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Posts posted by accioecho

  1. Not sure if this has already been posted before but-


    1/ Love their banter
    2/ I think Choi Young Do is mostly misunderstood by his peers and family. Sure he's rude and a bit of a jerk, but he's like a wounded puppy that gets violent because he's actually scared and insecure inside. Once you get past his facade and dig a little deeper, he's actually a 6'2" giant mass of sass and adoreble-ness.

  2. @laquetahodge Well see, that's what I find amazing. This show has so many layers, you could watch it a thousand times and still discover news ways of seeing things. And the writer has woven historical facts with fiction in a super smart way which makes the show all the more brilliant. 
    (btw congrats on becoming a moderator!! You weren't one when you were chatting with us a few months ago, right? Very daebak :D)

    I was talking about Faith with my parents at dinner and here are the things they told me (they grew up in Korea, so they learned all about King Gong Min and the Goryeo era at school)
    - No Gook actually means "Princess of Yuan" (or something like that) so it's not her real name. There were lots of "No Gook" but only one came to Korea, and it's the one who eventually became Gong Min's wife. That's why we call her like it's her full name.
    - After their deaths, women didn't get to keep their full name, but only their last name. So let's say I'm Yoo Eun Soo and I die, people in the future would only know me as "Mrs Yoo, wife of ___"
    - GET THIS: At the grave of Choi Young in Korea, his gravestone mentions a Mrs "Yoo", his wife. They loved each other so much they were buried together.SO THIS MEANS THAT A GIRL WHOSE LAST NAME WAS YOO ACTUALLY EXISTED AND MARRIED THE DAEJANG.The writers of the show took that historical fact and invented the character of Yoo Eun Soo.
    Mind = blown.
    You have no idea how this little bit of news changed my whole perception of the show. LIKE WOAH.


  4. To keep up with this thread, one must stay at home and refresh the page every 2 minutes. I left last night, slept, went to work all day, and just came back tonight, and there's 277 new posts. Seriously guys? :))
    This thread is flying faster than Kim Tan being hit!!!
    I dunno if any translations for the "Hanbam" video has been released yet... but here's my take on it:

    PSH says: "Because my fingers are tingly"LMH says: "Do you want to break up with me maybe?" [laughing] 
    (No idea why they're saying these things since they're completely taken out of context. Thank you, Mr Dude-from-the-show-who-edited-this-interview)

  5. My mom and my dad are currently watching Faith. They're at episode 18 so far, and they're asking me all these questions:
    "Wait, but it doesn't make any sense, how can she write to herself from the past of the past?""BUT HOW CAN LEE MIN HO BE THE DAEJANG. HE IS JUST A CHILD.""I can't believe how tiny King Gong Min is."
    Anyway-They have absolutely no idea how the show is going to end and it's driving them crazy (remember the sweet and innocent times when we where at the same state of mind?)
    My Dad bet 20 bucks Eun Soo was in a coma all along and that she's dreamed all of it.My Mom thinks it was all a dream and that she'll wake up in the last episode and say to herself "Hm, I must have eaten bad kimchi before going to sleep." 
    All I want to say is: 

  6. 110 pages into Volume 2 of Faith book. If we compare it to the show, we're roughly at the first half of episode 4. I really, really am curious on how Song JiNa is going to cram all 24 episodes into a novel. I really hope she's not going to rush the writing and give us something sloppy :/
    Choi Young is really really mad at the King for forcing him to disobey the promise he made to Eun Soo. Because she stayed, she's put in danger. The fact that they just got attacked only proved his theory. (Remember, in ep4, red flame girl threw bombs at them). 
    The scene between CY and the King in the show is pretty loyal to the book (halfway through ep4), but they changed a few details. In the show, Gong Min comes off as a little condescending towards CY and Daejang comes off as sullen. We don't really understand why CY is so "closed off". But we get it in the book; he blames the King for the attack. Because of him, Eun Soo is made a target and is vulnerable. Because of the King, there are rumors circulating about the doctor and CY thinks it can only bring bad things.

  7. @sia3 She says: "Ajussi please, just surrender to the police"and He says: "If you could just follow me quietly/without any disturbance, it would make things easier for the both of us"
    It's a really cute drawing, I love it <3

    -Btw, in that first picture, Deok Man and Dae Man look like puppies who just did something stupid and are about to get scolded by their master (in this case, probably Daejang  "What? What do you mean you 'lost' Imja again?" :)) )

  8. @myphim Well, I guess the palace is very big??? XDAlso, at the time I don't think it was that easy to meet people from the opposite gender. Especially if you're the future King/Queen who is always followed by an escort of at least 20 persons haha.
    @cassopeia They are cute indeed! But too cute for my taste. You gotta have a part of sexy, raw energy in a couple. They don't have that. I don't doubt their love; it's historically acknowledged that they were very much in love of one another, but in the show they appear as very adorable-omg-so-kawaii. Of course they had to convey a different kind of vibe since they weren't the main couple, but still.

