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Posts posted by shir0-chan





    ^ LOL YunAh you're funny woman! HyeSung's got a mature voice, that's why Nina said that HyeSung's gona kill her. xD hahha. There's nothing wrong with sounding old, actually, that's why I like this group. Their voices are mature. It sounds good! I think HyeSung did really well in this. Anyways, I like the variety in their voices. It does take time to tell the difference between HyeSung and Yume though. T_T



    Must post a useless post in this page before I go and study for exams.



    I guess things are slowly falling into places. I hope they won't desert us with nothing for another 8 months again, or else I'll crack it. Funny how they decide to release something when I was thinkign of not going online and practice piano instead. T_T



    fannxd: You lucky person. You lucky person. You lucky person! Why didn't you stuff me in your suitcase? xD Have fun over there!



    Kevin is so gangsta.






    you know...the word gangster made me think of those typical asian gangsters that I see around here.



    Shivers...noooo Kevin is no where near. He's too cute.



    >_< uwhahhhhhhhhh~

    Here we go. Another Kevin pic. This is when he was at Six Flags on their 45th Anniversary. He was with friends, but I just cropped them out.







    Credits: Six Flags, Kevin & Cynostar.net





    ^*gasp* how old was he then? Talk about skinny fingers. >_< I'm jealous!


    Yay Nina! Keep the thread alive with pre-debut Kevin pictures. ;D




    His hands are we really...meatless? XD They look so much better than my hands..*looks at my hands*










    Hehe and look at his hair go. XDD Thanks for that Nina. ^^





    ^ at least your hands are better then mine.



    The week is OVER for me, officially OVER for me. Nothing came out. Perhaps we'll get more luck with the comming week. Too bad I have exams and a lot of work.






    HI chae-gyeong_01, welcome to the thread! Yay this thread is actually moving. Maiza, I don't we should do a countdown. T_T we can do countdowns when we wait for them to perform. Which will be in a while. A lot of us have been waiting for over 7 months. That's a long time.



    YunAh - you're right...its eye catching. I didn't even realize it until now.



    Sorry for misunderstanding (for you as well for the others). 'Not the band of the century" is actually the direct french-to-english translation of a common expression here, which means that it's not great music and as a result it can't become the band of the century. Actually nothing really nasty...

    On the other hand, I'm just a little bored of all those asian artists who ALL look like each other. If I could define original, I could tell you to look almost 20 years in the past, when the visual kei wave began in Japan. Here you'll find original music and original musicians looks!



    I'll close my post in saying that you're totally right to like them, but I just give my personal point of view...





    Oh alright then. If you put it that way, I guess I get an idea of what you're talking about. I'll agree that XING's got the typical asian boy band group, perhaps this is another case where we can say that different people have different taste. I think it was the expression that confused me a little and made me take it the wrong way. Because sometimes, in one language a figure of speech is not nasty, but when translated it sounds worse? Erm yes, something like that. Thank you for clearing things up...






    Okay, great I'm smiling like crazy. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *ahem*








    Aww don't say that! You couldn't even see PD's round head. ):





    I think Yume looks fine, it just that he resembles Donghae a little more. -_-;





    Hyesung's a hair is a little long and...Jinhyun well I don't mind it.







    You know a thing just crossed my mind, you know how the english speaking member always raps? XD





    WELL KEVIN MIGHT RAP! XDDD That'll be so cute. *holds a sign up supporting Kevin rapping*












    Okay, now I'm being silly but whatever we're deprived right?





    We must feed on every single XING related thing we can find.





    Well xDDD Here's BAESEULGI holding a chinese magazine that has XING ON IT! MUAHAHAHHA. -_- -crazy-












    ^ In the bottom left corner you can see 'XING' and the 4member picture. MUAHAHAHAH.







    Credits: As Tagged + Bae Seul Gi Soompi Thread.







    Hahaha, yeah I've gone crazy but I'm very amazed.





    ^YunAh, its very scary how you can spot them like that.



    HAhaha, thanks for sharing the picture Nina. Kevin looks so YOUNG there. I see he's still got that baby face. ^^ how cute! Is that blonde hair I see?






    Ohh~ so it was Nina's ava. Interesting! Now I remember. Yeahz I read the message about the MV comming out this week, but this week is almost over. Actually technically its OVER for me. There's like...11 minutes till its over for Korea.



    Unless if its already been released...narh! No way!!! Well, I'm happy right now. There's more updates on them I guess. Or maybe I don't mind as much any more.



    Oh wellz, let's just play the waiting game and see what we'll get in the end!









