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Posts posted by pimsucre

  1. 2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:


    I disagree. YWY also has a family and himself to protect. If he blatantly tells YX that the Emperor is thinking of destroying his family, there is only a chance that it would help YX's family while there is a 100% chance that it will destroy him and his family. His actions were the best possible choice to possibly help YX and still keep his head. 

    I don't know why people expect YWY to risk his life and family to potentially save YX's family. He shouldn't. He told YX plenty of times to leave, he strongly hinted at it that was everything he could do. If he warns YX and YX raises this issue it would come back to him and the Emperor wouldn't doubt on getting rid of him and his family. YX is related to the Emperor, but YWY and his family are not. I find it interesting that YX doesn't blame himself for this tragedy. It could have been prevented if he had 1. listened to YWY 2. Followed his mother's request 3. Followed his father's request. As much as there was no way YX could have known what was to come, his actions did lead to the inevitable tragedy just bc he was used by others. Thinking YWY is somehow to blame makes no sense since he is less responsible that YX in this whole thing and I don't even think YX is responsible. 

     Also the Liang Spy-Princess is not insignificant. She was the one who devised the plan that convinced the Emperor to kill YX's family. Remember she first stole a map and left clues as to it being Yanbei's fault. Then she tricked the Duke on marching on the city to rescue YX. And that sign that she left by the river. All of these actions combined convinced the Emperor of his fears and drove him to destroy YX's family.

    I disagree. I never once expect YWY to sacrifice his family to save YX's. As I remember I'm the one who raised this issue whereas this thread is packed with YWY admirers. Unsurprisingly, I expect the unwelcoming tone if anyone voices any difference.

    As I said, YWY did try to help but his attempt isn't good enough for something needed a dire warning. His hints had no weight for YX's stance who always believed in his father's loyalty, plus his personality didn't help to get any idea of imminent catastrophe, that is why he still stayed in Chang-an. Should he had known what was coming, he would have returned to YanBei long ago. You may say that YWY couldn't speak out loud by himself because it would conflict with his duty as the Head of the Eyes of God but is this Organization supposed to do things in secret and have plenty resources and intelligence sharing so I WISH he would have tried harder to make a case for YX departure rather than giving him those insipid implications.

    I stand on my view, YWY was gambling YX's fate, though he did with good intention but the outcome was another story. That's why I reiterated that if the massacre was unavoidable, it must have been better if YX knew something. When I saw him still hold false hope in the prison waiting for his father to rescue, it really broke my heart.

    About the Liang Princess, I said that I feel her role fading as the story continues (and I just watched til episode 28) I didn't mean that her role is insignificant at all.

    I know this is a drama in which the narrative, conflict and climax are already determined by the writer or director. As a viewer, I know what will be the ending, and I don't have any issue with YWY's character. I just think of a different scenario, just PERHAPS and expressed my view here.

    Again I fully blame the Wei Emperor and still feel that YWY also played a part in YX's tragedy.


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  2. 1 hour ago, mmrod_04 said:

    @pimsucre actually YWY does know YX . I believe it was episode 13  but it was the episode that YX came and offered to buy XE, and Prince Yung Song took her on a horse ride. YWY and YQ had a private conversation, and YQ asked why Master doesn't tell YX about the Crazy Emperor spying on Yanbei because he is getting paranoid. YWY said that it wouldn't do any good cause YX would go running back to the CE to plead or make puppy eyes for the Empress Dowager, and if he failed than all YX would do is start to yell. YWY continued to say, if the YX showed any doubt the CE would will YX dad. Being the Eyes of God YWY hands are tied, because he cannot divulge all that he knows  even if he wants to help YX, then CE would think that YWY is trying to start a rebellion. YWY is stuck between a rock and a hard place. Poor YWY has to bare alot of the burdens, and misunderstandings. That's alot even for YWY's broad shoulders to bare.:(

    Considering the seriousness of the anticipated outcome; the massacre of YX's family who were decent and loyal subjects, his attempt wasn't good enough (at least for me). As I mentioned, if such brutal slaughter couldn't be avoided, then would it be better to tell YX more directly about what to happen. YWY was just gambling the fate's of the Yan's household with his own assumption that should warning be told, YX would do as he expected ... to predict YX's reaction without the cause really happening plus him knowing very well that the killings of YX's family is foreseeable, his miscalculation played a part in YX's tragedy. I know YWY has good intention and sees YX as a close friend, but in YX's stance that would be very heart broken to learn that his best friend could do as far as just make those remote implications ....

    His dilemma caused the innocents' lives and shift the course of YX's destiny.


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  3. I need to fly a fighter jet to catch up with this thread. It's moving sooo fast. I only quickly look through the posts to get an idea what's happening in the drama. With my usual snail pace, I only managed to finish the episode 28 (uncut version) :wink:.

    There are some arguments that YX didn't treat XE as equal like YWY did. I disagree. Nobody in that fictional ancient time treats a slave as a person, including YWY and YX, it's a social norm. From their sociological perspective, casually killing a slave or even holding a human-hunt day are rather acceptable let alone to trade or exchange a slave with cattle, horse or certain commodities. Even in today's society, a lot of women are being treated as a lesser human as you may know ….

