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Posts posted by shir0-chan

  1. LOL...best looking in the group. THat would be hard to decide. They're all good looking.

    I havent been online much lately due to school work...boy I missed this guy soooo much.

    Well...I found HeeChul when he was more "likeable", so I havent got a taste of his attitude. Hmmmm...he has a unique character that's all I can say.

    Thanks for the trans^^

  2. ^Oh that explains everything. Thanks^^

    I like his streaks. It looks cool. So it was the same day. Ahhh lightings can be so confusing.

    His entries are getting shorter and more confusing by the days.

    But its still fun to read.

    At least I know that he's well and alive^^

    Thanks for the trans






    I'm a little late arent I?




    One: When did you first start playing the piano? Were you forced to or did you really want to learn how to play/someone or something inspired you to?


    12 years old (three years ago)


    None...my mom one day randomly asked me if I want to try it. I said okay and I ended up doing it until now.


    Two: Who taught you how to play? If you took classes, how much did it cost for the classes?


    My piano teacher of course...she's only four years older then me though. Cost? Around $21 per half an hour.


    Three: When first starting out to play, what did you find most difficult?


    When I first started out, it was playing everything with two hands was most difficult. But I practiced hard and got everything together.


    Four: Can you read piano notes? How long did it take you indentify the notes & what's the best way to fluently read them?


    I often can identify it straight away, but not always, I sometime forgets and need to go back to my basics. It took me a few months also. The best way? Well as long as you remember your basics. There are some notes I can remember by heart and I just work it out by counting the spaces the next note is far from it. That's how I play. XD


    Five: How many songs can you play and what's your favorite?


    My favourite song is Presto and Priere de martin and The enchanted castle. I'm not quite sure on how many songs I can play, I've forgotened many songs. Since I stopped practicing them.


    Six: What's your advice to beginning piano players?


    I've only got 3 years of experience...and that's not much.


    But like my teacher always say. "Practice is the only key".


    And determination is the key word.



  4. I must say the pictures were nicely taken. Such High Quality. <3 <3 <3

    I hope that he gets enough sleep, the bags looks pretty bad.

    He wrote a pretty long entry, it must mean that he had a lot of time in his hands. Well...its nice to read a long entry once in a while.

    He's updating less now since he's back to work.

    Heh~~~ K.R.Y, I thought SungMin would be in it, since he's apart of the singing group. AH wellz.

    LOL that name for the character in the drawing is soooo funny. <3

    He actually thought something like that up. Nice~

    Thanks for sharing damifino^^

  5. Wow then his popularity sure is big. But wow...he is sure bored, that many entries to read within just one day. O____________O wow. I just love reading his stuff...it gives me the impression that he is a real person instead of the impression of other celebs and that they're not...real.

    LOL his entries is like a proof for me to know that he is still alive and well. Unlike most celebs where you can only get info on them through articles. >___________<

    But wow, that many entries...I'm loving this guy.

    And SM taking care of HEeChul...I'm sooooo happy to hear that.

    Now that I think about it...the super glue incident has totally been forgotened.

    I love the GIFs <3 <3 <3.

    He still looks as happy as ever...but has gotten a lot more fragile looking. It would be cool if he grows a little more. LOL my ideal heigh is anything above 175 for guys...but HeeChul growing a little more then that would not hurt...infact it'll be perfect. <3 <3 <3 <3

    But to be honest...I prefer it if HeeChul's hair is swept back <3 <3 <3 He looks sooo cool with his hair swept back <3

  6. I'm just really happy that he's back now. I saw his pictures and I cannot remember the last time I saw his pictures that is not from his minihopy.

    Ahhhhh he's back and hotter then ever. He's more HOT then pretty nowadays.

    I just love him. Although the energetic gleam doesnt seem to be there.

    Ahhhh...so happy. >________<

  7. ^OMGOSH SUNGMIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes I love azumanga too <3. HeeChul is sooo cute in the middle. <3

    But wow...him socializing with people...that's pretty cool^^

    Hahha, but him taking his anger out on the SUJU boys. =____=

    Poor boys. <3 <3 <3

    I'm soooo out of date. >____< three days of living without the net is HELL.

    I wanted HeeChul backkk soooo bad before...but now...I'm not so sure about it. >______< I just hope that he gets better. <3

  8. OH so that's how it works. Well let's hope that HeeChul goes on more talk show. He's an interesting character. <3

    Its not all that great being an artist. <3

    what is 'Come to Play' it sounds really familiar. was that the show heechul was on before his accident with brian from ftts?

    ^What incident with Brian? I dont know about it. Does any one know?

    Sorry, the fan girl in me is really curious. Since I'm both a fan of HeeChul and Brian. <3 <3 <3

  9. I've always wondered how they split up the money. Its a little sad. HanKyung doesnt get that much appearances at all.

    Its not all the glamour being an artist. Doesnt seam like they get pay a lot. Its probably really hard for him since he's living in Korea with no relatives. But he have HeeChul and KiBum. That's good enough. <3

    Now I get what they mean when they say that fans feel 'sorry' for him.

