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Everything posted by Gaia2u

  1. I still like our main couple, it has been for them that I stay watching, but the writing has really been as if they tossed in a bowl different directions and picked a few at random. The sudden wedding, which was stupid if they wanted to keep DR’s identity secret, the silly adoption story for PS which he chose because he wanted to protect DR -with his adoptive, original adoptive parents suddenly all for it? - of course the oily CEO stepdad would not be for him marrying DR … The preview showing DR by the sea again is very disturbing. The series has not dealt well with the suicide story …oh, dearI have to laugh, a bit sadly at the absurdity, because I was just dictating this, when I mentioned the word ‘suicide’, Siri came on & said:” if you need help, I can call someone” -so Siri has more concern for suicide than this series has had. DR/JY has never had any therapy, nor did anyone even suggest it. it has been very difficult to hear her constantly apologize and say she was bad when she was the one victimized. Really hope they are going to have some good time for our main couple to bond without melodrama and for the other side stories to wrap up without too much of fake brother JD, such a psycho, taking centerstage. They have to expose his bio dad who ran PS down, find the slimy actor who helped frame DR, get the other side couples together, and have all the parents grow up a little, not much time to do that well
  2. Will definitely miss this drama, the shorter format of 10 to 12 episodes, has made it hard for many K dramas, although some have adapted well - however, there are just some dramas, you really wish to have the 16 or maybe 20 episodes. I would even welcome another two seasons, not a forever series, but there is still so much to learn about all the characters and although, I don’t really like the format of differing stories each episode pertaining to their work, this has been really very intelligent, smart, human writing. The whole cast has worked so beautifully together, the directing, writing, allowing them their character arcs… look forward to tonight and tomorrow’s episodes
  3. Looking for something light, I started watching because I do like Shin MInAh and have Amazon prime -sad this series wasn’t available on Viki. Surprisingly I am really enjoying it, although there are some well-known story lines like the fake marriage, SMA’s quirkiness really works to make it more interesting, and the side story of the foster-sister, now friend, being an author of erotica, has really been delightful. The reactions of the CEO’s wife while reading her books and those of her sonny boy, is hysterical, it’s rather well done from the writing and the directing and acting… nice to have something not violent to look forward to. I spend so much my time with news and it gives a needed break. So many of the exported K dramas have much too much violence in them these days. The Good Partner has also been a series I look forward to, which does touch on serious matters, well balanced with character development, and lots of human touch…
  4. This was one daily soap that wasn’t too over the top, it was more like a weekend drama. I really enjoyed the characters, even the not so good ones. I like this cast, especially our main couple and their two mothers. But the writing has become very sloppy. In one scene, Suji and URi sit there and don’t really see the similarity between the kid pictures and then when SuJi confronts her sister, she suddenly talks about the similarity, she’s telling her everything they’ve got in their chest of clues, of course, as the good people often do, they give every possible lead to the bad guys to destroy evidence, to prevent the truth, from coming out. Almost everybody in the show knows that URi is MaRi’s son. so they’re all horrible spineless creatures. Now writers are going to pull out of the soap trick bag, the very, very tired joke of a fake son? This late in the game? The writers, or is it producers, forcing the writers to be so bad, why? Are they really all lacking in imagination? Why do they always hold the viewers for so stupid? Were the production company, writers, directors, any good, they would get the truth out there and let the last 19 episodes really be about how do these three families find any path towards each other or go their separate ways… We still have missing parents to find, resolve romantic relationships, so much these next episodes could be filled with - but it is now so frustrating that I’m mostly just fast-forward to get the two seconds Info needed and wait for better times. One should be not wanting a series to end, instead of wishing it was over already.
  5. Look forward to this smart, female driven drama, enjoy the growth between the two female leads -so far ,from the writing, the cast the pace it’s my favorite drama of the season
  6. This drama is still continuing to be my guilty pleasure, silly, sexy, tiny bit of social conscience, enjoy the cast, the lead couple has good chemistry....really hope to see UM Tae Goo in other lead roles, I know many swoon for his voice, but his eyes are honestly expressive, in a way that makes me want to see how he would play other characters
  7. So they are going to just repeat DoRa's whole story of misuse by her mom & abuse by psycho ceo ?!? JY/DR will be so stupid as to believe all the crap?!? why do they not know how to write a better arc?!? is this AI writing?
  8. So they are going to just repeat DoRa's whole story of misuse by her mom & abuse by psycho ceo ?!? JY?DR will be so stupid as to believe all the crap?!? why do they not know how to write a better arc?!? is this AI writing?
