at least some meeting to discuss the fact that they were there or something along those lines. Since we didn’t have this, she is probably out. As for Suji’s mother. So far as we can tell she hasn’t bumped into Hyung Sun’s mother, so it is possible. But I have my doubts regarding this as well. She was already married and not only that she was mad at discovering her husband’s betrayal. Someone that had cheated on their partner wouldn’t have said response. Not only that but she has at least met the chairman numerous times since he comes to her restaurant. Her reactions towards him is always that of a host taking care of their customer and she is grateful to him because she considers him her life saviour when he saved her life after her accident at his hospital. So, unless the accident resulted in partial amnesia it is unlikely that she had an affair with him as well. Yes, it does seem like he is interested in her, but it seems to be one sided as she can’t pick up on the signs. Of course, even him saving her could be for his own gain. We have seen that he lives for the hospital and wants to expand it. If it turns out that the hospital was responsible for her accident. Perhaps they provided faulty equipment to the workers which resulted in her accident. He would want to have it covered up because that would be bad publicity for them. On the other hand, if he saves her life and people don’t know his actual reasoning, they will think that he is not only a great person for doing so but it will also turn out to be good publicity for the hospital as well. It is possible that his wife might not see it this way nor the fact that he goes to her restaurant but at this point she really doesn’t seem to care. Suji’s family is deciding to sell their rolls to Hyung Sun by accepting his proposal. While I do understand that they have their issues they shouldn’t mix business with personal issues. Rapper Brother does have a point that their product is good and that they should be confident wherever they sell it. Currently they have more overhead expenses but if they have a contract then they can produce to something more in their budget and all and still make a profit. Right now, it seems that they are more likely selling at the street price, but the rolls are more expensive to produce regarding the ingredients and all. Hard to see how else they can come up with. Raise the price to match the overhead costs but people at the street might not be able to afford it thus they would still be in loss. This way covers them up. But like the grandmother pointed out this is fine if Hyung Sun and Suji work out. But if they decide to go their separate ways then he has no reason or obligation to help her family out. Especially if he can find a better deal elsewhere or he doesn’t have the funds to pay them. Funds are equally important, and we do have to ask as to where he is getting them from. Is he paying them from his own pocket or is he using the hospital/foundations funds. If it is the later then does he have a right to use them. Otherwise, he is committing a crime. Since the hospital can’t exactly fire him or take him to court the next best thing for them would be to cancel the deal with Suji’s family. This will hit them hard especially if this is simply a verbal contract between Hyung Sun and Suji’s dad. Rapper Brother should point out instead that if he is confident in their product then they should try partnering up with someone else that isn’t related to Suji or Hyung Sun solving their problems. You can be sure that if Na Young discovers the fact that her family is providing to the foundation she will try and sabotage them so that their contract is not only cancelled but also because they won’t get to meet up and recognize and spoil her plans to be with Hyung Sun. This also brings me up to the point why she wants to be with him. Again, this becomes a matter of ego for her. Being compared with Suji in everything is bad for her self esteem. To the point that she thinks that Suji is better than her while she had hit rock bottom. Ie she is out of a job at the moment, she has no chance at a love life since the people that she does like have rejected her or she can tell that they would rather trust or like Suji. Again, this is her being compared to Suji. Then on top of all this Suji gets to be with someone rich this means that she hardly has to do any work, yet she will always be taken care of, but this means that while Suji is living the good and comfortable life Na Young is still going to be living the same terrible poor life that she always has. Now on the other hand if she marries him, she can tell others look I am good enough as Suji. People can like and appreciate me just as much. Also, as a reward she will finally get an upgrade and have everything that she wants. Including her own room and fancy stuff. Something which she only sees Suji as currently having. While she may admit that Suji may have earned everything that she has with hard work the problem here is that she is trying her best, but it never seems to be enough. She can’t seem to catch up with Suji. That is probably one of her issues. Instead of setting her own goals or going with what she has she has focused her one-sided rivalry with Suji. While that may work for some people it isn’t working over here. There are other things as well, but we don’t need to get into that for the moment. Moving on to other points on the agenda. The teacher is back to win over the uncle and lay down boundaries. Which is totally understandable, but I really wish that she wasn’t introduced. It was Suji’s mother that did decide to let her be with the uncle but if the teacher feels like her involvement with him is affecting the relationship she needs to evaluate whether or not she is okay with it. Now I could have perhaps given her a pass if she didn’t know that the uncle had feelings for Suji’s mother then I might have been more sympathetic to her issue. As it would have been unfair. But in this case, she was fully aware that the uncle had one sided feelings towards Suji’s mother. So, she should have taken this into account before trying to be with him. If she didn’t have an issue with this and was sure that she could win him over go for it. But otherwise be prepared for heartbreak and admit that they were wrong. The other two things are in regards to Suji’s mother. It seems like she has finally decided to actively search for Suji this time round and this means trying to cancel her adoption by her own family. Again, this seems like a really weird law to me. Anyone know if this is an actual law or simply a K-Drama law. Either way once she goes ahead with it the uncle claims that they will know where Suji and her family live because the court will send them a notice. Again, I am confused about this statement. While I do get that the court will send Suji’s family a notice it would most likely be a summons to court or something along those lines. It would be unlikely that they would give said address to Suji’s mother. While she does have a right and is the one initiating the case against them it isn’t right to give their address to them. What if a person gets the address and decides that the court is taking to long to decide the case in their favour. So, they go to said address and threaten the people there or try and strike a deal (however). The court needs to protect both parties until the case is decided. What is the saying Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Suji did overhear a bit of this conversation which is going to come useful later on when she discovers that she is her mother. Because now she will be made aware that the mother was actually trying to locate her but couldn’t do so for some reasons. Naturally since she heard part of the conversation it isn’t going to strike her immediately but after some time. The other thing is that the mother did notice the stitching (sweater) that she made for Suji as a kid but since she only saw a part of it sticking out from her suitcase, she hasn’t realized that it was the same one. She thinks that Suji was still busy unpacking. This probably indicates to me that she will be the first one to discover the fact that Suji is her daughter. Once she is informed that Suji is her daughter she will be in disbelief for a few minutes. Then she will suddenly remember the sweater sticking out from the suitcase. She will then rush home and find it. She will instantly recognize it since she has also stitched her daughters name on it. I am going to assume that Suji will enter the room at that moment and ask what she is doing with her sweater before the episode will end. The cliffhanger therefore being whether or not the mother will admit to her that she is the mother. But if we go by the K-Drama show formula she will not reveal the fact that she is her mother. Probably another reason why Suji will be angry at the mother once she discovers that she knew for quite sometime who she was and didn’t bother to reveal said fact to her. Anyway, I will end the post over here. I didn’t get a proper goodnight sleep. So, I am thinking off catching up on some of my sleep for the time being unless I get sidetracked somehow. So, till next time and please do keep posting.
