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Last Movie You Saw?

Guest Nat1980

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Guest **lover**789

That would be Slumdog Millionaire, which was amazing! I highly recommend it to everyone. I have never seen anything like it. It was not only a romantic love story but a great eyeopener to the slums of India. Some parts of the plot did have holes that I would have liked to have more of an explanation for, but overall, it was a great movie experience.

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Guest vc1188

Just finished watching Milk. BAWLED MY EYES OUT. I can't say the film itself was amazing; it had more to do with the fact that Harvey Milk was amazing. The actors did an amazing job too.

Is there seriously no thread for this movie? I can't find it T_T

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Guest Aice 29

^ Yes ! My mom got the slumdog millionaire dvd from a co-worker?..I'm not sure..but I loved it ! I've already watched it three times with my sister and a couple of my friends. They loved it too! So sweet !

"It is our destiny". <3

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Guest mz simmonz

can't remember the last movie I saw at the theatre but I've recently watched these via download:

*KungFu Panda (cute! and love the cast)

*Step Brothers (love Will Ferrell, hate the movie)

*Baby Mama (love Tina Fey & Amy Poehler, eh about this movie)

*Get Smart (interesting enough but would not re-watch)

*Pineapple Express (hilarious..James Franco is GOLDEN in this..Judd Apatow films are kicking butt lately)

*Tropic Thunder (great cast, Tom Cruise was a really funny surprise, but I would not re-watch this movie either)

*My Sassy Girl (the American version cannot beat the Korean version. If I hadn't watched the original, this movie would've made even less sense to me)

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Guest CorrectionYourWrongImRight


surprisingly. i really enjoyed it, it was really really good esp watching it with your girlfriends! :lol:

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