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Posts posted by shir0-chan








    LOL YunAh is on a roll today^^ I hope the thread will some how revive. But the fish is "dead" how do you revive it?




    I think that's the second 6 members picture I've seen since the last one of them actually "smilling" O_O. Geez, these boys need to grin! Grin till their face muscles hurts! T_T show people their perfect teeths (or cute crooked ones). xD




    As hot as KiBum may be, every time I see him glare, I feel like glaring back at the screen. T_T yes its useless to do that, but I do it out of instincts. xD

    Kevin: The shy gentle smile, with long slim legs and the husky voice.




    The thought of the "who's got the nicest legs" thread from the picture section crossed my mind. T_T




    Math tutoring made me retarded so don't ask me why.










    Uwahhhh he looks so young~ BUt the spiky hair is good. xD very good. xD he's more cute back then, now he's more handsome. ^^ either way YUME is adorable. xD










    Yeahz~ Yume s right, new face should really make a comeback. T_T




    I wonder what's taking them so long.




    I had good food today. xD I would so ship all the nice food that I had today to Yume. xD








    Its cool that XING is winning that poll. Everyone knows who XING are, just that they're not doing anything.




    Ah~ let's continue the wating game shall we?










    ^ Actually he left a pretty short message. xD hahah~ but its cute how he replied her.




    That means that YunAh should leave messages more often^^










    Kevin's head is very round. xD But dang~ his hair is long, I wonder when that picture was taken.




    As for KiBum/Yume...hmmmm I'm sure that we'll know sooner or later. ^^




    I guess they're all alive. Right. Keep on waiting.










    Hypnotise? Hmmm, not so sure about that, but I'll agree with you anyways. It feels so weird ever since I became neutral.

    Thread...slow? It's not slow it's dead. Where all the XING fans? Well...firstly there is NOTHING to talk about. Secondly, hardly anyone BUMPS the thread and the people who do bump the thread feel like there is no hope for this thread. And yeah. T_T




    That's not true, its not that I have no hope in them, just that I'm not putting much hope in the news that are related to them.




    Whenever something XING related comes out that supposes to be big, it either gets canceled or turns out to be false alarms.




    So its best if I don't put that much hope into it, I won't feel as dissapointed and emo. Though, being so neutral is getting to me.




    HyeSung decided to update his CY today. I guess he's still alive. People who have CY should comment. ^^ he said he reads them.




    Suprisingly I'm still neutral even after its confirmed that they're alive.





    T_T Where have you been woman? This thread needs you.

    I want to give them a lot of things for their birthdays, sadly money is an issue isn't it? Oh well, we could always make something thoughtful.




    Don't back out again! We, international fans, must leave a deep imprint of how much we love them too! XD If you back ouot I have chopsticks and I'm not afraid to use them!




    I'm going to edit this post later to post CY entries. Wait for it~







    yeahz...we talk big when it comes to the project. And plan really ahead too. == But I have a feeling that we might be doing things in the last minute again.


    weee..i want to give them something for their bdays..especially kibum <3




    but i want to think/made/buy that "something" before i sign-up so that i'm sure i'm gonna really send it this time...




    unlike the last time where i back out and then joined again at the last minute..hahahah







    LOL...now we shouldn't be biased *dodges knives* ...right I shouldn't say that. == we can't help but be biased. xD




    I hope a lot of people join this time.




    Hmmm...July is finally here. I wonder how many days we'll have to wait for news.





    O_O dead fish?!

    sry guys i havent been on lately, my internet was driving me insane!!




    :] the good news is..... i'll be going to Korea in 3 DAYSS!! whooooo...




    so i'll TRY to find some XING stuff and take pictures? hahaha ^___^




    i'll bring back some VIRTUAL souvenirs ^^;;







    LOL Dead fish is the name we've given this dead thread. T_T I don't even know why we started calling it dead fish to begin with. Its like why we started calling Yume is a BUG, I think it was because I saw Kim HeeChul's hair, and its so red, and I thought that he looks like a bug. O_O since Kim HeeChul is weird, I called him a bug. And Yume just HAPPENS to be weird at the same time, so I called Yume a bug. O_O Such weird logics. By the way, have fun in Korea^^!!!