  18. Oh heaven have mercy on us. This has to be a joke. I will admit that I missed any interaction between the two but even this I don't want to see this. Shippers on Board. They want the Su Jeong to end up with Ui Joo so they are helping her discretely or maybe one of them is frustrated that the exercise isn't working out as planned and thus throwing a tantrum. Are we talking about the past version or the current/present version. If it is the former then this point is certainly a contributing factor. I would say that the root cause would probably be jealousy during this time period. Let's be honest if we didn't know that Su Jeong was the female lead we really wouldn't have liked her back then. She appeared like a Snob when she said that. But anyway back then for the second female lead it was more along the following lines. Here she has nothing, she has no idea of who her father is because he wants nothing to do with her, hardly any fancy clothes or even a place to call her own and almost always on the move. But here she witnesses a girl that takes things for granted. Someone with loving parents (including the love of a father), enough food which she can not eat if she doesn't feel like compared to her who only gets to eat when her mother is employed, fancy clothes and gifts. Not only that but also a room of her own with a bed. She on the other hand is sharing a small room with her mother which probably doesn't even have a bed. Then just when she was getting comfortable and enjoying her new life they had to flee in the middle of the night leaving it all behind. So I guess like I said earlier jealousy was the root cause of her not liking the female lead back then. If we are talking about the present day it would be for the following reasons. She is jealous that the Second Male Lead is showing interest in her. In other words she is feeling threatened by her presence for a few reasons. She wants to win the second male lead over and finally have a chance to live the well off and rich lifestyle that she always dreamed off. The first time she was prevented because he was with someone else and I guess she wasn't all that evil or just didn't have enough power or influence back then to do anything about it. Not she feels differently. So she naturally doesn't want the female lead around. She doesn't want to lose out to her. But that isn't the only reason why she is threatened by her. As we witnessed and confirmed in one of the recent episodes she was indeed the one that trapped the female lead in that room when the fire was raging. That makes it attempted murder if the Female Lead were to remember this fact she can have her reported and her life would be ruined. Not only this but we also have to remember that the current life the second female lead is living is mostly a lie. The one person that can sort of expose this is the female lead. She just needs to say oh by the way she used to be the hired helps daughter back in the day. There goes the well crafted lie of the Second Female Lead down the drain. While it really isn't a big deal in someways she may think that will be the end of her life or certain pathways. For instance a rich family may see that in a negative light and might not want to accept her as a future DiL. As of now her key selling point is that she seems like an influential person and therefore might even be well off but once exposed people might not look at her in the same light and that frightens her. The best line that the Female Lead gave so far was to a question we all wonder about all these second leads. Su Jeong - Are you stalking me. Don't you have any work to do (or something along those lines. she may have even mentioned time in her question. but we have always wondered this haven't we. If the second leads are always busy plotting to take down/frame the main leads when do they actually have time to do their own work. Will the grandmother hire the male lead to help find himself that will certainly be interesting. She has just realized that she can't trust the people around her. I do worry about her driver as well. Is henchman going to take him down to make an opening for one of his own agents so that they can better spy on the grandmother. Still it is interesting to know that the grandmother is smart when it comes to her covert meetings and she has realized that her sons current will is a forgery. I am just curious did she not know the name of the her current grandsons mother because that is what it seemed like. The pearl incident was interesting because we discovered that the stepmother apparently had some kind of secret deal going with them. What that is remains to be seen. But thanks to the intervention of certain people that isn't going to happen now. The ten million dollar lawsuit/suing them now makes more sense. The money wasn't in damages but what she was paying them for the deal. Otherwise a company selling a defective product was a surprise. But then the stepmother actually trying to cover it up just came out as weird. At least the grandmother had a whole lot more sense over here. Technically the female lead didn't do anything to clear her name. She got lucky because the male leads helped her out secretly. but whatever. We also find out that the female leads father took out a huge loan to start their current guest house. Will the second female lead try and take advantage of this fact and try and kick them out by somehow pressuring the bank so that they are forced to suddenly pay back the loan. Also what was with the female lead causing the second incident. I know that the female lead was indirectly responsible for that since she made a deal with the chef to have the show sabotaged. But the female lead should probably know better. Hasn't she ever worked in a kitchen before. Adding water or ice in oil really isn't a good idea how does she not know this fact. Not only that when she was making that jam I was afraid that she was going to dose off and start another small fire. Perhaps another fire is what she does need to remember what happened back in the past. regardless she probably does deserve to be disciplined this time round. I wonder how she will manage to get out of this one. anyway I am going to end this post over here for the time being. I am sure that I am forgetting something but nothing can be done about that. Plus my laptop battery needs charging. So till that happens I probably won't be adding anything more. Take care all of you and I am looking forwards to reading the rest of your posts.
  19. @UnniSarah Yes, I finished watching Thursday episode a few hours back and I have to agree with you that Suji may indeed appear rude to those that don’t know of her backstory. Understandable since her last memory of her mother was probably on her birthday when she prepared a meal for her before leaving. She thinks that she was abandoned not really being aware that someone in her family sabotaged her reunion with her mother. Not only that but the items offered over here just so happened to be the same as to what her mother prepared that day which further trigger her trauma. Someone over here asked whether we think that Hyung Sun is probably obsessed over Suji rather than being in love with her. Interestingly I was going to bring up the exact same point before they did. But since I write such long posts, I thought that I would bring it up in one of my future posts. I am going to agree with this assessment. Both second leads seem to have this issue when it comes to Suji to an extent. In fact, I would say that Hyung Sun’s obsessions come close to stalkerish than Na Yeong’s. Perhaps she doesn’t need to be one because she knows exactly where Suji will end up/return home as she also lives with her. But let’s look at Hyung Sun’s actions since he got to know Suji. They broke up ten years ago. A normal person would accept the rejection and try and move on. According to his own admissions he did try but it didn’t work to the extent that he decided never to return to Korea. The only reason that he did was because he discovered that she was working for his family hospital. Now that he was again aware of her exact location he returned. Now what is the first thing that he did after returning. He noticed her having a meal with Uri at a restaurant (where he had shown up by chance to have a meal with his parents). The normal thing at this point would have been to be happy for her. Instead, he rushed home and starts to search for information on her private life. To be more exact whether or not she was dating and if so who. Only when he is unable to find said information does he feel relieved. Also, he tries to keep tabs on her even if it means to ask Uri to inform/spy on her for him. When he starts to feel that Uri might also have feelings for her and is threatened by his presence he tries to show that there is more to their relationship. By pointing out that he and Suji used to date and have decide to date again. But the biggest one was when he brought him to his studio apartment where he had arranged it to make anyone think that he was an item with Suji and for todays preview it shows him informing him that they are going to get married no matter what. Clearly all this indicates that he has an unhealth obsession with Suji and he also isn’t confident in his position that he can simply win her over, so he needs to resort to such tactics. Instead, if he simply respects her choices rather than try and imposes his own feelings on her he might have had a better chance of ending up with her. People have