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Posts posted by shir0-chan



    Yeahz, they'll probably have pictures. YAY! Pictures. Yes! Pictures = good stuff = happy fans.

    The temperature and the season is too different in Australia. It would be weird for them to release summer/spring pictures when its almost winter over in Korea. Despite saying all that I still hope for them to come to Australia. Its funny, but they might have stalkers at the airport if they come here. LMAO.

    I wonder what made them choose Ireland out of all places.

    I look forward to YTN star. My last piece of candy before entering the horrible horrible world of exams.




    ^That's kinda sad!

    Urggg I want to see more JinHyun. But oh wellz, we'll get to see heaps more of his flips in the future. Especially when they start promoting (hopefully soon).

    Wheee more YTN performances. I hope this time we'll get a HQ vid. It'll be my first HQ vid apart from the MVs which arent even that HQ.



    For those who didn't know, MinWoo is close with XING Entertainment's CEO Kim KyungWook. That may be the reason why they were

    invited to the M Concert..Kim KyungWook was the one who scouted MinWoo and HyeSung during their SM days..

    ....aaaaannd the translations are coming soon please hold on..I'm kinda busy at this moment >_<;;

    Oh that would explain why MinWoo and HyeSung talked about their 1st single. I remember the early clips. It was kinda strange back then cuz Battle's just debut and...well...yeahz. xDD

    I guess Kim KyungWook really knows how to pick them.

    Thank you for the pictures Maiza. T_T Wahhh, guess not that many people likes HyeSung's hair, apart from Nina's comment about his hair, I haven't seen a positive one yet.




    LOL, yeahz, they like delaying things. May....and things turned up in August. So that's almost 3 months, maybe things will actually come out 3 months later. I'm not good with numbers! They hate me and I hate them.

    It feels like the day that they'll perform is very far far away. But they're appearing more frequently these days, so who knows, things might come on time.

    I'm dying to watch Chunji right now. >_<




    Maybe this is for something else. Unless if they make it suits. O_O well...let's hope that its for some thing else. Even better, let's hope that its something random, and out of the blue they decided to have a photoshoot and its not for a music clip or anything at all. I can't imagine any of their songs with this kinda concept.

    Now that I think about it, this reminds me of their IYH days, they have a white concept and then a black concept. Hmmm I wonder what they're planning. Wheee! Let's wait and find out and hope for the best. XDDDD




    Yoohak? I was imagining suits for Yoohak. xD

    Oh wellz, there's too many Kevin pictures. And I can't get over the fact that I love their stylist!!!! Maybe we'll see them in black suits in photoshoots someday. ^^ they'll eventually do it! I have a feeling. xDDDD





    *sighs* I LOVE YOU MAIZA!!!! T^T Alright, I've just seen the performance. And that is a VERY good price for 8 month worth of waiting. Now that I think about it, they'll show even more once they debut. Argh~ I feel bad for exploding a while back. xD

    It seems like the PD craze is in right now. xD whee I love PD too! And everyone was right, Kevin does look like he's lost a lot of weight, and its not the light/photoquality or whatever. Wahhh.

    Wheee today is a good day. That perf was simply amazing. xD




    So now I need to watch one more clip and I'll be up to date with you guys. T_T Now why does Chemistry have to get in the way? Alright, I saw three of the clips already. ^^ wheee~ their dance routine is really cute!!! Someday I'll get my hand on a HQ version of that. T_T Wheee can't wait till I get to see the newstar clip, though, I don't think I want to hear the screeching. Oh wellz




    Great! 2 new vids and I have to wait to watch it. T_T how stupid. Sometimes internet explorer really frustrates me. T_T That's it I'm installing firefox now.

    It seems like they're trying to keep us busy. Wellz~ they're doing pretty well...I guess.




    Its freaky how you guys knows their stalkersfans' names. But yes! Yume's sig is really cute. ^^ He gives the impression of a little boy (like what YunAh always says). I wonder how man expressions he's got for his sigs. xDDD

    Hmmm so HyeSung said that their debut performance is not far away. Well, let's not set my hope too high on the date. xD Wheee, not far away, he could be refering to months. Argh~ I'm not going to bother. >_<




    ^Well, you can say that fangirling is their life? *shurgs* its like asking us if "we have anything better then to go online". LOL. I can some what understand, though, isnt that what we call stalking? Hahha~ then again, such lucky high school girls. I didn't think that asian countries would have that much time. Maybe they live near there. Alright I'm thinking too much.


    ^ XING recognizing them, how nice. Its so hard for us to be recognized. LOL then again, we're not in that country. Oh wellz.