  9. Loving this, smart, sharp black comedy thriller, what a vehicle for actresses of all ages... the pacing, the cinematography , the soundscape, so far so well done, hope it continues this good till the last scene
  10. really wish they would not push this MaRi thing, the preview of her slipping into PS's bedroom is so disturbing, not funny - writers want her crushing on PS as vehicle to expose PS bio mom, but it's just sick PS cannot tell DR of her past and he should be consulting a dr...but he should not try to dampen her acting desire, he should be knowing that is her center - of course this is drama land where people don't recognize DR's twin in JY, except for slimy CEO - although JY is feisty, they are making her too dumb I wonder how many episodes they plan for when DR does regain her memories - we're not yet 1/2 way through, but I hope they don't wait till the very end
  11. so far loving this twisty, tense drama, cinematography & soundscape are excellent, as is the acting, wonderful roles for the women -so far the writing keeps me wanting to see around the corner...hopefully that continues ...it is about a web of poisonous family secrets, but there is room for the characters to show their layers and I look forward to the secrets untangling...
  12. Glad that PS knows DoRa is alive, the writers gave us that at least - hopefully he keeps the secret until her memories come back ...hope we get some quality time with them getting to know each other in this new constellation - PS gets a second chance to make up for doubting DR- second chances are so rare in real life With all the lightness, the suicide aspect is a very dark, serious one, still triggering for me - wonder how they will handle it - in the US or UK, they would have to have a sensitivity notice on such a story - So much time is wasted with MaRi's crush story, they are ruining this previously delightful creature , mishandling a character with her condition - just to force PS's bio mom's hand, with her family - including dad- acting like cackling hens Notice a lot of uneven editing, wonder if there has been a more than usual time pressure on production, maybe some unexpected shuffling in the story
  13. I had been enjoying this drama, really like leads, especially the FL who is doing her best to bring layers to her character, but I am so upset about the misogyny, the melodrama, forcing a situation where the FL is going to sell herself to a psycho because of the debt her less than intelligent mother put her in ...DoRa's character up until now, would not do that. She would not do a nude shoot...It is as if writers do not respect the characters they create, or maybe they are pushed to write that way by the male dominated industry that does not respect women - too many get away in real life with abusing women , especially actresses ... That the rich parents would also push their 12yr old in 24yr old body daughter MaRi to marry a slimy older guy is way too disturbing - how can the writers get away with this?! It was expected that DoRa's hard earned career was going to be brought down by her mother, but I had hoped it would be about how the FL gets back on her feet -not by selling herself, but by showing us her grit, together with her first love - This all could have been a wonderful fun story of healing, of people accepting each other as whole imperfect beings - but producers seem to want women to be stuck in a past where sick little boys get away with abuse -and women have to play along. What is it with this forced marriage recurring theme?! Drama wants to make women characters unlikeable, though almost all characters are getting unlikeable and storyline right now it is just another repeat of horrible daily dramas with too many nasty caricatures ...because dramas say something about our societies and unless the yuck factor keeps growing, I may continue to watch, with lots of fast-forwarding, to see what this one will say - also, because I did like the leads & a couple other characters
  14. Don’t want to make excuses for the bad writing, directing and the late bringing in of this storyline of dad needing a liver transplant, but since such transplants are feared, many Kdramas try to put them in. Even though they have the donors often get sick afterwards, usually coma, which is very discouraging, it seems in this one that HS will not get sick but disappear, oh my… Since one’s partner has a say in what one does legally, healthwise, it’s understandable that HS makes this decision on her own, without sharing with TH - still, it can only cause a rift between the couple. If there were more time, one could really have the characters explore their different layers, have another arc worth watching, as they find each other again, trying to heal from the family trauma. but this is not it, nor is there much time -this series wasted so much time, good characters, good plot lines, that went nowhere! Is there going to be the obligatory one year, two yesr jump -TH goes away without HS? Will we not see that a couple, even with this major event, can find a way to work together, to face things together, to build a foundation of love and trust? Or are they going to trash the relationship that they built up for the viewers in 49 episodes, in just one last dumb episode? Really frustrated with writers, producers, that seem to mess up the characters they build, and don’t even understand or care about the characters they have presented for the viewers, or the storylines - really makes it seem like AI is not only writing, but directing. No heart, no soul
  15. Sadly, so far, it’s just another K drama that wants to discourage Women from taking leading positions in business, not just the rich ladies, but any lady striving to get to the top of the business world. In Korea, there are so few women at the top of any thing regarding business and money - it may be that those few are just as ruthless as their silly little boy counterparts, but it is quite the trend in K dramas to always make the ladies look worse. So far this series is no different. In this story the common husband is, of course, much more ‘qualified’ and human as the woman, who is ruthless and heartless, and therefore also not the better business woman -although, exactly those qualities are what men are praised for … viewers are often unaware, or don’t want to see, the subliminal messages of many of these dramas, in an increasingly more conservative controlled country - yet, so many women are trying to stand up for their own rights and businesses run by women often in the world are better run Will be interesting to see if the series improves
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