    ^ woah! Nina thanks for sharing^^



    I've seen that picture around before, but not sure WHERE, I think it was in someone's avatar. But I didn't know that it was Kevin. Hehhh~ maybe its the lighting, his skin looks so much darker there.



    ^YunAh!!! thanks for sharing those pictures too!



    JinHyun's head looks really round there!

    Haha Sharon I don't think their allowed to post pictures of themselves, and I think they are too busy to be posting.

    Even Yume said so, he said he would try and come in on his cyworld more than twice a week because he has been inactive lately.



    Such dedication huh?





    Awww they're not allowed to. No wonder we're almost dead becaus there's no camwhores. *sighs* ahhh ahh~ I'm guessing that they're really busy right now. Since visiting his beloved cy 2 times a week...that sounds like a horrible life without the net. That poor poor soul!!! Ishouldbedoingthesamethingthough




    shir0-chan lol, her dad was saying how Xing doesn't get many chances to interact with fans even though they have so many, and something about how they wanted to get to know their fans as they grew more popular. I think he was a Xing fan hahaha, he kept going on and on about how good they were.






    canityo I felt kinda bad that I was the one who got to talk to him because I know people who are much bigger fans than I am. But I couldn't really...hand the phone to someone who was in the US when I was in Seoul lmao.







    I hope no one thinks I'm bragging about this because I just figured I'd share the whole celeb-fan thing, and let everyone know that Kevin really is as nice as he seems on TV & such :]





    Hehh? They wanted to get to know their fans? Aww, they're such sweet boys! That's so cute of him to admire his fellow group mates like that. Hahhah, you know, its not considered as bragging, you're basically contributing to the conversation and the life of this thread! Its good to share experiences, because we get to know somewhat a little bit more about XING.

    Thanx for your answer, but I tried to meet Kevin myself T_T

    I just waited out of Xing entertainment and met Kevin 3 times



    Today I'll leave Korea and I just met Kevin 10AM today.



    He's so nice , he even said "Have a good flight" T_T



    I couldn't love him more T_T I aked him to sign for me and for Thai fans and he said ' No problem'



    He such a good person T_T Before he enter to the office he even said 'See you next time'



    T_T This is my suggest to all Xing fans...this is a good time to meet them..



    because Xing's CEO [That I met] told me by himself that they will release new single on this August.



    So u better go to meet them before they get more famous T_T



    Hope everybody that want to see Xing can see them too^^



    I'll shoe you guys Kevin's autograph later after I arrive Thailand.



    I got some help from two korean fans too they r so nice.





    *falls* you lucky lucky one. Too bad going to Korea seems impossible for me right now. Actually its probably impossible until I gain complete freedom! A new single this August heh? I wish its early August. Yay YunAh can now add more autographs to her collection of other people's autographs of XiNG. Its cool to know that a lot of people have met Kevin and all said that he's nice. Thank you for sharing with us!



    Thank you for sharing the picture YunAh, I guess that conversation with you over the phone paid off. xD hahah I headed home as quick as I can.



    And it does feel slightly weird without KiBum in there. Its like they're missing something. But oh wellz...they all look wonderful. Yeahz...new look. ^^ I'll get used to it! Within a few days!




    I've never been an avid Xing fan, I just knew about them & thought they had nice singing voices and all.




    And then I heard that Kevin was from SF like me, and I was like, "Wow, coincidence!"





    But they were never on the top of my mind until I went to Seoul last week.







    My friend's dad is in the entertainment business and randomly he turns around while we're in a taxi and says, "You wanna talk to Kevin?"





    And I'm like, "...Kevin...from Xing?" and he nods and my friend's like, "What?" (she's not as...uh...informed about kpop)





    So her dad tells her about them and he's like, "Yes, they're very famous now! But Kevin is from SF originally like you two."







    Then he calls him up (and my face is basically O__O at this point)



    And we got to talk to him. Turns out that a friend of a friend went to the same church as him too.



    I can't remember anything I said except, "You're really cute & really good at singing, y'know that?" and he started laughing and said thanks.



    Too bad we didn't get to meet him. He apologized about it, but he was busy with practice and all. We were like, "No, it's fine, you're a celeb and that's what you do haha."



    So that's my experience with one of the Xing members, lol. Just thought I'd share. He was really nice to us even though we were complete strangers.





    Hehhh~ that's so cool! You lucky one! At least you get to hear his voice on the phone.



    There aren't that many XiNGxFAN experience! Thank you for sharing with us.

    No original look (they also look...kool-aid!), no original lyrics, no original music...not the band of the century...sorry for being so honest. At least they have nice voices.



