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Everything posted by yamiyugi

  1. Well after watching the second episode I can say one thing the ending OST is kind of catchy. While I don’t know the lyrics or understand them, I still enjoy it. Other than that, we already have a few standard tropes coming true as well as some predictions. Still there are a few mysteries that still need to be resolved. Let’s get on with this then. Second male leads birthday party is ruined by a mysterious shooter who claims to be the chairman’s illegitimate son and he was doing it out of revenge. How many of you actually buy this claim. I have my doubts in regards to this. Can it be possible sure. But my suspicion is that the stepmother was actually responsible for the shootout. My reasoning for this is simply that the timing was too coincidental to be otherwise. The kid had witnessed her speaking with someone else and he had started to question her about who they were talking about. She needed to divert his attention from this because if she loses control of him she loses everything that she has worked for to stay in said house. Her action of saving his life gains her a few bonus points because people now think that she genuinely cares about him (including the kid as well). Who is going to want to kick her out at this point. Unless it is proven that she was responsible. So could the person claiming to be the chairmans son be true sure or it could be both. She just used this fact to her advantage. Only time will tell. Main leads mother survived the fall as predicted. (come on we all knew that was going to happen). But it seems like she may still be mentally okay at this point. Since there was just that one scene in the trailer for the next episode it seems like she probably needs another accident which will result in her mental injury. I guess we can wait for that for the time being. Speaking of her we discover that she isn’t the first wife as we assumed all along and was kicked out by the mistress. It turns out to be the opposite for a change. So, what are your thoughts in regards to her. At least she isn’t really trying to steal second female leads mothers position she just wants to live on her own quietly with her kids. The people around her are the ones preventing her from doing so. Does that make her a villain or even a housewrecker. The chairman is at fault for not being able to control himself. Oh well I guess that is a story for another day. Turns out henchman is second female leads father. What a predictable twist. Speaking of that she is responsible for attempted murder. Does this make her worse than her mother is the question now. The mother freaked out sure when she saw the fire and tried to make a tactical retreat, but she didn’t at least try to trap the female lead and her mother in a burning fire. Granted there is no real proof that the second female lead did the same thing. When the adopted father showed up there was a shelf blocking the door and it could have totally fallen by accident. But we know for a fact that the second female lead was present during the fire. This is evident by a clip in the first episode where we see a pair of legs running up the stairs and the female lead is shouting for help. Those were clearly the feet of the second female lead. This is further proven when her mother noticed the soot marks on her socks. She may not have realized the signs but we viewers clearly did. So again it is possible that she didn’t drop the shelf and we are jumping to conclusions or she didn’t notice it falling. Yet neither of them did anything to help the female lead and her mother when they were trapped in the fire. Then we have the people confronting the female lead about where her father was. Looks like he probably asked people for a loan or borrowed money. But my question is why. They seemed well off that this didn’t seem necessary. Even if it was for the mothers treatment. Get a loan from the bank. I am sure that they could have afforded it. Could they be the people who worked for him and they didn’t get paid. We really need an answer from over here. At least next episode (probably the end or the middle) brings the transition of the adult actors. So, we can proceed with the story. Why is the grandmother suddenly interested in locating the mistress after such a long time. Oh, and how did the male leads mother survive the fall from the cliff and at the same time avoid Henchman who was trying to locate her. Just in time for the female lead and her adopted father to locate them and help her out. They couldn’t even use the magic IV of life. Though as predicted she was tracked down by the henchman and she did manage to escape from his clutches. Overall the show seems decent. I guess I just have to wait till it eventually goes downhill and people start making dumb choices and whatnot. So till next time.
  2. The young actor for the second lead seems to be quite popular in just a short time I think I may have seen him in 3 shows already. Anyway in regards to the show itself we can easily figure out a few things that are going to happen. Main lead lives with his disabled mother and then finds out that he has a birth secret. Oh what a big surprise. But we can easily figure out how his mother has become intellectually disabled. Second leads stepmother has hired someone to prevent his bio mother to not come near her family. She is clearly aware that her husband might still have feelings for the male leads mother. This means that the guy that she has hired is eventually going to capture her. During this time she will try and escape which will result in her either getting injured (at this point she will be assumed dead or he will panic for some reason and will leave her only for her to be rescued) but by that time the damage will already have been done. Young females lead I will agree that she isn’t a saint and is kind of bratty but let’s be honest the people around her aren’t really helping their case as well. Her aunt once she discovered that her mother may have passed away started to treat her like hired help or perhaps a better way to describe her would be to think of her as Cinderella. So at the end of the day, I would say they are just as bad. Perhaps the female lead could sense that they weren’t being genuine towards her hence her reaction towards to them. Still it was probably wrong of her to call them beggars. The aunt was also selling of her families stuff without permission so let’s add to that as well. People have brought up the fact how the aunt could have done any of that when an actual heir was still alive. I think that the way this works is that the female lead was still a minor at that time and I am sure in such a case a grown adult who is probably next of kin is supposed to become their guardian and look after the child and their wealth. In this case it would be the aunt. Now if the guardian spends all of the inheritance without making provisions for the child it might be a small issue but if they can prove that they didn’t have any malicious intent they might get away with doing so. Another thing to note are we going to ignore the fact that the second female lead was fully aware that the female lead was trapped in the fire yet she left them to their fate. In regards to that I guess I am more open minded to give the current female lead a slight pass even if she was a brat back then. We can also figure out that the female lead is going to get separated from her current family (Aunt and cousin) this will result in her living with the guy who was selling octopuses and will help raise her and from the chart also help the male lead and his mother. This means that when she bumps into the second female lead as a rival for the second male lead. They aren’t initially going to recognize each other. Not sure where I stand on second male leads family at the moment. I am going to assume that he will continue to think that his stepmother is still his bio mother till much later on and when his brother will show up later on. He won’t realize that it is his biological brother and he will be fighting over the company over him. His mother isn’t going to correct his misunderstanding because she has a lot to gain if he continues to believe that she is his mother. Sure she can poison his mind that his bio mother ran off to have someone elses child but I don’t think that the show will go over there straight away. Perhaps later on when he discovers that the male lead is his brother will he confront her only to be fed this lie. As for the grandmother I am still trying to figure out what role she is going to play. As the second male leads mothers MiL she is kind of nasty towards her. But then it does make sort of sense considering the fact that she may have been her son’s mistress.
