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    moga salon i was just there to get my haircut today..i usually have kaz to cut my hair but my only free time is the day she's not working so i end up getting another person..i did not mind though because i was really happy with my haircut..i love the way they wash hair coz it's so relaxing..i even got a massage after my haircut..my total is usually $40+$10 tip if i really liked the haircut..too bad i forgot to ask the name of my stylist..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    well i admit that sometimes it gets a bit boring in san diego if u don't plan things out..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i usually shop at fashion valley since it's only 5 mins away from my house..but sometimes i go to utc since it's near ucsd...sometimes i go to mission valley since i like watching movies there even though i admit i get cranky when i see teenagers hang out with a big group...i also don't mind shopping at the indoor malls (plaza bonita or parkway plaza if i don't mind traveling)...there is also horton plaza n thank god they finally have a validation machine to validate parking rather than getting my ticket stamped by a store...and if really don't mind traveling i go to the outlet stores near the near the boarder..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i also hang out in downtown to go clubbing or try a restaurant out..and my friends are big padres fans so we usually watch the game at the petco park...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    and convoy is an important place to go..there is plenty of boba places, asian restaurants, yogurt places, and karaoke places to choose from..and i admit my friends n i are r sucker for those places..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    i think she deserves all the opportunities..im glad ppl took notice of her...i still can't believe she lost against sam c..no offense to sam c, but his voice is till in the puberty stage..but yeah i wish her the best of luck!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    i tried watching this series..but i gave up on the 3rd epi..im a bit disappointed..maybe because it was bit high schoolish drama..i guess i miss my PTF couple..i think they r more suitable playing mature characters..hopefully they will collaborate again in another series...hopefully more of mature characters but also a romantic comedy..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    MG is pretty good..i like the mixture of comedy/drama/romance...MG 2-it would have been good for me if it didn't take 10+ epis for the main couple to actually see each other after the accident..then it took 10+ epis to deal with the other woman..and we only got a few epis in the end to feel romance between my main couple..and i just didn't like idea of the guy falling for another woman..it kinda ruin the whole fantasy of the guy just loving one woman in his life...

































































































































































































































































    Am I the only one who wasn't feeling this drama as much as I should've? Okay, it was great, yes. But definitely not spectacular like Full House or Hana Kimi, in my opinion. The storyline got so redundant towards the end that I felt they were just adding in the Italy thing 'cause they were out of ideas.

    Anyway, it was a good watch nonetheless because Rainie and Mike really did have chemistry. <3 I think this drama had the most kissing scenes I've ever seen, lol. o__o;































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    it was based on the manga..they had to add the italy scene because it was necessary..i really did wish they did the side story ending of the manga..i wanted to see their lil bro n a wedding..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    but i still loved RM's chemistry..i admit i like their current series, WWL coz they didn't get to to be couple right away..it was nice to see them fall for each other..but in dby they were a couple right away, so it was heartbreaking to see them struggle with their relationship.



































































































































    I watched the first episode and it's really good! I like the storyline a lot, and I like Hotaru and her boss a lot (it's really rare for me to actually like both leads). Anyway, I'm definetly going to keep following this show. The end of the first episode made me a little sad though, because of how he talked to her and because it got me thinking "Am I like a dried fish too!?!"






    i felt the same..and i cried a lil bit when she said that someone like her can fall in love too..aww this is definitely my dorama for the summer...










    saw the first epi..i admit i kinda got teary-eyed.maybe because i can relate with hotaru's character..she's in her 20's yet enjoy the life of being at home..she has this image in the outside of her home, but when she gets home she feels comfortable..and i was laughing too coz while i was watching it, i was in my "home clothes" and has my hair in a ponytail while drinking iced tea (not beer though)..i admit kinda have the similar lifestyle as her..but i cried in the end when ppl like her also can love too..aww im definitely gonna look forward to see this series..











    hehe yeh i am out of hope almost!

    i think buying at stores will only have chinese subs, not english subs like i want... and i can only understand english or cantonese... not mando... otherwise i would have no problem!
















    sigh... does ayone knokw if the torrent links work... and acutally download? just such an old series... i wonder if anyone remembers it!
















    otherwise, i may have to buy off net for $80... =(































    buy it from ebay..make sure u buy the malaysian version..the one with the purplelish dvd set..that one has good subs..yesasia sells it for $80+ but if u buy it from walawala (sp?) in ebay it would be abt $54ish with shipping included...i bought dvds from walawala so ive gotten good service..








































































































































    hehehe i remember i bought their cd..i remember i dedicated "pretty boy" to this guy who was so pretty...

































































    I bought the set and the English subs and picture quality are very good. Comes with the OST.
































































    that's good to hear since sbs subs tends to be average compare to YA/biwin/kbs releases.
































































    im still sourgraping abt the eng subs on my girl..

































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