    Stupid dead fish. >_>





    Like I said something always happens when XING is said to perform or something. I suppose we just have to wait a LITTLE longer. ><




    If it's dead we should make it alive. Even if he don't have much hope left and that we pretty much all neutral now. We need to...what's that word? Improvise!







    There is hardly any news on them...but...at least we have CYWORLD entries? *falls*







    I wish another member would post another message to boost us. Please be JinHyun




    There there I feel your pain except it's my computer. At least you are bumping the thread. Unlike those lurkers *narrows eyes*.







    FIND SOME XING STUFF? Woman you are going to hunt down their manager and shake them back and forth wailing and screaming like crazy.







    I don't they will have much XING stuff besides one single. T_T Which was released oh-so-long ago.







    Oh well, let's keep waiting.










    And...here is one out of three CYWORLD entries I posted up today. Translated by your life saver silver_byul



























    I got a skin present..[T/N - The skin is for his CY, you can give 'presents' on CYWORLD] I'm not a weird person..




    I'm already using it so can that be weird..? ㅡ.ㅡ.................kekekekeke




    Credits: Cyworld + Silver_Byul + CYNOSTAR.NET




    Yume is a weird bug. XD




    Edi-- Funny how no one has mentioned this but we are having another 3member birthday present at CYNOSTAR.







    I think Nina mentioned it in the other page. Not sure which, but its in the other page. T_T Ahh ahh~




    Its been so long I've forgotten how its like to be a hyper XING fan girl~










    Woah this thread is pretty dead *pokes dead fish*.




    I read the news about them appearing in that concert thing.




    I hope nothing stands in the way this time. Though...I'm not going to place too much hope on it. T_T










    ^LOL the discussion of PD's big head always amuses me. I have a strange fetish for big heads. LOL what's even more amazing is the fact that he's not out of proportion. Still adorable! hahaha^^ he needs mushroom hats. ^^










    ^I'm slapping the dead fish cuz you told me to. T_T *pokes the dead fish*




    LOL I guess this goes to show that Kevin's well loved around here? Its kinda obvious because the Kevin thread at cynostar's got double the amount of pages of the other boys' thread. Except for HyeSung's one which I worked VERY HARD for. T_T and its still getting no where.




    But either way, when Kevin budge a finger, this place explodes. Call it "everybody loves Kevin?" xD hahah~ Well the others needs attention too. T_T quit hogging the attention Kevin! xD kidding kidding. I know that he can't help it. xD




    Back to topic, I can't get over how weird Yume can be. O_O throwing away his insensitivity so he's insensitive? ArghhH~ but reading his other entries, Yume sure loves his sleep. xD Thanks for sharing YunAh^^ PD sounds emo...I shouldn't read his entries...== I might turn into a mushroom iF I read more emo entries.










    LOL Yeahz, at least they're showing signs of LIFE. T_T They're giving us some hope.




    I wonder why they didn't post earlier, but left it until now. I really wonder why.





    Heck yeah, I would be surprised if they announced they were coming back already. XD

    They will surprise us with their new looks. New music. New Dance?? -.- I haven't even see them dance except for PD and a little of Jin Hyun.







    I'm putting my bet on new looks. Part of me still hope for them to go blonde so that I can see how they would look with blonde hair. xD




    But if they do turn out blonde (or one of them) I wouldn't be too suprised. Hhahah since Kevin is so pale, he might look real good with blonde hair. I so can't imagine Yume. T_T KiBum did it already, and I dont wanna see it again, well I might if he goes platinum blonde. xD




    As long as HyeSung appears I dont even care how weird he'll look. T_T PD and JinHyun...should stick to black. Unless if PD goes and do patches of blonde on his hair xD then I'll support it all the way. xD mushroom PD is very cute.










    I know you girls are gona slash me if I say this but I'm kinda glad because my net is dead slow right now. *runs to the corner* I won't be able to watch anything. Hmmm~ I wonder if we got the date wrong, it might be aired NEXT MONTH. O_O hehhhh~ who knows. T_T




    Knowing YunAh we'll somehow get our hands on it.