    I'm out of ideas to spazz. Oh yeahz, Kevin's got cute vampire fangs! I think I noticed this a while ago. His ones aren't noticable. Bleh~ lame way of trying to start a discussion. Then again, every single one of them have straight teeths!

    I wonder how long they're sticking with this concept.




    ^Yeahz, if its from YunAh, then its true. T_T wheee~ I don't want to know how much stalking YunAh does just to get the littlest information.

    Thanks for sharing the pictures maiza. *sighs* such lucky Korean fans. T_T OH wellz, can't help but admit, she's cute!

    WithYunHo - Wheee thank you for sharing the caps^^




    *gasp* THE BEACH!

    I remember, there was a time when CYNOSTAR fans were so deprived, and we ended up fantasizing about them going to the beach. T_T And I forgot who was the one that got hit on the head. Anyways, its been quiet lately. Well it feels quiet. Whee I can't wait till next month. I hope they have something install for us. The day they debut will be the day I forget to eat ice cream.

    By the way please visit http://www.myspace.com/xingit ^^!




    Wheee~ another picture of the back side! Thank you YunAh^^

    People sure like taking picture of the back side. Oh wellz, that's stalker photos for you!!!

    To be honest the picture looks kinda random. xD I want to see the front! He must look really good!




    "Yo my girl"? I'm convinced that XiNG ent made a typo, like that time they made a typo on the banner. I swear I heard Kevin singing "you're" instead of "Yo". O_O Thank you for sharing those pictures Nina^^, dang...the guitar is VERY green.

    I wonder what XING's next move will be.




    Yeahz Kevin does look like a mixture of Syaoran and Faye. Like what Sharon said, he looks like a CLAMP's creation. ^^

    HyeSung's guitar is very green. VERY green. The boys...have veiny (that's not a word right?) hands.

    Thank you heaps for sharing YunAh!




    That's nice! YAY a poster. Erm Sharon I was exagerating on how long your spazz about the MV was. Its an inside joke. Thank you maiza for the pictures! Geez those a so nice. ^^ they're CARRYING Kevin. How cute!!! Everybody LOVES the youngest!!!

    Now I know what Sharon meant when she said Kevin looks like one of CLAMP's creations. xD




    ^LOL Sharon, I was expecting an essay from you! Nice essay by the way, xD I'll give you a 99.99999% for it. ^^

    Yeahz, and Nina always notice whenever I repeat myself too. xD hhahah

    shir0-chanTo be fan ...the distance is doesn't matter, right? ^^ I want to cheer you up...Don't worry about the distance.

    You understand me , right? I don't know how to say but...Fighting!! ^^

    PS...Xing new single is available in www.yes24.com too ^^

    I envy u guys...I can't see the MV on bestiz...I don't know why

    and I can't download too T_T.... My internet connection is hopeless...T_T

    Awww you poor thing! Don't worry, you'll get your chance soon! Things gets around really fast. Yes distance doesn't matter when you're a plan. Though I'll never get over how lucky fans in Korea are. They get to do so much more.

    maiza - Woman I love you! Have I ever told you that? WHEEE for pictures! Hey did HyeSung grow by 1cm? xDDDDDDDD






    ^Woah woah woah! Nina you're so fast!!!! And YunAh is gona get us GIFs too! Uwahh I love you guys.



    LOL...yeahz, most people here are Kevin fans. Well can't blame him, he's bringing english to us. xD



    Though...let's hope he spotlight can turn a little more.



    Hmmm, let's hope more good news sprout from this. ^^



    v wheeeeee thank you YunAh! I'll treat you to any kinda ice cream you want next time we meet (Nina's in it too) xD. I still haven't got the chance. xD



    Look at HyeSung go. >_< I notice the background...the guys in the back ground look so bored. xD hahahaha how cute!



    Whee thank you again YunAh!






    Kevin's hair colour reminds me of those manga bishonen. xD Those really pretty boys. HAhah~ he's so cute in there! Yes the colour is quite the bug, but oh wellz! He'll change it soon enough.



    Ah~ that was worth watching ^^






    UWHAHH I FORGOT TO SAY THANK YOU TO MAIZA YOU'RE THE GREATEST WOMAN OF MY WEEK! Sorry YunAh you've ocupied many other weeks already. ^^ you're still good!



    Yeahz I saw the pinky part too. xD LOL YunAh! Don't forget to BREATHE while doing these kinda things! BREATHE WOMAN! 8 MONTHS WAITING FOR THIS~ no wonder our super stalker is struggling to live right now. Alright woman! If we ever see PD let's go for his HEAD!!! THE HEAD!!! You greatly abused the caps button by the way.



