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Posts posted by hsmz

  1. 48 minutes ago, TheQueenReturns said:

    And the parents don't know how bhr treated him during the marriage. What are they going to say, she threw some food out? Only those two married individuals know how they treated each other during the marriage. As I say all the time, people tell on themselves. I want them to tell 100% of the truth, so they can be additionally tarred and feathered.

    Of course PSH will tells everything to this parents before he reveal everything my dear. I'm just guessing what will happen, I'm not the writer-nim. But if true the writer-nim wants to give PSH victory and make BHR losses in her loosing game, maybe she will make a scene of the truth reveals + she hurt because Seo Ban rejects her & end up will take hiatus. IDK, we shall wait for the ending next week.

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  2. 1 hour ago, chickfactor said:

    Basically, if the public finds out more, I think the opinions will be split, just like they are on this board. NO ONE is fine and uncaring about adultery. (ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, so please stop putting words in people's mouths, thanks.) But there will be people who are willing to consider all sides and have varying opinions. And there will be people who just want to tar and feather the adulterer, regardless of circumstances.


    Either the writer-nim will make PSH and his parents to repay back what BHR lied at her PC, we shall see. If yes & she does make PSH & his parents revealed about how she demanded the expensive villa + money, also the way BHR treated him during their marriage,  I guess she will take hiatus and fly to Canada to avoid any backlashes from people that consider all sides of her ex husband's adultery, just like you mentioned. 

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  3. 43 minutes ago, agenth said:

    What is not fine is her lies. She made it sound as if she got divorced against her will, when it was her idea, and as if she got nothing, when she got all she wanted. Plus she put on fake tears as her new makeup concept, deliberately putting bloodhounds on the trails of her exfamily. 


    Then she even called the father-in-law, trying to sound innocent, because this is another rich guy who may give her something, if she has need. 

    I guess she will get the karma due to her a bad intentions & lies - loosing Seo Ban to Writer Lee & her truth being disclosed by her ex husband & ex PIL. Who knows...  Writer-nim now has painted her character like that, and not surprise if she make BHR more badazzzz & make her own colleagues hate her.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, partyon said:

    Adding some thoughts about ep 14:


    I know I am in the minority on this thread with my views, but I liked the scenes between PSH and SW. Seeing Sung Hoon in a pink dress was kinda funny, though. :D

    I thought the scene of PSH and SW finally spending the night together as an official couple was really sweet. :heart:

    You could tell how much those two love each other and how comfortable they are around each other.

    Since we know the 2 side of the coins, yes, some people do ship PanSong couple. We always blame the husband once we heard the wife being cheated, but did we really know the truth of their relationship? 


    I knew one couple (both of them are my close friends) divorce because the husband was cheated on his wife but till I know the 2 sides story, me too feeling so angry and cursed the husband so so much & I didn't even want to meet him. But then, when I know the truth, me and bunch of other friends cried with him when we know the whole truth why he cheated on her! 

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  5. 3 hours ago, agenth said:

    They didn't flaunt baby in her face. They were just honest that there was going to be a baby. They didn't brag, or flaunt anything. It's just the reality that PSH cheated and got Song Wan pregnant, but he was hardly someone who was trying to hook up with Song Wan every chance he got, unlike Dr. Shin's smooth cheating ways. 


    The parents didn't throw money at her, BHR demanded expensive house in chaebol neighbourhood in order to entice other rich men. Plus, she made them pay taxes because she "has no money". She got her dues. AND THEN SOME. 


    And she did do wrong with press conference: She lied, making it seem like she was kicked out, didn't get what she wanted, only scraps (as if a house in such upscale neighborhood was something to sneer at, it cost millions). She was making a media circus to make others pay in blood. 


    It's funny you say the affair is an insult to her marriage. What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. 


    Yes on this!!!!! Love how you highlighted - What marriage? It was hardly that of health and nourishing love. It was very cold and controlling. She didn't even respect the word MARRIAGE and its vow - "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow." and she TOTALLY didn't RESPECT her husband and the parents-in-law. 


    She was the one WHO DEMANDED all that, why didn't she mentioned about it at the PC? Why need to spin the fact that her husband & his family kicked her out, and she accepted what they offered? What offer yeaaaaa? Oh yaaa, I forget. SHE LOVES TO LIE, so she will make media & Knetz be by her side by LYING! Bravo!!!! Now you give a celebrity a bad name!


    p/s : Yes, that lawyer is so handsome, he can get a YOUNGER and more prettier & sexy (just like Ami) than the 42-year-old matured lady, but why he choose 42-year-old lady? It shows that he didn't care much about the appearance and now he cares about the affections that she shows to him and his family.