  3. I was going to say that Na Young’s actions totally baffle me but now after watching the latest episode I am going to say that while this is still true to a certain extent, I feel like we finally have gotten down to her motivation for them. Will get to that in a bit. I want to bring up a line that I found fun in this show. Am looking forward to hearing which lines the rest of you have enjoyed so far. For me it had to be when Uri was confronting Na Young for all the lies, she had come up with and he then brings up the line where she claimed to have feelings for him. His response. That was a lie too correct. He then reminds her that lying isn’t good because she can be considered the girl that cries wolf and at some point, nobody is going to believe her. Moving on to Na Young and her actions she refuses to admit that she is Suji’s sister and loves to further complicate matters. She plays the victim card and that is only going to work for so long. Now I do get her motivation for doing that, but she really isn’t thinking things through. But that isn’t the point that I wanted to bring up for now. What I don’t get was an earlier scene where she confronts her co-worker about why he leaked the video of Suji slapping her and how she didn’t want to make a big deal about it. He denies the fact and then points out that he deleted the video after sending it to her hence she could be a possible suspect. She denies this fact and points out that she has no reason to do so since she is in the video as well. Then sometime later when she is confronted by Suji she admits that she was indeed responsible and the justification why she did it. Also she didn’t realize the video would go viral even after her deleting it after realizing her mistake/misunderstanding. My question now is why did we even have the first scene then of her confronting the co-worker if she knew he was innocent. I guess it makes sense if the scene was meant as a red herring but then they really shouldn’t have resolved it so soon. She should have continued to deny her actions and it would take someone to uncover it. But her simply confronting someone innocent and she knows it makes no sense. I mean this is a show with people have mental issues and all. If they really want to make it more interesting it would have perhaps made more sense if they show her with a split personality disorder and she is totally unaware of it taking over and being responsible for some of her actions which will result in her needing to be treated. This would frankly make more sense and perhaps even be more interesting than her current justification of why she despises Suji. Frankly that should be based on poor parenting at the end of the day. If they were over working just to pay for Suji’s medical classes, they should have perhaps told her to give up on her dreams as they couldn’t afford it or she should have earned a scholarship and found a part time job. This way Na Young would perhaps have a harder time to blame her. Also, we shouldn’t forget the fact that her memory is apparently faulty. If that is the case I do wonder what is going to happen once she discovers the truth. Now moving back to the fact of how Na Young is trying her level best to hide her connection with Suji. In a way it makes sense. She has constantly been compared to her. Again, a case of bad parenting. In some cases, this does work as a motivating factor but in others it just makes it worse. Parents should be able to tell the difference and take proper actions. They didn’t do it over here, so it further added fuel to the fire. It also brings up the fact that she now wants to prove to everyone else that she is just as good as Suji and can make it on her own talent. If people were to discover the truth, she wouldn’t be sure if they were actually doing this due to her own talent or out of pity that she was Suji’s sister. But how long is she going to hide the fact. For most of the things that they do it won’t really make much of a difference whether people don’t figure out her connection but in certain departments she needs to admit to this fact whether she likes it or not. For instance, when she shows a romantic interest in anyone, she should bring this up especially if they also know Suji. Unless she isn’t pursuing them seriously with a romantic interest. In that case it is okay but if that isn’t the case then eventually her life partner is going to find out. For instance, the family meeting that is bound to happen. What is she going to do lock Suji up in some storage room so that she can’t make it. What about the day of the marriage or family events. Next, I find her comment baffling in regard to her not realizing the video of Suji slapping her would go viral even after her deleting it. Wait you really expect us to believe that. It might have been possible if she was a stranger to what makes things popular on social media. But that isn’t the case she works in the broadcasting industry. Not only that but she has been on the receiving end of it. Her actions (even unintentional) have resulted in numerous memes being made and she isn’t even as famous as Suji. So, what did she expect when she posted it. The more famous or popular a person is that much faster a video of them is going to viral. Clearly her intent was to ruin Suji’s career before she realized the mistake. So, she planned on the video going viral anyway. But she should have also calculated the speed even if there was a misunderstanding and deleting it. Maybe the co-worker should have called her bluff (not knowing that it was one) and seen it to the end. Would she have actually jumped wondering why he didn’t come to her rescue, or would she have backed down at the last minute thinking that he was a jerk who only cared about his ratings and getting a big scoop. I do wonder what his reaction is going to be once he actually discovers her secret. Second male lead is already starting to get annoying. I get that he likes Suji and the only thing that I like about him so far is that he still believes her innocence and all. But his insecurity is going to end their relationship. Even Uri can tell at this point that he has this issue. Such as when he brought him over to his studio apartment. It was an intentional move on his part. He had a pair of everything over there such as slippers, towels and even a toothbrush. His intent was clear. But did he really need to do any of that if he was actually confident about his feelings for Suji and if he knew her. Rapper Bro seems to take a few steps forward only to lose them just as quick. The family over here is still just as immature as when they started. I don’t know why I was starting to hope things differently. Both his mother and him expect to be paid for helping revive the family business. Now I do understand the need to be paid for their services, but they should also look at the situation first before speaking. This is especially worse when they know just how bad they financially are. Though to be fair him wanting to be paid does make sense in hindsight considering the fact that he has to pay of his loan/debt to Doori (Uri’s sister). It was fun to see how his hopes crashed with his last meeting with her. He thought of her as an Angel only to realize that she may actually be a demon in disguise. Doori still gets points for being a part of the loyal fan club of Suji and tried to help her out. The question now is who will realize the connection to Suji and her mother first especially considering the clues each side has. Suji still has the stitched item that her mother made for her as a child, and she also found the handkerchief that her mother accidentally dropped. The mother just needs to see one of them to realize her connection. Actually, for the last one it can get a whole lot of confusing for a while. For instance, one of the family members or even the mother might find it in her room and simply think that it must have gotten in Suji’s room by accident, and you can be sure that will happen. Suji might also be wondering where it might have gone but can’t bring it up until perhaps, she sees it with her mother or perhaps someone else might have a spare that looks just the same for further extending the episodes/plot points. Does the mother perhaps know that her friend’s daughter was also Na Young at some point and connect the dots. Granted the name alone isn’t going to be the deciding factor since there can be people having a namesake out there and Suji doesn’t have her birthname at the moment, so it makes the connection even harder. But once she discovers the fact that Na Young is her sister and that they aren’t biologically related then things might move a bit faster. Fun fact Suji’s mother and second male leads mother were once rivals in another drama will it turn out to be the same case over here as well. At least in this show she isn’t going in every other episode how she used to be in Miss Korea. While it was fun in the beginning and a clear reference to the actress actual achievement it got pretty old just as fast. I still feel bad for the mother and the misunderstanding that is going on in the family that she abandoned Suji like that. The show really needs to let us viewers at least know what actually happened back then so we can sympathise more with this separation. Which party is actually responsible for this. At least I also hope that Suji is willing to take her own advice that she is dishing out to Na Young. This being that she should be more open minded to clear up any misunderstandings between the two. Frankly I am surprised that Na Young could even have such a misunderstanding that is that her family was more interested in Suji’s safety than her own. Now with the rest of them I could partially understand them doing this. But not with her own mother. We have seen how she does anything to protect her so it would make sense that she would be more worried about Na Young than Suji. Only recently she seems to have realized that her daughter may have been raised wrong to the extent that she is now more willing to lay a helping hand in the house. So does this mean that Na Young was excluding her or her memory really is all hazy due to the event taking place ages ago. Uncle and teacher is a ship bound to sink and again i feel that him wanting to try and date her simply to stay in the same house with Suji’s mother is unfair to everyone involved. Granted he did say that he was willing to give a shot at dating someone else just to move on. I still feel that is equally wrong. While I do understand the actions of all the parties involved they really need to come up with a better solution. I do wonder what factors will play in where everyone realizes their feelings for each other. Right now Suji’s mother is simply grateful for his help and does worry about him but she won’t allow herself to have any kind of feelings for him because of her past. Perhaps she needs a scare from the legendary Truck of Doom to get those feelings to kickstart. Also Suji might need to nudge her in the correct direction without knowing that she is her mother. Come to think of it Suji has actually committed a crime in this show. Yet we don’t really talk about it. Probably because she is the female lead over here. For starters she broke the doctor/patient confidentiality and revealed the patient information to another person without permission from said person or even their current guardian. In this case since the girl was living with her father and the parents were legally divorced he was her legal guardian. (the actress of the mother for some reason looked familiar I just can’t place her at the moment). She then takes the little girl without permission from her legal guardian again just so that she can meet up with her mother. That is considered abduction. Regardless of the fact that she didn’t mean to harm the child or even return safely (even if the bodyguards didn’t show up to get the girl back) Second male lead feeling outraged that Suji might get fired. Actually, if he thinks about it rationally as people tell him he would realize that sadly that is the only option at the moment. His mother did give him an alternate solution that he finds a decent lawyer to help her out and clear her name. But that is going to take time. A hospital isn’t run on charity sadly and like any good business it needs it’s share of publicity. Having a doctor that is known to be abusive isn’t a good look for them. So, unless Suji’s name is instantly cleared (which may be quite hard due to a few factors) they have two options then. Fire her or place her on a temporary leave of absence until the matter is resolved. Probably docking her pay along the way for the time being. Since they are providing her with legal service (only she is aware of this fact unless they want to experience more backlash) then this is more than reasonable. After all the lawyer needs to be paid his legal fees and all and it come out of her pay as a compromise. Otherwise, if this was America, I am sure Suji could sue them for wrongful termination of services after she has her name cleared. I also don’t get Na Young’s thinking process. Some of the stunts that she pulls are just plain weird even with her justification of a faulty memory. She is an adult. Yes, I am going to keep bringing up this point. Had she been a kid like Aera I might have felt sorry for her but as of now she just has me baffled. Even her having feelings for Uri and feeling humiliated when he brings up the fact that she may have even lied about her feelings for him. Granted she didn’t help her case for him to come up with that reasoning. But even if we don’t count that for the time being the points that she brought up which she mistook for him having feelings for her. Don’t really add up. Sure, they could have been that but when he wasn’t responding to any of her signals she should have known when to give up and that she was reading too much into something that wasn’t there. I am sure everyone here but her could tell that he wasn’t remotely interested in her even if he wasn’t the male lead. As any decent person one could help another person without anything in return, as a doctor it would further make sense to treat an injured person and even recommend them having the wound checked out (especially if that wasn’t their department). The rest was on her as well. She was the one who asked him out for a meal and advice for the audition tips. She should have considered the fact that if he had free time nothing was stopping him from using it to help her out. Again he didn’t gain anything from it and when she tried to let him keep the money so that he could treat her again he refused pointing out that borrowing money and him treating her were two different things. So her reading something more was entirely on her. She couldn’t and shouldn’t blame this on him or even Suji. Oh well before I start going on more of a rant. Let me end this post over here for the time being. I know that I will regret saying something if I continue in this post. So take care all of you and let me know what all of you think. ps @nohamahamoud2002 have you ever tried Basboosa