    Like a few ladies here mentioned, should XE wasn't that extraordinarily skillful, she wouldn't have caught the eyes of YWY and YX. To judge who loves her more will be impossible because they are different .. very different. How they can be friends still perplexes me. In the prison scene, when YWY visited both YX and XE, YX bitterly responded and asked YWY that “All you can do is just only to imply?” (something along this line) that's what I was thinking. People say that YX didn't know YWY at all after 10 years of friendship, so did YWY. If he really knew YX well and with his la la land personality, he wouldn't only make those loose implications coz it won't work with YX, he should have told him more clearly about the imminent threat to be inflicted on his family. If YX really got the idea what was really coming, I don't think he would waste time for XE to go back with him. It's a miscalculation from YWY part. I wonder if he told YX the truth, the disaster might not be this huge or if the massacre was inevitable, at least YX would understand him and their friendship wouldn't be ended this way.

    In my view, Shawn Dou representing YX in a fine way, I never watch his previous dramas/movies before (including everyone in PA hahaha In fact, this is the first Chinese drama I watch after the Condor Hero starred Gu Tian Le) his childlike personality at the beginning followed by the greatest horror he encountered then turning to a numb, vengeful young man is believably performed. Talking about his childlike traits, Yuan Song and Chun'er are also very naïve, they grew up together so more of less, they have few clues of how a politics and the outside world work. YX is confident of his father's loyalty (and who wouldn't .. he was indeed super loyal) so inconceivable of the betrayal from the Wei King .. Yeah I blamed this eyeliner Emperor again.

    The drama has come to a half course, they still owe the audience about the past story of Chu Qiao and her forgotten kung fu power. Why I feel that the Liang Spy-Princess appeared insignificant as the story goes, her character seems random and now a new arrogant Princess was introduced so I hope we don't experience a quality dip towards the end of the show...


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  4. 1 hour ago, cenching said:

    @pimsucre, look at those stills of grieving YWY above me. Can you resist the urge to bring him to your bosom?  :D

    The one reason I like YWY is my taste of men in real life. Since I was single I always dated older matured men (FYI, single ones). Those gentleman type enamored me endlessly. Hell! I even married a man 9 years my senior....haha

    Your suggestion is very tempting. LOL I know YWY is truly gorgeous but I seem to have less immune to my cry baby YX hahaha. In fact, I love both characters, just in different views. YX's character growth is somewhat predictable yet arousing (me), from a good young man turning to Darth Vader only to repeat the same history of the Wei Emperor. I will root for him (with me) til the end of the drama :rolleyes:.

    Wow, your husband is 9 years older than you, you're surely a pampered wife .. :wub:

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  5. 4 hours ago, cenching said:


    I also love YX but love YWY a bit more :D. I was so touched with YX-XE's scenes in episodes 30 especially when YX stared at her wounded face....I was like okay go and love him BUT alas the camera shifted to YWY grieving beautifully:wub:

    Honestly, the last 2 episodes showed us the bonds that forming between YZ-XE was so touching. If the drama didn't crammed YWY-XE ship down my throat, I would totally ship them.

    Hahaha I know you look at YWY through your rose-tinted glasses .. no one can beat him :D. Yes, XE and YX have gone through the worst that any men could possibly experience. Their life bonding is formed but not in the same wavelength. Love can't be forced. XE will never love him (like I do LOL still in delulu :tongue:) they are not meant to be and this universal rule seems to be inescapable. I read somewhere that XE in the novel did love YX but a lot of things happened between them, and just as a test of fate, YX couldn't hold her love, he lost her to YWY. However, XE in the drama has already been taken away by YWY from day one. My YX got no chance in the drama.

    Now I'm looking forward to seeing his revenge's kill-bill and him turning to a merciless manipulator .. with thick eyeliners.

    YX's hair in the preview is a bit strange for me. I feel annoyed with that dangling long tresses .. I'm willing to do hair braiding service for him and free lol.

    @misxlol89 @jolin_chan Awww thanks for YWY's red-ear collection. Why LGX's ears were so red? I'm literally asking. Did he feel something for his co-star during filming? lol

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  6. @canstand please come back to this thread dear. I love YX and you know what I have watched episode 24 for a few times (so far I haven't even started episodes 26 yet, I'm such a snail :wink:) especially the scene where he was badly injured and mentally tortured by bastard YWH and all snake old men up there. I recently discovered myself that I'm actually a masochist hahaha. Poor boy .. YX was a man near death only adrenaline rush and vengefulness kept him alive. Shawn Dou took me there with him ...

    YWY and YX are good friends. Both are decent men with class. However, YWY is cold as ice while YX is hot like fire. They should not have befriended from the start. They are totally different. One keeps everything all to himself, the other is so expressive that his emotions can be detected a mile away. But what can they do ... friendship has no boundary, it's all about fate and YX's fate is way more extreme than YWY.