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  6. 13 minutes ago, americanchai said:

    I haven't watched this episode yet, but in the scenario that PSH won't be able to find a job after this? C'mon - his father owns a very prestigious golf course that every big CEO, etc belongs to. He still has all the connections to get a job. He doesn't exactly seem like he's all that enthusiastic about his job anyway. He should probably do something else, like work at a gym, be a swim coach, golf caddy. His parents will still give him the money to live as he always has.


    As far as BHR, in the fictional TV world-sense, I don't like her and I don't support her.  Yes, she was done wrong by her ex and his family but she is not a good person. She is vain, selfish, social climbing, greedy and cold. In the real world sense, I would sympathize with her only up to a point. She's young and attractive enough to get a much better husband. She is only hurting herself by trying to make her ex and his family miserable especially when they've set her up so well after the fact. These things always come back to bite the woman in the butt so it's best to move on quietly and live with some dignity at least.

    South Korea is a very cruel world! Once you did something wrong, you are done, as long as few years or maybe at least a few months. Look how celebrity took hiatus just because of a slightly mistake. But I have a feeling that Pan's family will not stay put, we didn't see much about them in the preview right? 


    Yes, me too! My only sympathize at her as a woman only because she being cheated by her husband BUT not with her character and style. Now after episode 14, I agree, she is vain, selfish, social climbing, greedy and cold. Believe me, people like this in real world always loosing as her mind full of anger, revenge and rage. Even with the cheating issue, she still have not come to her senses that not all people will support her if she did what she did in the PC. She have a longgggg way to learn about life. 

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  7. 23 minutes ago, partyon said:

    @ktcjdrama @hsmz I am with you on this one.

    BHR's revenge was petty and it was beneath her. I'm disappointed in her, but not surprised.


    Does she really think that she will get her way (that is snatch a chaebol sound engineer) by destroying 4-5 people's lives? Potentially more?
    She allowed her ex-husband to be doxxed which means that he may never be able to practice law ever again (because no company will hire him). She also threw her parents in law under the bus and outright lied that she had only taken what they had offered her (when she specifically told them what she wanted), as well as, lied about the who asked for the divorce.

    Song Won is almost due to give birth - she doesn't need the extra stress right now. And what about the baby?

    What about PSH's brother and family?


    She gave no consideration when she decided to lie and manipulate the story so that she alone would look innocent and impress Seo Ban. Lady, it's not a good look on you. Not all. :rage:


    She's been selfish and abusive from the start, so I guess there were no surprises there. I still feel extremely sorry for the people whose lives she ruined due to her own ego.


    People who go for revenge normally only hurt themselves in the process. They think people will comply with their demands, and that the party they want to hurt will respect them more. Actually it always does the opposite. The person hurt will only hate and disrespect the avenger more.


    I hope that BHR will face karma by the end of this drama. She's done too many bad deeds to be allowed to go scot-free.


    Next week we will see 30s and 40s wife fight it out who will win Seo Ban. Too bad I think that he will choose 50s wife. :joy:

    Yes, I'm so agreed with your writing. I'm so embarrassed to be her solidarity sister on this! She loves TO LIE, we can see how she made her husband back then in S1 to lie to his parents. It's been her habit, and she will lie too even she finds a new man later. And this is a good quality from a woman? To lie for her own convenience and to achieve what she wants without thinking other people's feeling? No wonder her husband's love faded away from her & her PIL who didn't like her from the start, still can't love her like they love their grandchild's mother now. Negative points for BHR! BOOOOOOOO Hye Ryeong!!!!!


    Like I have mentioned before, the best revenge is to show to your ex husband & ex PIL that YOU ARE ABLE TO LIVE HAPPILY with your new life & new man, not getting revenge like this! She received a very handsome alimony, yeahhhh that seems not enough for her! She wants more and more. Greedy people will end up losing in the end. What she did at the PC was so petty and unprofessional! I guess writer-nim will make her suffer too IF her ex husband spill the beans from his side!


    Seems Seo Ban will step back from her, for sure! 