  4. Ah well the first thing that I am going to say is in regards to @UnniSarah about the show that they mentioned regarding Kang Byul aka Jin Na Youngs actress drama. It is one of the shows that is on my ban list, and I don’t really recommend that to anyone. At the end of the day there probably wasn’t any character in that show that I liked over there. But since I have already vented my issues for it in the proper thread, I won’t bring them up here as it would also be labelled off topic. Now moving on to this show itself. I remember the last time I mentioned that due to a misunderstanding Suji and her mother were separated and I pointed out that the one to gain the most from this would be the hospital director (second leads father). But after careful consideration there is one more to gain from her leaving and that would be Na Youngs mother. Frankly I have a bunch of other questions as to how they separated at this point and from the grandmother’s reaction when her DiL brought up seeing Suji’s mother in the marketplace her involvement in this seems almost nil at the time being. Anyway, back to why Na Young’s mother may have something to cause the misunderstanding and what she gains from it. She already had issues as a single mother and knowing what we know of such things from Korean Dramas they are looked down in society. Now as she was pregnant with Rapper Brother or even gave birth to him her situation is going to be worse. Not only that raising one child on your own is difficult but add another child in the mix. One can easily imagine that she would do anything to prevent that. If she can find a stable place to raise her children of course she is going to take the opportunity and get rid of any obstacles along the way. Even if that was her former friend. Yes, the grandmother may have offered to raise the son as he was of their bloodline but separating a child from their parent is just as bad. So, she isn’t going to easily accept such an offer. But if she knows that her rival is in no position to return, she is going to use that to her advantage. Now one can wonder if she was guilty in the first place why bring up the fact that she saw her in the marketplace. I would suspect because she was testing out the waters so to speak. She knows that they probably don’t know she was responsible so she is safe in that department, but she also asked that if Suji’s mother returned would the grandmother take her back or something along those lines. The grandmother’s response shows that if she was indeed responsible then she has succeeded in creating a wedge between the two. Ok now for a thing that I didn’t quite understand. The grandmother is angry that Suji’s mother still hasn’t shown up especially if she was alive. And especially brings up the point that Suji is so famous considering that she even shows up on tv so the mother might have shown up just for that fact or to ask them for money. Either at home or the studio but she hasn’t. Now this totally baffles me. Yes, Suji is famous and shows up on TV but how is the mother to recognize her. It isn’t like she was performing at an early age like some child actor and not only that she also has a different name now. So were they thinking that the mother while watching tv may think to herself oh she looks like me when I was young so this might be my daughter. But wait it can’t be her because her name is different. Na Young really isn’t helping her case, and I am really starting to dislike her mother as well. Now I can get it that she suspects her husband of cheating, and the situation really didn’t help when they went into the motel to catch the suspect. But even later her comments aren’t very helpful or her insisting that Suji should help the family out because she is successful. While there is nothing wrong in asking her way was wrong especially as we know that Suji was already helping the family out even prior to this incident. What also makes her character so shallow and worse is the fact that she expects others to do things for her without contributing anything herself. Even her MiL and son contributed as much as they could. But both her and Na Young have refused to pitch in. I can kind of understand Na Young considering that she isn’t biologically related to that family apart from her mother. But even then, she should considering that they accepted her into their family. They could have easily demanded that her mother could join their family since she had to raise Rapper Brother who is part of their bloodline, but Na Young would have to be left behind. Now if they mistreated her when she was a child, I might be more understanding. She did bring up the point that when was she considered a part of the family. Now if that was the case, I could feel partially sorry for her. But from everything that I have seen so far at least in the interactions between Suji and her this doesn’t seem to be the case. She tries her level best to help her out when she can. The only real time when she ignored her was when she was having a hard time when she thought that her mother abandoned her. Even then once she realized that she was missing she went out searching for her. So, if there are any issues it is probably because Na Young and her temperament at this point. Speaking of the role that she wants as an MC I think there could be a situation where everyone wins. But knowing her she is still going to end up complaining and whining about how things are so unfair and while we are at it blame her favourite punching bag aka Suji. Suji refusing to take the spot as the director in a pickle because the CEO wants her in the rule and his job is on the line. Na Young clearly had the position if we are to believe the rumours until the last minute. Suji clearly needs more pay if she wants to clear of the family money issues (assuming she gets paid for showing up on these shows apart from her doctor’s salary). So how do we combine all these things where it works out for everyone. In this case Suji can agree to do the show but adds the stipulation that she will only do so if Na Young is her co host. This way in theory everyone should get what they want/need. Suji gets the extra money for the family; the director gets out of his dilemma of what to do and thus keeps his jobs and his superiors get their top pick. Finally, Na Young gets her dream job and should be happy about it. But she is probably going to be complaining about even this deal. Frankly I think that is quite fair but who am I to judge. I feel sorry for Ara and how her mother still hasn’t returned. I wonder what her story over here is. But as one can see the show really wants these two families to be connected and Ara is the perfect excuse for them to continue to meet and learn about each other even if it was unintentional. Actually, knowing K-Dramas for so long I wouldn’t be surprised if they decided that Suji’s family moves into Uri’s house somehow. We know that they have a spare room because that is where they found Ara in. Probably where she was living with her mother before she had to leave suddenly. Suji and her family need a place to stay, and they can’t really be picky. In fact, Na Young’s mother mentioned that they can’t take everything with them due to space in their new place and they would be extremely lucky if everyone got their own space. Granted that one room is so small that I doubt the entire family can live over there. So perhaps it will just be Suji as this would give her a better opportunity to finally understand her mother and her new family. This way it is going to be easier to forgive her mother for supposedly abandoning her as a child. Before someone tells me how half of this can even happen without anyone else catching on. I would mention that K-Dramas are notorious for these kinds of awkward situations. Regardless of who moves into that room and who knows who it isn’t going to be until a few episodes that these connections will be discovered. For instance if it is in regards to the grandmother, father and Na Youngs mother that will move over there then they will have met everyone in that household apart from Suji’s mother as she will always be out even when they come to the restaurant. She might have just gone to pick up Ara or perhaps gone to the market for shopping as they are the only ones that can recognize her. If it is Suji then it probably will be her not knowing that she has moved into Uri’s place. as of now if you can recall she has only met with her mother, Ara and his sister. So, she still doesn’t know that is his place as well. His sister did try and tell her about him but conveniently couldn’t for some reason. So, they are both equally going to be surprised to discover the truth. We all know how Na Young is going to react when she discovers this and is going to blame Suji that she deliberately moved into his place when she was aware that she had feeling for him and thus Suji as always sabotaged her as usual. Someone brought up another birth secret (unconfirmed) that Uri might actually be part of the doctor’s family. If they do that I wouldn’t be surprised. It is after all part of the K-Drama tropes and certain trope factors certainly do add up. My only real issue with this is that he has a sister. Unless it turns out that they aren’t biologically related at this point pulling this stunt might be harder to believe. But it might explain a few things at the same time. Wasn’t going to do this but let’s do it anyway. We know two things as a fact in regard to the second leads family. One they have issues. What they are aren’t exactly clear. Not only that where his grandfathers is laid to rest there is someone else his mother prays for. Even if they show us the name it isn’t going to help because the main characters have their names changed for various reasons. Could the missing child have been Suji. Sure, but at this point it has been 100% confirmed that Suji’s mother is the same as Uri’s current mother. The near miss/slow mo walk as they passed by at the hospital, Na Young’s mother recognizing her in the marketplace, and the yellow handstitched cloak just to name a few. So now we need to move on to the Uri being said child. Mind you there could be another twist over here which we will get. But if we look at the main lead requirements how many of them match for Uri. Main leads are usually raised by a single parent or family member. (there missing parent is almost always related to the second lead) The main leads are almost always involved in a love triangle with the second leads. Sometimes this can lead to a love square/rectangle to further complicate their twisted history. Or they may have a past history with one of them. Also check out the trope above as they can interrelate. Okay now I know that there are probably other tropes that we can combine but surprisingly they seem to have slipped my mind at the moment. Kind of embarrassing and while I had a bunch, or tropes written down where I could further use as reference material and add them as they matched the situation. That file must have gotten deleted so for the time being let’s just go with the two above mentioned (note I know other tropes but in regards for the Uri possible birth secret I could just remember those. If I start to bring up every trope that has already been covered and what we are lacking this post is going to get really huge. To prevent such insanity and headache I am not going to do that) Now let’s do the breakdown of the above mentioned tropes. In the first one Uri’s full parentage is a mystery and we can have a separated at birth trope going on considering the fact that the only one who seems related in that house to Uri is his biological sister. So, it could very well be that one or both of the second leads parents are also his parents. Also depending on when he got separated it is possible that he ended up in an orphanage and a family either adopted both him and his sister or he was adopted into her family. Him becoming a doctor could be part of another K-Drama trope. Almost every character somehow also ends up being good at and is drawn to the thing that their missing parent or family member is part of. A good example from a recent drama would be Da Jung from the Third Marriage. Apparently, she takes after her grandmother when it comes to cooking. What is going on in that drama has her birth secret been discovered yet. I sadly dropped it due to time issues and I really need to get back there at some point. So