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Guest pandainsingaporezoo

to the forever nice boy,

you broke my heart today. But thanks for being so honest. Im glad we're still good friends. Move on, simple as that :) Bye nice boy, no longer does my heart skip a beat for you anymore. It should be really easy to forget you since i rarely see you, and that is way awesome.

Thanks for everything, and for being so nice, i dont even know if thats a good or bad thing now.

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Guest missdevotional

Why do you always bring her up? Say something and then mean something else?

I know... we'll always be friends, but can't you see that knowing that she has you and I don't is killing me?

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All this time, you've been complaining about your life, and how you get an A- on your report card,

shoving it in my face all this time. You're so biased, obsessed, and selfish. When is the day when

you finally realize that I don't give a damn.

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Guest NuChee

I guess..I'm partly sad but I am happy for us.

To be able to stay the same..


Knowing that if we go further it might not work. I love you so much. And to know that you'll always be here for me as a friend comforts me.

I was scared when I heard you say that you had something to tell me. I didn't want it to be bad news..I knew it had to be though.

It's okay. Hearing your voice comforted me. And if you only knew how I felt about you..would it have been any different?

it's because of you my heart beats differently.

Because I cry, because I smile.

You changed me and you don't even know.

Thanks for calling today.. Thanks for everything,

thanks for being my first love.

I'll always love you.

by the way..that's alright that you forgot our promise.

I'm not mad. It doesn't apply to us and your feelings to me anymore.

We're only friends, right? Friends don't carry those kinds of feelings...

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what can i say about you? spending the whole day with you by my side was more than i could ever ask for.

when you planned to give me a present decoy.. the huge mickey mouse plush.. i was really surprised. after all the surprise give away previously. then later giving me the ipod.. OMG. 80gb? freaking hellll. babeeeee. you must've put in at least half of the whole thing, right? you're just so sweet, i can't say anything else. i'm really just grateful for having you. i won't ever let go of the mickey mouse plush that you actually bought. ^^ heheee.

but spending the night with you and my family.. you got along with them so well~ i just hope they think you're a great guy, because you really are. you should see the real them. HAHA. we really are random. ;D

she pulled me away and told me that i have someone really special, and to not let go of you. she was saying how sweet and something you are.. riding to everyone's house to pick up money for my gift, and your bike broke down, but you got him to drive you in the end... only had i just realised that you are not only just someone, but someone who i can be with for always. i don't want to lose you. you're so special to me.

thanks for everything, babe. will see you again soon. <3

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Guest *Gonie

i'm so glad i saw you today! i know i've told some of my friends that i would be content if i didn't see you before you had to go back but i knew that deep down, i really did want to see you... and i'm so glad i saw you today and that we got to talk, even if it was just for a bit! and i know i'll see you again soon... and i'm looking forward to it... but then my heart's breaking too! because i know you're going to have to go back soon since school is starting again for you... it's going to be so much harder to say good bye to you this time than it did last time... but i wish you well!


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Guest janiiekiim

it feels good that i can finaly say and believe that i'm over you.

its been a good year and so days. but eff its 2008. let me start fresh ;]

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i really want..need to talk to you.

"how are you" is the question i ask myself everyday. are you okay?

whenever i look at your myspace, it's just so depressing.

when will i ever reach you? i miss your voice...i miss your laugh...i want to talk to you. i need to know that you're okay.

i'm sorry for not calling...

but i've called 2wice and you didn't pick up the phone. i'm sorry....

just please, i need to hear you once again....

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i really want..need to talk to you.

"how are you" is the question i ask myself everyday. are you okay?

whenever i look at your myspace, it's just so depressing.

when will i ever reach you? i miss your voice...i miss your laugh...i want to talk to you. i need to know that you're okay.

i'm sorry for not calling...

but i've called 2wice and you didn't pick up the phone. i'm sorry....

just please, i need to hear you once again....

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

i wish you were here next to me - and i know you want to be next to me as well

sigh, too bad you're with her, i cant compete with her

i hate this but i cant let go either

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Guest --infatuated.


no wakeup text. :[

rolllllin' deep. GGs. laahvsit.


ridin' with highhhs. hahahha. QUIEEEETS.


b'cus it's LOVE.<3 baamzers.

NP. visited you. YOU WASN'T THERE. kool-aidnuts.

naaada cutes. BUT FOUND ONE. stuck outta the crowd tho. ;D

by my sideees. BEDSIDE. ahahha.

uuughs. TX. raacin'! missing the turn.

5CARS. scars niggs. read that sht again!


EXTRA SPICCCCY. 1 more than 3!

cuuuties with 13. hahahahahahah. KIND OF.

eeeyein'. BBALL.


5-0 on our clits. c0ckblocking our way.


I'M ON IT NOW. but spazzzzzess.

phone pixels. LAUGHIN FOR DAYS.

rolledout seeing cutiee. HATIN' ON FISHES.

not the gal. w'sssup wit that? gotta talk reaal soon.


laame tomorrow& the nexxt. no contacts.

1011? singlehand doubtin' yous

& your ways. sway me.



carve deep down to scar.

make you bleed like you haven't been injured

make you feel your insecurities and regrets


cus yous a FAKE.

COUNTERFEIT being tossed around and persuaded easily.

THINKIN' YOUS standing still on MY ground

BELIEVIN' YOUS connected and understanding everything

but only to be LIVIN' yourself in a box, expanding of EMPTINESS

nigggs, don't think you can get past me. FIX IT.

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Guest malicious_

AH! im getting positive vibes back. this isnt good. UGH. its only good when i get it from ONE guy. NOT TWO. ughhhh im so confused. ionno where all this is leading to. *Sighs* i really really really like u. but ure always such an ahole to me. but i know u know i secretly love it. HAHA and then theres u. ure so. interesting. u fascinate me. haha i dont know if thats a good thing or not though. like i like u. but. i dont know if its just czu i think ure so interesting. im so confused.. AHHHH

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