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Posts posted by shir0-chan



    GREAT! Even though its no longer Friday 13th yet bad things are still comming. Some one please wake me up from this dream!

    I've got half of TWO TEXT BOOKS to finish, T_T yet I have no spirit. Food is my best friend for now.

    He might leave company. I wonder which one he's going to, I wanna know what triggered this! That's just a might, so let's hope that its not true. T_T Then again...people need to explain this to us! I want an answer now!

    Yume's fan cafe is simply amazing. T_T Too bad we're no in Korea.




    Hmm will fans rebel tomorrow? Because of KiBum? Then again, if you dont feed the dogs for a long time, they'll end up consuming the food instead of caring about why they've been hungry (I'm not comparing fans to dogs alright!). I think I'm thinking a little too much. The article didn't mention anything about the XING members. I wonder if they're attending it.

    I guess the sudden announcement made a pretty big impact on us. Hey at least the thread grew a little!




    ^ Perhaps its the SHOCK of finding out that KiBum left. After all we've all been anticipating for his debut since 7 months ago. JinHyun being on a pepsi event? Perhaps that might cheer me up, but when? Everything takes time these days.

    July is the midst of summer, maybe things are finally acting up. They did say something about the summer, just that they didn't say "WHEN" during the summer. Soon could mean months. For the past months all informations about XING's appearance have either been FALSE or CANCELED, something's always in the way. Its crushing really.

    We might not look forward to their the sound clip right now, but you never know, once we hear it we might get some energy again.

    Wait...is KiBum still apart of the second single?

    - edit -

    In my opinion...if its something that they've just decided like a few weeks ago, then I think that KiBum's still in the single. BUT if its something planned a long time ago, then he's not included? Let's wait and see!




    LOL That news is very sudden honestly. Suddenly saying that they're letting people listen to the second single. Strange how this wasn't announced earlier so that more fans would know about it. Strange how YunAh's only fished out the news today. Is it a set up?

    Like conpensation for KiBum's sudden announcement? Reminds me of how I tricked my friend's little newphew that I'd treat him at my favourite ice cream shop if he stops crying, what's even funnier that he stopped crying straight away. T_T

    I don't know what to think anymore. LOL its an ice cream treat to Korean fans. Lucky Korean fans.




    So...what will happen to the street jam thing? Only five of them will attend? 6 months (almost 7) = this. Great!

    Its so shocking. Just yesterday we were jumping in joy over street jam and doing the 36 days countdown. And now we're dealing with THIS.

    What the heck is going on anyways?




    *hugs Janice and Maiza* It must be really hard for you two. Six...six...six...six...six. I'm willing to see his stare day and night. Now why did I complain about his stare? I'll take a thousand year of that cold stare. T_T

    Everyone is probably sad and confuse right now. After almost 7 months of absence, they dump this news on us. KiBum said to not be sad, but its unavoidable.

    I'm never looking forward to July again.




    I'm sad. I'm willing to wait for another year. Just when KiBum climbed up to the top of my list he dump a "serious" cy entry.

    I love those group pictures YunAh! Thank you so much for sharing. It must be hard breaking the news.




    Hey Janice agrees with me! YAY! I took it well...the last blonde turned me off (honestly it did).

    I think its growing on me quite well. xD Yup yup platinum blonde is so much better. xD




    LOL...You know I like this blonde better then the last one, my eyes accepted it pretty well. ^^

    I was shocked and used several weird emoticons on MSN. Hehhe^^ Kibum looks pretty good now that I'm examining him. xD the blonde is doing pretty well. He doesnt have that sickly tone on his skin unlike before. xD

    It'll grow on us! Like Jae's one. xD

    Then again, you know, it might be an old picture (photoshoped). But I would like to believe that its new. xD

    - edit -

    See weird stuff happens on Friday 13th (like how I magically did something stupid).




    This month. There's 18 days left. I hope something unexpectedly comes out and "suprise" us and shower us in happiness. == I'm beeing too sarcastic today.