anyway, back to the point I was making we know that the hospital was established by the second leads grandfather so this could be the connection for Uri, or then if the director is his actual father that makes two K-Drama connector plot twists for down the line. Another main thing to consider is that almost everyone is to be connected with each other, so we have no real wasted characters. Now let’s move onto the second trope. The love triangles/quadrantals. Over here one of the main leads either was somehow connected to the second leads as they were dating them but then due the second leads ambitious nature, they will find an excuse to not be with the main lead and end up with the second lead. (they might even regret their decision down the line when the birth secret plot pops in). Or the second lead will have a one sided crush on the main lead but will always be kept in the friend zone for life. In this case the only one that has a previous connection with the main lead is the second lead with Suji. As of now he doesn’t seem to be ambitious but let’s wait and see. Back to Uri he has started to fall for Suji he just hasn’t realized it yet or even if he does he isn’t going to do anything about it out of respect for her. But like I said this brings up the room of sibling rivalry in more ways than one and not only that the Na Young situation. So yes we have a few tropes linking Uri as a possible birth secret and being related to the doctors family. Now moving on to the parents in that family. They clearly have their marital issues. The show hasn’t gone down into fully explaining the reason. The closest was when the director’s possible ambition was brought up and why he may have married into that family. Which also may have hinted the fact that this was probably an arranged marriage. Hence the unhappiness between them. Of course there could be a few other factors as well. It does bring up age related questions and whatnot. But who are we to argue if the writers make said mistake. We are just here to see that the main leads get their happily ever after and perhaps a decent redemption arc for the second leads and people growing up. Returning to the parents apart from a forced marriage there can be two more contributing factors and perhaps even more connecting points between said characters. Like it has been brought up there is a missing/dead person in that family. How did that happen? Was the father perhaps supposed to look after them but decided to go out or not pay attention to them which resulted in a child going missing. If that is the case, then the mother could blame him for his inattention and losing their child. The only real issue over here is the fact that the second lead is totally unaware of the missing person. Considering he his Suji’s senior this would mean that he is older than Uri as well. So, he is unaware of his missing sibling. How is that even possible. Have they removed all traces of them that he has forgotten about them. I guess that makes partial sense. The other reason why the parents have issues between them could be a case of infidelity between one of them at this point. For instance, the director is showing a lot of attention towards Suji’s biological mother. Clearly his interest in her is more than a doctor with their normal patience. I may be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being in regards to an affair. It is totally possible that he is innocent and there is a misunderstanding between his wife. But while we are on the topic of having an affair it is possible that the person he had it with ended up getting pregnant but perhaps never informed him or the wife handled the situation without him being aware of this fact. In that case Uri may have been his child or the other one who could be his might be Na Young. Though I think we should hold of on that assumption for the time being. Perhaps both Uri and Na Young are related to that family just for laughs. But it seems unlikely at the given moment. Anyway due to the length of this post I will end it for the time being. Take care all of you and keep up with the posts. We need more theories to keep this thread going and also wonder when The Truck Of Doom will show up.
  5. @kboramint thanks once again for the name explanation. When you put it like that then it does make sense that Suji could be a way of saying Suzy. I didn’t know said actress wrote her name like that. We learn something new everyday. Speaking of her the first drama that I was introduced to her was Dream High where the female lead over here was her rival and probably also the second lead. Since I was into anime back then I had listed them as Sakura and Ino respectively, IU was Hinata, and the second lead was Sasuke. If anyone hasn’t watched said drama give it a shot. The first season was definitely better than the second though. Now moving on to the bit where you mentioned Suji’s mother calling the grandmother mother/sister. While I didn’t hear her call her mother, yet I am pretty sure that I heard her call her Unni at some point. Perhaps this is a mistake from the writer’s end, so they don’t have an exact term for her. Plus, as one can see the family dynamic in that house is extremely complicated currently. Nobody really seems to be connected by blood apart from the two siblings, but they apparently are well aware of each others backstory. For instance, when the sister wonders if they should help locate their mothers lost daughter (Suji) and suggests ways how to do so. Uri advices against it and mentions that their mother must have a good reason not to do so at the moment. But as we go further into these episodes it clearly looks like there was some kind of interception like in the previous drama which has resulted in the misunderstanding and separation between the two families. This can be indicated when the grandmother notes that Suji still has the cape that was stitched by her mother. She then comments how her mother was so heartless for abandoning Suji or something along those lines. Now the grandmother could easily be faking her reaction so that Suji doesn’t realize that she may have been responsible for the separation. But as of now I will give her the benefit of doubt for the time being. From what I recall she preferred her as her DiL and even suggested that it would have been better if she were to raise Rapper Bro. This means that she was clearly against his mother from joining the family at that point and only gave in after she left the family. Therefore, it seems more likely that this relationship had to be sabotaged and if anything, the doctor seems to be the one who has the most to gain at this point. He even wonders if he misread the situation or something at one point. Someone mentioned about Na Young and how they don’t like her or how she overreacts. I will partially agree with this sentiment for the time being. Perhaps I have become to desentised after watching a lot of these shows but as of now she isn’t half as bad as some of her other counterparts. Let’s look at their actions and see if she has done anything similar. Has she framed the main leads for a crime that they haven’t committed. So far, the closest that she has come in regards to this is when she damaged and borrowed that dress and wasn’t willing to take responsibility for her actions but even then she didn’t blame it on Suji. Has she faked her pregnancy (not being one) or is pregnant with someone else’s child but is claiming that it belongs to the main lead etc.. nope. Has she stolen corporate information and dumped it on someone else or hurt another co-worker just so that she can get a chance to shine. Again no. I am not saying that she won’t do any of this down the line but as of now she is still better than all those other second female lead rivals. On the other hand, let’s talk about her overacting or whatever the issue is. Frankly my main issue is perhaps not the overacting I just assume that is part of her character. My thing over here is that she is an adult woman (not sure of her age) but she tends to act like an overgrown child or highschooler and that just doesn’t match with her appearance. Now I don’t know if this issue is due to poor actings skills on the actress part because I believe I have only seen her in maybe two other earlier dramas where she was in supporting roles. The one show where she was the main lead I just had issues with the drama itself and I have put it on a ban list. In fact, if anyone I know mentions that they are watching said drama I actively advice them against it. But if it is just her character it does make sense. She mentioned that she has never been slapped before Suji did it to her. Clearly indicating that her mother did a poor job of raising her. Uri is a fun character sort of. He has been extremely dense especially when it comes to picking up signals that Na Young was interested in him in a romantic way until she had to literally tell him about it. That also reminds me of another comparison between other second female leads which Na Young hasn’t done. She isn’t going after Uri or trying to seduce him simply because he is an item with Suji. So in other ways out of spite or for some perceived wrongs that Suji might have done to her or her family. While she is chasing after him it is simply because she likes him and she doesn’t even want any kind of financial gains from him. Not that is going to happen. @nohamahamoud2002 you are correct in your current assessment that there isn’t any kind of love triangle or even square at the moment. But when you watch a lot of these dramas then you see a pattern and it is extremely rare when the pattern is broken. People that we have categorized as main leads generally end up together. When they don’t I know that I have issues because I have invested a lot of my time only for it all to be wasted in the end. But that is a debate for another time. As of now I don’t think that the writer is going to deviate from the original plan after all the show is even called Suji and Uri indicating them as the main characters and thus in all probabilities the main leads and hence the endgame. How that happens we need to wait and see. From the preview it seems like the doctor finally is aware of who is son likes and he informs his wife. We now need to wait and see if they will approve of her or will one of them play the role of evil In Law. The mother as of now seems to have supported her son’s choice of life partner. Perhaps because she was forced in her own marriage and has remained unhappy, so she doesn’t want her son to go through the same thing. She even brought up this point sort of with her husband. Who is he to judge the girls standard ie wealth, background etc.. Regardless the main issue is probably not with Suji as an individual but the problems that her family will bring by becoming in laws such as they are currently in debt and may even be labelled as scammers. Nobody would want to be associated with them in said situation. Now back to Suji’s mother and the family that she lives in. Granted I don’t know what a woman would refer to her SiL since I am terrible in Korean, but I am a bit confused about her getting married again as someone suggested. As of now from what I have gathered in regards to the chain of attempts (which I won’t deny can easily be changed down the line) from the clips shown. She left her house and tried to find a job so that she could support herself and Suji. This sadly resulted in her accident (probably since this was her first try) and she ended up in the hospital. After her recovery she discovered that her family had moved away. Again, she had no time to get married anytime during this period. The Mother/Sister even points out that her brother had never been married prior to this and was mistaken for her husband during her accident. It would have made more sense if her husband had shown up if she was married prior to the incident. After the incident she has clearly mentioned that she has no desire to get married because she feels so guilty that she could possibly live a happy life without knowing what happened to her daughter and whether or not she is happy. So again, it doesn’t seem to me at least that she was ever married apart from her original family. From the trailer of the next episode it also seems like Na Young is going to blame Suji again for messing up her life. Until I watch said episode I feel like Na Young is being unreasonable again. Suji was clearly uninterested in the job regardless of whether or not Na Young would have gotten the job. Perhaps Suji shouldn’t have mentioned Na Young when she declined the offering. This way the director might not have an outlet to place the blame on. But this way he may think that either Na Young complained to Suji and for some reason they are related and hence Suji was declining or something along those lines. Not only that Suji probably shouldn’t have brought up the sexual harassment that he was doing to Na Young that evening. Probably both these contributing factors made him take out his frustration on Na Young who then takes it out on Suji. Anyway, I think that i will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you. I was going to mention how it seemed like this was a dead thread and I was wondering if people have simply stopped watching dailies now compared to back when I started watching these shows. Perhaps I am in the wrong thread. But it seems like we have a few new posters over here. So let me welcome them and hope that we can all have some fun and come up with interesting theories. I will admit that sometimes it seems like the writer of the show might be prowling over here as well because they shot down two of the theories I came up with earlier. Regardless I am looking forward to all of your posts and theories.