    Okay so I read a little bit more tonight; 
    Did you guys know that in the Faith narrative universe, when the story begins, No Gook and Gong Min were already married, and for 2 years!!!I thought for sure that they were newlyweds in episode 1!! D:
    In the book, not only it says that they've been married for 2 years, but that in the 2 years of they married life, they never had sex, not even once. Idk why, it made me laugh when I read this part.
    Granted, it wasn't a love match but rather a marriage of convenience, and they had to work through some issues since they got off to a bad start. But TWO years?! The underlying problem in their relationship in the beginning was a big big set of misunderstandings. They could've worked through thaaaat. But no, noo, they remained strangers for the first two years of their marital life. Gee.
    And don't you think it's weird that it's right around the time Eun Soo barges in their life that they suddenly begin to have a better relationship?
    Eun-Soo Shi, unintendedly a matchmaker :))

  9. Miky88 said:Her dad died when she was small or something like that because he was sick and they have debts from the hospital that now Daddy Kim has payed off...The Mom can't talk from small age,3 years old because off a cold that cause a powerful fever,the sister was most likely a plot filler and a cameo from the actress,she was curentely in the US filming a movie 

  10. @myphim Not much, honestly. Eun Soo misses her parents very much and worries about them, so she feels anxious about that. But I will def. let you know if I find more interesting stuff from the novel :)
    myphim said:Not much discussion really, most swooning and squealing from Anomalous and I over how hot Daejang was in episode 15.

  11. Okay so this has nothing to do with the current plot, but do we know why we don't know anything about Eun Sang's dad and his whereabouts? Why her mom can't talk? 
    I feel like there's a big chunk missing. We all know a lot about each of the character's background and family history, even the secondary characters. But for Eun Sang's family, we know nothing about.
    Will her sister make a re-appearance before the end of the show? Or was she just a plot filler and was just used so that ES would meet Kim Tan in the States?   :-??

  12. Did you guys know that No Gook and Gong Min met back when they were young? I know that in the show they did a flashback of their supposedly first meeting, but in the book it actually happened way before.
    She was 11 years old and him 12 and she got lost at night, and he basically "saved" her and helped find her people safely. So since that night, she couldn't help but think over and over for all these years about her mysterious savior, and she remembered his face and everything. 

  13. shengvang said: While I am slowly dying to know what happens next, I am somehow glad that there are no previews of the next episode. It might be because of the tight schedule or it might be that SBS have gotten smart and realized that the ending left us all begging for more, that without previews, we will all die of curiosity and tune in one way or another. Because we just can't go on without knowing what happened to Kim Tan after he wrenched our hearts out crying alone in that big empty apartment so helplessly like a broken soul. Because we just can't go on without knowing what happened to Eun Sang; where is she hiding, is she hurting just like Kim Tan, will she be able to live happily knowing she's hurt him? Perhaps this is the most anticipated episode yet, because there are so many questions that needs to be answered. I'll bet that right now, even the ajumma in Korea are waiting impatiently to see what happens next, that they'll tune in because it'll be worth every second of it. Regarding the bts photos at the dream catcher shop, I sincerely hope that is all part of Kim Tan's imagination. Writer kim is very famous for writing scenes like that. Kim joo won always seeing Ra Im next to him, when in actuality it is just his imagination. Same goes with AGD. I pray that it isn't another cold war between our OTP because it is getting rather tiresome to see Kim Tan and Eun Sang running around in circles. Writer Kim please, I beg you, stop making Kim Tan chase after Eun Sang while making Eun Sang insist on letting go of him; I'm becoming hopeless rooting for this couple. I disliked YD for most of the drama but seriously, he's managed to redeem himself within just the last two episodes. He is like a lost child, trying to find his way home, trying to find the place he belongs to. I pity him because I can see that he understands where he stands with Eun Sang but he wants to believe things can be different. We don't know yet his intentions of following her, is it for himself or is it for her and Kim Tan? I apologize to the other ship but I wish this will be where it ends. I'm hoping that after he meets her at the sea, he will accept his place in her heart as a friend, perhaps her protector but nothing more. Young Do's happy ending, I believe, is reuniting with his mother and his best friend. A happy ending for me: 1.) Kim Tan and Eun Sang are happy together, and perhaps a 5 minutes time jump into the future showing they are married and have a cute child. (Am I asking for too much?) 2.) Young Do is happily living with his mother, and he's reunite with Kim Tan. 3.) Bona and Chan Young kiss (lips) for the first time. 4.) Kim Won warms up to Kim Tan and they are the best of two brothers. HJ is his priority and jeguk group comes second. 5.) Kim Tan's omma and Eun Sang's omma reunite as mother in laws. 6.) Secretary Yoon gets promoted as Vice President to jeguk group, and lives happily with his son. He leaves Esther finally realizing that he deserves much better than her. 7.) Hyo Shin once and for all pursues his dream and if he has to, divorce his parents. I've come to accept him and Rachel. 8.) Kim Tan, his mother, and Kim Won leaves evil dad to live in misery, all alone in that big house of his. 9.) Young Do beats his father in judo. 10.) They all graduate. Chan Young and Eun sang gets accepted to the top universities. A little too much? :))