    Well, you can't judge them based on 4 or 5 songs yet. They haven't even debut properly, so I think that its unfair for them to be compaired to other artists at this stage. The band of the century? There's a bunch of new groups out there, but those groups promotes, this one doesn't! Its too hard to even consider a group the "band of the century" right now. Original music...could you define "original"?



    On a happier note...one week until July ends. Let's hope that August will bring us much more happiness then the horrible times we had in July. *glares* they better release that damn album!




    Yay for us, to grow another page. I suppose I should post up that Yume dog picture now aye? XD Just for celebration.









    Credits: As Tagged + Cynostar.net





    That dog looks really unhappy. T_T And is it me, or is it glaring? Thanks for sharing YunAh!


    The first thing I thought of when I saw that picture was: What would it be like if they switched for a day? The dog and Yume, that is.









    Yume still reminds me of an Afghan dog with that straight heir. The spaniel looks a little...I don't know, unhappy with that red thing on its ears. Looks a little caged in somehow but oh well *falls*





    Awww~ Kim you still have that dog fantasy of yours. LOL you never cease to amaze me when it comes to "noticing" things. ^^ its all natural!


    Hey guys~ ^^




    New person here.





    My name is jw (sound familiar? i hope not :ph34r: ).





    Ive been with Xing since the beginning, just didnt post anywhere.





    I like remaining unknown :x





    Anyways, I like love Kevin and PD~



    (Yeah i know its not healthy to like 2 guys but i cant help it. :phew: )



    hahaha Yume's dog is cute. (:



    Waiting for their debut. ;)








    ^ Its not healthy to like 2 guys yes, but of course we can't help it, as fan girls of course we can't help it. ^^ I'm glad you decided to show yourself!!!









    ^Hahah I was close to giving up to. The frustrationg got to me.


    XING might not perform their 2nd single but may perform for third 3rd single instead...>_<;; The earliest they'll be debuting is some time in August




    and the latest is early September~~~~





    Wow...sometime august. Ahahah, yeahz, they wait till the end of summer to do it. And we were all expecting mid summer.



    Heck I dont mind anymore. I can't wait till you finish translating!


    They will release a single but still not debut on stage...isn't that a bit sad?




    They are going to pull another IYH on us, I suppose they will promote it by radio again. ):







    Looks like this thread is growing better than before huh?





    This calls for a celebration! XDD But how to celebrate. ._.





    Well...they'll come out sooner or later. They're preparing for life...no wonder its taking a long time. Yes its very sad for us. But *shrugs* what can we do? Yup this thread is growing! Yay, though, there's no way to celebrate...is there? Cuz I'm afraid that it might start growing slowly again~



    HYE SUNG: He always reminds me of a cat or one of those shampoo models who flick their hair back away from their face with such a blissful expression. Aside from that, he could be the quiet and soft-spoken sort of guy, like you really wouldn't know his personality or mannerisms unless you observe or speak to him on a daily basis. I hardly paid attention to him *runs away from Cammy* but something about Hye Sung is just another mystery sealed away in a box. I don't know...but that's how I feel.



    LOL! Yeahz, I agree with you. You wouldn't notice that he's in the group until you actualy stare at each one of them, he shines more as an individual. And yes, he's a completely mystery. And he's sealed inside a box andsomedaythatboxwillappearinCammy'sbirthdaypresentloadandhewillpopoutandsupriseher!



    HoiSang - There there dear. Yes waiting is hard, so they better be good when they debut! ^^ cheer up! KiBum said that its for the better. So its for the better!

    I know this is a dumb question but does anyone here know if they've ever been on a magazine?



    They've been in a few magazines...I think one of them was Syndrone...and something...I cant remember. BAD memory. But there are scans of them.





    As much as I love dogs that fluff of fur that HyeSung is holding onto looks evil. T_T the thing looks like its glaring at me. Alright its only a dog, ignore it!


    JinHyun: Exactly, the gangster/fighter. But he's secretly someone who performs on stage, but he can't let his "brothers" know, or they'd totally make fun of him. Or do worse. You know, just pure humiliation cause he has to wear stage makeup and stuff. :D



    Poppin' Dragon: SHAKESPEARE NERD!... who can dance.



    Yume: Bipolar character. He's funny. He's cute. But when he's got a girl, he's over protective and jealous. And when he's alone, he goes emo on our butts.



    Kevin: A friend, the innocent best friend of the main actress. He secretly has feelings for her, but she's oblivious to the fact, even through all the care he's shown. Instead, she's off with Yume because he's older and she's thinks she's too mature for any 15/16 year olds. BUT ONE DAY SHE REALIZES SHE LOVES KEVIN, THE SWEET, BEST FRIEND OF 983274982374982734 YEARS, AND SHE FALLS FOR HIM. :D!