  6. Okay so first of all thanks once again @kboramint for clarifying who made what statement in regard to that bloodline bit. Saved me a lot of time of searching said episode. The other part is in regard to that fan theory of yours that the revenge dramas and dailies are happening in the same world. Actually, that is a popular theory which some of these dramas have hinted at times. Examples that can be seen as evidence. While I don’t remember either dramas name we had a scene like this. The female lead (who is currently doing the weekend drama on KBS World aka here) was a cop in one show. In the next daily after (I think) where she was the lead. There is a disturbance somewhere and the cop that shows up is the same actor from her show. Indicating that he is the same person. No names were used over here. Not that we would have even bothered to remember a side character. But the implications or fan theory could be seen. In another drama one of the grandfathers mentions that he is currently seeing/dating a character name. In another show (probably after this one also) the grandmother character mentions that she is using said name. Again trying to imply the connection for the fans. The best one had to be where we had Joo Won in the manga adaption (that korea did) drama. Over here he is cleaning up the mess that the female lead had done of her room. He comes across some stale bread that he throws out, but not before the female lead mentions that it is from her favourite brand Kim Tagoos bread. (clearly a reference to his Previous work.) at least we now know what happened in that show after it’s ending. Then we have shows from different networks that try and make similar connections or are based in the same universe. But I think that will be me going off topic and to prevent that warning let me get on to the post regarding the show itself. @nohamahamoud2002 welcome to the thread. Hopefully you stick around. So far since the show is just beginning, I would grade it a 4/10. If you are looking for something new and different get ready to be disappointed it already has the standard tropes over here. But since it is also the beginning the characters haven’t become frustrating in either being too dumb or naive or evil. But give it time and who knows. Kbo yes Uri and his sister are most definitely adopted somehow in that family. This could have been implied by the following statement the grandmother/aunt made. When their mother had her accident, the uncle was assumed to be her husband. She remarks how that was when he had never been married by that point. Now it certainly isn’t impossible to have a child without being married (hence a lot of birth secrets in these shows). So, they could have come after the accident. But then you have to consider the following Uri and Suji are clearly endgame. If this is the case, they can’t be related. Also, they are probably the same age so it would be next to impossible for Uri and his sister to be biologically related to her mother. Now they could have been the uncle’s kid but there was no indication of a woman being in his life prior to the accident. Making this also not an option. So yes, it would be nice if they could better explain the mystery of these two and how come the aunt doesn’t have an issue with them compared to the little girl who has now become part of the family. Moving back to some of the other tropes that we have over here. The standard rivalry between the main leads and the second leads including the infamous love triangle/square. Sorry but i don’t feel bad about Na Young. Any pain and grief that is bound to come her way is going to be her own fault. She comes of as an ungrateful brat at times but that is besides the point. Will get into that in a bit. But let’s talk about the issue where they tend to blame the main lead that if they hadn’t shown up the opposite main lead would have become an item with them. Almost every show proves that this isn’t the case even when the other lead gives them an opportunity by moving away for X number of years before returning even showing up for the first time. In this case she is giving out signals, but he has struck them out two times. Girl just give up and move on. He just isn’t interested in you in that way even before meeting with Suji. For instance, when she gave him money and he tried to return it back to her she gave him an excuse so that they could meet up again (treat her with it next time to a meal) he refused. When she asked him out for a meal on the weekend he told her that he had plans to study. So no he isn’t interested in you. She should give it up at this point. Instead she is coming of as a highschooler with a crush. Probably her first love given her reactions but still have some pride. She is all about that when Suji offers her help but when it comes to a guy, she has lost it. I would say that she is still slightly manipulative when it comes to her character. But so far, her actions haven’t caused anyone any serious harm so I can give her a small pass. For instance, when she messages Uri to call her the intent is clearly obvious. Suji doesn’t know that she messaged him, so she thinks that he contacted her on his own accord. Indicating a closeness between the two. Therefore, when she starts to develop feelings for him, she is going to put it on hold just out of respect for her sister. Until the misunderstanding is cleared up. Not that Na Young is going to see it that way. She will feel like Suju betrayed her considering her other reactions to her helping out. For instance, when the PD took her out for drinks the way he was behaving towards her clearly counted as sexual harassment. She only staid quiet due to her job being on the line and she was clearly uncomfortable with his actions. Now instead of being grateful for Suji for bailing her out of the situations she tells her to mind her own business or the fact that this was the reason why Suji was unable to get the classes she promised her because said person got offended. Again she doesn’t blame the guy who was harresing her or admit that she was uncomfortable she blames Suji. So yes I can see why people might not like her. The other thing/trope to consider over here is probably the misunderstanding the other party trope. Normally this is done between the main leads, and this results in them breaking up for the time being until it is cleared up. Since they haven’t become a couple, you can be sure that it will come down the line. But as of now this is probably the same as the last drama where the parents got separated from their kids. It kind of looks like this happened again. Just who is responsible for this remains to be seen. For evidence let’s look at the following statements that characters made and what it could imply over here. The aunt/grandmother (what should we call her relation wise since I am a bit unclear) mentioned to Suji’s mother how that family not only moved abroad but also sold of their family property (burial site among others) before doing so. As for the stepmother she brings up the fact how her husband cheats on people (or their particular case) when things are going well for him. This included the soy sauce factory that he was running at the time (was this the same soy sauce that Na Youngs doppelganger and family made when she was a female lead. PS . do not watch said drama it is not worth your time). Now on their own these statements may not make a lot of sense but if you consider what Suji’s grandmother mentioned to the stepmother’s response, we can see a connection being formed. She mentions that things started to go wrong after the stepmother became a part of the family. If this is the case, then it is safe to assume that the company faced financially difficult times that the family had to probably sell it off and perhaps even the rest of their property to clear of any debts that remained. Using the rest of the money they probably decided to try their luck abroad. Not sure why they had to return to Korea at this point. Had they gotten tired of living over there or did the father make bad business choices. Either way this explains why they sold of their property and left. Naturally since the mother was involved in an accident, they couldn’t contact her prior to leaving. Though to be fair considering how the grandmother is she probably saw that as a good thing since she might not have wanted to part with Suji. Of course, this still doesn’t mean that a deliberate intervention to prevent the mother to meet up with Suji is not impossible at this point. It is unlikely that the uncle or his sister were responsible. At least from her statement and she wouldn’t be urging her to find her family/daughter if she was guilty. This does leave the number of suspects to Suji’s grandmother, Na Young (though she was too young at that time so i don’t know how she could have lied or why) or the doctor that performed the surgery. We know by now that he is 90% has feelings for Suji’s mother. If he thought that there was a way for him to be with her if he lied that her family moved away without giving him the contact information, then he is at fault or he could have helped them indirectly. For instance, we don’t know who purchased the family property. Could be a random stranger never to be introduced or the doctor telling them that he could clear of their debt in return for leaving the country and the price of their property. They might have been desperate to accept such a deal. Another thing to note is that Suji has her name conveniently changed hence even when she has come face to face with her mother, they have failed to recognize each other. Clearly this is for plot convivence because the mother might have brought it up earlier therefore, they need many more plot twists before they realize their connections. Though we can be sure that Na Young is going to discover this fact first and try and use it to her advantage. Perhaps by trying to cause a misunderstanding between the main leads before this is cleared up. But like I said why did they decide to name her Suji. Was that family a fan of semolina? If it was because they had moved to the States it would make sense if she was using a Western name like let’s say Jessica, Jenny, Tiffany etc something easy for them to pronounce. Suji just seems like a weird choice. This now brings me up to the second lead. So far, he seems kind of okay. A bit possessive and perhaps a bit jealous but considering everything else he also looks to be loyal at the same time. He isn’t buckling down under his father’s pressure so far to date and marry the girl of his choice. In fact, he even let’s her know that he attended the show with his girlfriend so there isn’t any kind of misunderstanding down the line. We know this is going to cause him trouble down the line but at least he hasn’t done anything major to harm the leads or manipulated the situation to get what he wants. Again, I am not sure what is going to be the trigger factor that will force Suji to break up with him. As I pointed out he doesn’t seem like the person to be influenced by the other parties wealth so he isn’t going to be greedy in that sense. The family seems well off so I don’t see them getting into financial difficulties that they may be needed to be bailed out by the girl’s family thus forcing him to marry someone else. While it is true that the father has mentioned that they depend on politicians and other sponsors to help run the hospital I doubt that it is going to be that serious. Suji’s family scandal might be an issue where she may be forced to breakup with him. After all she has been running the household mostly by herself from what we can gather. It has been