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  • Posts

  • Joined

  • Last visited

Posts posted by clauric
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it's kinda ironic that our girl da hae would be our miss da hae..i guess a lil bit more mature eh..so 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    can't wait..i seriously need a new kdrama to watch..i miss da hae in action!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    can someone translate this for me:
































































































































































































































































    thanks in advance




































































    i hope someone can help me..


    im trying to search for something n it's been unsuccessful..


    well i want to search for ueno juri'dad..


    i tried using babelfish but i have a feeling that it's not giving me the right words to convery what im trying to search for..


    can someone give me "keywords" to search for:


    ueno juri's dad's name in kanji..


    keywords that would help me find his name..


    thank u!


    and can someone help me translate this:




  5. ^ i am not really sure what dictates proper management. But i dun think doing CFs and charity activities denotes weaker and poorer management. Some stars actually choose to do 1 or 2 projects a year and focus on other things that they really want to do. Maybe Da Hae wanted to focus on charity and her CFs, and plus her schedule might not allow her to accept so many projects at a time. :P

    Anywayz, I think she's going to confirm soon =)

    i think she's doing good too..i think it will help her to take some time because my girl was a hit for her..everyone still sees her as yoo rin since my girl is still airing in other countries..so i think it's a good idea to let ppl see her in a different light by doing other projects like cfs and charity works..and i guess after a few months, she will be ready n refresh..we will also be ready for her new character because let's admit a lot of ppl are still having a mg withdrawal...
































































































    im loving the ballad version of flavor of life..
































    i uploaded her PV n audio rip of the PV on imeem if u want to watch n listen..and u can post it on ur myspace, blog, etc...
































    PV: http://profile.imeem.com/PLF-5j/video/kIGL...by_utada_hikaru
































    audio rip: http://profile.imeem.com/PLF-5j/music/vd2c..._of_life_pv_rip
































































































































    gosh all the guys-jae hee, dennis, and kjh-ill be too distracted..too many good looking guys in one show...
































































































































    this is one of the series im looking forward too..i miss jae hee in the small screen..i love this lil dgch/mg reunion...im excited..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i think ppl who claim they are PIslanders are the ones that live in the US..most of them never went to the Philippines..n there r some who just don't want to be associated being asian becoz they think it's fobby...
































































































































    the yumiko girl looks more filipino to me..like someone said-she has that typical eyes that most filipinas have...

































































































































































































    i'm not too sure but I believe that's the school that my mother attended. wow. I've been thinking of studying abroad my senior year in college and I was wondering if anyone could tell me the perfect school for it in the PI. I can understand Tagalog to some extent and my cebuano is better lol.

    I never knew so many Filipinos were in soompi.































































































































    well maybe there is a study abroad program in ur uni (or other study abroad programs that are being offered)..i think it will be nice that the grades that u'll be getting in the PI uni will be transferrable..i know in the uni that i attend to, they have UP Diliman and Ateneo listed as universities i can go to if i want some of the units to be credited in my college transcript..unofrtunately right now the study abroad program in the PI is on hold for for security reasons (well the program from the school i go to)..
































































    fortunately i can speak tagalog...i can understand kapampangan..i took a tagalog class in college..i must say it gets pretty tricky when u try to learn the grammar...unfortunately they only have 2 classes: beginning and advanced..i really want to expand my vocabulary..i want to learn those long tagalog words that i barely hear....

































































































































    i took a break from maging sino ka man for about 2 months. whew, in that time i relied only on pa-kwento from my friends. i like how the story is picking up now. i find the eli-kalay tandem interesting. if they end up together instead of eli and jackie ending up together, i wouldn't mind.
































































    hehehe u r just like me...i didn't even bother to watch book 1..i tried but i thought pacing was kind of slow..i depended on my mom to recap the whole story...i liked book 2 so far..i think both pairs are likeable...but eli's background mystery keeps me from watching this series...
































































































































































































































































    love the casts!i missed jae hee in the small screen..and also YES for the part that it will be the same director who directed MG n DGCH..the director must love jae hee!



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..