  14. Someone may have already posted this, so if this is the case, I apologize in advance.
    Did you guys know there's a Heirs Manwha out there? I was searching on kyobo website, you know... to casually see if there's any official licensed book or something, and look, look:


    It's only in ebook format and there's no additional content (sadly)... It's simply stills from the show with dialogues.


  15. Heya girls @guadi @myphim @Anomalous ! Long time no talk indeed.
    I come with some book excerpts. I know there are various translations of the book out there, and here's my modest contribution.
    - The reason why Gi Cheol Dragon Face is so fascinated with Daejang is a mix of wonder and fear of his skils and power. He truly is a sociopath. He craves CY's attention.Gi Cheol is dying of boredom and is constantly in search of something to spark up is life. It was pretty obvious in the show, but SJN explicitly explains it in the book. That's why he didn't cut CY & ES any slack. He was tired of people he met being either afraid of him or trying to get into his good graces. The fact that Choi Young and Eun Soo do neither of these things makes Gi Cheol feel like he's met his match -finally-.

    - After the events in the Woodalchi barracks (end of episode 3) where ES barges in cutoff shorts to examine CY, we get a glimpse of Dok Man's POV. He's as hilarious in the book as he is in the show. He doesn't understand why Choi Young keeps avoiding the "High doctor". He blames him and his damn pride. "Would it be so difficult to apologize to her? To say he was wrong?"She saves his life after all; he's the one who dragged her to their world and didn't let her go back. AND, he outrageously grabbed her hand on top of that!Aaah Daejang, just beg for her forgiveness already. If I were him, I would kneel in front of her bedroom every morning. If it meant seeing her face everyday, he would do that.
    (Haha: Dok Man is SO infatuated with our Eun Soo)

    - We also see a lot of ES backstory; she's had a pretty bad "love" experience back when she was in college. Turns out it was one-sided and that the guy she liked was never interested in her in the first place. After this traumatic experience (she still has nausea when she thinks too much about it), she vowed never to fall for a guy like this again. Never to depend on a man like that. (LOL, too bad it ain't going to happen like you wish, sweetheart.)
    Also before CY's injury, she had never cared so vehemently about a patient like she currently is for him. And she doesn't understand why she cares so much and it drives her mad. She thinks: "Is this some effect of the Stockholm syndrome?!" :))

    - Overall, we get a lot of feelings~ from both the main characters. Lots of inner thoughts, personal arguments.
    So, remember in the beginning of the show after CY's stabbed, he meditates a lot right? The book explains that it takes normally a year to fully master this skill, to go beyond one's consciousness to heal all wounds (physical or otherwise).Naturally, CY achieved this skill but instead of emptying his mind of all thoughts like he should (like his teacher taught him), he instead thinks of Mae Hee and focuses on her while he meditates. It's a trick he discovered when he was still a red moon warrior (what was the exact name again??) and it is something he kept all these years out of habit. If his master knew, he would get scolded for sure.
    So when he meditates right after he's injured to heal, in his subconsciousness, he talks to Mae Hee. He thinks that every day he's living, his debt for Eun Soo only grows (because he wasn't able to keep his promise and take her back to her world), and that there's no point living on earth anyway and yadda yadda.
    Okay, he feels incredibly guilty, I get that. I know that he doesn't normally back down from challenges, and he's incredibly loyal. Everything he's done so far only proves that. But idk, I feel like when ES is concerned, he is afraid or has too much pride so he hides behind his stoic facade which makes him turn into a coward. Man up and face the doctor! (I'm sure Dok Man would agree with me :)) )So he would rather die because he didn't honor his promise, rather than fight and live to amend and correct his mistake? Tss tss. (Okay, I also think that Mae Hee also has a lot to do with his behavior in the beginning of the show; CY has no purpose anymore, he's lost his love, lost his dad, lost his teacher... So I can understand how he'd rather die than live in a world where everyone whom he cares about are gone).(Well, except his Aunt.)
    Okay I swear, I'm done rambling. It's been almost a year since this series ended, and look at us, 4518 pages later, we're still talking about it. 

  16. Anomalous said: Okay @myphim, let's move on! This time-travel debate will never end. :))

    There are so many relationships that I love in Faith, and Lady Choi and her nephew is one of them. It's sad that she's never married because she's one very awesome lady. Any man will be lucky to have her, but I guess no one in Goryeo is good enough for her.

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