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Posts posted by pimsucre

  1. That nearly gone mad Emperor is destroying everything because of his paranoid over some clans would snatch power from him. He makes himself a slave at the end. Divide and conquer strategy won't ever work if you lose your sharp discernment about whom you should trust. Keeping Yuwen Xi and Yu Wen Huai for checks and balances is very absurd .. these guys are obviously bad to the core.

    The princess is too annoying like a narcissist who demands everything to revolve around her. The way she can't see that YX has zero feeling for her is beyond my grasp.

    2 hours ago, mrsyooknit said:

    was XingEr a bit jealous of the Princess of Nan Liang at the party? She seemed put off that Yuwen Yue was paying her so much attention. I notice some huffs and crossed arms by the wall. 

    Me too, I feel this subtlety of her expression :wub: when Xing Er's face shifted from being focus to a bit annoying. I haven't read a novel so I have no clue about the story in the book, but I'm certain that Xing Er feels attracted to her master already, kind of weird bonding but so compatible and enduring. She just needs time and a situation to understand her heart. I will wait for that scene even it's a long way to go (like one of our friends here mentioned :)).

    I don't think YWY will die in the end. If the novel ends with a happy note there is no reason why the drama would end otherwise since a lot of readers know the story and would expect the drama to run its course as much close as the novel. Keep fingers crossed :D

    By the way, the actress who played Xing Er's fifth sister is the same person as the beautiful dancer???




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  2. I managed to marathon watching episodes 9-12 this whole afternoon. My eyes are very tired now lol. @cenching thanks a lot for your provided links :)

    Up til now, I haven't sensed any romantic attachment between Xing Er and YX though she is well aware of his open flirting to her and also sees him as one nice guy, she seems too busy protecting her sisters and her life to regard a-love-thing as priority. However, I instead find her interaction with YWY rather interesting, sexual tension between them is quite obvious, particularly from YWY part lol, but Xing Er has her share on this mixed feeling. Not only YWY becomes more lively, more smiles, more human, Xing Er also gradually changes. She feels more comfortable around him (that means she trusts him :wub:) much to the point that she talked back and did poker face teasing him and the most important thing; Xing Er becomes more WOMAN. I can feel a strong feminine while she is with YWY but a friend vibe when she is with YX (I'm curious how the writer makes her fall in love with YX or maybe she just returns her gratefulness??)

    YWH and Zhu butler are pathetic figures. They failed everything they did hahaha. YWH should get rid of that nasty butler if he wants to get things done once. He was reckless and left many loopholes to trace their crimes easily, like he didn't check the bodies first before accusing Xing Er of murdering Ms. Song.

    And I wonder how YWY knew everything happened around his residence, every Xing Er and her sisters movement, YX's being at the cave, etc. HOW?? ... he must have something that is working like present GPS or surveillance drones, or else how he can be so pre-emptive, going a few steps before his people/enemy :ph34r:.

    Does anyone feel a bit disappointed when Xing Er gave away that cute rabbit lantern to that stranger? I wish she could have kept it since it's the first thing that YWY bought for her. Anyway, when she lives together with him in the end, YWY will make her a lot of woman accessories since now he already made her hairpin and a ring awwwwww :heart:




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  3. 58 minutes ago, mrsyooknit said:

    This news agency on weibo translating ifans youtube comments asking for subs :lol:




    We are honestly so lucky that they are subbing the drama on their own. Otherwise, we would have never gotten subs. 

    Agree :) I think originally Chinese drama meant to feed its domestic audience (which is VERY huge) and those countries whose language are also Chinese and this should be enough for their business financially viable so non-Chinese speaking viewers haven't been paid much attention which is understandable. Thanks to the internet and other online channels and most importantly some devoted fans that make subbing possible and much quicker than before or else we would have left frustrated and give up watching in the end.

    Now I'm patiently waiting for subbed episodes 9-10 -_-


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  4. YWY and Xing Er are just a feast for the eyes. :blush: so beautiful and enigmatic ....

    It's pretty clear that Xing Er caught YWY's eye from the beginning, not in a romantic sense but rather her uncanny agility during a human-hunting episode. He has been gradually attracted to her while spending more time together and taking a closer look at her (as I expected). The way the drama portrays Xing Er as a special, super intelligent, mysterious yet very beautiful woman, who wouldn't fall in love with her but all these divine qualities are tarnished by just one thing; her slave class, and it's supposed to be one of the main themes in the drama.

    As almost Chinese ancient/fantasy dramas, every character is struggling for something, no matter how high or low class they are, rich or poor, gods or men. Some for power, some for survival, some for revenge, and some for love. I think the drama might run its big screen portion through the battle of city states, the assassination and evil tricks employed to get the win so I expected lesser romantic scenes from main leads (I hope I was wrong in this point lol.). I read the drama synopsis somewhere that Xing Er will leave YWY and join force with YX and finally fall in love with him. However, I think she was attracted to YWY much earlier than expected, she just didn't know herself since her heart was so clouded by hate and revenge on YWY. I remember the scene when Xing Er knelt down asking for a chance to attend the maid-chamber contest, when YWY walked out to talk to her and this should be the first time that Xing Er saw YWY at such a close range, I can see that she was amazed by his appearance, her wide eyes were helplessly fixed at him momentarily, then a few seconds she just looked down to avoid his gaze. (lol maybe it's my own imagination) so up until episodes 8, I really think that she already feels something for YWY, she just needs a kind of temporary separation to knock her in some sense that how he had sacrificed for her and how she misses him so much hahaha.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Xing Er smile lovingly to YWY when she finally knows her heart. Now all I see is her serious expression and scowl on her face .....

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