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Posts posted by Gaia2u

  1. The problem is, at this point ,there is no one to really care for, it doesn't matter who lives or dies when everything is an extreme, the acting way over the top,( though I am sure, as an actor, it still can be fun & many, though not all, are very good at their craft)) but there is no real shock value, very few layers, & without wanting to offend anyone, it concerns me that this type of extreme human hating violent drama is so popular - that deserves it's own study- says a lot about us as a society. For this reason, as someone from the industry, I am interested in where the writers will go...I still enjoy reading the posts & will peak in to see a bit of the show once in awhile to see if I change my mind...that there is a 3rd season is not enticing because, again, there is not enough human decency left in most characters to care - the writing, directing, acting, all produce a high-pitched monotone, ....it's an unending Penthouse version of " Lord of the Flies" & for many, knowing that so much violence & indifference is happening in real time, it is neither entertaining or redeeming

  2. Although I like many of the actresses in Penthouse, and it is for them that I have watched, without Lee Ji Ah the story is unredeemable -so if she does not return, there is no one to really care for - just having over the top acting and story without someone to care for, is exhausting. I know many find this type of drama fun, but it doesn’t have enough layers and way too much repetition in the way people are directed to act. Instead, I will look forward to the posts here - before I consider watching any of part two

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  3. Enjoy reading some of the hilarious comments ...I think I watch a series like this just because it’s hard to take anything seriously, so it is a good diversion from all the things going on in one’s own life and the world ... 

    In these soap operas, it’s as if the writers take a bowl and toss in all the usual plot elements and then just pick a few out and go with them, but in this one they seem to already forget a big piece -TP’s revenge and that TP knows SJ is married to his ‘wife’ and therefore YJ’s sister, yet TP and YJ have not mentioned it since their reunion!

     If TPs’ memory is so good, he also must know that he didn’t sleep with YR...

    The dailies are expected to be absurd, but this is just bad writing without the fun absurdity. Hopefully writernim has forever dropped the plot line of the mother trying to steal her sons ‘seed’ - there are enough interesting elements such as SJ’s father’s lost wife and getting back to TP’s revenge

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  4. Like many here, I really was caught up in the original Phoenix drama... I think it was my 2nd drama with Lee Seo Jin, my 1st with Eric and Lee EunJu... they were all sensuous, many faceted creatures ... because of Lee Eunju’s suicide, I am always haunted with the memory of the series. She, particularly, touched me. I loved her raspy voice and chemistry with her two costars and was looking forward to see her grow as an actress. She was only 24! It was one of my first peaks into the difficulty so many of these young performers go through, the pressures that lead to desperate situations...

    unfortunately this cast is fitting in with so much of the current daily dramas for single-layered acting and characters, ultra slim and superficial attractiveness, no real sensuality that comes with multi layered characters - so although I might take a peak here and there to see how they carry out this version, I am really not enthralled. It’s time for dailies to know that they can and should do better...

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  5. Just started watching, because I like the cast, but as many have commented, there is way too much screaming...SBS seems once in awhile to have dramas where no one is likable  The wonderful thing about Kim SoYeons (happy Birthday to her!) earlier villainess in All about Eve, was that she was many facetted, vulnerable -  I don't know if the writer is going to allow many facets to these nasty ladies, though I'm sure the actresses will do their best. Looks like Lee JiAh will be the one to carry most of the vulnerability...As an actress, it can be fun playing the villain, but the stereotypes esp in Kdrama do not lift women up & the screaming becomes monotone , without layers...still I will watch here and there, looking forward to the comments in this feed

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  6. See Writernim, we don’t need cancer or Alzheimer drama, fake sisters or gangster-lenders, what we need are the ridiculous little scrapes we all get ourselves into when we try to please everyone around us, when we try to deal with budding love, re-found love, our own childish insecurities - the everyday clashes and the coming together when we just try to understand each other, sometimes with success and sometimes without.
    That’s what I love about the best weekend family dramas, sharing time for a while with many layered people who are like us with all their quirks. Yes, sickness and other unforeseen tragedies are a part of normal lives, but they don’t have to be in every K drama - especially at this time of social distancing and in many places, social unrest. A bit of intrigue and drama spices things up, but in family dramas, what we mostly crave is warmth and laughter for the heart and with that, this episode was filled to the brim!


    (An aside :noticed they have given a lot of very small roles actual lines, which doesn’t always happen, kudos!)