mentioned that she paid for both of her younger siblings’ classes. The brother at least seems to be grateful in regards to this. She will probably also be the one to clear up the scam that her father has fallen for and caused. It does make sense that the hospital might want to cut ties with her at this point as it wouldn’t look good for them from a PR point of view. Also, another reason why the family would be opposed to her. The chairman has an ego issue plus according to him Suji doesn’t come from a background that could help them financially. So instead of the evil mother-in-law trope we can have the evil FiL trope this time round. Not sure what he will think after he finds out who her mother is. But probably knowing him he would still be against her because this would mean that he will have no chance to be with her mother. It is interesting to see just how manipulative he is at the moment. From his actions to control his son’s fate, choosing a post at the hospital, to picking a life partner for him. But it doesn’t end over there. He noticed the reaction what his wife did at the anniversary party at the hospital, and he tried to take a page out of that book to make himself look good. Only the people that he tried to involve weren’t as greedy and ambitious as him causing him further headaches. Well deserved mind you. For instance, he is trying to use the singer and Suji’s connection as a PR stunt and not only that he deliberately mentions Suji’s mother and how she is important to him. It is probably well known how he saved her life on his own dime. He was hoping that she would admit it and do some good PR for him. So, the light would shine on him once more and this would show everyone at the hospital that he was still relevant and important. Well, I guess Na Young thinks that she has it in the bag for a change. From the preview it seems like she finally got the job as an announcer that she dreamed off. Next is her trying to win over Uri. Problem over here is that she is already in the bad books of his sister because she got her in trouble regarding the dress. Now she is being extra rude towards her at this point. This means that when it comes to convince the family she already has someone that is going to oppose said relationship. You can be sure that she might even try and manipulate Suji’s mother against her when she discovers the birth secret because why not. This apparently is a popular trope when it comes to dramas. Oops while I have more to add I don’t want to get into trouble for writing a super long post which might be boring and all. So I will leave it over here for the time being. And continue my thoughts if I still recall them after someone else posts a few more after me. So till next time.
  7. So, it seems like I am slightly getting a better hang of the characters. Not a 100% but still something. Also it seems like @kboramint seemed to have helped out a bit by explaining how Na Young was her mother’s daughter prior to her marrying into Suji’s family. While this does explain the animosity towards Suji slightly better the comment her mother made regarding how the grandmother seems to favour Suji who isn’t of her blood was strange. Perhaps I probably misunderstood her reference over here or there was an issue with the subtitles. Need to probably re0watch the scene for confirmation. Other than that, let’s see what we do have so far. Na Young clearly has a crush on Uri at this point. Not really sure what she thinks by hiding the fact that she is Suji’s sister. She wants to find some dirt on her good luck. But you have to remember that she wants a long term relationship with Uri and might even be considering marriage with him (even if it is one sided) so why hide this fact. You know that Suji is going to be at her wedding as family, so the secret is going to be out eventually. So, I don’t understand why she is hiding this fact. The betrayal down the line is going to be far worse. Her mother seems way too much of an air head as well can’t seem to see and understand her husband might not be in a good place and wants to spend his money or the time when she takes the bag of clothes from Suji and tells her that she will hand them over to Na Young. If she was going to do that she should have just pretended that the clothes were a gift from her instead of rubbing the fact that Suji has been better than everything to her daughter. Especially when she knows that fact triggers her daughter. Bad mother. Now let’s move onto the rest of the characters. Second male leads mother has done something because she looks younger and thinner than what I remember her last. (maybe the hair). Not that she looks bad in anyway just different. Now back to the family dynamics over here. The husband is clearly ambitious and married into the rich family possibly for financial gains. Even though he denies it at the moment. No wonder they seem to be clashing to the point that they sleep in different beds at the moment. But he also seems to have a thing for Suji’s bio mother. Was she his first love (one sided). Let’s look at the evidence that might be supporting this claim. He performed surgery on her and from what I understand he covered it from his own pocket, and he visits her restaurant as a regular. Not it is totally understandable that he is a kind and generous doctor so he could have performed the surgery for free. But if that was simply the case he doesn’t need to go to the restaurant. That is taking advantage of poor people who he knows are grateful for his actions so they will never refuse him. Now it is possible that he has taken a page out of Miss Otooke book and has agreed to clear what they owe him by agreeing to buy meals to the amount that covers the expense. But the real proof of him having feelings for her is when she hurt her hand, and he rushes up and tries to make a big fuss over it. Then when the guy shows up as well as the little girl and calls her mother, he kind of hesitates. At this point any normal person should have simply entered the restaurant instead of waiting. This shows that he clearly has some sort of interest in her. Not only this but when the guy shows up to serve him his meal he seems a bit disappointed until she shows up. Then it seems like huh you don’t control her that means you can’t be in a serious relationship. Moving back to his wife. She seems to be extremely understanding towards her son and his supposed love life. She also probably doesn’t want him to make the same mistakes that she did when it comes to marriage. Which makes me suspect that she might have been forced into her current marriage by her parents probably her father. But will she be willing to accept Suji into her family considering all the baggage that comes with her family. Suji as a person seems to be great but the rest of her current family has issues. Her father causing trouble by being part of a scam shows that he isn’t the brightest bulb in town and he may just cause similar problems down the line which may affect the hospital and it’s reputation down the line. Same for her mother and brother. They don’t seem to understand the value of money at the moment. Oh, the little girl now I know why she looks so familiar. She was in that weird drama Elegant Empire. Did the mother leave her here because something happened to Puppy Oppa and she is out trying to avenge his death. Uri and his family also need a better explanation at this point. So far the only things that are clear is the guy who works at the restaurant and his sister. Uri and his sister call the female leads mother as their own mother. The age group doesn’t match and as far as i can tell the guy hasn’t been married yet as he only has eyes for Suji’s mother. Both brother and sister are going to be disappointed at her actions for trying set him up on a blind date without considering his feelings. You don’t spring a surprise like that on a person at the last minute unless you want to end it in disaster. Clearly I get what she was thinking on paper but practically it is bound to fail. So has that family been adopting people who are in trouble. I am sure that when Suji discovers that Uri is her mothers son she is going to feel hurt and betrayed until it is explained down the line of how it is all a giant misunderstanding. I also think that the problem with the guy and the mother is also a lack of miscommunication which isn’t helping matters. Clearly, he can tell that the doctor comes over here with other intentions at this point. Instead of telling her this which might help he instead is trying to give him the cold shoulder or telling her that he will handle the situation and that she shouldn’t show up to serve him.\ Why would she listen to him when according to her he seems to seem unreasonable. She also feels guilty that he isn’t searching for someone else when she has her own baggage from her previous marriage. Unless that is resolved and she fully moves on she has put her life on hold. I am going to assume that they are at least end game at this point. They do make a better couple than her Ex. Speaking of does she have a connection with the second leads mother. I can’t tell at this point. On one hand it doesn’t seem like she knows the doctor prior to her injuries, and she seems to also not have amnesia so.... it will really help if the two run into each other or we have a near miss showing a possible connection between them. For instance, we had that scene when there was a near miss between Suji and her mother at the hospital (slow mo) clearly indicating that they were connected some how. Not that it helps at this point because they can’t recognize each other due to time that they were apart. We do know that she probably has a connection with Na Youngs mother or are we totally misreading the entire situation. For instance, we know this as a fact. Her husband cheated on her with her friend and that friend had given birth to a son. We automatically assume that friend to be Na Youngs mother because Suji has a younger brother now as well. (LoL whenever I see her name I am reminded of Semolina and especially Basboosa for some reason. Even though that is very tasty,) But anyway back to the point that I was making. What instead of this being the case how about the reveal that second male leads mother was her friend, and her son was the one being referred to. This probably explains the comment by Na Youngs mother to the grandmother about her taking sides with someone not related to them by blood. If she was Suji’s mother’s friend then she would have known that Suji was related to that family. It also explains why Suji and the other doctor are such close friends. They feel the family connection. We had something like this in another drama as well. I forgot the name at this point (darn it why do i watch so many dramas back then) but it had the actress from that dinner show where people were talking about who she ends up with or falls in love with aka her caretaker. (i dropped that show due to time so I have no idea what happened) So, what do people think of this theory. It might also explain why the second male lead isn’t ambitious like his father. Anyway, I have to do other stuff so will leave my post over here for the time being, I do wonder why we don’t have more people over here. This show is quite light especially when you compare it with all those other revenge shows out there. Which i just might need to get back at some point as well. Still, I hope to see more posts so that we can share more theories out here. I need a theory of my own one day that is actually correct so I can claim my drama predication award. Which some of you have already claimed. Please don’t leave me out.