    YX chooses power over XE. Not only his choice but also his self is veered off after everything that happened to him and family. If the Yan's massacre never happened, I think YX would take XE as his life priority. The power seems never his favourite thing .. Now he became a totally different man. His loss was too great to retain his old self. In the prison when YWY, XE and YX met, if I were in YX's shoes, I don't think I have a brain to think clearly, let alone carefully listen and analyse the matter. All the situation is fine and understandable for me. Again I don't blame anyone except that eyeliner Emperor. 

    I think Princess Agents is a story focusing on geopolitics as a main theme, romance is in a lesser aspect. YWY and XE's love is shown in a subtle and less-is-more style whereas the political struggle and an attempt to clinging on to power are rather explicit.

    Since a lot of people here heart YWY-XE :D so I will take YX to myself without opponents (or maybe I should ask YX first if he's OK with me hahaha .. my delusion mode is just on autopilot. :tongue:

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  7. 3 hours ago, canstand said:

    because when YX asked was the arrow that shot him is YWY's? YWY admitted it was his arrow. YX also asked was the king ordered YWY to collect the evidence of the so-called revolting and he did it. YWY said Yes. CQ also asked YWY did he steal the family letter that YX's father sent to him. YWY also admitted it. Please don't just blindly say that YX seems not care to listen!!!!!!! YWY should have explained himself if he wants to be cleared!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    What is wrong with your YWY-XE fans? Always blaming YX, always saying XE has no feelings for YX, always saying that is YX's problem, naivety, stupidity, not caring etc for causing every problem. 


    I am really tired of watching you guys doing that! I won't post any further post....I'm tired of watching you guys defending YWY and left YX hanging out to dry.

    Thanks for all your sharing and post. I thought I could find someone or at least one that have similar view with me. I guess I was naive.

    Though I love YWY and XE pair up, I think I can identify with YX in many ways .. so I also like him. He has a sunny personality, kind hearted and also good looking. He was raised by such great parents who were loving, honest and very loyal. His siblings were concerned and protective over him. In such an environment, naivety to the reality is quite plausible. It's not his fault being born this way. All the blame goes to that eyeliner Emperor who has a mental issue about trust and power desire.

    I remember that my previous post also blamed YWY that he's also a part of YX family's massacre or at least it could be reduced to much less horror if he told YX more directly on such warning but YWY doesn't trust YX reaction, so he went his own way to secretly protect him. But fate is something that can't be controlled ..

    His loss of parents and siblings in such horror and brutality is enough for a normal person to go insane. YX turns from sunny to dark personality is soooo expected and I'm looking forward to seeing him in new look with eyeliners (I also find him sexy, if I can be XE clone.. his heart would be more at peace .. or maybe not ... hahaha) His terrible experience makes him trust no one and it's a big reason he pushes everyone away and that's why he loses XE and lives a lonely life with no true friends. I truly wish he had his happy ending and I think he deserves this .. 

    by the way I haven't watched episodes 26-28 yet .. hope I can catch up by tomorrow night.

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  8. 26 minutes ago, Bella-Chimura said:

    I'm a little bit confused....

    Why ep 26 show repeated scene from ep 25? and just add about 5 minutes new scenes at the end of ep 26? 

    It seem we can only watch 1 episode per day :huh:


    yes .. I'm doubting if the censorship caused certain omitted scenes (also the beginning of episode 25, something is missing from the end of episode 24 .. scratching my head)

    16 minutes ago, cenching said:

    Poor YWY thought XE is dead..........few episodes later, poor XE thought YWY is dead :mellow:

    @cenching LOL reading your post :lol:

    12 minutes ago, Bella-Chimura said:

    Lastly... YWY and XE both dead....

    Poor to all of us :tongue:


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  9. 1 hour ago, jolin_chan said:

    @cenching I think YWY won't die after he fell into the icy lake, because the boy that stand with him while XE wears light red outfit on the picture few pages back, I think that is Xiao Ce's son? And also there is a picture that show YWY's carrying a baby, I think that also Xiao Ce's son when he's still a baby. And in chapter 180, Xiao Ce exist after the icy lake scenes, so maybe the drama won't be much differ from these. And also the picture where XE and YWY eating together with the red plum bowl I think that also their marriage life scenes. But if those three scenes that I said are showing before the icy lake scenes, then we're doomed :bawling:

    But I somehow believe the producer use YWY's disease so they can trick XE and us viewers to believe that YWY die, but somehow he will not (I imagine maybe YQ will save him), and I forgot 1 other scenes, the one in the preview, where YWY using a cover for his mouth and he is cradling XE who is unconscious and wearing golden armor, that too I think should happen after the icy lake thing.

    I always have this thought when I know that YWY in the novel has no such illness so YWY's typhoid must have its purpose, maybe faking death. Anyway, how typhoid is a congenital condition?? as I know it's a disease caused by a bacterial infection .. not inborn symptom.

    To think that YWY to fake his death, this could mean their reunion and misunderstanding clear-up may happen much much later towards the ending. If this is the case, I'd feel very disappointed seeing our OTP love line is put aside as a subplot like one of our friends here mentioned. After the horrible massacre of YX's family, we need something sweet to heal our heart ..