    Alright 5th time seeing the MV. UWAHHHHHHH I think I had a glymse of JinHyun's abs after the flips. O_O And everything in the MV is extremely bright. Even that scooter, is it a scooter? Its ORANGE! And HyeSung's top is PURPLE, he stood out though, because it was bright purple. Still I think he needs a hair cut. xD



    And JinHyun!!! His dimples are so cute!!!! UWAhhh! I love the many love hearts. ^^ I don't even care about the girls in there! Hheehe they're decorations! Yes I'm very rude, but they're decorations! Must think that way before I throw a knife at the monitor. xD *sweat drops*



    Yume...is so handsome! I really like his new hairstyle! As much as the old one! This one is good! And its GREAT to see them up and moving around! MOVING THEY'RE MOVING!!!!! And its not VOICELESS either!!! It's SOUND! YAY! I hope this is the end of voiceless clips. No more anticipation I hope.



    Mwhahahaha Cammy haven't been in FAN GIRL mode in a LONG LONG LONG time. xD









    HyeSung...needs a haircut! Kevin is the cutest thing ever! Alright, I don't care about the hair colour anymore! He looks fine the way he is. ^^ thought..the guitar that they had with them were scarily green. O_O Oh wellz, it suits the happy happy mood. xD



    HyeSung can really dance. Mwhahahah and JINHYUN omgosh that boy FLIPPED!!!! UWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH What else...ermm yes PD that ADORABLE MUSHROOM!!! He's so cute. I can't get over his expression! The way he smiles. >__________<



    Yume...is very thin!!!! But he's still good he's still good! I kept forgeting that his hair was red. xD



    But yeahz! HyeSung is a pretty good dancer...much better then how I had expected. >____< Uwahh I miss seeing their faces moving!!! YAY! Finally get to see that after how many months.



    Yes this fan girl has gone ballistic (however you spell that)~



    YAY ONE MORE TIME! I'm gona watch it again. xD



    - edit -

    and here...Kevin's autograph for me T_T I miss Xing...actually I met all of Xing members except Kibum [becoz he already left...]

    They r nice and Hye song was so friendly too...He smile at fans included me everytime he go out or get in to the office..



    T_T I wanna see Xing soon... I'll support Xing forever! hahaha Ok I'll stop mess up this thread hahah Hope u guys nevermind



    my post... See ya !!





    *falls* He smiles! Wow you're sucha lucky fan girls. HyeSung smiles...*drops dead*



    Its cool to know that you feel that way about XING! And you're so lucky, I cannot emphasise that enough. Use as many chance as you can! Its probably impossible since I'm so far far far far away from Korea and chances of me ever getting that close is very slim. Cherish it!



    The CEO knows about soompi, wow, that's great! YAY!



    By the way your english is very fine ^^ what do you mean by sorry for my bad english?






    ^ Pinky promise? I need to listen again.



    .... woah...it is pinky promise....how cheesyly cute!



    Hehhh~ so MNET stated that the single was out 4 days ago. That's...strange, its extremely strange because YunAh would have picked up that news if it was out on the 3rd. September heh? That's horrible for me, that's when all of my exams are. Oh wellz, I'll have a lot to catch up on when I come back. That's not too bad.






    ^Bye Sharon!



    Yes, they're really good songs! Reminds me of the old songs that I used to listen to. Like the oldies 98 Degrees or Westlife. Uwah~ I miss those songs! These guys are bringing back the good stuff. ^^ And well! Kevin starting off low in Forget Our Memories was very refreshing. ^^ That kid did so well! I cannot emphasise that enough. Hahahah I've gotten the chance to focus on PD's sexy voice. >_< It sounds hot! JinHyun sounded exactly like how I expected him to sound.



    The thought of "there's more of this comming" is getting to me, I think I'll be in heaven when I hear more. xD YAY. I almost forgot the fact that we waited 8 months for this! YAY! So happy!






    ^Jesus_Lover - But in order for the owner of myspace to upload it onto myspace, they first have to DOWNLOAD it. O_O



    ANYWAYS! I've listened to the song a billion times already. Alright I'm a bad girl, I downloaded, and I'm stealing my brother's credit card to buy it. ^^



    I'm so in love with the songs. I've never been this happy to listen to music in 8 months. T_T Geez I wonder why. xD



    Yup yup, I'm in love with the music right now. Mwhahaha just wait till the single is in my hands. ^^ YAY! I can't wait till whatever that comes out next comes out. THis is enough to make me smile for the entire day.



    I'll be stalking this thread.


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