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Posts posted by SueLyinn

  1. @kmmyzz Thank goodness for fancams and also everyone who kindly posted up pics and vids in this thread otherwise I would miss all the sweet moments between JY and ZZ in both Happy Camp and Run For Time. Phew! 

    I don't think I can ever get bored seeing both of them interacting with one another.

    When you mentioned about flower petals, it made me think of ZZ in his flower crown :)

    Oh, btw, have you purchased your copy/copies of the May Malaysian Men's Uno? Since there are two covers, I don't know if some people might just buy both of them. I hope you enjoy drooling looking at the photos =)

    • Like 10
  2. @kmmyzz Looks like sparks were really flying between JY and ZZ in the Happy Camp photo @Tin Le posted. Hwang Chi-yeul (HCY) and Wang Da Lu (WDL) could probably sense it too.

    JY and ZZ were so engrossed with looking at each other and seems to be in a world of their own. It's obvious that they were completely disregarding the two guys beside them.

    In the speech bubble: 

    HCY: This is so embarrassing / awkward.

    WDL: Sigh.

    (For all you may know, HCY and WDL's reaction could be related to the bulges too ;)

    • Like 17
  3. 5 hours ago, abbraccio91 said:

    He has really a tiny waist.


    ZZ's waist is indeed tiny. It's only 70cm (27.56 inches).

    I really want to know how he maintains such a slender waistline and he's so fit too. Not an ounce of fat on his lean frame....I'm so envious.

    I'm guessing he's also blessed with a high metabolic rate so he can eat as much as he wants to without needing to worry about weight gain.

    • Like 18
  4. Below is the full version of ZZ's Towards The Light song (lyrics in the spoiler).

    As someone here pointed out, the composer of the song might be indirectly hinting at a connection between JY and ZZ with this line: 鲸鱼在水底潜行 (jīng yú zài shuǐ dǐ qián xíng) - the whale swims / moves about underwater.



    向着光亮那方 (xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng) - Towards The Light - 许魏洲

    First verse

    蝴蝶被光照 耀着肩膀
    hú dié bèi guāng zhào yào zhe jiān bǎng

    掀起另外半球的 巨大海浪
    xiān qǐ lìng wài  bàn qiú de jù dà hǎi làng

    hǎo sì  jiāo xiǎng

    mā yǐ men jǔ qǐ shí tóu

    也成群结对飘过 雨前河流
    yě chéng qún jié duì piāo guò yǔ qián hé liú

    shǒu qiān zhe shǒu

    líng yáng jiǎo jiān yìng rú gōu

    挑破草原黎明前 漫天星斗
    tiāo pò cǎo yuán lí míng qián mǎn tiān xīng dǒu

    jué bù tíng liú

    liè bào zài yǔ zhōng xíng zǒu

    瞳孔里有一个世界 有一整个宇宙 
    tóng kǒng lǐ yǒu yī gè  shì jiè yǒu yī zhěng gè yǔ zhòu

    你是新的树木 是现在小小山丘
    nǐ shì xīn de  shù mù shì xiàn zài xiǎo xiǎo shān qiū

    shì yī tiáo qīng chè  qí guài  hé liú

    nǐ shì bù zhī míng de huā cǎo

    hái shì  yī kuài  wán gù  shí tóu


    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变的不一样 学着坚强
    biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

    变无可阻挡 不只是理想
    biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng  bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

    shì nì fēng de lì liáng

    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变得不一样 不同寻常
    biàn dé bù yī yàng  bù tóng xún cháng

    biàn xiǎng yào múo yàng

    bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

    shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng

    Second verse

    niǎo ér  fā chū  qīng cuì de yī shēng

    惊起百米之外的 小小飞虫 飞翔的梦
    jīng qǐ bǎi mǐ zhī wài de xiǎo xiǎo fēi chóng  fēi xiáng de mèng