  8. So, I was checking out this new drama even though I have a lot of backlogs on other dramas at the moment and even watching some of them. But regardless of all this i still seem to be enjoying this even though some of the character connections seem to be a bit confusing at the moment. Which i find a bit surprising considering that I have watched a lot of these dramas so I should be quite adept at figuring this stuff out. I even had a theory, but I had to throw it in the bin because of the reveal that is being hinted. My initial theory was that Suji was probably the lost daughter of the doctor’s family. I based it on the following hints that were provided. The parents clearly have some sort of issue between them at the moment. Clear signs of trouble in paradise. I thought that it could have possibly been because Suji was misplaced while one of them was supposed to be responsible for her the day, she went missing. Probably the father. Hence the hostility and the wife is ignoring him. Not only that but the fact that when the mother went to pay her respects for her father the priest brought in another nameplate for her to pray on. I missed the name not that it would be helpful at this point considering the fact that Suji wasn’t her given name. (Most Likely). As for Suji not eating seaweed soup or the rice balls could be simply because of the trauma that she is associated with but also the fact that they were regulars at a restaurant that served them. But all of this is moot because we now have a slightly better idea of what happened back then. Not that any of the sibling relationships make a lot of sense at this point. So please help me out over here. Clearly in this case Suji’s mother is Uri’s mother as well. Sort off. I will get into this in a bit. She left home because her husband cheated with her friend who ended up giving birth to a son. If that is the case, then her brother the rapper makes sense at the moment. Since the grandmother wanted her to raise him if possible. But that doesn’t explain Na Young. She seems like his older sister. So, what happened over here. Did the father end up marrying someone totally different and expects her to raise his kids from different women? But Na Young’s mother seems to have more issues with Suji which makes little sense to me. Just what has she been told at this point. Suji’s mother was someone they knew but she abandoned her kid, so they have been taking care of her out of pity. Because at this point it really seems like she is unaware of the fact that Suji is even related to her family. This could be seen when she mentioned something along the line of Suji not being related to them by blood and the grandmother went along with this. I just don’t understand the need for all this deception at this point. But anyway I can see some of the connection points that will end up connecting the main characters later down the line. Suji (aka Semolina) clearly suffers from a trauma of being abandoned by her mother (how true that is remains to be seen). Uri and his family also happen to have a little girl in their family with the same issue. This common factor will end up helping Suji and the kid to bond with each other which Uri might just find nice. Not only that but her mother is also probably looking after the girl for the same reason and to make amends to the best of her ability at the moment. As for that current family it would be actually nice to get a proper family chart between them. From what I can tell the mother clearly isn’t married to the guy in that house from some comment that the grandmother made. I think when the little girl referred to them as her parents. So are the kids from the guys previous marriage or did they simply decide to have some without marriage. This might complicate the relationship between the main leads. Well we know that it should cause some kind of misunderstanding at least or perhaps fuel for Na Young to use to try and break them apart. After all dramas need their love triangles or squares. In this case Na Young must have clearly fallen for him after her first encounter with him on that island and him helping her out then. Clearly her jealousy and inferiority complex is going to be brought up the moment she realizes that he has feelings for Suji. Of course she has a major hurdle to get over in the form of his sister. She has gotten her into trouble and she isn’t willing to take responsibility for her actions. Actually speaking of that issue I am surprised that Suji hasn’t done something to bail her out. This brings me up to the other issue. Her father is someone that is equally baffling. He is falling for a scam even when his daughter told him to be careful. I see her having to bail the family out because of his mistake. But someone who seemed to have run his own business in the States? Can’t be really that dumb now can he. How did he manage his business over there then. This reminds me of another drama that I watched a few years back. The female leads father had an affair then runs of with the woman. Apparently, he used to run his own business back then but he sells it off when he leaves with his other woman (who is the main leads aunt I think). When we next see his he is trying to use multiple get rich schemes which all end up in failure for some reason or the other. I mean if he could run a company successfully how can he come up with such schemes now which always end up in failure. This totally baffles me. This seems to be the same case over here. Suji’s father can’t tell that he is being used to run a scam and when the victims realize what has happened, they are either going to demand that he pays up or end up heading over to his daughter to get their money back since he used her as a selling pitch. I am also not understanding why Suji’s mother is being so hesitant to go on camera if it will help her get reunited with her daughter. Assuming that is the daughter can recognize her even after such a long time. It isn’t like she is running away from loan sharks. It also isn’t the case that she has amnesia at this point also. Since the grandmother (current house) mentioned that after her injury she tried to get her daughter but discovered that they had moved away. (Another misunderstanding like in the previous drama?). either way if the family had nothing to hide then even if she comes on TV what will it matter. It also probably isn’t the case that the husband due to poor business choices took out loans and the loan sharks will come after her to force her to pay them. They haven’t hinted that so far. Then we have that senior doctor that is the father of the Second Lead. What is his connection to this family. He not only saved her life when she had her accident but also is a regular at their restaurant. Clearly there is more to the story over here as well. Again I find it unlikely that they were having an affair after she left home but thanks to the accident she has forgotten about this. She was heartbroken when she discovered what her husband did to her so I doubt that she would do something like that nor would she have the time to do so if she intended to get her daughter as soon as possible from her last house. Also speaking of all this brings me up to another issue. If Suji does have trauma from her mother leaving the house. She should still know that she is biologically related to her current family why doesn’t she speak up when she is being mistreated with Na Youngs mother or when Na Young mentions that they aren’t sisters at all. Granted they aren’t biological sisters but this should probably make them step sisters unless Na Young’s mother is a different woman altogether. (thus rapper brother isn’t related to her as well) but that also doesn’t seem to be the case considering that she seems to treat the brother at least a bit better compared to Suji. I get her hostility towards Suji and it really doesn’t help that nobody in that family seems to understand what she wants or needs. For example her mother instead of trying to support her dreams is busy discouraging her. Only Suji tried to be supportive. That went as well as expected. Not only that but due to her own actions (though she isn’t aware of it) she lost the chance to get trained by someone that her sister tried to get a meeting with. Not that she will be willing to realize this and blame it all on Suji for failing to keep her promise with her. Anyway I seem to have a headache now so I will end my post over here for the time being. So take care all of you over here. Let’s see how this show ends up.
