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Posts posted by youngae

  1. The way she treated SJ. Being all self righteous. Your mom tried to kill my mom so we can’t be siblings. Girl your so called family lied and cheat and basically kidnapped you. “Hi Pot meet Kettle”. I with SJ with the whole “dad” thing. You just found out and met him and had bad blood between each other and he is in a coma. That stupid gene runs deep in her. SJ run save yourself or go scorched earth. Either way don’t look back.

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  2. I think SJ is getting the short end of the stick. He is basically canon fodder. I mean people are upset about him defending his mom and covering for her. But it’s his mom at the end of day. Plus he is being manipulated by her. He only knows so much. We know more than him so we can total dislike her from the top to bottom. I think he will be devastated when he learns how totally bad his mom is.

    He has lived a good life because of her but it’s not his fault he was a child so how was he supposed to know his mom dark past when he was a child. You only know what your are told. You don’t except your parents to lie to you.  


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  3. SJ is my favorite. He pulled the ultimate uno reverse card on YR, YJ and TP. They deserved it. They have lied and manipulated SJ. He may have not been as smart but he did not deserved to be emotionally manipulated by those three especially when 2 out of the three was supposed to be his friends. They should at least apologize to him not act self righteous. He has done more in this episode than TP has done in this drama. YJ and TP deserve their own bit of karma as well because their hands are not clean either. I rather watch SJ take revenge it would be more entertaining.Happy Guy Fieri GIF

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  4. Here is my theory. SJ’ mom and Yura are in for some big karma. They coveted what wasn’t theirs. For karma to come full circle everything must be taken from them. They both must lose their status in the DL group. Divorce the father and son.  I think for instance that SJ is SH’s son. It would be way to convenient if YJ was her daughter. The way the chairman grilled YJ when she was dating SJ. I believe the chairman’s family probably had him do a dna test to prove SJ was his. I bet she stole SJ from SH. It would be more interesting storyline that way. The Secretary is YJ dad. I don’t know why just throwing that in the universe.

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  5. Tomorrow is the last episode :criesariver:

    My theory about the detective was right he is the grandson.

    What if CYN is Mr.Jangs daughter. I know that's a long shot. But maybe she escape the killer. I mean I don't think he forgot where he buried her if he killed her.

    Also I still think CYN is still alive. I don't know but maybe that was not her in the suitcase. Maybe there was a switch at the last minute or something.

    Also someone has to be found i don't care if its the mama dog at this point. But the wait is driving me crazy.

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  6. I have a new theory! Forget the other one.

    SJH is the grandson of the chairwoman!

    What got me thinking is the necklace he gifted to CYN. He said his mom gave it to him when he was young. That necklace even though small looks hella expensive. I know she was a director of the orphanage. But, I don't think they make that kind of money. Why would she gift a necklace to a  child? Why was so against him marrying CYN? I haven't thought why yet?

    The car plate number could by the car plate that took CYN that beom soo remembers.

    If SJH ships sinks I am shipping CYN and Thomas they have real good chemistry together. I think he might have a crush on her.


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  7. I have some theories:

    1. CYN is alive and the chairwoman's granddaughter. She might be in a deep coma.

    2.  I believe that maybe LJA is HJH's daughter  Maybe LJA is also dead. Only reason I think so is the older cop didn't acknowledge her presence in  Episode 5 when he arrested the man who conned HJH and at the meal afterwards.

    3. The fire at the orphanage was a cover up for something bigger and those 3 businessmen are bad people.

    4.SJH's mom is on the cover up or paid to be quiet. It could explain why she was so dead set on CYN not marrying her son.

    5. I believe GS's mom is part of the cover up. I think she is the one that delivered CYN to the orphanage in disguised as a nun maybe. She was killed to tie up loose ends.

    This show needs to be talked about more. I am happy that Seo Eun Soo has a role that is interesting and fits her so well. Hopefully she get more work.  This maybe her breakout role that raises her star power

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