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  7. What a joy to see these two wonderful actors in the real reunion scene, what so many of us have been waiting for... Yes, writernim managed to turn the tired fraud story quickly around....hopefully that will also be the case for the Mother-in-law's maybe Alzheimers - that like the cancer scare, this will be curable - if it is to be alcohol caused, that would also speak to the overuse of alcohol in K-Dramas.and elsewhere ...would really rather see mom-in-law grow up just bit without losing her marbles in the process...

    There is so much that can be fleshed out in the last episodes, letting us get closer to these many-sided enjoyable characters and in this time, where the world is often socially distancing, something to warm our hearts with...

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  8. Sorry to see the storyline still hijacked by fraud-sister plot, preview seems to show that this badly written tangent will soon end - only bonus is that we will see the two mothers, ( really like Cha Hwa-Yeon and Kim Bo-Yeon) more as they bond. Really miss seeing Lee Jeong-Eun (Cho-Yeon) and hope they give some good screen time for her story ahead - So we know now why Seo-Jin needed to regain her speech, so she will relate the story of the handkerchief 

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  9. First time I skipped over scenes, glad the cancer scare turned 'benign". now hopefully the sister scam will quickly be resolved, I do so hope that Cho-Yeon has no false sense of obligation to let the lie stand - I want to enjoy the real sister and brother re-bonding, especially with these two wonderful actors! I want to enjoy the madcap romances developing ..

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  10. So sad when a writer apparently loses steam and relies on tired making plots...was hoping this show would skip the usual cancer/dementia - but no, cancer is now on stage..and on top of that the "friend' stealing missing relative's identity' worn out track! The debt gangsters in a seemingly lawless Korea was already too much. (If gangsters run around so freely terrorizing people, how is S.Korea so organized when it comes to Corona?l) They are wasting good opportunities with a wonderful cast to explore and grow the real relationships that would come after a sister and brother find each other, or couples discover and rediscover each other - The producers, director and writer do not trust their audiences to care about the characters we are spending time with - they break a ground rule when they have to make the characters so stupid to progress with their intended plot line and they are on the wrong path - one example: at the monastery, after finding out that the monk had taken his sister, then finding out he had passed, why did Young Dal not ask if the other monks if they knew anything about a young girl he had taken in? - why - because they would have known the answer and the brother and sister would have already been together... I would have been thrilled to see the plotline let them get to know each other. I know the pandemic makes things more complicated to film shows but it is really also an opportunity to produce quality in content, which we all need 

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  11. This all is going way beyond a daily drama's normal histrionics & silliness - Writer Im seems to really be someone in need of help and MBC execs have not done anything to stop this craziness - craziness that may very well be a private cry for help that is being watched all over the globe… As much as people want to blame the writer, the station has a lot of responsibility and they are stepping in at a very late date. I have to really commend the actors and the directors for trying their best with this sick situation - they are the reason for any high ratings and why we stick with it… It is sad, because Writer Im has talent and I seriously mean it when I write that I hope she seeks helpBut MBC is not the only station that has been allowing twisted content in their dramas….There seems to be quite a lot of going over to the dark, screechy, way too melodramatic side with such dramas as Goddess of Marriage, which at least had good performances, Birth of a Family, Sincerity Moves Heaven which did not, to mention a few, dramas where too many women are either hysterical or they are like a damp cloth… As someone who loves K-Drama and admire many of the actresses, actors and writers, I am concerned…maybe Aurora and all the commotion around the series will be a wake up call…..

  12. I rarely post, but enjoy reading other's posts…There have been many short comings with this writer's line and, yes, she does seem to be working through many personal issues, but all through the series, she at times hits wonderful relationship scenes - not just the romantic ones…… With RR/MM versus RR/SH, I believe the writer is exploring infatuation versus a love that goes deeper…infatuation can turn into love and the test is when the going gets rough - for RR & MM that does not seem to be the case…with SH, I do believe RR has a deep love for him, not pity, and let's get real (even though this is fiction), we all can love more than one person at a time - it happens. It's interesting how empty RR's life appears with MM, who does not accept all she is and can be ( so many scenes of her just sitting in their room) and how full her life is with SH, who does accept her -  On screen RR & MM have good chemistry, however, for me, RR & SH have a much more sincere chemistry …RR's journey reminds me of Katy Perry's video "Wide Awake"….

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