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  10. 5 hours ago, cenching said:

    @pimsucre, Shawn really steals  the show for me in these few episodes. His scene in the prison when he talked to XE thru a small whole, made my water work started unconsciously. The scene when he was beaten and arrows sticking all over him, made me flinched in pain. His conversation with his mother and his mother's speech after open each box, had me bawling my eyes out.

    Regarding YWY's silence, he had explained to Yue Xie why he didn't inform YX about Emperor Eyeliner's suspicion directly BUT he did tell him to go home. The Crippled Grandpa even noticed that he was stalling his trip going back home bcoz of XE. YWY did the best he could but Bad Princess n YWH also have the plot of their own. Actually IF he went home earlier, there is possibility the tragedy won't happen (citation needed). Just like you said, YWY is only a human, he has his own responsibility toward his family and organization. Still, he spares no expense in helping XE with blowing his horn.

    I can understand perfectly why YX will be rocking more dark highlights and more eyeliners soon. Hell!!! I even have the urge to help him put it on. :tongue:


    Agree. His acting is really good, almost the image of the fallen hero. I hope YX's ordeal would end soon, my heart can't take any ruthless scenes no more. I really wanted to make a dozen of jump kick to the face of YWH and ZXF to shut up their evil smirk.

    YWY talked with Yue Qi that he didn't want to let YX (including XE) know about the eyeliner Emperor's foolish paranoid of Yanbei because he didn't trust YX's response to such news due to YX's quick temperament (something along this line) so he just asked him to return to Yanbei. If he really said something more direct and had more trust in YX, the disaster might be not this scale. YX could re-evaluate the situation and be more careful. And yes you're also right that many negative things kept happening, if XE hadn't heard Grandpa's conversation, she wouldn't turn sour and decided to leave with YX. Unavoidable fate, probably.

    I'm looking forward to seeing his new look, with your help putting on more eyeliners & highlights, YX would look like a rock star singer LOL



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  11. Finally I managed to watch ep 23-25 with a heavy heart :( Yan Xun's fate is utterly catastrophic. Death may be just a consolation at best.  I wish the Wei King, Yu Wen Huai and those bastards die horrible death for their being born even lower than subhuman creatures. I really wonder who will ever live happily in this barbaric land when dying is very easy and possibly better than being alive. The karma of the nation. Once the King mistreats and wrongs the innocents, he shall lose his divine authority and all gods will turn their back awaiting his disgraceful downfall.

    At this point should any romance triggered between YX and XE will be just fine for me. When misunderstanding is overloaded, silence sometimes is not the best option. I wonder if YWY told YX about that his father and Yanbei were being condemned, the situation might not turn to this nightmare. YWY was gambling the fate of Yanbei and his friend with his misjudgment. No matter how super intelligent and composed he is, he is a human after all. He may be patient to wait until the truth is revealed but since he has no absolute power let alone to disappoint his heartless Grandpa, he couldn't do anything much, so logically the fate of others shouldn't be controlled by his hand. Time measures life and death for this cursed land, his miscalculation will cause thousands lives. The world of a spy is designed to live a lonely life, perhaps.

    If I were XE I would probably fall for YX who's committed to protect her even though his life seemed no more. He loves XE from his heart but the hatred already takes away his soul so their love will be only destined to fail. Poor YX ... the recent 5 episodes are YX's showcase, applauding to Shawn Dou who pull off YX's tragic moments so fine that his agony and blood covered body appeared like an ancient martyr. His mother's dignified death and her pure soul was acknowledged and embraced by the great Sky. It's an epic moment. I hope that eyeliner Emperor will suffer his karma in an equal price, not get away too easily for his own sin.

    These past few episodes are such emotional drained .. a lot of snacks and desserts probably calm me down.

    BTW: the above picture of LGX makes me rub my eyes ... hahaha. My vision of YWY is a bit off balance when I saw his funny face ..

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  12. I haven't watched episode 23-24 yet. I'm probably the only one who have fallen behind all ladies here :(. Anyway, I tried to catch up with this thread so I'm able to connect the dots to get my mind's eye for what's going on in the drama.

    The drama pacing is just fine, I feel no dragging so far, though some characters have been terminated quite soon (like Yu Wen Xi, Jin Zhu (maid), butler Zhu, Yan Xun's parents) to give way to more new characters. The story takes us to a rise and fall of some major characters and a change of fate to be followed. Again, I utterly feel sorry for Yan Xun. His trauma is so great that he is consumed by hatred and revenge. His sunny self will be replaced by a raging storm in a blink of an eye. Yan Xun is clearly one typical tragic character who is brutally punished by a power-hungry and evil dictator. A decent noble who was born at the wrong time and place …

    I feel that Yan Xun's character can flirt with change over the course of the story, even he converts to the dark side I still find him delicious and intriguing while YWY's is so far a bit bland and less dynamic in terms of his narrative. Though I can feel him wrestling with his inner conflict and dilemma, his change in characterization is a bit limited and lacking intensity shift so I'm looking forward to seeing him step up his transformation, if there is any.

    The actor who plays YWH is sooo good at making me dig out every possible curse words hahaha. He is born evil, so unspeakable while the Wei King is not only gone to paranoid schizophrenia for good but also takes his country to the grave with him.