    But wow, HeeChul wants a girlfriend. WHY CANT I BE OLDER?????? *cries*. Well, I'm not that suprised. *sighs*.

    The picture of him and HanKyung looks really....good. LOL HeeChul and HAnKyung would make a good couple. LOL I'm not into yaoi. But the picture is sooooooo...nice~.

  10. waiiiit. youre right! haha he was on LL three times. first time for the Xmas special, then another time when he had the short black hair, and lastly the super junior one. but when i meant the coupling part, i didnt mean during the games and basically the whole show, i meant the end where the girls get a chance to step out and choose someone else to be their couple. i forgot about the Xmas episode, that was the only LL where he was coupled in he end with shim eunjin but i dont really like her that much -.- When he was in the february episode i soooo wanted him to be with chaeyeon! or Bada cause he wanted her in the beginning

    well anyways i hope he gets to be on Couple Selection when he gets all better

    ^ Yeahz I hope he gets coupled up next time he goes on LL. Ahhhh~~~ there arent that many good HeeChul couplings out there other then the SUJU couplings...but I'm not a big fan of that. >____<

    well...its fun enough to see him in LL. I just love his lines. <3

    Especially when he got the VIP concert thing from Bada and got up at the end. I thought he was gona do something. >_______________< But he said a lame line instead. LOL it was sooo funny how all the other guys were bashing him later on...I think that was one of the first few clips that got me into Kim HeeChul.

    I'm not sure if I've seen the christmas episode. Does any one know the episode number?

  11. ^ Yeahz, that's why I dont like that season. Since they dont show everything. LOL but the cute look he gave her in the end was sooo cute. And he was soooo funny during the couple's game too. All he cared about was his hair. HAHAHHAHA. HeeChul and his partner was sooo funny.

  12. ^ heh that entry was just a few hours ago.


    Heh, he looks good in any pics. In any angle.

    He looks more manly nowadays.

    Its not so girly anymore <3

    I think its the black hair.

    I have to say, HeeChul has one of the most interesting ways of writing an entry~

  13. Heh I mistook him for a girl too.

    I saw the Show me your love clip.

    And at first I didnt exactly like him. But then at the end (how he rapped), kinda made me like him.

    I thought that he was the leader of SUJU and was one of the youngest members. O______o

    Who would have thought that he's 8 years older then I am.

    LOL the first thing I noticed about him was his eyebrows.

    Yes and he is WAYYYY prettier then most girls. Hahahah, its a little weird saying that. But its all true. <3

    He even admits it himself...so its all coolies^^

    I'm LOL in Rainbow Romance especially episode 89 (goong parody). He is so adorable in SuJu Full House.

    ^Yeahz I saw that one. He was soooooooo cute. I thought he was going to be Shin and not Yul. O______O AH wellz.

    Yul suited him anyways. LOL KiBum as Shin..that was soooo CUTE. Too bad there's no subs.

    At least I kinda get what was going on since I saw the actual Goong.

    They should cast HeeChul in some other drama once he gets better. I love his acting. Its just cute somehow. <3 <3 <3.

    If only he could be a lead in some drama. I mean....KiBum got a lead...HeeChul should get a lead role too. <3.

  14. OMgosh, I love the outfit. Any black suits looks great on SUJU.

    AHhh SuJu calenda. I want it~~~~

    Yes HeeChul does look more manly nowadays. He's not just plain pretty anymore.

    He looks sooo fragile in some of the old photos. ~~~

    I just LOVE the black suits and converse <3

    SuJu is the kings of converse. ~~~

    Thanks damifino^^

  15. YAY HE'S BACK.

    Ahhh I'm so happy that he's back. Wow, the photoshoped picture looks good. But its funny~~ in a way. I dont know why fans kept doing this.

    Hahah I think the person who did it is pretty proud that HeeChul noticed their work. LOL. Its rather scary~, but funny at the same time.

    The doll that looks like HeeChul looks nice~ I wanna get one of those now.

    It really looks like him. Was it suppose to be him? LOL I should anime-fied one of his pictures~~~ LOL. I attempted the other day and I noticed how his face features are hard to draw~.

    No matter how hard I try to make it look like HeeChul, it always ends up as a pretty...girl~.

    I tried to add some manly look into the picture...but it turned out as a badly immitation of a girl that looks like a guy. Heck I even tried copying a picture...it still looks like a girl >_____<

    I encountered the same problem while drawing JaeJoong from TVXQ, but HeeChul...is the same but different case. >_____< Its sooo damn hard.

    I tried drawing him with one of his interesting expressions...instead...it looks like me looking pissed off. >_______< Arrgggggggg. ~~~ It was rather scary.