  9. So, it has been quite a while since I last popped by. Sadly, been busy and i still haven’t caught up with this show. Regardless i should first of all thank @Ameera Ali for making the gif that I requested. Now moving on to my post itself. I think that I want to point out that I don’t really feel all that sorry for Noel. She kind of deserves the pain that she is going through. But I don’t think that it has anything to do with Karma as some people here think. Let me explain what i mean over here. She feels so betrayed over the chairman’s actions especially in regards to him getting married to Da Jung. But here is the thing why was she living back in the chairman’s house in the first place. Remember she was divorced from him because she was fed up with his antics especially when it came to his cheating ways. I like to believe that she was even suspicious of him when he tried to ruin her business thus she was refusing his help. All that she had going was her pride. Then one night she gets drunk that the chairman conveniently brings her back home. After that she simply moved back in. Where is the logic in that. One could argue that she staid back because of Anna. But if we think about it logically that doesn’t make a lot of sense. If she was so attached to her she could simply request Yohan to bring her around a few times and he wouldn’t have refused such a request. Yet she decides to stay back and take care of the house as if she was still married. Granted the Chairman played the game well and pretended to not be interested in any other woman just to win her back. But like i said she should have been aware that he could cheat on her anytime again. Thus I think that she was an idiot and deserves the pain that she is getting now. Moving on to the next part of this discussion. People think that she is getting the karma that she deserves. For cheating on her husband with Kang Manseok (Seran’s father) or if she should be forgiven for her said actions. To this I ask where is the proof that she did any of this. After all isn’t it Innocent Until Proven Guilty. I can say with 95% certainty that she is probably innocent of this accusation. 5% I am leaving for a margin of error because dramas like to trick us or suddenly change the plot to match their narrative. Now how do I base my current odds. Well for starters there have only been two so called interaction scenes that she had with Seran’s dad. The first was when she was trying to reach for something, and he comes and grabs her from behind. This was when Seran’s mother catches them and starts accusing her of making a move on her husband and pulls her hair. If anyone notes her reaction at this point. She is clearly uncomfortable at him holding her like that. If she is like that then what makes it possible that she would cheat with him or even be intimate. Highly unlikely. Now I get that some of you here will try and remind me of the next scene where she is actually in bed with him and how can I explain that. My response to that is that the scene is probably a Red Herring. I explained this in an earlier post, but it was probably missed because of my rambling. Anyway, here I go again. That was a scene where Shin Duk Soo was probably imagining what happened. This isn’t the first time a writer has pulled a bait and switch in fact if you think about it this writer has also done it later on. In that scene we had was Seran admitting to everyone that she was having an affair with Da Jung’s husband. People included over here was her father and Noel as well. People were wondering how either party had failed to recognize the other. Anyway, to cut to the chase it turned out all in the head of Da Jung’s husband. One of them failed to show up for some reason. But the scene makes sense because he doesn’t know that Shin Duk Soo and Noel are related so they would be sitting peacefully. Another point to notice in regards to Noels innocence regarding the so called affair. She claimed to be innocent. It was Shin Duk Soo who had gotten tired of this drama that he wasn’t ready to believe her. But near the end when he is looking for her again he admits to Da Jung that wasn’t the case and there was a misunderstanding. Further proving that Noel probably was indeed innocent. Now after all this if the writer decides to make Noel a cheater i will admit that i was wrong. But I still feel like to better understand a scene we should always watch it from the entirety not in parts as things can always change. Come to think about it the Chairman getting married to Da Jung makes little to no sense. How was it that it took so long for people to figure that out. He needs to redecorate his room for her arrival. Not only that but if anyone were to enter the room they would clearly note to separate beds. A newly married couple should at least be sharing the same bed. This brings up the point that Noel was also cheating with the chairman. But was she genuinely doing that or just how much aware of she of the so called truth. She may have been aware of him being married but he could have easily lied to her that he wanted to divorce his wife but she wasn’t letting him or that they were in the final steps of divorcing her. Remember this is the same person who is the master at blindsiding people such as marrying Da Jung out of the blue. Also anything that he says has to be taken with a grain of salt. She did figure out that he framed his Ex Wife for having an affair but she pretended to take a blind eye to it. But depending on the lies he fed her she might be given a pass. Speaking of the so called incident in France where she got amnesia makes no sense at all. Remember we have to take the chairmans word for what happened because she clearly doesn’t. But if she actually thought about it she would have figured that out on her own. According to her their so called love story began when they met for the first time on the flight to Paris where he even gave her his card. Then later on she got into an accident where she was mugged and the only thing that they found on her was his card and they therefore contacted him. My issue with the statement is that if someone mugged her why did they conveniently leave his card on her. A thief is going to take everything of value that they can spot and also where it may be. Now let’s get into this detail a bit further. Where do people keep cards that they just get. Someplace safe and important. Men will keep it in their wallets generally perhaps a pocket, females on the other hand will do so in their bags and purses. A thief is almost always going to target those items. It isn’t like he has the time to carefully search and leave items that aren’t of value to them. The Ji Hoon reveal of doing a hit and run for Song Yi also doesn’t make sense unless we take Drama Time into consideration. By this I mean that something that should take a few minutes at max turns out into a few hours. Now for dallies that can be understandable due to time constraints but i have seen the same issue for the weekend/weekdays dramas as well. Anyway, let’s get into this for the time being. According to what we were initially informed was as follows. Seran got him drunk then takes him to a hotel room. Where she apparently spent the night with him. Then in the morning she leaves him to return to her home. We know this is a fact because when she arrives home. The grandmother has woken up and is looking for her. She specifically inquires whether or not she spent the night out. She then returns at that point conveniently and mentions that she was with Ji Hoon. When asked if everything was okay she pretends to be coy and rushes to her room. Ji Hoon later on wakes up and head home himself. Now when we look at the accident that happened it was during night time. How can we explain this time discrepancy. The only thing that comes to my mind is that Seran’s place isn’t near the hotel that they were staying in. So she leaves it taking that time into consideration thus arriving just when it turned into morning. Not really makes sense but we will have to go with that for the time being. Also can someone explain to me why Da Jung didn’t have a clause to get out of her marriage with the chairman if it was a contract marriage. I get that she was blinded by revenge but frankly I am not fully understanding it. This brings me to a point someone made why does Da Jung keep the person that she knows drugged her still at the office and why she hasn’t had her transferred to some far off place like one of their factories in the countryside. The problem over here is that we as viewers know exactly how that person is guilty. We witnessed Seran giving her the orders. The problem is that Da Jung doesn’t know this fact. I mean she is aware of who did it and why. The logic is simple she knows that she didn’t take any sleep medication and the only time when she could have gotten it was when she took that glass of spiked ginger tea. Easy to figure out but without evidence hard to prove. Now if Da Jung was to transfer her without said evidence the worker could claim that she was abusing her power. If Da Jung would claim that she was drugged the worker could easily claim that it was a misunderstanding and that she was simply being nice when she offered the glass and that it wasn’t drugged at all. Da Jung’s ex has just gotten worse. I get that the three of them are the comedy relief squad. (His mother, himself and Seran’s mother). Not only that but they are equally as greedy and dumb. He wants to quit work because he is ashamed of what to tell his daughter and wants someone that she can be proud off. Congratulations when she asks him what job he does. Oh nothing i am just a bum in my house. If she asks him how does he plan on looking after her in the future. His response. Don’t worry you have a rich mum she funds my entire living and if that doesn’t work you have a crazy Aunt who loves to pitch in now and again. Rich Grandmother is also plain weird. She allows a thief to return to work. Her excuse that she needs to be with her daughter because she has never been alone. So wait X amount of years abroad she was living with you? Not only that but back to the issue at hand. The grandmother is now aware that she is a thief. In that case she shouldn’t be back in a position where she has management rights. At best start to make her work in the kitchen again unless she is going to steal some ingredients again. Perhaps some serious punishment make her do the cleaning of the restaurant. Speaking of Seran faking her background is that really an issue on her part. Frankly i don’t know what to make of that statement. I mean I get that is a crime. But according to her what actually happened was she was apparently sitting next to a reporter, and she told him that she was a Star Chef. He then decided to print that story. If that is actually true, then the reporter is at fault for not fact checking before publishing said story. Though how he managed to find a decent picture of Seran is beyond me. Noel;s driver in interesting he seems to have a connection with a lot of characters over here. He knows Da Jung’s MiL because he was in the same fan club with her, he was a fake date with Seran and finally he is Noels driver and has connections with the detective that Noel hired and was bribed by the chairman to quit the search. Now one would think that he would be an opportunist and strike deals with all the wrong people but surprisingly he seems quite loyal towards Noel so far. In fact I even suspected the guy was trying to make money of Noel from her grief of searching for her missing daughter. Such as making a deal with some of the witness he would bring up. But if he is indeed loyal let us hope that he remains like that till the end. I think that i will end my post over here for the time being. While I do have more to add it has sadly slipped my mind. When i do remember what I forgot I will be sure to add it. So till then take care all of you. If anyone here also disagrees with what i have mentioned let me know.
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