asked as to how Na Yeong could suddenly have moved next to Hyng Sun and where she got the money for the fancy clothes and rent. I think I have a partial answer though how accurate that is remains to be seen. First of all, she had amply time on her hand since she got fired due to her fame costing her. Which allowed her to stalk him as we were shown. (but also predictable). As for the money for the apartment and clothes I would say that there are two things. One she could have easily taken a short term loan. Yes, it would be expensive but if she was looking at the bigger picture especially of marrying him and gaining access to his family wealth then this wouldn’t be a major issue for her. The other thing to note is that she probably did have money stashed up. Remember before she got fired, she was doing a job. Certainly, it didn’t pay as much as Suji’s but she should have had some. Not only that but what exactly were her expenses if one comes to consider this, we realize that she should hardly have them. She was already living with her family. This meant that she had no need to pay rent, utilities or even for food unless she wanted to eat outside or at a restaurant. Her only other expenses would therefore would probably have been on her wardrobe (clothes and cosmetics). Also remember when the family moved to their new house, she again refused to pitch in claiming that she didn’t have anything saved up and if she had gotten the anchor position this wouldn’t have been an issue. This doesn’t necessarily mean that she was totally broke but it could mean that she simply chose not to share what she had. Though from all appearances it did seem that she was short on cash. For instance, when she handed Uri some cash when he asked to borrow some. It did seem like she was a bit hesitant to give what she had but then thinking that it would be a good way to win him over she finally hands over the money for the fare to him. But none of that is what really gets me curious. What does are the following points. She suddenly has money for these fancy clothes but from what I could tell she really had a hard time picking out an outfit for her interview and she finally decided to wear the outfit that Suji gifted her admitting that Suji had a good eye for such stuff. Yet now she is wearing fancy clothes and even making it work. The other thing is what has been puzzling me is what exactly is her endgame and how does she plan on making it work. Everyone now knows what she looks like courtesy of her being in the media for the two Suji incidents and not only that but her past as a reporter? So Hyung Sun should in theory recognize her from said events. Unless you want us to throw K-Drama suspension of belief that he can’t recognize her due to her new hairstyle and perhaps fancy wardrobe. She looks the same and even when I at times have a hard time recognizing actress with different hairstyles or dyed hair can recognize Na Yeong as the same person.... Not only this but if she wants to get married to him her family needs to be there for the family meeting. They have already done this for Suji so how are they going to explain this to his family. The last drama actually made a big issue regrading this when the second female lead fell for two brothers without knowing this fact due to them being separated. The mothers were against her marrying into their family because of this. Someone did suggest that she might decide to either claim to be an orphan or say that she is the biological daughter of her family and Suji is the adopted one. If she tries one of this then it is possible to make her plan work. Though the second one probably won’t fly because of the age difference. Suji is clearly older than her by the fact that she calls her Unni at times. Even if she can fool Hyng Sun’s parents with this lie it probably won’t work on him. On the other hand, the orphan card seems more likely at this point for a couple of reasons. Firstly, her playing the victim card is nothing new. We have already seen her throw Suji twice under the bus simply because she doesn’t want to admit being connected with her. So, her wanting to do the same with her family stays true to this point. She would rather die (her own words) than admit that she is related to Suji in anyway. Secondly this claim will also allow her to circumvent the family meeting and by the time her family will realize what she has done it will be too late to do anything at this point. The damage will already have been done and it isn’t like they will demand that she divorce Hyung Sun at this point. Na Yeong’s mother likes to take one step forward but then five steps backwards. She claims that is Suji’s pride more important when she could have saved their family and that no matter how much she tries to like her she can’t. That is saying a lot. She is the one that has been allowing you to live your lavish lifestyle up till now. Not only that but even the new house that they are currently living in is because the people around you bothered to contribute to getting it meanwhile you and your daughter are leeching of them. So, you really can’t say that. She claims that if anything happens to Na Yeong then her family is responsible because they are only caring about Suji because she is of their bloodline. Is again harsh but I will probably get into that in a bit. The other thing about her was how she starts to wonder if she might have been a bit too harsh towards Na Yeong and because of that she ran away from home. Again, this shows just how bad at parenting she really is. Na Yeong deserved what she got, and she is still lucky that the family let her stay after those stunts. Also, what do you mean by running off. She is a grown adult who can make her own choices and decisions. If she finally decided to live on her own be a bit more supportive. You know that she isn’t going to do anything bad (commit suicide) because according to you she left but took everything of importance with her. Leaving behind junk. Now if she was planning on anything negative then it would make sense that she would have left everything behind. Granted Na Yeong should have perhaps left a note or something so that her family wouldn’t worry. But I guess this shows that she is more than willing to cut ties with them if it is to achieve her goals. Now let’s talk about the family meeting that Hyung Sun pulled without informing Suji of. The one good thing regarding it was probably the fact his mother could see how uncomfortable Suji was during certain parts especially when her mother suggested that they allow them to open a small cafe at their hospital. This also showed her that Suji wasn’t marrying into their family for their wealth and knew enough to be embarrassed at the actions of her mother. This means that if it does turn out that Uri is the missing son of that family then she won’t have an issue allowing her to marry him even though she once dated her other son aka his brother unlike in the previous drama. I also don’t approve of him trying to cut a deal with Suji’s father of providing to them his rolls. It is definitely a ploy on his part. He expects Suji to be so grateful to him for taking care of her family while she was away that she will accept his proposal. Not realizing how it will actually burden her or he may not care since it will at least force her to consider him seriously or look like she is the ungrateful one. The father at least refused initially but we all know that he really isn’t in a position to do so at the moment. So he is going to eventually cave in and accept it. Doori and Rapper Brother are a nice couple. She may seem like a dictator at times, but she will at least get Rapper Brother to eventually further mature into a better person. He is already starting in the right direction he just needs a bit more guidance. Sadly, the same can’t be said for his mother. Then again that is her role to be the unlikable person. Someone suggested if I got the meaning correct that perhaps Rapper Brother isn’t actually part of Suji’s family and that he has another father, but his mother is pretending that he is of their bloodline. While I will admit that thought briefly did cross my mind, I dropped it and that is why I didn’t bring it up in any of my earlier posts. While I don’t deny that this theory is not impossible, I don’t think that it is true because this is drama is in the daily family drama slot (from my understanding). I doubt that they would therefore pull this stunt. Now had this been in the revenge drama slot then I would say that this theory has far more credence. So as of now I guess we will have to wait and see what happens next but like I said earlier I don’t think that it is true. I think that this covers most of my points for the time being. It is nice to see more posters showing up over here. Also I am enjoying some of the theories that you are bringing up. Let’s have some more. Oh and while I know stalking is bad I still wanted to make fun of Hyung Sun and Na Yeong in regards to this Na Yeong : I think that the two of us should start the Suji Obsession Fan Club Hyung Sun : You know a lot about Suji let me test you. What does she value the most (hopefully she will say me) Na Yeong: She values family and helping people. Now my turn. What is her favourite K-Pop group Hyng Sun: TARA. What does she dislike the most Na Yeong : Rice Balls and seaweed soup Well there I go for now. Got to try and watch some other drama for the time being. So take care all of you until perhaps after I catch up with todays episode.
