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Posts posted by accioecho

  1. After a day and a half of cleaning up my room, I am still not done packing. Gosh, I bought tons of crap here.

    So instead of continuing my task, I came to complain here :))
    Wassup yo?
    @kappy I must say, I thoroughly enjoy reading your recaps of your trip to Korea! :D Really interesting, and I get to learn tons of new stuff 'bout Korea! 
    @lynlily Heyhey! I missed you gurl! How have you been (besides being busy haha)
    @sia3 the artwork that you've posted and that @deyhra reposted is gorgeous! Modern Daejang doing his favorite past time :))

  2. Hello ladies! This is my last day in the USA :'( Sad to leave the American team @Gukja @shengvang @vangsweetie637 @tigereyespeppy @adlyn13 @Can't Remember who else (@LuvMinHo ? @sia3?)
    Buuuut Ladies in Asia/Australia, I'll be joining your side in a  couple of weeks so Yay! 

    I'll be here on and off until late tonight, so let's chat whenever you're here! :D

  3. Guyyys, I am already emotional, don't add to it :))@sia3 @adlyn13 @mattie2012 @Hanjae @LuvMinHo You guys are making it look like I'm leaving forever! I'll be baaaack, fear not, young padawans!
    I'll come back to feed you with bits of Vol 2. 
    Vol 1 is like: "Who's this Psycho, what's his deal?" (Eun Soo Style) - "This Heaven woman just doesn't stop talking" (Choi Young style)
    Vol 2 will be like: "Eh, he's not so bad after all" (Eun Soo) - "This Heaven woman just doesn't stop talking" (Choi Young)
    Vol 3 will be like: "Man, he's hot. Luv u" (Eun Soo) - "This Heaven woman that I adore just doesn't stop talking" (Choi Young)
    Vol 4 will be like: *sexy times*

    (I actually have no idea how many volumes there will be, nor do I know what's going to be inside the books, I'm just making hypotheses)

  4. Hi Gals, dropping by just to say a quick hello! I'm moving back home in 3 days, so RL is filled with packing, saying goodbyes to friends, packing some more etc. (Also me being an emotional mess, etc.)
    I promise I'll drop by for a proper Faith party right before I leave so I can properly say goodbye to you guys too! :D
    Hugs all around <3

  5. sia3 said: @violetts
    Okay.... after I cried and I totally forgot about something else i.e. novel volume 2.
    I've read a bit of the translated version elsewhere (not in English or else I'd have shared with you gals).
    Eun Soo missed coffee, bacon and fried egg that has milk and a bit of salt in it. She also misses eating hot bread with melted butter...
    This is all because Deoki feed her with a bowl of rice, a bowl of water and a dish of two different coloured veggies. :))

    Poor thing, she's totally not used to Goryeo. I pretty much think we will all have this problem. I'll be craving sashimi, steak (OMG) and potatoes etc etc. Food vs Daejang. Food vs Daejang. Which one will win???

    There is also mention that Eun Soo kept questioning Jangbin about whether CY will indeed send her back. Jangbin had to point out to her bit by bit by asking her if she intended to kill CY and points out that CY did it in terms of suicide because he couldn't fulfill his promise. Eun Soo was shaken into silence by that fact. :( *heart-wrenching moment* I presumed when you get to that page. Aishhhh jelllyyyyyyy, coz I wanna read them myself!

  6. @sia3 Boy, I remember that excerpt now. I feel like I translated it forever ago :))
    And regarding your previous post regarding Taro dessert, I'm not sure why you mentioned me as I've never had Taro dessert...? It looks yummy though!

    @adlyn13 There's nothing about CY meeting his first love; come to think of it, I don't think he mentions her at all in the 1st volume. We'll see in book 2! :)
    Again, I like to believe that he didn't have that kind of reaction to his ex gf. Although yes, even if he truly loved her, I think it was more by convenience than anything. She was part of his unit; she was the only girl. They were about the same age. Started as teenager with all the hormones raging. "Yes she's a girl, she's pretty cool, she fights well, we get along, why not take things further??"
    He got hit hard by her death. It's normal, they grew up together (basically), they were best friends above all, of course he mourned her. It's a love that progressed gradually.
    With Eun Soo? He's swept away by her from Day 1 (as proven by the excerpt that the lovely @sia3 has just reposted). She literally took his breath away. And they have.absolutely.nothing.in.common.
    And yet he feels attracted to her (okay, not so much at the beginning but level with me), but he finds her intriguing, and oh what's that tingling feeling in his heart? THE ARROW OF LOVE.
    Boom Choi Young, you got owned by a tigress. 


    I really need to go study tho.

  7. @sia3 @adlyn13 @everyone I'm taking computer programming class, let me see what's wrong with the new spoiler tag.
    Will edit this post :)

    WORK SPOILER TAG WORK I really should study my final which is tomorrow. Ironically, it's for my computer programming class.
    EDIT: Okay, I tried everything I could think of, and it doesn't work. My guess is, there is something wrong with Soompi forum's source code to set up the spoiler tag; probably a typo or something, which makes it impossible for users to properly use it. 

  8. @sia3 I think this is the greatest compliment that someone can say to me :))KHJ and I are fated to be buddies with our 4D-ness. Although I'm sad cos' it looks like he'll be off to the army very very soon (as he implied it during his latest concert) :/ Booh.
    (cr goes to owner)(I tried to find the weirdest gif of him :)) )

    I am really excited to start novel 2 (I will probably start reading in 2 weeks). Maybe we'll see more of that "tiger" -like actions from CY and ES 

  9. @xopo17 Yeah DWAWG has become my 2nd home now! 
    I haven't been on the Heirs thread in a while, I guess I'll become active once the show starts airing! I've always been checking out the Cyrano thread (watching it just because Lee Jong Hyuk is in it ^^)
    @Anomalous @Kappy now that you mention it, it does remind me of something vaguely familiar. Well, can't blame him, Eun Soo is a unique kind of tigress. Being all fierce and such.