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  8. 2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

    I guess I am the only one not appreciating BHR’s revenge. She has every right to do that, but she is despicable in putting up a good person front while doing so. She kept calling the Pans deceiving her yet she is the one who is truly deceiving them. She has also lost her chance to score points with Seo Ban for sure, because I believe he sees through her tricks. Yes she got people to sympathize with her and “win”, but I am disappointed in her playing tricks. She is a bigger betrayer of trust and love, I’d say. She already has her eyes set on Seo Ban, son of chaebol’s group, a bigger fish, which is why she agreed to the divorce. I am disappointed that she is written this way. It’s always I want to like her but the writer just give me reason not to. To think that I actually teared up when she and PSH hugged goodbye. 

    I could relate to what LSE was thinking, will her kids get hurt when NGB announces marriage and reporters digging further. 

    What I like in this episode is that SYS saw SPY with Seo Ban, but I didn’t like the the preview is showing that he will use that to get Jia’s custody. I don’t know what the law is about this in Korea. And also about BHR and SPY fighting for Seo Ban’s attention? Don’t really like that, although we know from very early on that the women are interested in him especially BHR. 

    I'm with you girl! It didn't surprised me at all to see BHR acted that way. I have thought about this, and I even have posted before this, that this will be the karma for PanSong couple. Some people are born with a title "angel in disguise" - of course she's not a KIND ANGEL. She is who she is, always thinks ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. She will never changed, will never! All the cooking, wanted to see the baby, all are lies, all for herself. She loves herself so so much! Good, proceed with that BHR! Truly understand that she was hurt, felt betrayed by Pan's family but the way she deceived them during their last dinner, woahhhh, she really made them fell into her trap. Yeah, she thinks she "WINS" for now, but Seo Ban, the man that she after didn't think so.


    And...... She didn't really knows man, isn't she? And she thinks by doing this, she get all the sympathize from man? I doubt so. They even feel "scared" with her. And people who didn't know the true story, will take her side. Let her win for now. She will loose, definitely later. 


    For NGB & not so rich Prof, I have a thought that NGB will broke up with him and he will feel devastated and maybe try to win his family back. Just hoping Writer Lee will not accept him back & just remain friend for the sake of the children.


    As for psychopath doctor, just don't like he using Ji-a as a collateral to get back to SPY. He's the one who should reflect himself and feel ashamed with his daughter. He will never be a man, always a trashy man.


    And BHR will fight with SPY over Seo Ban? Interesting. Only the best woman wins! Shall wait and see next Saturday!


    p/s : Maybe the writer-nim will make another scene - Pan's family revenge? Hahaha... We never know... 

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  9. 1 hour ago, lilyphenix said:

    Yes, only one episode this week, this Sunday. And i am convinced that the ghost wasn't just a filler (i don't think the writer is that lazy). I think, hope, things will come full circle with the ghost and his wife... Call it karma or divine punishment or else.

    @lilyphenix @CarolynH 

    If you watch New Tales of Gisaeng, I have mentioned the writer-nim also featured the ghost in her drama. The ghost was not an important character, but it gave some impact to the ML's father - to give some punishments to him. So I guess, the halaeboji ghost will make his move in episode 15 and 16 - to give some karma to creepy stepmom Dongmi! I hope he will turned himself into human & then he will make creepy stepmom go insane & kill herself. 


    Just hoping, as we never know what exactly the ghost halaeboji's plan! Can't wait to watch episode 14 tonight.



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  10. 22 hours ago, lebeaucouple said:

    My message of CHANGE doesn't simply include for a person's character. We can never try to change a person's character. :):D


    A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together, it is only when both can complement for each other.


    Over time, any changes in partners in a marriage may be due to their different values, different beliefs, different goal settings, different religions, different financial abilities, etc.. ---- all these impacted to each and everyone as times goes by. Never underestimate the power of change in a relationship.


    Change for the better is encouraging, while change for the worse is frustrating. When a spouse decides to upgrade herself but her husband prefers to remain in a comfort zone, both are not on the same page, it will cause a problem if the gap does not identify earlier. Change can be a driving force for a person to achieve their plans/goals,  look at 30's/40's/50's wives, they start to accept things that they can't control in their marriage life, and they choose to change their path, let it go and walked out from their failed marriage with their heads high...isn't it awesome? 


    Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be - I hope the essence of this drama is to let the audience understand that divorce is not a shame, if this person never learns and repeats the same mistakes, it will be a shame never learn Change……:)




    In previous previous posts, there was a discussion regarding changing and changes right? I'm one of the active posters regarding this issue :)


    And I still stands for my opinion, it's not wrong to change, to be better is so welcome - of course with your own will, not because someone force you. Changes are normal - time change, weather/season change, face change, voice change, taste buds change, attitude change & almost everything change. But it's up to us to take it as positively or negatively. Sometimes people will mock us when we want to change to be better, but it doesn't matter. Just do what you want to do. Stay and don't change if you wanna stay with your own will.


    It's your life, you decide. 


    p/s : In drama My Mister, there was a lot of changes. You can see and feel it one by one...

    *My Mister is such a masterpiece! 

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  11. 3 hours ago, admonike said:

    Just realized, all 3 husband is from prominent family, at least they studied longer and have good career. Law-Lawyer, Medicine-Doctor, Education-Teacher
    The writer really think about the background.

    So true. It doesn't matter where we come from, what our background (rich or poor), education (PHD/master/degree or just finished high school), men/women will cheat if they wanna cheat. But of course, they will always justified it, even they should not. But if you can see, PSH in this drama, he didn't justified about his infidelity's reason - he didn't mention the way she treated him, her decision to stay childless, attack her lifestyle blablabla IN FRONT OF HER FACE compared to the other 2 husbands (I have shared the gif previously). He just told roughly about his marriage problem his parents, Dr Cho & his mistress but not her. Why? Because he knows that she will never accept the reasons. (The same reason why the mistress didn't spit out what she imagined to say during their 5-on-5 meeting at PSH's crib)

    He just stayed silence before her and his parents but the most impact respond he gave was he nodded when she asked either he loves his mistress... That one nod & the ring of course, broke everything - at least for me. As for me, if my husband said he's in love with someone else, I let him free without turning back either if I have 10 kids with him. I don't want to keep a man that gives his love & hope and of course his body to someone else while still marrying with me. It was a loosing game actually, in the end, his heart will always longing for other woman and he will no longer look at you like he used to do & SO DO YOU. And like in My Mister, letting go person that we love for their own happiness is honorable & noble thing to do (I pointed for the ML's youngest brother, he let go his celebrity girlfriend for her to become a new her & find her new happiness)


    It's upsetting just to hear about the infidelity happened, maybe to us or people that we love around us. But, like the 50s wife say, we never know what future holds for us. As much as we don't want our spouse to cheat on us but we never know either we will cheat on them or not. Nobody can predict the future & tomorrow will always come for us (before the doomsday of course)

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  12. 11 hours ago, chickfactor said:

    As much I am enjoying this show, mentioning it together with "My Mister" seems... almost like blasphemy. It's like comparing a work of art to a paint splatter.

    I know, My Mister is such a masterpiece! I love the storyline, the actors & actresses for each & every the characters are all seems irreplaceable with other actors/actresses. I can't imagine other actor & actress hold the character of Lee Dong-hoon & Lee Ji-an.


    I just point the infidelity issue from that drama with this drama. In drama My Mister, the ML let it slide but it's killing him inside. Just after he found his peace, he slowly can accept it & from the few scenes before the ending, we can see they're still together - based on the photos on his desk (but still, it was my guessing because there was no lines mentioned the ML got divorce or stay single)

    *edit : some of the viewers do think they are divorced because of his crying in the living room & his smile and the handshake to Ji-an in the last episode. 


    But in this drama, we can see 3 woman acted differently based on 3 different infidelities from the 3 husbands with the different impacts & how they resolve their husband's infidelity issues. 


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  13. Oh yaaa... Just remember to share this.


    My Mister (2018) - IU (FL) & Lee Sun Gyun (ML). Not an infidelity theme drama but the ML, Park Dong Hoon's wife was involved with infidelity with their own friend, and SHE IS A LAWYER too! (just like PSH)

    It showed that lawyers are human after all, they are not saint.


    But the whole infidelity story in this drama was so very different from drama Love (ft Marriage & Divorce) as Lee Dong Hoon pretended not to know about his wife's infidelity. OMG!~ After she "being caught" and came clean about her infidelity to her husband, she also justified her cheating. That's normal, people always tend to justified his/her reason. Also they are so lack in communication as Lee Dong Hoon always kept his feeling inside without sharing to others even with his wife. And surprisingly, Lee Dong Hoon still stays married with her and not divorcing her right away. Not sure for whose and what sake - him, her, their son, Dong Hoon's family & friends, career, status... but he is the strangest and only a "strong" man can hold it, bury it all in his head & his heart. It's not easy for a man to stay in the marriage after caught the wife cheated on them as they will straight away file the divorce without turning back.

