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Posts posted by shir0-chan



    Is it me...or is it that there's more stats on them now. O____O Either way its all good^^. I'm like this new first page. Thanks heaps Nina!!! We shall make this thread live again~ Its so dead lately.

    Of course I untagged them by myself. It's not perfect. KiBum's one is noticeable.

    Actually, it took me a while to notice KiBum's ones. I thought that PD's one was the most obvious. ^^ but yeah *bows down to Nina* Hooray for her photoshop skills!

    OH wow...thanks heaps for the pics Maiza^^ hehe~~

    i think i haven't seen pics of kibum wearing pink ...i want to see him in pink~

    Actually I wanna see them ALL in pink. I'm not too fond of the colour on myself, but I bet it'll looks extremely good on XING.

    I'm guessing that JinHyun's been training for over/around 10 years. That's how much most blackbelts trains anyways, I might be wrong. =.= But I heard that from my instructor, so he might be wrong. :P




    *faints* Oh wow...next week's starking? Hehhh~. Yes...its hard to use ZEN. To be honest it sounds WEIRD. Thanks for sharing the clip maizakichi, sorry, I dont know your name. May I know your name?

    OH WOW!!! I just love seeing JinHyun in that TaeKwonDo uniform. =.= He rips all of the guy at my club! HEhe that multitalented boy is so cute!! I must watch this.

    maizakichi: She's a Kibum fan, she photoshops herself with KiBum. XDD That sounds scary o_o

    LMAO!!! I know someone that's even scarier^^

    Yes, I can imagine XING doing something like an OST. I just LOVE their ballads.




    ^we're all wishing for that right now Nicole. =.=

    They're not boring to look at. So I demand more pics!!! Even if its just a little thumbnail.

    Oh Nina, you know the untagged pics, did you untag them yourself? Cuz I noticed the difference between the untagged and the tagged ones.~




    I also feel bad for posting useless posts here. But...arggg its bumping this thread isnt it?

    Anyways, I want to see more PD. He's so cute, its just sad that XiNG is so inactive. We're all deprived! DEPRIVED I'm telling you. Its worse then the drought here. Yeahz...I guess that we're more unique. Maybe we'll get more attention if we do something big? *runs off to plan the next project*. hHehe^^ Yes one day we'll get as much of them as we get of DongBang. Patience! *twitches* Hmmm...single is coming out real soon. I hope that us Sydneyers will find a place to order it. =.=

    Risa I'm not sad, I'm just being my dramatic self.

    Let's find a good topic to discuss...like...XING wearing PINK? By far... I think HyeSung and Kevin looks the best in PINK!. XD

    - edit- AH~ I missed seeing those WHITE DAY pictures. I keep calling them candy pictures cuz of the HyeSung one. =.= Dang...this makes me want more stuff. *runs off*




    =.= international fans....are at a disadvantage.

    Well.... at least we know what HyeSung and KiBum's signatures looks like.

    =.= I feel sad...it kinda sux being an international fan sometimes. =.=

    Thank you YunAh for sharing the pics.

    - edit -

    YunAh...suprisingly...you're sane here. Its such a big contrast between here and MSN.

    I'm joining you at the corner. *brings food with me* Let's have a picnic!

    I can't stop eating when I'm sad.~




    GEH!!! Marumir's hands looks so pretty. Oh wow, he can rip heaps of girls with those hands.

    Thank you maizakichi for posting the pics and YunAh for posting the pics. XD

    Hehhe~~ I hope they release more stuff soon. They were so...dead on updates a few weeks back.

    jia_li - hello welcome to the thread^^




    *raise fist* Some day, we'll see ALL of them in one show. *cries* I just hope that I'm not too old by then. XD Uwahh thanks heaps for the pics YunAh and the info too. XD And someday, a BIG BIG BIG BIG CYNOSTAR sign will be in one of those pictures. Till the second single comes out, I'll temporarily live with anime.

    I personally like XiNG wearing dark colours. Except for when HyeSung wears pink. Ahhhhhh~~ ohh...new single = new MV = more eye candy?Hmmm since JinHyun gets promotions...what about PD? I want to see more PD!!! He's climbing up my list^^




    *drops dead* oh wow...I went ofline early last night o____O and a new vid came out.

    Wow~~~ *cries* did I see HyeSung in PINK? *rubs eyes*

    Well...this will keep me alive for another few more weeks...I hope that its enough to keep

    me alive till the single comes out. eHeheh~~ but its nice seeing them still alive and walking around.

    Okay so maybe "alive" was not the right word. But I'm sure that we're all XiNG deprived.

    And the background music sounds familiar too...*thinks* I think I've heard it somewhere.