  20. Thanks for the clarification I knew I had once heard an Aunt being called Como in a drama. Now I get the reference. It really helps when someone has a better understanding of the language. Actually this is something that I failed to mention in my previous post as I got sidetracked and got lost in my own ramblings. It is quite possible that she did sort of wander off. After she was rescued from the fired and was admitted to the hospital. People popped up over there claiming that her family owed them money. How true that remains I don't know. Later on after they were ushered out by her adopted father and he left. He discovered that she had snuck out in his truck because she was afraid that they would return to harass her. It was at this point that they discover the male leads mother about to go into labour. So if we look into what could have happened next logically it would be as follows. Assuming the house survived the fire (considering the firefighters arrived early enough) and there was enough property that wasn't damaged in it. I would assume that all those debtors if they could prove their claims would require money or its equivalent to be paid off and they would be the ones that actually took her wealth and property. At this point anything Second Lead and her family would have taken or not would have been trivial. It is possible that after everything that was left perhaps they used the remaining money to open the guesthouse. But I have my doubts regarding this theory because it was shown that the next day after they delivered Ui Joo and his mother to the monastery the father decided to adopt Su Jeong. But at that time they also showed her helping him sell his wares and singing to make a living. If they already had access to the remaining money that wouldn't have been necessary. at least this is my take on the situation and like I said I can easily be wrong.
  21. @kboramint no problem I can understand how one could have missed this point. A lot of viewers over here either skip episodes or scenes due to the limited amount of time they have available to them. I unfortunately can’t seem to do that entirely so I may end up picking up things some people have missed out. Not that I recall every detail or in which episode they happened. Sometimes things get intermingled with other dramas as well. But since you brought up the topic of the word Eemo for Aunt I was wondering if Koreans call their Aunt and Uncles Eemo and Samchon regardless of which side of the family they are or is that the generic term regardless. I am asking because in some country’s aunts and uncles from the maternal and fraternal sides are called by another name. Also, on a sidenote have you ever been to Korea. I remember in one of your earlier posts you mentioned how you were interested in trying out food from one of those street tents if you went there. But then your wife discouraged you by mentioning that they simply wash their plates by water so they wouldn’t be totally hygienic. (or am I confusing you for another poster since it was quite a while back when this was posted) @maribella what revenge and what exactly was stolen by the helper. I mean compared to Man In A Veil. Over here nobody knows that anybody needs revenge at this point. Let’s get into each character and why they need to have revenge but who is going to clue them to this. For starters Ui Joo might need to avenge his mother since they tried to murder her before he was born or that his brother is going to be poisoned against him by the stepmother. Other than that, I don’t see any motivation for him to get revenge on anyone around him. Perhaps on Su Jeong or messing with his life and constantly hurting him. LoL. Though the stepmother kind of did it because she was trying to protect her own family, I will admit that she took things a bit too far. As for Su Jeong her revenge is a bit complicate compared to Ui Joo or the matter about her family wealth. For starters the only person she really needs to take her revenge is probably on Hyera for trapping her in that room. Even if she didn’t, she was aware of the fact that Su Jeong was trapped, and she didn’t do anything in regards to it such as inform her mother let’s say. So that does make her responsible and a likely target. Problem in regards to this is that Su Jeong is probably going to be unaware of this fact and it is hard to know what she exactly recalls from that night. If she can’t remember the birth of Ui Joo it is safe to assume that she has forgotten more stuff from that time. Also, if anything she would probably be blaming herself for the fire. Remember she was the one that lit the candles that night and ended up dozing off which resulted in the sheets catching fire and spreading it. So, unless Hyera or her mother bring up the fire and its cause she has no reason for revenge against them. As for her family wealth again, I feel we should be a bit clear in regard to it. While I won’t deny the fact that Hyera’s mother did end up running away that night and she did steal some stuff along the way it would by no means cover the entire family wealth. In Man In A Veil the second female lead sold of the entire property of the male lead and kept most of the money (she did hand some over to her mother). So, in that case revenge against her made sense. But over here Hyeras’ mother didn’t really have time to take a lot with her. What we did witness her was grabbing some clothes. Now let’s assume for arguments sake that they were designer clothes and perhaps she even grabbed some cash and jewellery she wouldn’t be able to take everything with her. Some might try and bring up the fact that she forged the parents seal and had everything transferred to her. Even then I doubt that she transferred everything to her bank account. She already assumed that Su Jeongs parents had passed away so she may not have felt the need to do so. Now if we go by that logic the things that she did steal with her wouldn’t have allowed her to change her lifestyle completely. Not only that she asked her Ex to help smuggle them out of the country. She probably would have to pay for said services. Unless he did it for old times sake. From what I understand she married rich in America but ended up getting a divorce due to her gambling issues. The money is probably from her divorce settlement. Now on to the drama itself. Su Jeong ends up with an allergic reaction which has nothing to do with Hyera for a change. Unfortunately, this messes up the broadcast in which she is performing. This ends up causing issues for everyone. The pearl company is threatening to sue her company for the losses they are facing. Su Jeong being the female lead she is and has probably watched a lot of K-Dramas thinks that she can resolve the matter on her own. Woo Jin on the other hand is also being recommended by both Hyera and his mother to get rid of Su Jeong for starters. To his credit he hasn’t gone totally to the dark side and is willing to give her a chance to resolve the issue. Plus, he already realized that she didn’t do it intentionally and that she was feeling unwell that day. This clearly doesn’t go well with the other two as they want her fired for their own reasons. For Hyera it is because she sees Su Jeong as a threat, and she is determined to ensure that there are no obstacles in her path to marrying Woo Jin this time round. As for his mother, she wants Woo Jin to appear strong and to do that he needs to be seen taking action. She doesn’t care whether the other person is innocent or not. When this isn’t seen working both women take matters into their own hands and have a disciplinary meeting called for Su Jeong but make it appear as if Woo Jin was responsible for it. Now in regards to whether Su Jeong was responsible or whether her company was in a position to be sued we need to understand the situation. If the pearl company can prove that it wasn’t due to their pearls that she had the reaction, then someone needs to take the blame. Her company in return could possibly have held her supervisor responsible for the incident. As she should have ensured that whoever was showing up wouldn’t have any issues, especially if they realize that Su Jeong was the one that caused a few incidents before. As for Su Jeong she probably knew that her neck was irritating her so she should have taken a few precautions. Granted she can argue that since she never had a reaction like that prior, she couldn’t have known of the results. She probably should change her cream at this point and probably sue them after all, this is how the cycle continues. She is rushed to the hospital and her life is also fortunately saved due to the quick thinking of Ui Joo who ended up performing CPR for her before the ambulance arrived. When she does wake up she realizes to her horror that the video of her fainting has gone viral but unfortunately people are making fun of her instead of being sympathetic. The swelling due the reaction is instead being made light off and people are calling her fat or at least her neck and how pearls shouldn’t have been on it. At least the male leads are decent in regards to this matter and try and correct certain people about it. For instance, Woo Jin’s daughter was finding the thing funny until her father corrected her that Su Jeong didn’t do it deliberately and she was unwell. So, he at least gets some points for that. As for the stepmother, she has her own issues to worry about. She had just obtained a box of belongings of her Ex Husband and she discovered an ultrasound picture in it. Before she could hide it, her MiL had entered the office and once she realized that the box belonged to her son she demanded to have it back. Since the stepmother couldn’t hide the picture, she returned it to the box. She probably would have tried to sneak it out, but the grandmother didn’t give her the opportunity to do so. What I found amusing in regards to the picture was how the stepmother was trying to figure out what it could be. Now I get the fact that she may have never seen one in real life but almost everyone knows what an ultrasound picture looks like. Not only that, but she was also aware of the fact that Ui Joo’s