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Posts posted by accioecho

  1. Haha @adlyn13 I had posted the "What I like about you" video a few weeks ago :))
    Hello chingus! How are you this fine day? Spent the last 2 days outside, oh my, such hot weather!!! It truly feels like the summer is here at last! (Even though we're still technically in spring).
    How have you all been? =D

  2. Looks like I've missed quite a lot last night... again... I fell asleep on my computer aishi. Everytime this thread starts to go full swing, I end up asleep. It's like a curse.Slowly BPing now.
    @LuvMinHo I didn't get the whole story (as I said, BPing), but you're going to see Mr LMH in the flesh? THAT'S AWESOOOME!!! So stocked for you!!!!!!!!!
    @Maja His autograph is weird. A bunch of long dash and dots? XD Hahaha
    @Gukja I missed you! Again! *pout* How come everytime you're online, I'm not?
    And for the gals who live on the West Coast.... what the frak are you guys doing up at 7AM on a saturday morning........? :))
    Also, I've no idea if these have been posted here, but here goes anyway: Yesterday's fan accounts:

    130504 - Lee Min Ho Trugen fansign Fan-account (3)

    This is from a student fan,

    Fan to Minho: Oppa, I’m not good in my studies, can you write something to motivate me, something strong and powerful?

    Minho: Strong and powerful?

    Fan: Yes, kekeke..

    Minho: Si.. si…  (some noise that he made)

    In the end, he wrote these 4 words:

    ” 정신 차려 (jeong shin cha ryeo) “

  3. @awesomeduck You know how to speak to my heart, chingu!

    Hi @WutHmone @vangsweetie637 !! :)
    By the way, in the novel, seeing that Eun Soo clearly has no "etiquette" (or whatever is considered to be proper in Goryeo times), Choi Young thinks that Eun Soo truly has no fear. 
    Oy. Now, I know why I love Eun Soo soo much. Girl is bold!
    EDIT: haaiiii @sia3 !!!!! Gimme a popo! :))

  4. @Maja Stawp it with the KHJ gifs, gaaah! <3
    Totally random, but ugh I ate too much pineapple, my stomach hurts. I pulled a Eun-Soo, I had too much greed over food! :))

    @adlyn13 I guess this would only seem normal that Japan gets more cities since he's promoting the album he's singing in Japanese....
    Or wait-
    What are we talking about again? :))

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @AZZURRI !! Hope you're having a wonderful day!!! &hugs !
    Consider this a present! :)
    (Disclaimer: all book contents belongs to SJN and Viche)

    More insights into King GongMin's mind:

    While Eun Soo tends to CY's wounds, the King quietly observes the Woodalchis. He sees the worry on their faces as well as their determination to stay and look out for their General. When one of the Woodalchis tell him that they should leave and go to the boat, GongMin clearly sees that the soldiers are reluctant to go and leave CY behind, even though it would be the Kings's best interest to leave this place. 

    When GongMin declares that they should stay and wait until Choi Young regains consciousness, he sees the relief in the Woodalchis, relief that they are not leaving their General behind.

    Part of the reason why he feels so jealous and envious of Choi Young is because of the deep loyalty the Woodalchis are displaying toward their General. GongMin doesn't have that. He thinks he is merely a title, and whether it is him or another man, it doesn't matter. He's just the King, a title; he has no one who depend on him. He even thinks that he doesn't "have" the Queen, as she never acknowledge his presence. That's why he feels like he must have Choi Young.

    Also, the novel explains that the reason why GongMin decided to stay with CY instead of leaving on the boat is because he feels bad Choi Young had to break the promise he made in the name of the warrior because of him. 


    Funny bit:

    When Choi Young wakes up, he notices Eun Soo asleep on the ground next to him, all curled up probably to conserve body heat due to the cold night. He's about to sit up, accidentally makes some noise and wakes Eun Soo up. She stands and comes next to him; at that moment Daeman enters the room, pushes Eun Soo asides to greet the general.

    At seeing Daeman pushing Eun Soo aside, Choi Young thinks "Aishi, that punk" (it's not literally written like that, but he thinks Daeman lacks manners in his enthusiasm to see him hahaha)

  6. @adlyn13 @shengvang That's what I was saying too :)) I hope he doesn't do the whole celebrity thing.
    However, as @Maja has pointed out, passing the medical exam is a whole other thing altogether. I have no idea what it entails, but if his injuries were serious enough to stop his soccer career, I wonder in which category he will be put once he enlists. :-?
    As long as he stays healthy and doesn't push himself too much to the point of harming his body, is what matters the most :)

  7. @shengvang @tigereyespeppy @adlyn13 Still. Even though it will be "sad" not to see him on the spotlight for a long time, I think it's totally bad*ss to enlist in the military. I hope he won't get the "celebrity" treatment and enlist in the celebrity patrol or whatever the real name is.Sure, there are bad press around Korean mandatory military service, but it's an incredible act of patriotism and "coming of age" rite. I believe he will come out of this experience a changed, matured, and grown man :)
    That's just my personal opinion.
    EDIT: Having said that, I hope that he won't have too much trouble physically, what with his weakness in his legs (correct me if I'm wrong) due to his car accident. 

  8. @adlyn13 It makes sense; in a way, I don't know how he would have pulled off university and his acting career at the same time. Still, it's nice to see that he's intending on finishing up his degree or whatever? 
    Him taking time off is going to happen sooner or later anyway, what with the military enlistment. Minimum period is 2 years, if I'm not mistaken. There were talks about extending that period, what with the problems with N Korea. Those are just rumors though. 