    Thank you yale for sharing the news. And thank you Nina for sharing the vid.

    Ahhh~~ the single just HAVE to be release when I'll be busy. Damn school.



    so can someone post those pictures those "heaps of pictures" of white day or other new ones on soompi?? that would be greatly appreciated because I can't reach the ones on cynostar. Please post them! thank you so much! God bless.

    Yeahz, like Nina said. If you come online at the right time. 50 posts will take approximately half an hour.

    Hehh~~ I'm here to spazz again. The HyeSung white day pic was LOVE! Kyahh~~ the pink ribbon just killed me. XD

    But the more I look, the more I feel like eating rock candy.

    Well... The XiNG pictures are just too cute. There's a big difference between seeing the mag itself and the scans.

    Honestly the pics in the mag looks better. XD But the scans are good enough^^~




    Yes...there's HEAPS more at Cynostar.

    Mwhahahaha~~ the other white day pictures are even better!!!

    Since the project is posponed...I guess I'm glad that we kinda wrapped it up.

    Yes I can go and make stars now. ^^~

    Thanks heaps for sharing Nina^^~

    Big scans are definitely better^^




    @_________@ Those entries make me question the way their mind works.

    *sighs* Yume's one was so happy happy. And the rest just killed my mood.

    Oh well....I wonder if anything is going on.

    HyeSung = Love Problems? =.= *goes to the corner*

    THanks heaps for sharing YunAh.




    The cy entries....are officially freaking me out. *cries* *goes to the corner*

    Thanks for sharing the vid Nina^^. That little kid that performed with them was so cute.

    And its so cute how JinHyun kinda slipped...he kinda slipped right? hehhe

    So flexible. >____< He's like liquid!!!

    =.=the cy entries still depresses me.

    HAhah YunAh you're so sweet^^ BUt is it me...or is it that HyeSung looks the same...in every picture?

    =.= cy entries....*goes to the corner*.




    Oh wow...page 100!!! YAY!!!

    @_______@ the pics spam!!! That's just crazy!

    Since Xing is so inactive these days....all that Cynostar can do is PROJECTS.

    *sighs* I'm sure that we're all hoping for XiNG to become active soon, I noticed how many people are

    depressed with all the strange and depressing cy entries. ==

    Make me wanna just go to the corner of the room and grow mushrooms. >____<

    ^dont mind that, its a figure of speech.

    YunAh! I demand to know why there's not that much HyeSung pics!!!!

    - edit - Thanks heaps for the pics maizakichi.

    Yes....Kibum's hands are more feminine then mine. ==




    ^yeahz...they do have popular gasoo names. =.=

    I might die of frustration soon~~~ there's no updates.

    YunAh~ 3? There were 3?!?!?!?!? Oh right...I remember saving that one....but...*goes to the corner* I couldnt find it!!!!!!

    Ah wellz...all I can do now is....posts useless posts and winge about how there's no updates at all.

    - edit -

    Oh wow...the photospam...I dont have a few of them yet.

    @_____@ Ahh ahh~~ if only XiNG photos gets release more often.

    And check out Kevin's hair...he looks so young with short hair.

    Yup yup, long hair is definitely better^^ *nodnods*




    Kyahhh we MUST work this thread to page 100!!!!!

    I wonder who's gona own it. I wont be suprise if YunAh stalk this thread day and night just to own it.


    Oh wow...talk about a whole share of freaky CY entries. =.=

    Its really freaking me out~~~

    PHOTOS!!! WHY does JinHyun and PD ONLY have 2 official photos? Welll only 2 that I know of.

    == I was in serious need of photos~~~













    Everything is messed up?




    Heck~~ this is so weird. I think almost all xing members have their momments of




    weird entries. O___O




    @___@ thank you for sharing it with us YunAh.




    Seriously...I thought that it was strange that you're so sane here.




    Next project? I've got it ALL figured out^^~
















    Yes...another project all over again. I'll be more prepared this time! *raisefist*




    I wonder how many people will join this time. XD




    Too bad I didnt get to see the rings in real life today. >____< but...pics are good enough *sighs*.




    Well...the more the merrier^^




    I just hope that I'll have more time for this one.









    We'd all like to think so. But his FANTASTIC face makes up for it if he doesn't. HAHAHA. His YunHo/Se7en/DongHae blend.. yet his own uniqueness as well.




    ^*nodsnods* I agree with you 100%!!! Although I saw the DongHae in him first. xP




    Uwahhh~~ their photoshoots are always interesting to look at. ^^




    I hope that there will be more.