    Ermm perhaps an MV could come out. O_O those things comes out unexpectedly! Though...what are the chances of that?




    August 19th, a chance for us to see their new appearance. LOL...so till August 19th we won't see anything at all. GREAT! ^^ in case if you didn't sense the sarcasm, THAT was sarcasm. Oh wellz. Hey, at least we have a date to "look forward" to now. ^^

    Does this mean that they will dance? Ah~ ah~

    LET'S DO THE COUNTDOWN GIRLS! ermmm 18 + 18 = 36...YAY 36 more days!!!




    Rookie Award...will be hard to get this year. It'll be a crazy fight. Let's just hope that there's no bloodbath^^ hahaha alright I'm watching too much Devil May Cry. T_T

    PeeDee.... ponytail. Man he looks cute. Sometimes, he reminds me of HyeSung though? But he doesn't remind me of a cat. That's reserved only for HyeSung. :3

    O_O CAT? Seems more like a FOX to me. == Hmmmmm I'll go to my limited pictures of HyeSung now and stare for a while. T_T Its stupid how he doesnt camwhore as much as Yume.

    What are the chances of them debuting within the next 18 days?




    Oh wow~ silver_byul you genius!!! hahaha I wonder why KiBum's keyboard wasnt working. That's kinda strange. O_O

    I've realize that I don't crave for Xing as much as before. Hmmmm I'm addapting to the life. xD and when they come back I'll go crazy.

    I've just realize that HyeSung's sig says "Xing". == Or at least in this other picture that I saw, or am I just retarded and is imagining wierd stuff?

    maiza - Ohh~ its the spazzing that you're afraid of missing out. xD haah it would be fun to have a bunch of people here to spazz over Xing. ^^ I guess you're right. But I hope your comp/net gets fixed soon, so that you wont miss out anything. I totally understand. T_T I had my experience with no computer/net. Its horrible.



    You owned and nothing to share huh? Well we can't leave the start-ish of this page blank so here goes nothing:

    Well its your fault for calculating the post counts wrong! Hahah T_T but you're my source, it'll be weird if I post stuff that you previously posted.

    Anyways. Yes I remember "under the sun @ the beach" story. T_T HyeSung eats watermelon under the umbrella and just as Hyesung was about to take a great big bite of the watermelon, he gets hit in the face with the volley ball that Yume, JinHyun and PD were playing with. T_T and then they all crowd around him cuz he hurt his face (I don't get why people crowd, its extremely hard to breathe if you get hit in the face). I went a little bit far...didn't I?

    There's HEAPS of things that they can do their voiceless clips on. Even if the clip is of them doing something weird, I'm sure that we'll all cry in happiness cuz there's a voiceless clip! Its not hard to imagine them in anything, since for the last 6 months I've been using my imagination. T_T




    JinHyun has Chinese down as his specialty? Now this is something. I didn't know that, maybe its because I didn't read his profile properly. *sighs* well voiceless clips, I think they ran out. We better get something decent in return for the loss of time. I dont want to imagine a Chinese version of IYH, its like listening to the Chinese version of Rising Sun (which I was not too fond of). There's a total of 2 pictures of all 6 of them (that we've seen) and one clip of all 6 of them. Dang, that's not much. Strange how we survived all that. Its crazy.

    - edit -

    Oops~ I didn't mean to own this, sorry can't share anything. Perhaps our super stalker will come up with something.




    How welll in China? Pretty well I guess. Xing seems really popular in China already. And is it me or is it that KiBum is extra popular in China?

    Can you guys imagine them singing in Chinese? Actually there's a lot of questions that's left unanswered about XING. For example: Why DID Xing ent decide to add in JinHyun and PD? Will we ever get an answer for that?





    canityo - yeahz, my mind can not create anymore topics. I see that you're trying hard to make this place grow. YunAh you're my hero cuz you're doing all the stalking for me. Its simply amazing how you actually look through all that.