    ^ I bet you Kevin told him to write it! XDfont]










    It doesnt really matter. Because we now know that they're alive. xD And them being "alive" is all that matters. T_T










    Hmmm...Kevin or not, I guess it gave me some hope. But then if its not, then I'm sure that XINGent (or the person that manages the site) would have deleted it already? Since judging from the date that was from yesterday...but then what if the person that manages the site was sick and couldnt go online for a day. Beats me.




    But like I said, I'm not gona put too much hope into it. And I'm still in the same stage. Well, what do you know, I guess they're alive? LOL "a little bit longer" hmmm...how long is that?




    They better promote as much as other groups or else I'm gona be..actually I'll just go to the corner and sulk and grow even more mushrooms. It's so quite around here that its scaring me. T_T before we used to get a few posts per day. Now its dead, Xing updates and this thread grows a few pages. They don't update the thread turns into THIS...graveyard?




    Hmmm...let's see how far its going to grow this time.










    We'll see if they can pull a Kim HeeChul or not. But what Kim HeeChul pulls belongs to Kim HeeChul, not many people can compare to that weird bug (I love that bug<33). Hmmmmmm one of them will go blonde...I have a feeling. pleaseletibehyesung




    Maybe they're preparing for debut as we speak right now. I've lost a lot of my fan girl energy to be honest. I'm just going to way, though it would be nice to hear something from them. A camwhore picture wouldn't hurt, would it?




    Its been over a month and HyeSung hasnt update his cy...*sighs* is he comming back to updating...ever? XINGent main website hasn't change much either, are they ever updating?




    Well...time will tell us everything....but its real dissapointing right now. I've passed the hyper/mad stage, now I'm in the dissapointed stage.










    Oh wow...YunAh was right when she said that she exploded. I should be doing my assignment, its almost midnight and its due tomorrow morning. But heck, I'm replying.




    Even my imagination is not helping me right now. Yes YunAh, I understand. Especially how you would check for updates DAILY. Its frustrating and I feel like screaming (actually I did a fair bit of that yesterday at karaoke but it wasnt for XING). T_T




    Its cool if they're on a break. Sure they're training, but this is a bit too cruel on us. YunAh I think that international fans arent the only ones feeling the frustration.




    Whatever plans that XINGent has...its really frustrating me. I need to scream. And what's even worse...HyeSung hasnt update his cy in almost a month...if we wait for 6 more minutes...then it'll be 1 month since he last updated his cy. O_O for me...a HyeSung fan...is like having my daily medications taken away from me (I used to take medications to survive). I recently said that if he doesnt update his cy by monday, I'll consider him dead, but I have a feeling that I'll be eating my word...and I think I'm eating it right now.




    And its really boring now. T_T Like maiza said. I dont want KiBum to be known as "HyungJoon's brother", he's KIBUM! KIBUM!!! T_T and people will only know that when XING actually debut. What is bad is that THERE IS NO NEW PICTURES!!!! WHY?!?!?!?!?




    I mean...last month or the month before a YUME and KEVIN came out...but what about the rest of them? What about HYESUNG!!! Or KIBUM for that matter?




    And for the last how many months...we've been living using our imaginations like "Oh~ I wonder if they'll use any theme/concept" "AH! It must be a summer theme!!!" Yes...we've been living on that horrible stuff. T_T Its sickening me, I'm not afraid to use my imagination, but its truly sickening me. But why am I still sticking to them? That's because they have the talents, oh right, they have talents, and HyeSung is too cute~




    I think us fans have been telling ourselves this stuff for a long time now. T_T




    I'm not going to compare XING to other groups, because they're "different", but does it hurt to be the same to other groups and PROMOTE for once?




    Lastly...I don't want CYNOSTAR to die out. Yes, Xing died out on us, but we wont die out on them because its a horrible feeling. T_T




    *breathes a lot*




    *off topic*




    By the way YunAh...let's call PD Mushroom from now on...I seriouslly wanna squash his head...xD its so round and cute! You should have seen me hunting for a mushroom plushy when I was out with Janet.










    Uwahhhh~~~ yay someone posted the links for tachyoninternational's clubbox^^




    I should spazz here more often, but I hardly visit soompi these days.




    Thank you for posting the pictures Jina^^




    DaeKyu is just too adorable. Him and his smiles. mwahhahaha~




    I can't wait till they do more promo-shows.