    I think my pics ended up like that because he has big eyes and that his face is small- wait....why am I talking about this?>______<

    Yes I cant wait till he comes back. >_____< December, its a long time. But I'll be on Summer vacation so I'll have heaps of time to bum the net and be updated with his activites. <3.

  16. OH that's good, I can feel the air again. Seriously, you can actually sense his anger through those trans. LOL, but HanKyung sounds soooo cute whenever he says 'what is this?'. Thanks for the trans damifino ^^ Arggg he's still on with his yodel song. I swear its getting a little annoying. Kinda suits him though. Its soo much better now that HeeChul has calmed down.

    BUt think about the many antifans he gained. ~~~its rather scary.~

    And the message that the antifan sent him. Some words were pretty bad. But I'm glad that HeeChul didnt even paid attention to that. I'm really glad. But I wanna kill the person who posted that entry. How immature~

  17. Yes it ruined DongHae's birthday. To have something like this happen to someone who is like his brother is too much for DongHae. I mean so much happened to DongHae. I know its a HeeChul thread, but a little spazzing on DongHae wont hurt. Its HeeChul related. I guess.

    According to Naver, the girl who laced Yunho's drink gave herself up to the police. She's some 20 year old girl who confessed that she was a DBSK anti and that she hated Yunho and gave him the drink, but she said she honestly didn't think he would drink it. She gave herself up because she saw all over the internet that they had CCTV pics that they were going to spread around.

    ^ wow...that's crazy...some 20 years old girl who hates YunHo. Very mature. There's no point in bashing her here, but I think many people want to skin her right now. But she gave herself to the police. So I guess she has a conscience. There are many unforgiving people in this world and the consequences that she will face will be...scary. Jail, prison, whatever... the consequences is going to be scary~. This is SM that she messed with.

    I hope it really is the girl who did it and not some nut confessing just to get attention.

    ^that could be a possibility. I just hope that this will all end soon and that everyone will get better.

    But now that I think about it...

    I find her reasoning about not thinking that YunHo will take the drink is slightly ridiculous.

    I mean...if she thinks that he wont take it, then why bother giving it to him? Would she go that far just to give YunHo a drink? I mean getting near TVXQ is not easy. But going near him just to give him a drink that she thinks that she wont drink. That is a waste of effort isnt it? Maybe I'm just looking too deep into it.

    But its scary, I wonder how HeeChul will react to this.

    but i agree with damifino, the celebrities are going to be very cautious now all because of someone being stupid.

    ^I think this incident caused quite the stir. They should provide an artist protection board, or some kinda of act- i'm studying too much History. >_____<. Yes, someone's stupid mistake.

    Oh and before this whole issue got me off guard with the last thing that I said about HeeChul. Yes I love his voice. ~~~ He sounded sooo cool when he rapped in TWINS. LOL I heard him speak really fast a few times. It just sounded so cute. It really suits his face for some reason.

    He matches more when he's singing rock or traditional pop than bubble gum pop, probably because he enjoys them more.

    ^ YES the rock image really suits him. He would actually sound really cool if he does some JPOP. He sounds better rapping fast. But hearing his voice is just enough. I missed seeing him on the screen, but reading his entries really helps.

  18. Gosh that was soooo scary.


    What the hell was that anti fan thinking?

    GOsh I wanna skin that girl let alone HeeChul. >_____<


    He's cursing so much, I've never seen any of his entries like...this.

    You can actually feel the wrapth of his anger just through those words.

    Crazy fan girl. OMgosh.

    And YunHo vomitted blood too.

    Gosh this is too crazy.

    Thanks for sharign the trans

    EDIT - calaboca - Really he didnt? Oh, *phew~~~* Thanks for confirming that

  19. ^ LOL...yup yup its all so weird. >_____<

    Now that I read it twice...it does seem like HeeChul...well judging from the entries and all. >_____< Most of it sounds true.

    ABs are said to be serious and solitary by nature

    ^that kinda strike me thinking...arent evil people usually serious and solitary by nature. LOL. Or is it just me?

    I was listening to one of the soundtrack from "Bad Family" and I noticed how HeeChul raps in there. And the more I listen, the more I notice how his rapping sounds much better when compared to his singing. Maybe its just me, but HeeChul has a nice...speaking voice. XD.

    LOL I think him staying up the other night is what causing the delay in the minihompy entries. Well it sure makes up for it^^.

    Hahaha, I cant believe he posted an entry at 5Am. >____<

  20. Heck, I guess it true. We dont 'know' know him, so its not for sure.

    But it sure seems like the HeeChul that's on the screen.

    The worst traits sounds like its true. O_________O

    Especially the blunt part and aloof, critical too. I'm not so sure about unforgiving.

    LOL but it is true about my friend. Hahah, she's AB.

    But the AB blooded people I know are evil. LOL my bro said that there are chances of me being AB. =______= my bro is AB, sure suits him.

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