    HyeSung: The guy who grows old alone with his 50 cats. The poet on the side. The one who has a happy side but also, a dark past and emotional side. The guy girls swoon for, but he ignores them because his heart is only set on one woman. Yeah... :x





    LOL Sharon you're too funny. xD I can so imagine a cliche story with the Kevin description. I reckon that the girl should be older.



    And the HyeSung and 50 cats part, for some reason, I have a feeling that HyeSung will have a priceless expression if he's really surrounded by 50 cats. A little scary, cuz cats can get agressive. *glares* that one woman better be me. T_T





    yeah..ashley is sooo lucky...but i'm so sad right now..did we just have someone to confirm that kibum is really no longer part of the group? huhuhuh..grrrr.... :tears:







    and oh..the in the morning pics..they uploaded it on may 04 <3 yay..my bday..and hyesung's too.....hahaha.





    .but how come there's no kibum solo?





    arrgghh..of all the people..why did they have to left kibum?...heheheh ;p





    Hehhhh~ interesting. *pats Maiza*, its not the last time that you will see him. I'm sure that he'll do something to make you happy in the future^^.






    LOL YunAh...my thoughts are slightly different. You should write a fanfiction. Knowing you woman, you'll be back before midnight.



    Alright, just to kill time cuz I don’t have an exam tomorrow!



    JinHyun – Ermmm he can play the role of the demon TaeKwonDo master that looks really nice when you’re not training, but is EVIL when you’re training.



    Kevin – Hahah yes, seems like Kevin is the cute kid next door that bakes cookies for his older sister? Aww how cute. Erm, though at the same time he seems like the “strong-willed” type. Everyone’s got a dark side, I wanna see this guy’s dark side!



    PD - PD = mushroom. Definitely suit the cheeky role. Or he can be the crazy kid that hops from place to place.



    Yume – The alien…that gets chase by dogs! He’d suit the role of being the crazy guy, judging from his entries seems like his mind is quite twisted, actually seems like his sense of logic is quite twisted too. OR he can play the role of the crazyoverprotective older brother that always gets into trouble with his younger sister. O_O now that would be interesting.



    HyeSung – Mwhahaha must leave the best for last. This guy seems like he can pull faces well…heck, he can be anything. Though…a prince would be nice. He’s got that feminine feel to him, this is only his appearance I’m basing this on by the way. He seems like a serious guy, no kidding, T_T he can be the guy that pops his honest opinions at the wrong time and ends up in a mess. Or he can be the guy that sits at the corner and eat cakes. Either way would work.



    KiBum - Can be the guy that glares at the screen and melt fan girls.



    I'm braindead right now, must preserve brain cell for practical exam!!!






    ^HAhaha, I think that's because we're from the same time zone.



    I wonder if KiBum will be included in the new Single/Album.



    I want to know~~~ I can't wait till the release of the single/album, we'll get heaps more pictures, or AT LEAST a set of official pictures AND at least an MV. I hope I'm not expecting too much.






    ^ Alright, yes you're right, its a question that is frequently asked in this thread and whenever Xing is mentioned. Correct me if I'm wrong alright. Xing started off as 4 members, then 2 were added after the release of their first single (or some time around then). And recently, KiBum announced that he is no longer apart of Xing...so the math is:







    4 + 2 - 1 = 5







    Right? There's 5 members now. *sighs* KiBum...



    I wonder if there were other pictures of XING with dogs.



    - edit -



    Woah YunAh you're fast. Yes a f.a.q would be VERY nice. ^^ it would really help newbies know more about Xing. Well not like we know much.






    ^Yeah, the HyeSung pic is cute too. Aww I want that golden retriever! Hmmm 12 days left, let's hope the information is reliable. Well, let's just wait (again and see). My net just have to lag like crazy when there's a new/old unseen HyeSung picture. The net hates me.



    Oh well. Thank you heaps for sharing YunAh. Seems like things are looking up again.






    Now...why do I get the feeling that their single wont come out in a LONG time? Ack...we're still aliveoratleasthalfalive. 12 days left before the end of July. I wonder if anything will happen within the next 12 days. I need false hope. Strange how XING ent havent confirm KiBum's leave themselves. Or at least make some kinda statement. For goodness sake. T_T



    Anyways, let's play the waiting game again. ^^



    Since Sylvia is busy and I, myself, has just gotten back into school. Updates are a bit late and slow. >_> Not like there were any real updates to start with huh?

    Just be a little patient, it'll be up soon. :3



    Ahaha it's probably because we knew Jinhyun as JINHYUN first rather than ZEN. And we had already settle ourselves with a name for him. xD





    I can't imagine people calling Kevin 'Sung Hyun' O_O....?