    I still don't know if I will have heart to watch the past few episodes because I don't want to add any more stress on top of my already frenetic week ... and latest previews look all doom and gloom :frown:misunderstanding makes a big headline .. poor YWY

    @monchoo really thank you for your translation :DI do appreciate your time and effort for all of us. Please keep feeding us with more sweet scenes if this doesn't burden you too much. :heart:

    @mundane9 my thanks go to you too for your translation. Tomorrow, I will find time to read what YWY is like with a 180 degree change.

    @40somethingahjumma what can I say .. I love reading your views on the drama or actors ... they are readable and very lyrical. I love it.

    Let me shout out big welcome to our new ladies @lovelycate and @claribelle3 ... nice to see you here (wave my hands)

    And I also love reading the posts from all ladies here esp @cenching who is surely a fervent YWY-XE fan and make this thread move so lively. All nice photos, clips and related inside news from @mrsyooknit make me able to catch up with the account of PA actors/actress. All in all, everyone in this thread makes a great contribution to form a warm, friendly community for our Princess Agents' fangirls and also serves as an emotional outlet to unleash our anger, sadness, drooling over YWY-XE, hidden pervert mind LOL :rolleyes:


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  13. 6 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    @monchoo LOL I can't imagine after this week. People were fuming. Wang Yan Lin (who plays Yuwen Huai) is going to have to hide :lol::lol:

    The guy who plays Zhao Xi Feng was a baddie in Princess Weiyoung too. Lol he just looks evil now to me. 

    edit: ohh wow I didn't know ZLY recommended Shawn as YX. Good recommendation, all book fans seem to really like the casting. 

    @monchoo thank youuuu :blush:  ... YWY in the drama has this illness so it may be used to serve another plot device later on.

    @mrsyooknit how about the guys who play the paranoid King, the heartless Grandpa and the Viper who betrayed YX's father, they should be ambushed lol because they are seen as senior people, we cannot attack or curse them openly lol (just kidding)

    I don't think I can take the actors who play YWH/ZXF for a protagonist role in the future. Their evil act is too believable. :angry:

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  14. 1 hour ago, heoesdanish90 said:

    Talking about ep 5. Actually i re-watched the episode. I just can't get over on the couple chemistry. I want more from them. Huhu

    Do you guys still remember the night of bedchamber scene? YWY asked XE to prepare everything  in pairs. Then, XE questioned why because he ate alone. Why he wanted in pairs. Then, YWY just told her to do whatever he asked her. Can anyone analyse the significance from that?Or YWY just want to play around ( torture) her to do the work. Hehe.

    YWY is a cold, clever yet scheming man. He took XE as his bedchamber-maid though he had no intention to sleep with her that night. He wanted to fool people that he slept with her by using her blood from her finger to trick Jin Zhu?? (can't remember her name). When he asked XE to prepare night snack with a double set, again to create a false impression that they did have snack together and I think he also wanted to show her that she might be his bedchamber-maid but she's still a servant. Something like .. you can't take this one night just to jump your position. It's my two cents ...

    He didn't trust her but very interested in her. XE has an aura of something extraordinary and mysterious that attracts him yet also being watchful about her. Now I kind of miss the colourful bird in his room ... it's one of their shipper apart from Yue Qi. :wub:

    Edit : dear @monchoo May I ask you about YWY's illness? Is YWY in the novel having the same illness? sorry if this has been asked before. :) and his illness is finally cured?

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  15. 2 hours ago, cenching said:

    YWY never trusted her bcoz he knew she is LuoHe's daughter. He loves her n he knows it but he treads carefully by slowly gain her trust. He has a false hope that if she regains her memory she will be still by his side. Bcoz she did believes him regarding her dead brother. 

    At the first part of the confrontation, he showed his distrust to her until she smashed the bell and the wall of pretense crumbled down. He can see her raw feeling and started to realize how she feels toward him. He realized that Her misbehavior  (to put it mildly) is a tantrum bcoz she felt betrayed by him. To prove his point there came the dagger scene. They were goading each other. XE said, "Won't your heart ache if I die?". He flings back, "Can you really kill me?" :D...lovers quarrel vibe is so strong.

    Finally, he got flashbacks and he is sure of her feeling BUT the situation is not right. From XE's side honestly I am not sure if she realized her feeling for YWY. Enlighten me, please 


    I think both of them have already built the intimate bonding. It's just that this bonding is made of many layers; master-slave, teacher-disciple, noble-servant, supporter-enemy and man-woman. It's enough to make them confuse, even the audience LOL.

    Moreover, one important rule of spy business lol is NEVER trust anyone. I'm thinking that YWY knew that sometimes XE was doing things behind his back and put on pretense facade when being caught up but he was willing to let it slide. YWY as a superior, he is more freely showing his emotions (scold her, belittle, punish or being bossy) compared to XE who is just a maid, any protest is strictly prohibited or even killed.

    At first, XE was a bit scared of him but when they spent more time together, she gained more confidence to interact with him and that's when their bonding is gradually established ... to be honest, XE might be cunning or sometimes telling blatant lies, even faking cry but she has never done anything to harm YWY's reputation.  She just wanted to stay alive and protect herself and sisters.