mother was pregnant before she dropped her from the cliff. She said as much to her as how she may have thought that she was using her kids to get to her position. Both back then with Woo Jin and her unborn baby. So, she shouldn’t have been surprised by the ultrasound picture. As for the grandmother, she has indeed found the picture and is wondering about it as well. She did deduce that since the picture was taken after Woo Jin was born it couldn’t be him. She is now suspicious whether she has another grandchild out there. The stepmother enters the room to find out if the grandmother is aware of this new development because she did sneak into the grandmother’s office searching for the picture but couldn't find it in the box. Fortunately, the grandmother doesn’t trust stepmother and tells her that she has decided to leave the box as it is respecting her sons last wishes and privacy. This doesn’t take care of the stepmother’s unease, so she sends Henchman to verify if the picture is in the house (was it the grandmothers’ room or just her office perhaps both. This is a bit unclear). He informs her that while he has failed to find the picture, they just need to observe the grandmothers’ movements. If needed, they could then make a countermove. As for Hyera she already thinks that she owns the company and is part of the family because she is ordering people about. She tells Su Jeong that she doesn’t need to do anything and that the company will handle the situation on their own. Again, she doesn’t like the fact that Su Jeong has broken the chain of command and spoken with Woo Jin. She may be a team leader, but she wanted the office manager to arrange for her desk to set up for her. The manager clearly is unimpressed by her and tells her to contact the proper department that is responsible for doing this and gets back to her own work. Su Jeong and Ui Joo are still unaware that they are living in the same house. He on the other hand has been scouted as a model for their company. Though Su Jeong thinks that he is there stalking her and wants money for the ribs that got fractured (when she hit him with her helmet in the previous episode.). But speaking of him being scouted he informs his mother who is excited to hear the news. He even tells her that she can let the monk that housed them (female monk that knows both the female lead and him) about this. Her reaction to this is going to be interesting. Does she know his backstory because he did mention that she raised him and taught him not to be into worldly things. Now this could have double meanings. As a monk this makes total sense but at the same time if she is aware of his birth secret (assuming his mother told her before her current condition) then it could be so that he doesn’t get into a succession fight with his brother over the company later on. Either way let’s see how things turn out. Oh, dear me while I didn’t intend for this to happen. I just realized that this has become a small recap of the episode. Just that things didn’t happen scene by scene. Anyway, I think that I will end this post over here for the time being. Take care all of you and keep posting.
  22. Well for starters Na Youngs connection to the family is still not revealed. How convenient for plot purposes. She was in her room when Hyung Sun came to their house the first time and let the family know that he wanted to get married to Suji and then only the parents were invited to the family meeting in regards to the engagement party. So, I guess if they want to make it like she goes after him, and anyone confronts her about stealing her sister’s man she can conveniently say that since she never met him, she didn’t know who he was. Okay that might be a bit hard to pull off considering she did she him at the hospital with her. (when she thought that Uri had feelings for her, and he saw her with him). But the parents aren’t aware of this fact so they might believe her story. Hyung Sun really needs to learn about boundaries. I get that he cares about Suji but he needs to respect her choices as well instead of imposing what he wants for her. It is admirable that he wants to protect her, but he really isn’t helping anyone when he goes behind her back to get things done especially when she has said no. For instance, had he perhaps gone to the family for their approval and blessing before asking Suji for her hand it would have been a different matter altogether. Instead, when she clearly said no, he goes to them to help him out. That is simply going to place more pressure on her. Getting married when you aren’t ready and doing so because you are pressured is also going to put the marriage as stressful also add to the fact that his family is also against the marriage which will also affect her relationship with them. Not only this but he also needs to learn boundaries. Reading personal letters or trying to find out things about her behind her back is also not a good thing. If they are meant to be then he needs to respect her wishes and be ready only when she is willing to reveal said stuff. After all he wouldn’t want someone to know that he has certain issues. Cough cough stalker tendencies. If he truly likes and respects her then he needs to be patient and trust her. So, in a way I guess it is a good thing since he will be the one responsible for driving her away. Not that he will see it that way and instead blame others perhaps like Uri or her for keeping secrets. Perhaps he will discover that she is living at Uri’s place and will confront her about it and how she could leave his place for his. Are they in some kind of relationship. Etc... Na Young’s mother also needs to know when to keep silent just like others keep telling her. She only makes matters worse. I really don’t see how she doesn’t realize any of this even when people have started to point things out to her. She is back to feeding Na Young’s inferiority complex by rubbing in the fact that Suji even after rock bottom is still going to get married into a rich family. Also, something how one can’t beat a certain person. Which Na Young is clearly going to feel like she is being compared. Not only that she is trying to prevent her family from running their business and livelihood because that would embarrass Suji. But at the same time, she doesn’t realize that asking her potential In Laws for a favour would be far worse. Or even the fact that she was ready to accept Hyung Suns money to prepare for the engagement party. Thankfully her son had way more sense and managed to return the money. Speaking of him he is starting to see Doori as an angel once again. They are fellow keyboard warriors fighting to bring back Suji’s reputation. Good job. Though to be fair I don’t understand their agreement in regards to this. Doori tells him that she will pay him for his services. He conveniently doesn’t tell her that he is Suji’s brother and informs her that this is something that he will do for free. Now here is the thing if she is paying him then in other words, she is simply giving him more money that he needs to pay back. On the other hand, if he is just returning what she paid him it can also be seen as if he hasn’t gotten anything as she took it all back. In my opinion he is still working for free. Perhaps her wording choice could have been better. As predicted Suji is the one that will end up renting the room with Uri’s family. Which was the more logical choice for a few reasons. The room simply wasn’t big enough for the entire family. At the most only two people could share it. So we can easily imagine a few near misses between the two before they realize that they share the same house. This will also help Suji realize that her mother never abandoned her and that this was all a huge misunderstanding. Come to think about it I really need someone who is Korean to explain what just happened and how her mother couldn’t find her on the family registry. Clearly Uri and Doori are on it because she adopted them. I would imagine if they were underage or at an orphanage then this might be possible. But someone doing that with Suji makes little sense. I mean according to what her mother said (after being informed) that perhaps her father adopted Suji so now she is on his family register. This is so darn confusing. A parent can adopt their own child. Also, shouldn’t Suji be on both parents’ registry even if the parents are divorced. Though this does explain a few things. We assumed that Suji perhaps had her name changed because she was living in the States and her new name would be easier for them to pronounce. But now we realize that this may not necessarily have been the case. It was a deliberate attempt to prevent her mother from locating her. If she has been adopted into the family so to speak (according to the shows logic) then it will be by her new name. So, it would make sense that her mother even if she tried wouldn’t be able to locate her. This would be the only reason that she has a name change to such an extent. Otherwise think about it even if she was living in the States and changed her name to Suji for them to pronounce it better. My understanding of the situation is that name is only for the public. The family doesn’t necessarily have to enforce it. Also, by the time she returned to Korea she would be using her given name. But to have it changed to such an extent that even on legal things she is using Suji (like her job) then the name change must have been done legally as well. So, we now need to question just who has the power to do said things. The grandmother could be one. But again, unless it is a red herring her reaction of how Suji’s mother abandoned her and hasn’t come looking makes it hard for me to believe she was responsible directly. Also, I would assume that it would be one of her current parents who could have the name changed or do the weird adopting thing. Therefore, the only one to gain something from all this has to be the stepmother. Where are the Aliens who love to abduct people. I know someone who isn’t going to be missed if they decide to abduct her. Anyway since I am feeling a bit under the weather I will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you.