    My point is, sometimes people will swallowed the pain of the infedility and thinking it was the best to stay than make everyone miserable with the decision. But it's not for people who are so vulnerable. Only the "strong" man/woman can accept and let it slide for whatever reasons.


    For those who have watched it, will feel the sadness of Park Dong-Hoon & Lee Ji-an & for those who haven't, the drama is so recommended drama to watch.  



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  14. 12 hours ago, wildcherry said:

    Honestly I dunno what message this writer trying to tell, and what point she’s trying to prove.

    She have nothing to prove. It's all happened in real life, not just drama. Not defending the writer-nim, but it's all being proven. 


    Adulterous, extramarital affair, infidelity, cheating start from inside - mind and heart. When the mind said proceed, the heart will follow. When the mind firmly said NO, the heart will say STOP!


    Just that. 

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  15. The impacts from infidelity of the husband & father :tears:


    Poor BHR, she got the acute ulcer & threw up blood 




    And.. poor Hyang-gi. The man that she always looked up & suppose to be her "first love" - betrayed her, her mom & her brother and make her broken hearted too 




    But love Ji-a, she became more matured now.

    Hope she will stands strong & keep calm as calm as her mother when she hear about her father's infidelity





    Wish NO INFIDELITY ever exist in this world...

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  16. 45 minutes ago, admonike said:

    Does the mistress love SW? I don't recall when she said or her action said so. 
    Might she just want to be together with her baby's father?

    Yes, she didn't say it out loud. But PSH's mother once said to his son that SW loves PSH based on her face.. Elders knows best right?


    Also when they had their last date in the restaurant.  How she caressed him, the smiles and she wore the ring too. Maybe she try to hold her love inside till everything settle or maybe she will never express her love as she also promised not to have any relationship with PSH anymore. If you can recalled, she's not the one who chased PSH, call PSH to meet or make him a rebound, (like Ami & NGB), it was PSH who always clinging to her. But I do admit, she is so wrong to "entertained" married man, she is a sinner too & she needs to run away from him before it's too late but what can she do when that man already fell in love with her. She is just a glimpsed of BHR, SPY & Writer Lee's colleague from season 1 who being attacked from the wife, remember? Writer-nim already dropped the hint from the very first episode. 

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  17. 7 hours ago, wildcherry said:

    Despite of BHR harshness, she is still honourable to abide their wedding sacred vows. Despite being famous & a beauty, being tempted but rich & handsome men, she still stay true to her husband, not sleep around like some shameless hussy.

    This is what I though about this - she will not and never will cheat on her husband because she will know she will lose everything if she involved with infidelity's case - also she will get all the humiliations as she is a celebrity. Just look how she handle her program, she always gave a lot of advises, all the good and beautiful words to her listeners. She's smart & she is so smart, even she had thought (by herself) about she have to cheat if she wants to move on after she found about her husband's cheating, BUT she only imagined about the cheating and have no guts to do it (or she will not do it). Yes, she do loves her husband too but her loves to him are not so strong. From what I see, she just need someone to be with her, a sleeping partner & someone that can listen to her. She is not a bad person, she is who she is and because of that, writer-nim made her husband felt the distance and fell out of love with her. As a human, we always curious about something or someone which/who is so different from what we saw everyday. And that mistress made him feel curious and then the cheating happened. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, admonike said:

    The one that fall off from the horse might be 40s husband

    No, it's Dr Cho. Ami's dad. I guess the fall will lead to the separation of Ami & psychopath doctor later. Maybe Dr Cho asked him to let Ami go as per his last will, maybe..


    Or Dr Cho's wife will grab Ami's hair when Ami visit hospital and saying all the bad things to her - as we saw the scene where's Dr Cho's niece told her about Dr Cho's other daughter. So she's fell hurt and fly back to US.


    IDK.. just guessing.. 



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  19. Annyeonggg.. Long time not post here..


    Always post at the barf drama timeline, hehehe.. So many predictions for the ending. Also love @Ameera Ali gif and videos too.


    Anyway, who's in love with Ji Chang Wook here? I read on IG, he's positive Covid-19 yaaa.. Hope he's getting well soon. 



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