    That's why she cried and so heartbroken when she heard that heartless Grandpa about her being used as a human weapon. Like I mentioned before I never saw XE cry for anyone except for YWY. The scene she cried bitterly in her bedroom tells (the audience) everything. She hasn't realized her feelings yet so when they fought at the rooftop or outside the city, it looked like lovers fighting hahaha.

    I'm looking forward to their separation just to see how this lovebirds miss each other ... and how YX turns to dark side. I guess we will never see his radiant smile after episode 25 .... poor Mr. Sunshine ... Sigh


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  16. Reading many of the posts here makes me feel reluctant to watch episode 23-24 which is supposed to be the culmination of major characters' change; YX, CQ, Wei Princess ...

    Undoubtedly, all spotlight cast on Yan Xun (or better say the actor) whose world turned upside down in a mere space of a few days. He lost almost everything and most importantly his beloved parents killed in an outrageous cruelty. His sorrow, heart breaking and pathetically helpless were shown in a raw and wild portrayal that makes audience heart pound with pain. I think when YX was shot with those arrows, he felt nothing because his heart was so shattered than to feel his physical pain. When I watched the preview, I wanted to jump into the screen and hug him (probably I couldn't survive a number of arrows too hahaha). This scene maybe enough to propel Shawn Dou into the front line of Chinese actors.

    I think I never see CQ cried for YX up to now (correct me, if I'm wrong) she cried for her brother and sister and her heartbreaking tears for YWY but YX?? Even YX was in such great torment, her face contorted with rage but no tears. The one who made her cry is just YWY, right?

    For the Wei Princess, the scene she kept begging her mother to stop punishing her maid is so sad. She is one sweet and kind princess who is starting to taste the cruelty of reality. All she desires is YX's love but his rejection despite his life hung by a thread takes away her last hope and so bitter that she becomes another person.

    Power is sin but many people still crave for power. From the start, they may desire power just to protect their family and people, then it leads to further manipulation, unethical practices and outright lies, and crave for power without limit. The paranoid King might be a good person before, considering his children; the prince and princess are pretty nice and kind. The King and YX's dad used to be great friends but staying in power for too long eats up his own virtuous self. Now he turned to be a mad king who is destroying his country by his own hand in near time. YX is inevitably following his footsteps when he gains power in the future. It's indeed a vicious cycle. Sigh ..

    • Like 6
  17. 1 hour ago, gentlelily12 said:

    In ep 21, i was relieved to hear XE telling YX that her going to Yan with him did not mean there was anything more between them.  (Even YX realises XE regards him as a saviour/friend and he will probably hv to be contented loving her one sided that way).  I reckon her feelings for YX would remain one of gratitude and deep bond/friendship as at this point YWY-XE already have a relationship of hearts and its deep which is why XE can get so hurt by his words/action.

    As for YWY, she's his life and soul already.  (Grandpa knows it)


    LOL love your words ... Grandpa knows it .. he might know a lot but not everything. He underestimated the thing called "love" he never learned from his own experience.

    YWY and XE is an end game. They are a couple in their heart. I know that the drama chooses a different route from the novel. XE fell for her master much sooner that I expected.  I remember the scene when YWY asked XE to shave his (invisible) beard with a knife??, XE couldn't bring herself to harm him .. why? because she was mentally affected by something, perhaps his appearance, his masculine appeal or his strong gravity ... physical attraction triggered first and later gradually touched by his warmth, then love followed. There is no place for my poor YX in her heart. They are destined ...

    BTW: Will XE wear that silver metal ring after their separation? since the silver bells were smashed, there are only a ring and couple sword I wish she would take them along with her.


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  18. 1 hour ago, cenching said:

    I do think that YWY's expression is not as devastating as when XE smashed the  bells n screaming at him. There is a possibility that he even feels relieved that XE get away with YX. At least he knows where to find her if needed. Plus XE can't stay with him anymore bcoz Crippled Grandpa want to kill her. That's why he asks his soldiers not to chase after them.


    add. Besides the most important thing he knew why she left and he proved his points by testing her if she could kill him which she failed miserably.

    they are like lovers fighting lol. XE is clearly heartbroken while YWY almost stuttering to explain himself .. I think maybe this is the first time YWY is asking someone to listen to him. If it's his old self, he wouldn't care less if he is misunderstood but not by XE whom he never wants to lose.

    YX is such a bright and affectionate young man. He with his dazzle smiles, though he knew that his family's fate is very shaky at this moment but XE is always his priority. I feel very sorry for him to undergo such an extreme ordeal and his revenge for his lost parents who are loyal yet mistreated subjects is somewhat justifiable. I just hope that he won't go too dark or else the first image of YX's radiant and loving man will be hard to restore.

    By the way, I find myself feel sympathy for the young princess who loves YX, when she knew that he didn't love her, at first I expect she would act angrily but instead she just retreated herself to reflect and understand things quite well. Her character then appeared interesting coz I think she isn't a bad person just spoiled princess but she does love YX and she has a good judgement telling a difference between bad and good people. waiting to see her change rather than just an annoying princess who live cheerfully in a la la land ..