  23. Well first of all I want to wish everyone a happy weekend. Finally managed to catch up with the latest episodes. @liyahsbutterfly Thankyou for the welcome back greetings. I missed all of you as well. I simply sadly don’t have the time I once had to review or post on these shows. Not only that but there are so many shows out there it becomes harder even to pick and choose. I did manage to convince a friend to start watching the shorter 16-20 episode shows and only a few months back managed to watch The Heirs. So yes, I did recognize the clue for that in the recent game that we had. Anyway, moving on to the actual show itself and my thoughts and a few theories regarding a few scenes over here. First of all, let’s bring up the female lead. It certainly is nice to watch an actress grow into a role. I remember watching her as a side character in The House of Bluebird and then later progress from a Second Female Lead (All Is Well) and a few others to the female lead position. I think the poster caught my eye. Her riding a bike while appearing to have a blast at the same time. Hopefully we get something like that. Now let’s bring up her characters acting which I will agree with many of you that it certainly does seem like overacting and the question is whether this is on her interpretation of the character or the writers. Sometimes it is hard to figure it out. For instance, in The Elegant Empire before the second male lead was replaced by another actor the original one not only had a horrendous sense of fashion (probably the reason why he got arrested by the fashion police. Mental issues had to be an excuse for him to save face) but he also overacted at times that one couldn’t seriously take him as a villain until the actor changed. With it came a drastic personality and fashion sense. Over here let’s see how long the female lead can keep up the momentum with her whack behaviour. It does seem to be a part of the character if you consider what we know of her from the character description. Apparently, she has a lot of fans which also include numerous females as well. How would she have acquired them. Well, if she can make a dramatic impression on the other party they would be bound to remember her. For instance, a show host that was so enthusiastic to sell a product got trapped in a fridge, she is known to speak her mind (are you crazy LoL )or even sing while trying to sell a product. So, in a way I guess this is the characters selling point. As viewers I can understand us finding her actions funny but as a character in her world, I can find her overzealous nature being equally frustrating to those around her (like her supervisors). It reminds me of another female lead in another drama. I think it had Park Hana as the second female lead in it (My apologies if I am making a mistake. After watching so many dramas with similar plot lines and characters things start to mingle together at this point. Over there the female lead and company were taken to the male leads family’s factory and when the father realized that the work would take longer to complete, he allowed the workers to leave early/on time. But nobody made the female lead their spokesperson and she volunteered that they would all stay and complete the work. Just because she didn’t have any plans at home didn’t mean that the others didn’t have one which she was interrupting. (turns out that one of the side characters had a date with the female leads brother). I guess it was to show her kind and helpful nature, but I can see how things could be frustrating for the others. The same can be applied over here. Moving on to the second male leads family. Boy is that family a mess and the person responsible for all of it has to be the grandmother. She is the one that has created all the monsters in this show. I get that some of you might say but it is clearly the stepmother that is the villain. Yes, but like I pointed out it was due to the actions of the grandmother. Her son was known to be having affairs to the extent that some people are coming out of the woodwork claiming to be his kids. How much of that is true remains to be seen but the two main leads are a 100% confirmed to be his kids at this point. Now if the grandmother was aware of her sons’ actions, she should have taken some actions to discipline him properly. For instance, she could threaten him that for each person that claimed to be his child or person claiming to have his child a verification process would take place and for each verification a certain percentage of his supposed inheritance would be donated away to charity. But instead, she let’s it slide allowing him to continue his behaviour. Not only that but due to greed and wanting to keep the company in the family she was more than okay to do two things which aren’t fair to another person. For starters she was probably okay with bringing the mistress into the family and for that she expected the DiL to get a divorce. Her justification was because she had one become an orphan and secondly it turned out that she was infertile this meant that she could never carry and produce a male heir to take over the company. Neither of these reasons are the stepmother’s fault. Not only that she expected the stepmother to raise her husbands illegitimate child even if said person volunteered for the job. That is harsh and cruel on the other party. Now before someone over here starts to accuse me of perhaps being a bigot of some sorts and bring up people who have adopted a child or had one from a previous marriage (then became a widower or divorced). I want to point out that this is a different situation altogether. This happened before they married their current partner and if said partner can’t accept the child from the past incident then yes, they shouldn’t get married now. For instance, Hyera (Second Female Lead) is fully aware of the fact that the second male lead has a child from a previous relationship, and she is fully prepared to be a mother to said child. In this case this is okay. But when it comes to the stepmother and her current situation then whenever she looks at the second male lead, she is bound to be reminded of her husband’s infidelity it wouldn’t be easy to raise such a child unless she either has a hidden agenda or is so madly in love with her husband that she is willing to overlook his mistakes or fault. Considering the fact that the husband continued with his cheating ways it certainly wouldn’t have been easy on her. The grandmother should have considered this fact. Not only that but for being so called smart she really isn’t one. To make matters worse she is openly hostile towards the second male leads only parental figure. Of course, it is going to end up driving a wedge between them. Clearly the grandmother doesn’t realize this or the fact that she is raising a monster. Nor is she taking any kinds of precautions. Does she perhaps think that giving him expensive gifts is the solution. Good luck in that department. Now moving on to a bit of a theory crafting department of sorts. The first thing is in regards to Woo Jin’s daughter and his interaction with her mother. When the mother claims that he should raise his own daughter, he questions her as to how he can be sure that the daughter is even his as she has been rumoured to be with numerous men. Her reaction to that statement is interesting as she is shown either frustrated by that comment or going a bit crazy hearing it. Now I can guarantee that this scene is going to be important for a reason. It will turn out that the mother is actually innocent and that she was being framed as a person who has been in numerous relationships. Not the question is why this would be and who is responsible. I would wager it to be either the grandmother or even the stepmother. Since the stepmother is clearly supposed to be the antagonist of the show the chances become higher that she is the one. Now why would she do this. Remember she needs to control her son if she plans to achieve her goals. This is clearly to take over the company simply out of spite thinking that she may deserve it for all that she has gone through and that would have been the case if the grandmother hadn’t gone that the next person to inherit the company had to be a male heir. Therefore, if she manages to cause mistrust between her son and the woman he likes because she either doesn’t measure up to the family standard or the fact that he may be willing to give up the company simply to live an ordinary life then she is in trouble. So, her solution would be to naturally cause trouble in paradise. The other interesting thing in this show happened