    jīng yú zài shuǐ dǐ qián xíng

    翻越出一道彩虹 一道海的山岭 
    fān yuè chū  yī dào  cǎi hóng yī dào  hǎi de  shān lǐng

    你是新的树木 是现在小小山丘
    nǐ shì  xīn de  shù mù shì  xiàn zài xiǎo xiǎo shān qiū

    shì yī tiáo  qīng chè  qí guài  hé liú

    nǐ shì  bù zhī míng de  huā cǎo

    hái shì  yī kuài  wán gù  shí tóu


    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变的不一样 学着坚强
    biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

    biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

    shì nì fēng de lì liáng

    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变得不一样 不同寻常
    biàn dé  bù yī yàng bù tóng  xún cháng

    biàn xiǎng yào mó yàng

    bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

    shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng

    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变的不一样 学着坚强
    biàn de bù yī yàng xué zhe jiān qiáng

    biàn wú kě zǔ dǎng  bù zhǐ shì  lǐ xiǎng

    shì nì fēng de lì liáng

    xiàng zhe guāng liàng nà fāng

    变得不一样 不同寻常
    biàn dé bù yī yàng bù tóng xún cháng

    biàn xiǎng yào mó yàng

    bù zhǐ shì lǐ xiǎng

    shì huó zhe de fāng xiàng


    • Like 18
  5. Someone here was looking for a picture of Feng Song leaning against Jing Yu…the picture is in the video, together with a compilation of other pictures.

    From the video, I can see why many people were saying that FS adores JY. Nevertheless, I guess FS looks up to JY a lot and treats him like an older brother he never had. So far, FS has been respectfully addressing JY as 哥 (gē/ older brother).

    I’m assuming FS is an only child (somebody please correct me if I’m wrong) because I can’t find much information pertaining to his family background. 

    • Like 13
  6. @ximichem In my delulu mind, it'd be ideal if it was ZZ who gave the bow tie to JY but it looks like they did not have any opportunity to meet up or even catch up with each other on Weibo; as what @xix19xix pointed out. 

    (Btw, I think the bow tie's too big....JY looked better after ditching it =)

    Oh well, I shall just be contented with the fact that both ZZ and JY wore almost similar bracelets when they were at the airports.....it's kinda like a couple item of sorts :)

    • Like 5
  7. @fuyuko Thanks for posting the video up. I've been curious to see what ZZ's reaction was when JY went up the stage to collect his award. So far, I've only seen fancams that feature ZZ's reaction during JY's girlfriend skit.

    This is the first time I manage to see ZZ's reaction when JY was up on stage. 

    When the female MC asked JY to sing his song to his fans / "girlfriend", the man beside ZZ looked at him and some fans were probably shouting out something too, that's why ZZ turned to the back.

    Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks that the song JY sang was really meant for ZZ....kudos to the MCs who gave JY a little nudge to help him indirectly connect to ZZ by choosing a song they both sang at the Shanghai fan meet.

    • Like 15
  8. 18 hours ago, elppa said:

    Simple Love - Live on stage ceremony

    This song wasn't chosen by JY. It was chosen by the male MC.

    The male MC told JY that he should prove his mettle / show that he is worthy of the award that he won....and that although JY garnered recognition via acting, having won a prize as a network idol, he should be an all-rounder.

    Thus, apart from acting, the male MC asked JY if he can sing some lines from a song (to show that JY can sing, especially when he had won an award in a music event).

    When JY asked the male MC which song would he like to hear him sing, the female MC chipped in and said: "It should be what your fans want to hear you sing."

    Then the male MC told JY that he will choose a song for him and he picked Jay Chou's Simple Love.

    Someone in the thread pointed out that if you pay attention to the banter and the exchange of knowing glances between the male and female MC, it's like they were dropping subtle hints at JY.... treat your fans as your girlfriend and sing the song like how you would sing to a "girlfriend".

    And JY did have one particularly ardent fan who was watching him intently; one who laughed his head off during the girlfriend skit :)

    • Like 21
  9. 7 hours ago, gashupingo said:

    In the FM when ZZ was asked what type of girl he liked, he didn't say his "official" type. He keeps dily dalying and couldn't say it. After a long while, he finally said something, I'm not sure already but I saw other ppl said, he like girl which is love at first sight(?). Please correct me if this is wrong.

