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Posts posted by haniiiii

  1. Hi Soompiers :D I am still alive, hahaha. Even though you cannot see me here much.

    My hands are handcuffed by school nowadays as my thesis deadline and my regular exam period is here plus state exams dates are behind the corner :bawling:



    I wished oppa happy birthday on his IG since I could not attend his birthday fanmeeting (like I did last year, sigh). But nevertheless I keep my smile and look forward to May and our sexy & smart lawyer. :wub:




    I wanted to finish my today post with something funny and so I looked for JG memes and found this. Crazy and hilarious at the same time :DDD (I guess you would know the American song "Selfie" and its chorus that inspired this meme :)). Take care girls :wink: and see ya later ^^



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  2. 36 minutes ago, cedarwood said:

    I wonder what LJG was saying that it made them laugh so hard. :D 

    @cedarwood I tried to catch something from the video, but it is hard, cause JG speaks in "goryeo style" hahaha. But what I caught was that JG was thanking his manager for his hard work last year. Saying he is looking forward to their cooperation this year. And something about his manager's fashion I think, but this one is really tough to comprehend. ^^

    But I translated what the manager wrote in description of the post: Dear "older brother" (hyeong) Joon Gi!!! I am sincerely very very thankful!! I will work hard in future as well!! bbuing bbuing #there_is_no_other_actor_like_him #as_expected #handsome #touched_with_emotions #eyedrops_falling #2018 #golden_dog_year #lets_goooo~~~~


    and one new photo from the dinner :wink:


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  3. 7 hours ago, hiluna said:
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    Let me make a guess. The only two dramas that I know of that have not been cast yet is Alhambra and Prometheus.  I think both may suit him. I don't want him to do another US remake "The Mentalist" (too similar to CM) or a second season of Signal and Secret Forest (second seasons rarely live up to the original).


    @hiluna Wow, that Prometheus drama looks cool, I have just read about it ^^ Let's wait and hope :D


    Btw, the lucky girl who won the jacket (instead of me, @glassnokamen and @antoniaclamens :)) has shared a few photos of it today. Look and envy, hahahaha 




    So, let me post this JG photo as a smile for today. Cause there is the jacket again :D



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  4. 5 hours ago, willenette said:


    Hi haniiiii, NICE & COOL this picture you posted. Ohhh............I admire you for being passionate in learning a Korean language. And your topic is about Lotte.............Did you know that this company was founded in Japan? That's why, they have (2) headquarters : Japan & Korea. The two CEOs of Japanese and Korean Lotte Groups are brothers, and both have Korean and Japanese names. So, the company can be considered both Japanese and Korean. The company grew big from selling products in Japan - mainly chewing gum. Lotte has many stores in China but I heard that 87 of its 99 stores in China were closed. Chinese authorities have cited fire safety issues as the reason for shutting some of Lotte's stores.  But, I guess there's MORE reason for this. :lol:

    @willenette Hi ^^ Yeah, I study Business Korean as my university major. So my speech about Lotte was business oriented, I spoke about the Korean and Japanese Lotte, yes :wink: I also had to speak about stuff like management principles, missions, visions, turnover etc... And I covered some news too, Chinese Lotte issue with THAAD as well and how big loss Lotte has due to this. But I also showed some Lotte advertisement and there I put JG oppa :D 


    @antoniaclamens, @pixelsticks I did well, thank you. I got A ^^ I love doing this promotion. I always think how to incorporate JG to my speeches. :D:D 


    My JG smile of the day :wink: 



    I have little bit more time now, so I will continue translating & subbing some JG videos I started in past but could not finish :wink:


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  5. Wow, @cedarwood How long did you write that? It surely took a long time to write down...daebak... http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/49.gif


    I am so immersed in my thesis, studying for exams etc., that I even don't have much time to post here something. Sad... But I go through the thread every day, peek here.... peek there to keep up invisible.gif


    But in early June, my university tasks will finish. mf_graduate.gif I cannot wait haha, I will feel like http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/21.gif with super power (aka getting back my free time, that will be legendary super power, lol), because nowadays my university tasks versus my free time 1:0 box.gif hahaha


    Btw, would anyone know the source of that background music from JG's latest "Mario" post? I guess it is "Faded" remix, but I cannot find this one particularly. I like the music JG uses as background, I am happy when I find it music.gif http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/27.gif


    @glassnokamen What went wrong that we did not win the jackets? nonono.gif Lucky lucky winners. I hope they will upload some nice photos with those jackets :D 


    and @agathe Are you okay now? Illness gone ? ill_h4h.gif


    I have not participated in a few parades lately, so I wanted to make it up to you :wink:






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  6. 4 hours ago, pixelsticks said:

    And btw...I visited that NameSNS site.  JG is 3rd.  When you vote now, you have to prove you are a human

    (click on which pic does not match a series of 5 pics) so it's an extra click.  http://namesns.com/entertainer/view.html?num=482973&star_num=171  It runs until the 31st.

    @pixelsticks It is so annoying, right? I would understand you have to prove it once a day for each voting, but before every single vote when you want to make 10 of them... gosh... http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/17.gif


    Girls, check this out, JG global fans donation project :wink:



    Staring at the floor parade :D 


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  7. OK, first things first - Our English translation of JG IG update:

    I cannot fall in martial arts. Wearing this uniform after some time~ New martial art jiu-jitsu! It is really interesting~ I really must all try to harder n harder!
    <<♡Merry christmas ♡ Happy new year 2018!! ♡>> Be more and more healthy next year! Have you all seen my greeting video on vlive? Check ♡ V live ♡comment Please ~^^ I'm sorry if it is backwards ~^^;;;;


    and translation of the Namoo Actors wish  http://www.bakagirlsfansub.it/immagini/Emoticon/56.gif



    New photo with Joon Gi ^^


    This girl met oppa in a gym one month ago and asked him if she could take a photo with him. She praised Joon Gi that he was very kind and also very careful when using her phone to make the photo ^^

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  8. 3 hours ago, glassnokamen said:

    As far as I know there are at least other two/three chingus that can partecipate at te lottery... but I suppose that there are much more that are here that can partecipate too.

    @glassnokamen One of these chingus participating in the lottery here! You can take the burgundy jacket, I will take the white one, deal? :lol::lol:

    and @pixelsticks can come and make some daebak photos of us. Maybe we can let her try it too, what do you think? hahaha


    Lovely smiling parade photo is here and this time it is really intense:wub:



    posted today by @jgfan1004

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