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Last Movie You Saw?

Guest Nat1980

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Guest crazyMuka

What's eating Gilbert Grape (1993)

Woah woah, what an awesome movie!!! Both Depp and Leo were remarkable, esp. Leo in the role of a mentally challenged kid. I didn't recognized Leo at first since he was only 18 when he played the role and for 15 mins or so I thought they actually hired a mentally challenged kid for real to act the part, lol. The ending teared me up, though it was a happy enough ending. I can't believe I waited this long to watch the film, it was totally worth my time :).

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Guest JAEhYUK4ever

Percy Jackson and The Olympians: The Lightning Thief

the movie is ermmm...ok i guess..haha

i thought the sword scene was weird lol...

they should choose better actors/actresses

wanna watch Alice in the wonderland :D

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Guest kyugaroo.

Apocalypto. Didn't like it very much actually, the chase scene at the end was a bit like "srsly? he's injured but he can still run that far and place booby traps too?!!" but damn the step pyramid looked cool! *___* Human sacrifice part, not so cool.

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Guest NEYUGN93

Shutter Island FEAT. Leonardo Dicaprio

Due to my curfew last night (dinner was rather long since there was 19 people), I missed out about the last 40 minutes of the twisted ending =(

From what I saw, it was alright though rather dragged a lot to get to the climax.

Leonardo got fatter than the last time I saw him LOL

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Guest MiNuLoVe

Shutter Island

Leonardo did get chubby but still handsome!

It did dragged in the middle...

the ending was confusing...

there's a lot of opinions about the ending...

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Guest Haneul1430264763

The last movie I saw was probably "Valentine's Day". It was a pretty good movie (:

Excited for it to release onto DVD. I plan on purchasing it.

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Guest crazyMuka

Inglorious Basterds.

I thought the beginning was excellent, Christoph Waltz was marvelous as Hans Landa (he made the film for me :D) and the story arc about the Shosanna was well fleshed out and interesting, though I didn't like Brad Pit's acting in here. The film did carry too much dialogues for my liking. Overall, it was okay, lol. I wasn't blown away or anything, half the time watching this I was reminded a lot of some old ancient Chinese dramas.

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