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    and then maybe when night starts to malfunction, riiko will realize she actually loves night!








    except i'm still a riikoxsoshi shipper, so i actually don't want that to happen >>















    hahaha im hoping not..i hope she would just have that regret that she wished that night would still be alive...wishing him he's still be there as a friend hehehe..








    i have a feeling night would give way for soshi..maybe he'll realize that riiko loves soshi, but she doesn't want to admit..so i have a feeling that night would sacrifice his duty to love her the way he's programmed..instead he loves her by doing the unselfish kind of love-get riiko and soshi together (something that he is not programmed to do)..


    well for a soshi and riiko shipper--this would be the ideal ending..



    Does anyone here think that

    making out with a machine is kinda creepy no matter how you think of it ?





    yeah i thought about it too..it's like depending on the machine to give you pleasure..maybe that's why i felt different abt the live action..in the manga, i feel like you kinda get away with it since it's on paper..but if it's real live action with actual people, i just find it creepy..maybe that's why i prefer soshi than night in the LA..i feel like you can't just rely on a robot for true love...





    In the US (since it's a melting pot), yes people had guessed my ethnicity (im filipino) differently from my own..and when they guess it wrong, they would tell me i don't look filipino because of the certain sterotypes they already have in mind..


    but if i just go back in the philippines, i just look like the average jane and rarely people would think that i had a different ethnicity..



    Creidesca, thanks for the info. Wow, they've already picked up those 3 dramas?

    Non-YA related but ... I don't get it - how come Hwang Jin Yi and Dalja's Spring aren't out on DVD yet? :(


    And speaking of re-release -- I just noticed that the new Sweet 18 is now Region All!



    I remember the original was Region 3 which is why I didn't get it in the first place.


    And FYI - Hanbooks.com has a coupon for Mother's day!



    sweet 18..i bought the bitwin version a few years ago in yeasia and it was an all region..



    I thought episode 2 was pretty good...not as exciting as the first episode, but it's mostly character introduction, so it's still relatively good. I never noticed this before in other dramas...but Ethan is hot...<3...lol...his character just makes me like him a lot.


    im just happy that he got this kind of character..i thought he was adorable-dorky cute in summer x summer because his character was shy...


    but when he did the rich guy kind of mean but nice plus the suit-he got hotter hehehe...


    if the series keeps getting good ratings, i think ethan is going to be one of those rising lead actors in the future..

































    congrats to the series for being number 1!
















    as much as i love TkA, i guess some ppl just needed a fresh of breath air...new characters to love and to watch for..and yeah im just oober happy that ethan is finally the lead guy...
















    i know some ppl find similarities from PTF..and i admit since there is some similarities, im a sucker for this type of series..

















    lol Convoy is where all the asian hang out. im there like weekly XD

    i like going to Daiso for all the randoms things i need.
















    malls... i usually go to them all. they are opening up a hollister at fashion.
















    i got to Tea and More for my boba needs.
















    its right by 99 Ranch. I like the tea and milk tea there.































    i was hoping they will have a hollister there at fashion..i usually have to go to utc or plaza bonita...i admit i love fashion valley but they've been opening pricey designer stores...








































    im looking forward watching this series...im a sucker for thus type of stories..and joe chen is one my fave actress...i wished that this was the story that she did with ming dao..i think it's suits their age more than their recent drama








































    i think it's creepy if they are preteens...i don't mind if they were abercrombie as long as they can afford it n plus if its the kids version of the store..if they have designer purses..well i find that disturbing..maybe because i feel like once they get older, they would want something more..more expensive..and that's the time when they get out of hand..








































    anyone been to "vogue collections" next to tapioca express in convoy...
















    how's the clothes selection + price?









  12. Hullo! I tried looking this up, but I couldn't find any answers. I downloaded some drama. Files were split, and in "rmvb" format. May I know how to merge these "rmvb" files? Thank you in advance.

    does the file have ending numbers like 001, 002 etc if it does

    make sure they r in the same folder

    dl hjsplit

    press join

    browse for the first file the one ending with 001

    after that it should combine all the files..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    for some odd reason..he looks like this one filipino actor i know..john prats...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im looking forward to this..maybe because the storyline is a bit interesting..

































































































































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By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..