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  19. 12 minutes ago, UnniSarah said:



    i ask myself why ? Why did XE fall for YWY? I felt something really odd from their first scene together that they just fitted. He read her and she was an apt student from the start. When you think about it? Some romance are opposite are the perfect for each other but for XE and YWY , I felt they were a match made in heaven. It's like they fitted each other like a puzzle. She is observant and eager to learn. Even without her memories she was alwythe silent type like YWY. He loves his solitude like XE. Xiaboa told YWY when she first came to live with them  she was always distant.  Truth be told I felt YWY fell for her before he got the secret message from his grandfather telling him XE can't be contrôles because she is unpredictable. 

    I think while he was away, he feared he was losing the grandson he made. I dislike the grandfather because he raised a child to be cold and ruthless. I know he grew up a time where the people around couldn't be trusted and there was someone always trying to kill him. Because he was ruthless he was able to survive. 

    XE falls for YWY because she can feel his warmth under the icy cold appearance. YWY loves XE because she is the unique one, very pretty, clever and mysterious. All in all, they are destined to love each other and suffer from love-hate relationship (mostly from XE's part) until the tears and bruises run dry.

    YWY is made like a human-god. He has a perfect body (referred from @monchoo's translation of an excerpt from the novel), super intelligent, handsome and aristocrat born and bred. Every girl's dream man, including me hahaha. I always think that XE felt attracted to YWY at first sight, not love but something more like physical attraction.

    YWY is her guardian angel since the human-hunt day to the day when he accepted her as a spy trainee. He covered her up at every possible chance to keep her safe (and continue to help her til the end) and took good care of her and her sisters silently. He is such a husband material if he abandoned his post as a CIA chief lol.

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  20. 1 hour ago, Cheryl Lancelot said:

    @pimsucre Otherwise, I think XE finally decided to go to Northen Yan and never came back to YWY's place. This is the reason why she must kill creepy grandpa at that night. If she chooses to go away which means she has to finish everything here (including revenge for her sister), this is the only chance for her. When she told YX's guard not to wait for her if she's late, she's already predicted that this mission may be failed. If it is failed, she can't force YX to waste his time for her (YX saved her several times and she knew he was in danger). She knew that YWY saved her many times too, but she is misunderstanding YWY killing her brother. That's why she can't kill or forgive him.

    You're right. She wanted to take revenge no matter what's the outcome. It's her real last chance before leaving the Green Hills for good. But I just wonder if Xing Er continued to live with YWY, would she still want to kill YWX? Personally, I don't think she will unless YWY orders her to do. At some point, I just think she began to forget her sworn revenge once she felt comfortable around YWY.

    Besides, XE was well aware that she was trained to be s spy whose life would be constantly in danger. So I didn't expect XE to feel much surprised that she was made to perform those suicidal tasks (isn't it normal for a spy who can be killed when on duty?) I think what broke her heart is that she thought YWY also agreed to send her to death on mission. It could be anyone betraying her NOT him. She is too get used to having YWY covering her up when she is supposed to be in danger .... She will definitely miss him and long for him when they separate and time will help her see things through ...


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  21. 2 hours ago, pawla said:

    When XE went to see the shopkeeper again I thought she wanted to try to get all her memories back. But it turned out she was only preparing herself to kill YWX. Did I miss something? Since I watched it raw and I only understand a little Chinese. 

    I was a bit confused as first but thinking that Xing Er was so devastated when she heard that conversation of grandpa that she lost her sharp mind. Now everything falls in disarray. At one moment she accepted Yan Xun's offer to go to North Yan (but her facial expression said otherwise!!), then next she was planning to kill that sick and perverted old man. She even told Yan Xun's assistant not to wait for her if she misses the time.

    From what I see, XE seemed not too keen to join Yan Xun rather than running away from her broken heart. She wanted to kill YWX and didn't care if she would be able to escape alive. To this point, XE chose to go with YX not because of love, freedom or the quest for her unknown life before memory lost. She just wanted to go away from YWY. I presumed YWY is her first love ... so an experience of heart broken from her first love is something too much to bear.

    1 hour ago, cenching said:

    Did anyone feels that Bad Princess has a soft spot for YWY after she witnessed how YWY care so much for XE? 

    From the preview of the confrontation scene, I feel XE somehow suicidal

    Also when she was pointing her sword at YWY, he asks, "Is this the real you?" (Something like that). He conducts another test when XE holding a dagger to his neck...so he really sure that XE won't hurt him.

    I think YWY somehow weary and not really trusted her too bcoz he knows she is LuoHe's daughter. He just tried to keep her alive bcoz he loves her. He knows he is playing with fire.

    Agree with you. YWY should have known that she is Luo He's daughter but still keep her by his side. If they just communicate and explain the cause and reason, then the drama would have cut to just 30 episodes hahaha :tongue:

    The Liang Princess looked a bit sensitive to YWY whether it's her first impression of YWY being a loving man or it's because of her instinct that she might know him .. (her pen pal??). She is certain to fall for him and this makes thing more interesting. Now Xing Er would do anything like a daredevil (just to help her forget YWY) and shift her ambition to something with more grand picture and perilous path in order to free herself and the oppressed from the slave society. can't wait for epic battle scenes.