    As for the others, Sung Soo sounds funny to say and Yume/PD's name is too long. ><





    Maybe people do call him that. *shrugs* we don't know anything and the things that we know arent exactly...ermm...discussable? I guess my super stalker is on break right now. Heck, enjoy year 8, as soon as you hit year 9 your life will completely change. T_T.



    Is SungSu really funny to say? It seems normal to me.


    ^haha..lol..it's weird calling kevin "sung woo"too...






    yume can also be a good actor...i think..hehhehe...







    and kibum updates his cy eveyday now..seems like he really has nothing to do anymore ei?





    LOL Yume's a good actor? Yeah, I keep getting the impression of him being a drama queen, the weird diary entries are getting to me. Hehhh~ KiBum updates his cy every day? Well at least he's somehow cheering some of his fans up. ^^


    i recently saw kevin again :D




    and i got to see him and the rest of xing [minus kibum] practicing [:





    they are working very hard and doing well :D







    you guys will be happy with the outcome





    Aw you lucky person. We have confirmations! They're alive and doing well. Thanks heaps for telling us ashleyx.



    Is it me, or is it that its suddenly quiet around here again?




    ^There's a words for photos from the back, its called a "stalker photo". Oh wow, Kevin does have long legs, is it a 42 inch? xD hahaha

    Brown eh? I wonder how they're gona style it.

    Uwah~ I can't wait till we get to see a proper photo. Meanwhile...good job stalkers^^




    HMPH!!! Then I expect a JinHyun and a HyeSung! *sighs* that's if they ever decide to release them. OMGOSH that better not be green tea cake that PD is holding. I WANT TO EAT THAT. I had green tea cake the other day, and it was the best thing ever. >____< Green tea cake. Then again that looks more like pudding. Uwahh it doesnt matter, though I'm curious over what flavour that cake is. What if its one of those fake props thingo that they use for photoshoots? Narhh my eyes can spot any kind of cake. Alright I'm getting off topic.

    I wana see more unreleased pics. T_T I'll say this again, PD'S HEAD IS SO CUTE AND ROUND!!!!!likeamushroom.




    Uwahhh Yume is so cute! And HyeSung's round love hearts, round love hearts, *falls* I guess these some how cheered me up (the puppy with the love heart shape cheered me up too!). HAhahah I would like to think that PD's "Good news is comming" make me think that its directed to us, Hmph! I would like to think that way. xD Yes yes must believe in good news. xD Funny how everything Yume related can make me smile!!! Seeing these signatures make me sad, T_T I want them! Ahh ahh~ I can dream of that day. T_T




    Uwahhh KiBum looks really good there *cries* I want to cry but nothing can make me cry these days. T_T KiBum's lips make him look like Mashimaro there. xD Mashimaro...Kevin looks like Mashimaro too! Alright I'm retarded.

    Maiza that clip was wonderful. ^^ I should learn how to make those cool things.

    YUNAH! Cheer up dear! you're as good as those stalkers (if you get the chance). Though, you're stalking them, which is scary. T_T

    I'll express deliver deliver ice cream to all of you depressed girls out there. But its impossible, ice cream only last for 5 minute before it turns wierd. T_T




    ^Tell me when you've finished uploading maiza^^, by the way your net is back right?

    Oh woah~ Sylvia...that song is just...*cries* I can't find a word to describe it. But think positive. We must think positive. They're gona debut soon...right? The wait is almost over (not sure when it'll be over). Hmmmm Yume wrote something about KiBum. Yume will probably say something meaningful...right? Or something that might just cheer us up a little. Who knows. Uwahh I want to read.




    ^Fran! Woman you can be freaky. That reminds me I need to put that new Dongbang poster up. Anyways, once I have time I'm gona print out a billion XING pics and turn my room into a stalker's hole. Yes I've lost it!

    Hahah yeahz I saw the hearts thingo at Yume's cy too, that boy never cease to make me smile. xD What's even funnier is that when I looked at his "story room" thingo, I saw this ALIEN thingo, hahaha he's so cute, the alien thing sure reminds me of him. xD

    Heck, HyeSung's cy is still as dead as hell. T_T And KiBum's cy is still on fire. T_T Let's see how many hits it reaches by the end of the night!




    That reminds me of my friend's birthday cake. It was chocolate too! I don't like cherries on top of cakes for some reason. Oh wow, that diary entry...is just...is he trying to cheer us up? Well we just have to keep supporting him.

    I'll check up his cyworld again, let's see how many hits it's got!


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