when he got trapped in the elevator with the female lead which resulted in her helping him out. He then heads over to his office and opens a drawer full of medication. Interesting if you ask me. On a single glance one may not realize the significance of this action. But after carefully considering it, we may realize that this is another form of control against him. How one may ask. Well, we know that the stepmother doesn’t haven any genuine feelings for him and is merely using him to achieve her goals. Even if she claims that she will do her best so that he acquires the company is in fact a tactic, so he doesn’t raise his guard and also trust her. All the while she is covering her agenda to take the company over. Now if someone were to let’s say discover the facts that he is taking said medication, or he even suffers from trauma. (What is the cause of it. Was he perhaps locked in the basement and the stepmother lied to him that it was under orders from the grandmother). In this situation you can be sure that the shareholders would be hesitant to keep him in charge if the aren’t confident that he is mentally stable. This would naturally result in them picking the next best choice namely his stepmother. Of course there is an unforeseen hitch in the stepmother’s perfect plan. The grandmother hypocritical nature. She discovers that her son may have had another child meaning that there is now another person to throw his hat in the inheritance line. Now why am I calling the grandmother a hypocrite is simple. If she does indeed try and search out Ui Joo as one just because he is her son’s child what about the one incident earlier. Remember when there was a shootout at Woo Jin’s birthday party when he was a kid. When she inquired who was responsible, she was informed that it was someone claiming to be the illegitimate child of her son. Her response to this was without any kind of hesitation she ordered him to be thrown in the deepest darkest pit. Either she was aware that someone was faking it with such confidence or that it was a charade pulled by her DiL or she is a hypocrite and is willing to accept Ui Joo as her grandson. Was an ultrasound picture more definitive proving he existed than a simple claim by a stranger. She could easily have ordered to have a DNA test run as verification and then dealt with the person accordingly. Anyway, back to the point I was making I don’t think that the grandmother has long to live and get ready for her to either bite the dust or get involved in an accident which will result in her falling into a coma. The reason that I say this is because as of now the stepmother is fortunate plot wise because Ui Joo’s mother has a mental condition due to her trauma or some other undisclosed accident. Due to this she can’t recognize her other son Woo Jin. The only other person that can correct any kind of misunderstandings between the two brothers would either be the grandmother or the stepmother who clearly has no intention of doing so. In fact, she will use this fact to her own advantage by trying to drive a wedge between the two brothers. She will point out to her son that Ui Joo and his mother are trying to take their spot by kicking them out. Hence, they will lose everything to them. We have already seen how brainwashed he already is that he has forgotten that he has someone else as his biological mother and that his current one is his stepmother. Is this simply due to time or has she drugged him into forgetting her. Naturally I can feel the next question that you may all be wondering as to how someone could pull such a stunt on a grown person who could go to the doctor on his own and get his own medication. Well, the answer would be that since they are all rich it would make sense that they would have their own private or family doctor at this point. This doctor could easily have been bribed by the stepmother in the form of a donation for their hospital or perhaps a promotion (could even be both). This would make the doctor loyal to the stepmother. Woo Jin being unaware of this fact would be therefore taking the prescribed medication and trusting the doctor’s judgement. (this could have continued since he was a kid). So I wouldn’t say that this point was totally impossible at this point. Now that I have covered my theories, I have questions that I would like answered. For instance, we have finally been given the reason why the second female lead, and her mother left with hardly anything but returned almost well off. No, it had nothing to do with the fact that the mother was an amazing gambler thus she made it big. But the answer is quite close. But what about Su Jeong and her father how can they now afford to operate a guesthouse. This is from where they were selling things like fresh octopuses and perhaps seafood from their truck. Where did they get the money to even rent a place for the guesthouse. We need an answer. Let’s now move onto henchman. We need some answers as to just what is his position and role over here. I am asking this because he had a drastic wardrobe change in just a single episode or so. Check this out. When we first see him, he is dressed more along the lines of a hired thug. His response even further leads us to believe this to be the case. Stepmother asks him to quickly locate Ui Joo’s mother as she might be hovering around them. He then says that he really hopes to bump into her. Clearly signalling his need for money. Then at the birthday party he is seen dressed up in a suit. Perhaps he knocked out a guest and stole their suit after all security would have been tight and they wouldn’t have allowed a person looking like a street thug to enter the premises. Then perhaps in the next episode or so he is still in a suit and is now at the company. Not only that he apparently can gain access to the dead chairman’s office and obtain his belongings without any issues. Was he always working at the company. Were the street thug clothes his alternate work clothes. But if he was busy hunting down Ui Joo’s mother wouldn’t he be noted as absent from work and raised a few flags. See I have questions. I also do wonder what will happen once he discovers that his daughter has feelings for Woo Jin. He clearly has feelings for the stepmother and if his daughter marries the son then he can’t be with her. Also, what do you think will the stepmother accept her as family. I get the feeling that as long as she thinks that Hyera is a competent person and can perhaps help Woo Jin attain the company she will be against their pairing. On the other hand, if she discovers that she isn’t as well off as people think and that she is therefore a fraud she may be willing to accept her because if she were to reveal this fact it would be embarrassing for certain parties involved. Finally, I just find it weird that the main leads met when they were young and after that you expect me to believe that they had no contact whatsoever. Think about it we know for a fact that Su Jeong’s mothers’ ashes or something along those lines are at the Buddhist temple where Ui Joo and his mother are staying at. So how come she didn’t pop by and meet them every time she visited the temple. She was clearly attached to him when he was a baby and even mentioned that she wished that he was her brother. If that was the case it makes sense that she would try and meet them. But instead, she not only fails to recognize him but also his mother when she bumped into them recently. Did she perhaps get a dose of memory loss when the mother hit her on the head. Also were there perhaps the standard K-Drama near misses each time she went to the temple and tried to meet them. For instance, on one trip, she goes there only to discover that the mother was involved in an accident and was therefore rushed to the hospital. Other times she goes to meet them, but they are out and just when she leaves the temple, they end up returning to it just a few seconds/minutes later and perhaps from the other side. But you expect me to believe that this happened for 20+ years. That does take a lot of disbelief for me at least. Oh, just a friendly note. The female leads aren’t related and thus not cousins. When her father brings her to the hospital the nurse mentions that her parents are dead and that the so called aunt and cousin were actually hired help. I think Su Jeongs mother hired her because she was good to her some years back so as a favour where everyone would be helped out she was hired. Anyway, that is all from my end for the time being. Take care all of you and let’s see how this show goes on. Till next time let me hear some of your theories regarding this show.