    Count me in to join your group hug for YWY .. :)

    • Like 7
  22. @monchoo  applauding to your great effort in translation :) such a painstaking work and brain demanding process; thanks a lot. :heart: I enjoyed reading the scene and cannot imagine how YWY in the drama would do such aggressively erotic things, he is surely a beast in bed :wub: I hope Xing Er's bones would be fine after their first night hehehe

    @40somethingahjumma I love reading your thoughts on the drama. The way you dissect the character and their growth and underlying conflicts both mental, political and socio-cultural aspects are spot on. Every element is interlocking to form a particular character and choice they make.

    Luckily I haven't read the novel; otherwise I would be inherently self-contradictory which version of YWY I prefer. The YWY in drama is so refined yet complicated and cold man. He seems aloof and out of touch, the visual of a warrior knight transported from another world. Not surprised if Xing Er can't figure out his thoughts and dare take everything at face value. She just loves his company but a life partner would be impossible. Her status and the society as she belongs make everything a big NO for her, her hold on YWY is so fragile that when any seemingly critical issues came up, the departure is right at the door.

    It seems that the drama took a different path from the novel. Xing Er's relationship with Yan Xun might be laid out in more layers than previous thoughts. She may decide to achieve her life ambition with him, to make a better, more equal world where people can love freely and live independently without being stigmatised on the basis of class or race. IF YX hadn't gone too greedy with his power thirst, Xing Er would agree to choose him as her partner. Their time together in war and in nearly death situations are enough to make them fall in love with each other. So I doubt if the writer just made YX being friend-zoned after all ..

    I also love the fighting scenes, they were beautifully done and convincing enough that we're living in a fantasy ancient world where an image of magical and martial art presence seems real and not appear awkward and unfit like "wusia" dramas in the past. I find many Chinese wusia series have brilliantly produced in the past few years, great camera technique, modern cinematography  and beautiful outfits (I think YX has the best wardrobe so far .. I like all of his clothes :D)

    I expect the separation should take place this week. Brace my heart and some Kleenex just in case of tears ... :(

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  23. I love this moment .. it clearly shows that Xing Er wants to spend her life with YWY despite the chance of independence offered by Yan Xun. Instead, she chose to be a slave just to be able to stay by YWY's side AND if this is not for love then what's it?

    Xing Er may not want to be a spy at all but she just wants to find a way to stay with him. She thinks that if she is not of his use then he may discard her. (it recalled the scene in the slave prison as I mentioned before when she felt hurt hearing YWY expelled her from the Green Hills Courtyard.) At this point I'm sure there is no revenge in her heart any more.

    The scene showed back to back between she firmly grabbed and drew out the sword while the camera panning to Yan Xun's flute. So she preferred YWY to her own freedom including her sisters, LOVE over FREEDOM.




    I feel bad for Xing Er when she hears something that breaks her heart and trust she has for YWY. I wonder if YWY shows more of his emotion, will Xing Er ever leave him? I don't think the drama goes the same path as the novel. The separation might be resulted from their misunderstanding, her late mother's will and her determination to eradicate the slave society. It's just that Yan Xun's fate comes along at the right time. They join together to help and build a better new world, their relationship is more like a friend and war companion rather than a lover.

    Can't wait til next Monday.



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  24. 15 minutes ago, monchoo said:

    Baidu fans are predicting that Xing er crying in the preview was because she overheard that YY is actually manipulating her only with grandpa. I read the book but i forgot if there's this part. :cry: then it explains why she joins YX without any regrets.

    If this is the case, so a MISUNDERSTANDING, an all-time favourite plot of lovers separation, is being used again.  Then Xing Er joins YX because of her disappointment with YWY and perhaps think that he involves in killing YX's household. This drama has 68 episodes where the major change should be occurred around a middle?? I don't know I hope they are constantly feeding me with more scenes of YWY and Xing Er.

  25. 36 minutes ago, cenching said:

    These 2 episodes showed so many changes of outward attitudes of XE toward YWY. She is more trusting toward him and smiles more and even openly flirt with him. While YWY's attitude, from bad to worse in the term of keeping his feeling in control which can bring dangers for both.

     I find this couple so masochistic LOL they don't want a sweet love like other lovers do (I'm kidding :tongue:) Their bonding has been built on their heart. I remember the scene when YWH talked to Xing Er in the slave prison and lied that she was expelled from the Green Hills?? and something like YWY didn't want her anymore. I could see Xing Er feel hurt to hear that but she recalled YWY taught her not to judge anything by looking, so as smartest as she is, she was making up the stories that finally distract and trick  Zin Zhu to fall on her own karma. I know she liked him at first sight hahaha, may sound a bit exaggerating right? I personally believe this when I went back to recheck some of her scenes with YWY, her expression was subtly different; I didn't feel hate from her but rather hurt from thinking that YWY killed her brother.  The actress Zhao Liying is superbly portrayed Chu Qiao character that every non-verbal acts/emotion seem self expressive and convincing.

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