    == my net is so bad right now so I can't download that Showvival, someone must have uploaded onto youtube.




    T_T~~~ Must go and check~




    Oh everyone there is a project for TACHYON at tachyoninternational, do join us^^




    And well, bbtmplove@tachyoninternational is selling TACHYON goods. There are SIGNED posters.




    Do check our forums for more details^^










    UWah~ I haven't been here in a while. Well...not really my fault that I have nothing to spazz about.




    @_@ I don't know how many times I've said this, I hope they debut soon. T_T And I hope that soon is not in another 6 months.




    Thanks for sharing the pictures everyone^^










    *twitch twitch* thanks for sharing the pictures maiza. I see girls in the background, @_@ everywhere, and they're all grinning!!!!




    He's really going out of his way to strip. Now I REALLY want to go to a XiNG concert. Honestly, the ground that JinHyun's performing on doesn't look too good.










    I spent 5 minutes of my life yesterday typing a long richard simmons reply, just to have soompi go on "back-up running", so I couldnt be bothered writing it again afterwards. T_T

    I love those pics in the Junior Mag. They just show them getting ready for the pshoot and during the shoot and all that fun stuff. XD Sorry Cammy forgot to scan them and I still haven't got a scanner. Not really Cammy's fault because they were at the end where nobody would notice unless you were looking for it. Which was me rofl. But yes.




    Sorry people, =.= I should have raised every single page, but there was a time limit so I only looked a the big pictures. ==.




    Thank you for sharing the wonderful pics maiza. There goes our answer of "how long has JinHyun been traning for?", from that picture, the answer is YEARS. T_T His cheeks looks so pinchable there by the way. Very cute indeed. Just that I hate watching little kid trains, they drink so much milk and have hard bones and they fight like crazy. T_T "I dont hit girls" they'll say and the minute you know they end up attacking like crazy. Ignore that last part.




    Its almost been half a year, time sure flies fast. Before I know it, I'll be cramming.

    Excuse that giant question mark in that one. XD We couldn't get it translated. =/

    But all of them are really cute so head over to Cyno to have a look. (:







    I'm sure that there's a good purpose for that question mark, its "waiting" for something to "replace" it. And that something is....XD.

    Man this thread needs LIFE. D:

    New P-D picture that crazy4yong posted yesterday. I was going to keep it until the thread goes dead again, I guess it went dead pretty fast. :x







    I can name a billion reason why this thread goes dead really fast. T_T










    Yeah, the poor guy. Well...I hope the surgery goes well^^ Hhehe! YunAh those Yume pics are HOT! I think he looks A LOT like se7en in the 3rd pic. Single? We shouldnt get our hopes up. There's literally NO NEWS on the single, so why should we get our hopes up? I'm losing it. I wan't Summer to come soon, even if it means Winter for me.










    Well, the XiNG fangirl in me died, but she'll be revive once they do something. Its just sad that there's hardly any information on them. They should at least give us a little status of how XiNG's training is going on their main site instead of leaving it dead.




    I'm still hanging onto XiNG even though I can't find reasons to spazz like how I spazzed before. T_T




    Oh~ Maiza you draw too? Maybe I should go back to drawing and draw a happy happy group of XiNG chibies performing on stage! I'll even ink it and....T_T maybe I should plan this in my head.




    Woah YunAh, those are weird pictures indeed. I wonder why he was crying. And who's the guy in pink!? XD old habbits again. ~




    Thanks for sharing YunAh!










    Oh wow...its been a while since this thread was last touched. I hope that these boys goes on shows more! There hasnt been much news on them other then the CY entries. But those came out at the begining of the month. Maybe something new might hype us up and make this thread more active!










    I've...lost hope. Its been so quiet ever since that XiNG in the MORNING clip came out. Hmmm yes, skinny guys have scary veins, muscly guys have scarier veins. TaeKwonDo can be really cruel and the bruises are horrible!




    XINGent...yes, they definitely have a lot. Just that they're being stingy right now. There's literally NOTHING new on the net. I feel slightly sad, my XiNG fan girl died, T_T. There are many pictures of JinHyun with his abs, is it his favourite/best feature or something?




    He seems to emphasise that a bit.



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