    ZZ was indeed hesitating before he could answer the question. But the background was a little noisy so I couldn't catch what he actually answered.

    However, IF it's indeed true what ZZ said, that means he's echoing JY's words. I can't remember which interview it was, but it was a speed quiz of sorts when both of them were asked questions and given a choice of two answers.

    If I'm not mistaken, JY was asked to choose between true love or love at first sight. And JY answered that he believes in love at first sight.

    And we all know that both JY and ZZ found each other attractive right at their very first meeting :)

    That said, it's been a bittersweet farewell. Bitter for me, at least, because there won't be a Season 2 of Addicted but sweet, because beneath it all, we can see that there is camaraderie and a strong bond between the four boys.

    I hope they will continue to be each other's pillar of support and that they may go far and succeed in all their future undertakings.

    THANK YOU to everyone who downloaded and posted both MTVs of Walk Slowly and all the constant updates throughout the fan meet. Really, really appreciate it very much.

    Happy 700th page, everybody!

    • Like 18
  10. @hmrhn @charray Which photo / image hosting sites do you both visit?

    In fact, actually, I'm interested to know which sites do people use to host the pictures they upload on their Soompi posts?

    In one of the pages in this thread, the tiny pic website was recommended. However, my pictures just wouldn't appear.

    After that, I switched to PhotoBucket and the pictures appeared.

    (But I still "test-upload" my images in this thread first before I actually post them =)

    Anyway, maybe, you both can check out the PhotoBucket site? Just remember to remove the IMG wordings before you copy paste the link / URL. Good Luck! :rolleyes:


    • Like 1
  11. @kmmyzz I always thought that most guys would prefer to use a musky cologne or something with a woody fragrance so ZZ's choice of perfume scent is kinda unique. But anyway, I do like fruity and citrusy scents as they are light and refreshing, so I give two thumbs up to ZZ's choice of perfume(s).

    On second thoughts, maybe JY likes that smell, hence ZZ's choice of perfume...oops, sorry, I'm on a shipper mode...somehow, I'm tying everything ZZ uses or likes to JY :P

    • Like 19
  12. @kmmyzz In your translation piece, (Thank You very much, btw), you mentioned that fans commented that JY was a little hyper during the time he was sick while on the way back to Shanghai.

    It made me recall one of the fancams which captured JY doing a little spin a la ZZ's style during the music awards. While ZZ's spin was smooth, JY's spin nearly caused him to collide with a tempered glass panel. That was really hilarious :P

    You also mentioned this: Fanacc stated that ZZ smelled like peach today.

    I read somewhere which stated that Chinese fans commented that ZZ smells nice all the time.

    In one of the fancams some time ago, someone asked ZZ which perfume brand is he using. I think partially due to shyness, ZZ didn't want to reveal the brand so he replied to the fan: "I've forgotten."

    (Maybe, it might not just be his perfume that makes him smell nice...it could be pheromones as well?)

    Btw, are JY and ZZ staying in the same hotel?

    Anyway, I think JY should be quite tired after Ah Mei's concert so I guess there won't be any new "mozzie bites" on ZZ ... but you never know what goes on behind closed doors :)

    • Like 15
  13. @aeislaeigh Thanks for posting up the picture of JY in the tux. He looks really, really suave.

    In the same photoshoot, there were two other guys but their shoes were just plain black shoes but not JY's. I read that his shoes are from Christian Louboutin - a high-end brand that I tend to (mistakenly) associate solely with killer stilletos all this while.

    This shiny, sparkly Gwaliorissimo Flat on JY'S feet retails at US$2,195. Wow!