  24. Not going to lie episode 32 can easily be skipped. We didn’t have anything of real value happen over here. The only notable thing was the second male lead proposing to Suji by the end of the episode. Other noteworthy points had to probably be Uri telling Suji that he believes in her and that he seems to have figured out Na Youngs personality by this point and that she must have fallen into another one of her traps. Na Young’s mother is also starting to realize what a monster her daughter has started to become. Problem is that if anyone tries to correct Na Young she just starts to flare up and threaten that she is going to make things worse and she is suffering just as much. I guess she does feel a bit guilty but again her justifications for her actions are still pretty weak. For instance, she blames Suji for being so accepting towards her even when she is so cruel and harsh towards her. Hence, she hates her for being too nice in other words. Clearly, she has mental issues where apparently no matter what Suji does, she is going to end up despising her for that. Suji starts to fight back – How could you do this to me I am your sister/family. Suji is too nice – Why are you so nice are you a fool can’t you see that I will continue to be a monster because then I will never learn my lesson. The father and brother finally start out their new business, but they haven’t gotten a work permit, so they keep running whenever cops show up. They really need a permit otherwise they are going to cause trouble again for Suji down the line. Doori is offering the brother another part time job, but we still haven’t figured out what that is. Perhaps working at the restaurant? Speaking of her I love that she has Suji’s back already. The teacher is annoying, I guess. Coming unannounced to the restaurant is clearly rude. She should have waited till the relationship was more secure. I guess to make things not overly uncomfortable she tried to put them at ease by making them think that she is part of the family and referring to each one over there as if she is already part of it. Not sure that I like that. But then again, I am partially blaming the uncle for that. I get why he did what he did. But if you haven’t fully moved on it is unfair to the other party to give them even false hope. Well, I guess the chairman doctor wasn’t a 100% ruthless in terminating Suji. Before the second Na Young incident he was actually considering on not only giving her a chance but also to give her a small leave something that I had suggested. I still like his wife better because she is more understanding overall. As for the second male lead, I can see why his actions can be frustrating. He may think that he is helping Suji secretly, but he is only going to make matters worse. Paying of her debt is only going to end up hurting Suji’s pride especially when she told him that this was a personal matter and that she would handle it on her own. It also might not look good to others as they may misunderstand the situation and think that she is a gold digger. Speaking of Suji and her family her stepmother really is the epitome of frustration as she never seems to read the mood of the room. For instance, only showing interest in her boyfriend because she realizes just how rich he may be and asking her to give Na Young another chance. Granted she was embarrassed when she discovered that Na Young had pulled another stunt like that. I am really curious as to where this relationship will end up with. Anyway, I will end this post over here for the time being as I need to check something out. So, till then take care all of you. people have wondered about her not recognizing her Ex or her Ex Best friend (Suji's Mother). I have a theory for that. You have to remember the fact that as far as she is aware they are living abroad so she might be justifiably confused. If you don't expect to see someone then you may fail to recognize them and think that your mind is playing tricks on you. Plus K-Drama's are notorious for stunts like this. Not to mention that it has been quite sometime since she last saw them. Though in this case when you have become an adult your facial features don't change that much so I can understand why we are baffled as viewers why she couldn't recognize them. Will Suji accept his proposal. I think that she will be shocked and will rightfully ask for time to process this new information. Not only to mention the fact that she is aware that she has a ton of issues to resolve before she may even be ready for marriage. So no I don't think that she will accept it right of the bat. Granted these shows love to prove me wrong so we will just have to wait and see what happens next. Though in the preview we see the Second Lead informing Uri that he is engaged to Suji and that they are going to get married soon. I think this is him trying to mark his territory as seen by his previous actions. (such as showing off his studio apartment with hints that he is probably sharing it with Suji) @UnniSarah do I think that Na Young and Second Male lead won't end up together. If I am being totally honest that didn't really slip my mind because that is how these shows normally work. But then again we have Karma and other things in play as well and I really don't think that it might be fair that Na Young gets the good life. Something else she can complain about. So now after consideration I can see one of two things happening. Yes she manipulates her way into that family but perhaps she can add a bit more of chaos before doing so. For instance there needs to be a reason for the two of them to interact. As of now Second Male lead has no reason to even want to team up with her. But knowing Na Young's personality and her desire to have everything that Suji has might just give her a reason to make a deal with him. Even she can tell that Uri is interested in Suji so she can perhaps offer a proposal to the second lead that in this case they have a common goal so they should team up and this way they both get what they want. She likes Uri and he likes Suji but as long as they are together that isn't going to happen. But if there are enough misunderstandings between the two then they are bound to breakup and who will be there to pick up the pieces. That's right the two of them. Of course Na Young could further out of revenge decide not to get together with Uri and dump him. But I doubt that things will go according to their plans and knowing these shows Suji and Uri will end up in a stronger relationship. someone pointed out that the actress for Suji is a second generation idol. If we are being technical she was initially an actress from what I heard but just like her other Idol team member she ended up becoming an idol and now that her group is disbanded she at least has returned to acting. (LoL both of them were in Dream High season 1 and 2 respectively as the second female leads) I haven't really seen her in any of her other dramas so I can't really be a judge of how good her acting skills are especially when you compare them with other idol actors. the only other show that I saw her in was when she was a late edition in a show to become the love rival of the female lead. which was totally unnecessary in my opinion or that ghost drama. anyway I think that I will really end this post for now. Let me apologize for a long post. But I tend to start rambling once I start. So take care all of you and do keep posting as I am looking forward to reading all your theories.
  25. can you explain this who is the same age over here with the parent and child? Other than that let me get on with my main issue with the female lead. I don't know if this is the issue with the actress herself or how she is portraying the character. (I haven't been watching a lot of her dramas or they have been so apart that I can't confirm the accuracy). At times she tends to mumble her lines. Now as someone who doesn't understand Korean at all and relies on the subtitles it isn't really a major issue since we find out what she is saying anyway. It just feels off perhaps those that totally understand Korean might not have an issue and I am probably making a big deal out of nothing. next we have all these other interrelated stories as usual and I wonder how they will resolve them. Just look at the pairings that they are hinting us with. Female lead and Male lead have their own issues considering what the mother did to his family. But if we think that ends over there. Think again her brother seems to bump more often into the male leads cousin? also their drunken two nights together. The show is clearly hinting at this pairing. So it means that this family has really got its hurdles to overcome. Good luck in that department. At first it seemed like Mari's father may have known the truth about his wives past hence giving her chances to reveal the truth on her own. But maybe that isn't the case or was he further confirming the facts for himself by suggesting that Mari should marry the male lead. The issue people bring up with them wanting to marry of their daughter to a slimy older guy is understandable from a viewers point of view. But when it comes to a parent things are different. They need to get their daughter married because they know for a fact that they won't be around forever to look after her. Had Mari been okay mentally this wouldn't have been an issue because they would know that she could look after herself even if they weren't around. But just look at her recent incident where she was nearly abducted and things could have gotten worse for her if she wasn't rescued by the female leads brother. So what they really need is a protector and caretaker for her at this point and the only one in their opinion to do so should be a husband for her. I guess they wanting to hand the company over to him should serve as an incentive that the person looks after her and keeps her happy. But marriages like that don't work out in real life but considering their situation it kind of make sense to me that they would be happy to accept any marriage at this point as long as they think that their daughter stays happy and secure. The female lead needs to have better management on her finances. It is absurd that she has still left such matters to her mother still. No wonder her mother is still causing troubles for everyone. She really can't blame that she did everything for her kids and that they live a comfortable life. She was the one causing trouble and forcing her daughter to perform at a young age even when she didn't want to. Can the female lead take her mother to court for mismanaging her finances I wonder. Highly unlikely. The male leads mother is at least decent enough to put aside her differences and let him date the female lead. His happiness is not only more important to her but she has realized that the female lead isn't responsible for her mothers actions and not only that but she kind of got what she wanted at the same time. She wanted a sincere apology from that family. It would have been preferable from the female leads mother but getting it from the female lead is a close second. As of now the female leads mother is a lost cause and I don't have much hope for her at this point.
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