  10. @kappy Hi hi! I will definitely go to Hawaii some day (when I'm rich)! I'll drop by and say hello if that ever happens! :D
    About the book translation, I have absolutely no recollection of having translated that? But then again, I translated so much my memory sometimes fails me :))I think @sia3 did a master post of all the book tidbits, so maybe she'll be more suited to answer your query?
    As for the tiger symbolism, @tigereyespeppy for one thing tiger is one of the national emblem of Korea. Kinda like what the rooster is to France :))

  11. Some art works I've found on the webz:

    So typical... :))Translation:
    CY: Imja?ES: Hmm?CY: Don't you think that's enough for now?ES: Okay...



    And the last one because I think that Choi Young and his Aunt are just.so.cool.


    -Credit goes to all the original owners :)

  12. @adlyn13 From the way you say it you make it look like all men are beasts lol. I wouldn't be so blunt and diminishing, I mean, let's give the opposite sex more credit than that.As long as they're respectful, it's all that matters :)
    @tigereyespeppy Busy here too. This week is finals week, so I've been doing a bunch of school work, and I'm moving back home right after my finals are done, so yep yep I cannot catch a break :))Stay here a bit more! Puhleaaaase :D
    And I just looked it up, Kimchi as we know it today originates from the 16th century when Korea got introduced to red chili peppers (main ingredient of Kimchi) after the discovery of the "new world" by Europeans. So since Goryeo only last until the 14th century, King GM and Choi Young never tasted this wonderful dish.
    I bet Kimchi is what Eun Soo missed the most from her world; poor her :)

  13. @tigereyespeppy I finally get to talk to you live! Phew! Everytime you're here, I'm not and vice versa. Anyway, how have you been? Do you have more free time now that tax season is over? :D
    @kappy YOURE HAWAIAN??? Excuse my enthusiasm, but waaah, it's always been my dream of visiting Hawaii. I heard the islands were beautiful there.  :x
    And since you guys were talking about potatoes... I like yams. XD (which is again, different from Taro and potatoes...)
    It's really interesting to see all the food that were available (or not available) to them in Goryeo era. I can't recall if Eun Soo said it sometimes in the show or I'm just assuming it, but Kimchi didn't exist either back then right?
    Kimchi is so inherent to the Korean culture that I find difficult to conceive that there was a time where it simply did not exist :))

    EDIT: @adlyn13 @tigereyespeppy LMH's answer about bikinis and miniskirts, I thought they were typical answers of a man. I've never seen/met a guy who didn't like scantily clad women  /:)

  14. @tigereyespeppy You read #2 wrong, he spends 20 minutes in the shower :))
    Also, I'm loving the fact that he likes to sleep....? I don't know I find it hilarious. I guess when he's filming or on tour, he doesn't have much chance to rest, that's why he tries to get the most of it every time :))But he's right, sleep is awesome, and naps are life man.

    No idea why you guys are talking about potatoes but @kappy @tigereyespeppy Not sure if it does indeed originates from Ireland, but what I know is that potato in Ireland is like what rice is to Asian countries. Back in like a million years ago (like... in the 18th century or something), Ireland had a pretty bad potato drought and it led to a famine and killed tons of Irish people. It was THAT crucial to their daily diet!They also have tons of dishes based on potato.
    (You might look at me weird because I know random facts about potato, but I'd like to point out that I learned that when I did a homestay thing in Ireland back when I was 14 :)) I'm not some weird potato lover hahaha. Although potato are awesome. They're yummy. And it's easy to cook. Potato potato.)

  15. Sorry for being aloof tonight, I'm also simultaneously writing a final paper for one of my Business class (or at least I'm trying to). I would rather write a paper on Faith. I would certainly be more inspired, that's for sure! I've been staring at a half-empty word document for the past hour.... it's driving me mad!  8-}
    Wishful thinking:The proportional correlation of a fan's premature heart attack risk to the intensity of a Korean drama: The 'Faith' paradigm.

    EDIT: @tigereyespeppy I see you tiger! Delurk and chat please! Missed talking to ya! :D

  16. Hello my dear Faithlings! How's your weekend going so far? 
    What's new in Faith land? Nothing much I assume, since the show has been over for forever now :))
    I know the 2nd volume just came out, but do we know when the release of vol. 3 is scheduled for? :D

  17. Holà my Faithlings! 
    Looks like I've missed a few things the last couple of days! The biggest of them all: the new spoiler tags system :))
    Thank you @sia3 @Maja for the LMH updates, as always. I must say, I'm not digging his "mushroom" hairstyle. Nuh uh. 
    Also, you guys make me want to read the Personal Taste novel! I think I'll buy it once I'm in Korea, to see what the fuss is all about. Besides LMH looks (his best so far in all the tv drama he's done), I wasn't a big fan of the series. It lacked... spark. It missed that little something that makes a show awesome. 
    Anyway. Just dropping by. Hope to see you guys around to chat today! :DPeace!

  18. @adlyn13 @sia3 Wait- Red Turban what? What is that about? 
    And I imagine that yes, as @sia3 said, Eun Soo would follow the Woodalchi, no way she would stay at the Palace. However it would richard simmons CY off that she's in the battle front, haha.
    EDIT: dang Soompi censor :)

  19. Holà Chingudeul ! Crazy week, crazy week! But tonight I have decided to take a break and hang out with you guys! How's everyone doing? :D
    Quick prompt to get you guys going: 
    If there was a second season to Faith, what do you think the plot would be? Or what would like the plot to be? 

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