    I'm not counting down. I'm couting for July 31st. The END of July. I'm used to dissapointment now. I'll just be really pissed if they don't debut this month. Hahah^^ I sense an ESSAY comming up.

    I've heard rumours about them debuting in summer, now its at the peek of summer. Some thing HAVE to happen. T_T

    - edit -

    maizakichi - but if you think about it, isn't it better when they update while you're away? cuz when you come back you'll have HEAPS of things to catch up with. You'll have more hten enough of XING to make up for the lost time. T_T then again, nothing can make up for lost time.




    Ah its hard to keep this thread alive. T_T I can't think of topics for us to keep talking about. Ermm I pray for maiza's net to come back (like how I prayed for my net to come back before). Yes not many people are bumping this thread. T_T only a few.

    Ermm that Yume picture. What's with the weird pose? Well...my brother got a gigantic monitor just in time for me. T_T Let's hopet hat i'll be able to watch their debut on the wide screen. T_T They have 21 days left to appear. I think I might explode for real afterwards.

    21 days.





    YunAh you're my hero! *runs to myspace to change it*


    These pictures, the ones of JinHyun and the waterfalls reminds me of my survival camp. 20kg on my back climbing mountain while walking for 18km for the entire day...not fun at all. Funny how there's a rainbow behind them. xD I wanna try that someday (@ the next survival camp). Perhaps JinHyun and his friends likes to camwhore, that's why there's so much photos.


    The horse photo is so cute. xD JinHyun's got the same look in every photo. xD


    Thank you heaps for sharing YunAh^^


    Maiza - *steps back* KiBum's all yours. xD Though I would slaughter anyone that insults him in any ways (I'll slaughter them in one way or another). ^^ Mark my words.





    ... *sighs* it suck being international. Erm yes, the photo of KiBum is really nice. He didn't glare! He didn't glare. There's so many potential stalkers over there. Hehh~ at least they get the chance to practice their stalking skills.


    JA.NiCE - Behave yourself girl^^ hahah~ though, you said that was going to come out of my mouth. xD


    canityo - Yeahz I get what you mean there. hEhh~ maybe those boys are more expose to day light then the other guys? Who knows. T_T





    Oh wow new pictures already. xD hahaha those smiley faces reminds me of "Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex". Those photos...are all stalker photos right?


    Woah YunAh you're good!


    Just to get back to the hand picture...I think my knuckles are as big as Yume's O______O


    Damn my guy friends are right. == I do have big knuckles for a girl. ==





    Nice~ the picture is focused on their hands. xD Is that CAKE I spot?


    The picture is so bright. >_<


    I shouldn't comment now since I'm in a bad mood. But yeah.


    Funny how they're all going for the same cake. I want cake now.


    My brother used to make cake for me. T_T but he stopped. T_T damn brother.


    I'm sensing their debut soon. I hope its true. They have 23 days left to do something.









    Uwahh you're really doing you best YunAh! Dang the last GIF looks a little weird. ==




    But he's so good at it. >____< that's half of Xing that's shown their tummy.




    I wonder when the other half is gona do it. xD hahah^^




    Good on yah YunAh, for making the GIFs^^










    Camwhore photos are much better definitely. Xing looks very fixed in those photoshoots. T_T




    Good I'm not missing any of those. xD hahaha I miss seeing pictures in this thread.




    They need new pictures, seriously. I wonder if their looks have changed...new hair cut? Uwahh~




    24 days left of July, they better do something before I snap.




    HyeSung's got nice hands. I think I might say this about ALL of the Xing members==.




    Thanks for the spam request YunAh~










    I like Yume's camwhore photos much better then those studios/professional ones. T_T The professional ones have too much touch ups/photoshoping. Yume can be sucha dork. xD




    Hahaha YunAh, I see a Yume photo spam. Then I expect a HyeSung spam NOW!



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