    I just LOVE magazine photoshoots. XD




    ailaalliz - Then you HAVE to join the next project. We didnt have that much time for this one, but I'm sure that we'll have HEAPS of time for the next one^^ So you have to join!!!
















    Oh wow...thanks for sharing the pics YunAh^^




    Heheh~~ the tag looks extra nice there cuz of the contrast.




    Oh wow...KiBum's hair looks almost...white.




    THe camera angle is definitely not good. T____T make them look not as tall.




    OH wow..the rings are so nice. I'm so treating you to ice cream Nina.




    >____< too bad you're too busy.
















    *cries* thank you YunAh. *hangs on to YunAh*




    I am SO treating you to ice cream or whatever or Wednesday.




    You're sucha naughty kid for giving me that much heart attacks within one night.




    Alright, I'm being extra dramatic right now...but still~~~




    Dang, these boys looks so good. I WANT THIS MAG!!!




    See I should be writing a review right now...but noo~~~ I got distracted and is recoving




    from the sudden SHOCK!




    The frame concept is just...prettyful!!! (I'm seriously not making sense)




    And I dont think I can emphasise this enough...but their stylist is just LOVE!!!!!




    I especially like their hair, its not too plain or too much. Its perfect.




    Now all we need is for them to smile prettufully in the next photoshoot. XD




    I seriously wanna see KiBum smile. O____O I havent seen him smile yet.
















    HoiSang - Ohh~~ that's a good thing you checked them out then. At first...I kinda refused to, cuz its kinda hard being into so many groups at the same time...it just makes me put more effort in my fangilism @___@, too much effort can kill a person. Anyways, just remember that "age is no barrier", see it as status^^ and no matter how young these guys are, they'll grow up soon^^. Just wait a little longer!!! Be sure to join Cynostar.net and chat with other XING fans^^




    Kyahhh~~~ that is some awesom skills you have there fannxd!!!




    The colours are just...LOVE!!! >____< I'm a little bit hypo right now and my vocab span is a little bit low.

    i feel bad tho. i never share pictures/videos with u guys i can only edit, make better quality or make icons etc.

    but thnks for ppl like loveprint and maizakichi for the pictures and videos<3







    ^well at least you do something. == I'm worse cuz all I can do is post useless posts. Dont feel bad, you're sharing something great here^^.




    Rei_akiko - Oh welcome to the thread^^ Hehhh you're english is good~ English is my second language too (just that I speak more english now).
















    oh wow...thanks heaps for the pics maizakichi.




    *goes to the corner* they look prettier then me. =.=




    I can never say enough of this...but dang~ their stylist is a genius!




    Like everyone...I'm dying for new music. >___<




    kYahh~~ another useless post~
















    GAhh~~ Thanks for posting the pics YunAh^^




    But wow...that pic is so nice and clear, I love it!




    Heh~~~ I so want Kevin's earings~~~ they look so...nice *cries* I want them!!!!




    He looks so pretty there. >____< Really pretty....=_____= so pretty that it makes me jealous!




    If there's pics of Kevin...there SHOULD be pics of the other boys...right???




    Hmmm I wonder when those pics are gona come out.~
















    yanshin21126 - OH good on yah^^ heheh ohh~~ a singaporean fan^^ nice to meet you




    I'm Cammy, from Sydney. *nodsndos* they'll definitely make it big. Since they're so different from the rest!!!




    Uwahhhh the XING thread grew so much. Ahhh I should check this place daily then ^^~




    Hmmmmm this should grow even more. Xing deserves more LOVE! Ahhh~~ I want more update. Sorry for another useless post. >_____<. Oh get back to glasses....I want the glasses that they were wearing.>____<




    - edit - Hehhhh....to respond YunAh's question...ermmm maybe? But then they're still a new group so...maybe not? Who knows. Its just sad that we know practically almost nothing about XING. =______= I really do hope they start appearing on TV soon. I hope that they'll reveal more. Its about time we hire spies.
















    I couldnt stand seeing this thread in the 3rd page.




    YunAhh~~~ I think everyone is dying for more updates too~~~




    Its so hard for us international fans. *goes to the corner* =.=

    They are bound to have talents too! Not necessarily flipping and show your hot body off.






    ^LMAO! How old are you? They already have talents!




    Ahhh~~ I hope they release their single soon. I'm dying for new music...I need new music~




    I wonder when they'll start doing promotion activities and such...the more they appear on TV, the more stuff we have to spazz about^^. *imagines XiNG in TV shows*....hmmmmmmm... my mind is not working right now.




    And I really wonder why, most of the time, only Kevin smiles in magazine shoots while the other boys have this straight face. O___O




    Sorry for the useless post.





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