  9. @adlyn13 Whaat? I thought he already graduated and obtained his degree?! He never finished uni? Waaah XD So he hasn't finished university, still hasn't completed his military service... Dude. Just. Get it all done and then focus on your career, no? :))
    Aaah it's already past midnight, I need to memorize all these Hanja words....  oy oy oy

  10. Somebody... pull me... from this hell....  I'm taking advanced korean class at uni, and we're learning a bunch of words derived from chinese characters, since Hangeul (current Korean language) is derived from Chinese. It's like learning Latin for French people. Anyway. I'm going loco here.
    No wonder why a brilliant surgeon like Eun Soo was bad at reading Chinese! Hanmun/hanja is hard, jjinjja!!!
    Where's Daejang, I need his help! :))

  11. Hey guys! Just passing by, I'm drowning in homework... 
    @shengvang Does he really sing well? Should I give it a try? haha 
    @Gukja I don't know about the other ladies here, but I don't know why you keep calling me a minor :))I'm a perfectly legal adult :P
    @lynlily @awesomeduck Don't party too much! I've never tried toblerone cocktails before, I'm intrigued!
    Happy Friday y'all! :D

  12. Going to go to sleep now, for real :)) Bye bye @shangvang (SheWhoHasSeenTheGreatLMHForRealz !!!!) @Gukja (coolest Auntie ever) @Maja (Minoz killer) @sia3 (Minoz killer²) @sicknine (I will find you a nickname for sure, don't know you enough yet!) @Yoshikitty (awesome siggy person) @WutHmone (awesome gif maker) @parisintherain (will find you a nickname) @Hanjae (Our favorite panda. Pandas are awesome. Pandas rule the world.) @everyone
    Thanks for the good laugh gals @tigereyespeppy (Tiger who'd like to Rrawwr in bed with a certain man *cough*) @adlyn13 (Pervy McPervert) , you two are cray cray <3


  13. @tigereyespeppy Maybe the word "suggestive" is more appropriate than "R rated". 
    What if LMH actually read this thread...

    (no chance of that ever happening since Mr Lee cannot speak English, let alone understand it.)(but still.)

    Oh my, I got so caught up by LMH's feet that I forgot to greet my favorite Momma @Gukja !! 

    Now @Gukja you know how to speak to me, what with all the KHJ goodness. Are you by any chance pairing up with @Maja ? :))

  14. After seeing those wonderful pictures of Psycho & LMH combined (thanks @sia3), I'm going to catch some ZZz in dream land!
    So g'night everyone!!! 
    (Psycho sleeping with an open mouth: hilariously cute :)) )(and on a totally different note: would.you.look.at.that.foot's.size.) (lookin at u @shengvang @adlyn13 *cough*)(okay, I'm done.)(I'm officially done.)(bye.)(for real.)(.)20120812_leeminho.jpg

  15. @Hanjae I'm so not a party animal. I just like to have fun, that's all (like Eun Soo) :))

    @adlyn13 Didn't listen to the song, sorry :)
    Alright, what episodes of Faith should I watch before going to sleep tonight? Episode 23-24? Just to twist the knife in my heart? So much angst in the last two episodes... 
    Let's face it: there are 4000+ pages on this thread, the odds are, it's probably been posted before, but here goes anyway (like I said, we never get tired of Faith, right chingudeul :D ?) (all pictures cr goes to owner/maker of course)
    Eun Soo and her clique. Pretty sure whenever she fights with CY, these two woodalchis side with her, no matter how loyal they are to their Daejang. Gurl wins all the way :))

    Some love cuddling under the moon


    Our Daejang is so pretty & precious :)) :)) :)) KAWAII~

  16. @tigereyespeppy I missed you here <3 So glad you are hanging around with us now! :)
    @shangvang Of course he is cute!
    @sia3 tumblr_ldxfw8WhaU1qai48s_zps683b4b27.gif

    Thank you for those fanarts! We are never getting tired of moaaar Imja couple goodness!
    Hello to @yoshikitty as well! :D

  17. @tigereyespeppy ! Is it true? Was it really your birthday? AND WE MISSED IT?!
    Here, accept this present! You can borrow mah buddy KHJ + hey! cute cat. :))

    @shengvang Ikr?! But then again, Dragon Face pretty much didn't give a crap about anyone and anything except himself:

    Hii @Hanjae ! and @WutHmone ! :) 

  18. Thanks for all the explanation guys :)
    @lynlily I do love Shiseido <3 Maybe I'll try Innisfree when I'm in Korea :)
    Disclaimer: All the content copyright goes to SJN and Viche books. Doing this for entertainment purposes only.
    Sooo... Looks like Choi Young got promoted to Daejang "General" at 22 years old. Since he was basically a rookie when he got the new position, there were doubts as to whether he was truly suited for the title. But he quickly earned the respect/admiration of other soldiers.
    The position of Daejang is considered to be the second highest, right underneath the King. Which is a super big deal, if you tell me! :))

  19. Done with homework! We're learning all about the honorific forms these days in Korean class (there are several levels of politeness, we're learning about the very high-high level) and it feels like I'm speaking like the dialogues in sageuk dramas... Oy. Haha
    @adlyn13 What's wrong with a little debauchery every once in a while? Don't you want to party with us? :)) @parisintherain welcome to the party!
    (gif cr goes to oppaimsowwy)

    Okay, so. LMH is endorsing Innisfree, right? But...
    what it Innisfree exactly?? Some kind of cosmetic brand...?

    EDIT: @lynlily Nah I didn't in the end. Closed my window and went to sleep after watching Faith :))

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