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    Sorry if this has been asked, but what's a quick and easy way of making screen caps?
    if u have gom player as ur media player, it has a screep cap option..it's ctrl+g.keep pressing it when u want to cpature a cap n it will automatically save in the gom player caption folder..
    Can someone help me? Windows Media Player and real player can't play .avi videos. Does anyone know how to fix this or know a type of media player that can play .avi vids? :tears: Yeah, figured how to download from the clubox now. Thanks. But the important thing is that I can watch them! I'm going crazy! :angry:
    they should work..but the question is do u have the necessary codecs? for more needed help go to this forum: http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11015 if i can make a recommendation..i use gom player..
    Hi guys, Can anyone tell me where I can buy the official release of ' Witch Amusement' with English subs.? I know ebay are selling them but I think they are bootleg. I would buy one of them but I am not sure of how good the English subs are. Would anyone have any info on those on ebay? or about the official release as I have not found one anywhere. Thanks for your help.
    it takes abt 2-3 months or longer after a kseries ends to get the dvd release...the series that u mention just ended a few weeks ago so give it some time...and if u r looking for an official release, don't rely on ebay unless u buy the series on yaentertainment's ebay account...
    how do i take screenshots of videos? i cant seem to take them using windows media player.. the picture changes..
    i use gom player as my media player..luckily it also has a feature that take screenshot.. but i believe there r plenty of programs out there..google is ur friend..
    I was on drama wiki the other day looking up Joo Ji Hoon dramas and I couldn't find any information on his debut drama Old Love. Why is that? Since JJH is SOOOO popular, how come there isn't a high demand for this drama? :blink:
    maybe because it's an old drama..and probably just had a small part that's not really noticeable..and goong is like the series that made him well known..
    how di i play an SRT FILE? i download love letter on megaload. but tis an srt file. PLEASE COMMENT ME PRIVATE ABOUT THIS.
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    ljh looks so dorky in the pics..but im loving it..hopefully he is a fun character..the arrogant but dorky type 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    ^thanks rebby for the hq pics..they r to die for hehehe..da hae is so cute..im kinda happy that she's sporting the long hair look..i guess i'll miss the bun look eh..can't wait to c this epi..it looks like they r having fun..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  17. any idea if this will be shown on kbs world

    yeah it will be shown on kbs world..but i think it will take a few weeks after the airing of the first epi...

    speaking of da hae..at first i thought she'll have the sexy/mature look from the presscon..boy i was wrong..i actually love the cute outfits she's wearing becoz it reminded me of yoo rin but this time, a much more cuter/ladylike da hae...can't wait for her new series!

    i miss all my mugku chinggus!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    the pics are making me excited..ldh is so cute..there is still some yoorin's cuteness in her new character..but this time i think she is much sweeter n a lil of bit more feminine..

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  19. Okay, I am not sure if this has been posted before.. I don't really remember tho..

    Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae emerged as the NO.1 Best Couple in a Valentines's Day Poll (it's posted a few weeks ago)

    이동욱-이다해, '최고 밸런타인데이 커플'


    1. My Girl Couple - Lee Dong Wook and Lee Da Hae 41.5 %

    2. Goong Couple- Joo Ji Hoon and Yoon Eun Hye 25.1%

    3. Come to Play Host - Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Won Hee 21.9%

    credits: lovekoreastar/ leedongwook.net

    wow..they won again for this year..i remember they won last year..i guess everytime u think abt vday-u think abt gc n yr..

    regarding a possible series for dong wook..i want him to be in a series so i can drool all over him..but im not feeling the story for him..i don't know i feel that the storyline is a combination of different kdramas into one...and the age thing kinda irks me...but yeah i hope wookie won't accept this role..i want a more interesting plot than this one..

  20. Hmm it's quite clear , after the success of My girl which ended really long ago ,Mukgu havent had any big project yet , everyone is excited about her confirmation this time so that's the reason why :) I know it's unfair for the rest of the cast but she's an apple of the drama ,not mention that she's really oustanding compared to the others ,how can we blame them for so focus on the heroine ???

    About me ,I dont complain anything about tt because I love to see her as much as possible .I know I'm biased :lol:

    incarnadine I know that all of us cant get enuf of something , yah ;) btw how can I call you instead of retype your a-little-difficult-to-remember screen name :lol:

    i definitely agree..i don't think ur biased..i think it's the truth..lee da hae has an impressive talent under her belt so she surely deserves the attention..n it doesn't neccesarily mean that us mugkus wouldn't care abt the other casts..i think they will do good..n i think this is time for them to also showcase their talent along with da hae..if i was an actor i would definitely love to work with da hae..it's not just because she's pretty, funny, friendly-but i can learn a lot of things to improve my craft..n also lee da hae is pretty popular now so it's alredy expected that everyone is talking abt her comeback..so excited!!!

    yes , she's such a naughty girl , we all know that , right ;)

    but about the question of LJH ,it seems that ppl in the Ent industry know something .And because of this question , I'll give Lee Ji Hoon 1 more point plus . He's also a naughty boy :lol:

    hahaha i like him already..hehehe good answer indeed for LJH...i would expect that he will be shy with her answer, but so witty to bring up dong wookie..hehehe that put a smile on my face

    Carla! You're back..It's been ages since I've seen you around! :) Make sure to tune in to H!M with us yeah!

    hehehe i won't miss it for the world..it will be a MG reunion indeed (well for us) hehehe..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    im so excited..i have a good feeling that this series would do great..i can feel it really!can't wait to talk abt the drama with everyone..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..