    (Pic taken from http://us.christianlouboutin.com/us_en/shop/men/gwaliorissimo-flat.html)

    Btw, thanks for posting up the comic....it's so cute and really funny at the same time....I can give you a rough translation if you're Ok with it. And @alvinboi can give you a better and more accurate translation later =)

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  14. @conspiracytheorem You're welcome :) Frankly, I find Chinese not that easy to master as well as the language comprises 50,000 characters or more. Also, as it's a tonal language, if you mispronounce something, it will lead to a different meaning. 

    However, as the saying goes, practice makes perfect so maybe you can start by singing along to some of Wei Zhou's songs (or any Chinese songs) or watch some Chinese shows - that might help. It takes time to master any language so, just take things one step at a time. Good Luck!

    @guhai I just realised that your weight loss amount is similar to Wei Zhou's.

    He lost about 9kg plus between January and end of March. But looking at him now, I think he might have shed just a little bit more pounds as he's really much thinner compared to the picture of him crooning Happy Birthday to Jing Yu last year.

    • Like 10
  15. @hawhaw88 Here are the Chinese wordings and Pinyin to Xu Wei Zhou's Dust.
    @Scandani Edit: I was copy pasting the PinYin and Chinese wordings to the song when I saw your post just above mine....thanks for reposting the English translation :)


    Xu Wei Zhou - 尘 埃 – Dust

    没 什 么 能 够 取 代 ,眼 中 的 荒 诞
    Méishénme nénggòu qǔdài, yǎnzhōng de huāngdàn

    没 什 么 能 够 记 下,这 世 界 我 的 存 在
    méishénme nénggòu jì xià, zhè shìjiè wǒ de cúnzài

    我 可 能 只 是 一 粒 尘 埃 ,飘 渺 在 世 界 线 上 无 法 等 待
    wǒ kěnéng zhǐshì yī lì chén'āi, piāomiǎo zài shìjiè xiàn shàng wúfǎ děngdài

    不 知 为 何 等 待
    bùzhī wèihé děngdài

    可 惜 了 一 身 温 暖 , 没 有 人 因 我 而 暖
    kěxíle yīshēn wēnnuǎn, méiyǒu rén yīn wǒ ér nuǎn

    可 惜 了 一 片 痴 情 , 陷 入 爱 的 围 栏
    kěxíle yīpiàn chīqíng, xiànrù ài de wéilán

    谁 叫 我 只 是 一 粒 尘 埃 , 在 身 边 也 没 有 人 去 管
    shuí jiào wǒ zhǐshì yī lì chén āi, zài shēnbiān yě méiyǒu rén qù guǎn

    太 难 ,那 就 不 见 不 散
    tài nán, nà jiù bùjiàn bú sàn

    我 明 白 世 间 的 真 爱 ,只 因 你 一 个 人 存 在
    wǒ míngbái shìjiān de zhēn'ài, zhǐ yīn nǐ yīgè rén cúnzài

    受 伤,释 怀 之 后 全 都 有 我 承 担
    shòushāng, shìhuái zhīhòu quándōu yǒu wǒ chéngdān

    我 只 是 一 粒 尘 埃,渺 小 却 守 护 我 的 爱
    wǒ zhǐshì yī lì chén āi, miǎoxiǎo què shǒuhù wǒ de ài

    或 许 有 一 天 我 能给 你 温 暖
    huòxǔ yǒu yītiān wǒ néng gěi nǐ wēnnuǎn


    可 惜 了一身温 暖,没 有 人 因 我 而 暖
    kěxíle yīshēn wēnnuǎn, méiyǒu rén yīn wǒ ér nuǎn

    可 惜 了 一 片 痴 情 ,陷 入 爱 的 围 栏
    kěxíle yīpiàn chīqíng, xiànrù ài de wéilán

    谁 叫 我 只 是 一 粒 尘 埃 ,在 身 边 也 没 有 人 去 管
    shuí jiào wǒ zhǐshì yī lì chén'āi, zài shēnbiān yě méiyǒu rén qù guǎn

    太 难,那 就 不 见 不 散
    tài nán, nà jiù bùjiàn bú sàn

    Repeat the chorus twice

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