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Guest 비빔밥☆

most of the time i'm 100% fine with it but at times i feel bored and lonely....... no real friends, no one to talk to outside my family at all.

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gawd. don't bother talking to me today.

i might as well get off msn. because it always tempts me to talk to you when you come online.

i waited last night. i waited. but there was nothing.

either you forgot, you fell asleep, or there was another reason to it.

but it's fine, because i guess this is your way of caring.

and whatevs. i'm just going to pretend that i'm happy. just for our sake.

even though really, i'm still upset over everything.

i just really miss you.


oh god. i said i'd wait until after friday but now i guess we're gonna have a serious talk. bleh!

"we need to talk." why did you have to say that? i know i shouldn't take things bad, but maan. i hate those four words!

stupid me for saying "it feels like everything is going downhill".

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Guest pooface

words are so important!! choose them wisely and carefully! .. once u said something thats wrong, u cant take it back! it mite b little to u, but it is actually big!! the key is to be a good listener and a considerate person!

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Guest tigereyez

i know i can't have you. no matter how i much i want your sexy crooked grin, your smooth voice...your eyes that disappear when you laugh, your slim body, it'll always remain a longing. your confident arrogance, that swagger, always leaves my heart growing and exploding with passion and love till its about to burst...every goodbye song, every song about love brings about your face. i hate it. i hate what i've become, stuck on the same stupid love song, haunted by you and the wanting to wrap my arms around your waist as your girl, and place my heart on your chest and explode into your soul. but i can't. you're too far from me, and you have girls like me lined up, right? i hate how invisible and unbeautiful you make feel. no matter how much i wish i were like the long, slender, smooth skinned beauties you keep dating, i'm not. fcuk, i'll never be. i'll never be enough for you. you need more, and your expectations are constantly...not me. and it hurts. so much. damn, i'm pathetic. crying over some guy who couldn't care less. but at times, i wish i were that first love i've secretly heard you whisper about. the girl that unknowingly broke your heart and left you hurt and bruised. even though we'd be star-crossed lovers, atleast i'd be burned permanently in your memories forever as the painful first love. atleast you loved me most. atleast i had your heart once. i wish i could return the hole of pain you've left in mine. unknowingly, accidentally. damn, fcuk. words just swell up in my chest...i can't even breathe through this.

j, baby. tell me, you were supposed to be my savior. my true love. i didn't realize it in time, but right now, if i were to confess that i loved you, what would you do? would you even reply? or just pretend you didn't hear anything, because then, things would be awkward? im scared. all i can i do is listen to you rap your hurt to your friends, to my friends, to me, and hope something, anything, with the new girl...because even though you say you're not, and even though you refuse to address the rumors, i know you're with her. i know her hand fits in yours, and she fits in your arms. can you imagine how hurtful that is for me to type this? i know you dont want people to talk about you, or us to treat her like crap, but the idea that i'm not the one who gets to hear your voice, and have you lips and your heart and love....i can't even talk...my heart just bleeds. i just want to be with you, forever. lean against you. i never felt this way before, but now, even though i'm thirsty just to hear your voice and see your smile, i vehemently dont want to, because it'd just bring about a torrent of emotion, reminding me of the ecstasy of what i can't have. youre a drug, the complete pleasure i'm destined not to have. fcuk, fcuk, fcuk, i just want to be over you. i fell in love with you so fast, and i want to be over you before my heart becomes completely broken. till i become so heartwrechingly broken. i love you. oh j, if only you loved me too.

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Guest <3 Kim

It seems like we are moving more further and further apart.

It doesn't feel the same anymore.

I wish it could go back to old times.

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What? I say it because i don't underdstand what're saying. argg dude! you're too confusing. Did you not understand what I said?. I mean it made sense.

You changed it to something i didn't understand. ahhhh. thank you. you made me feel like a jerk. ugh.

haha i can't believe you made me sad. hah. wow. sorry?

what great way to start off 2008 huh? jusst great. just leave me alone. out of your problems. i dont want to deal with it okay? just leave me out of it.

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Guest iloveRAiNBOWS

allt he guys you think are goodlooking or whatnot, you totally go doki doki mode.. then... it's like you're really just infatuated with them, don't you think?

after you see them once, you ask around about them, then you kinda just stalk them down really.. like wtf?!

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Have you forgotten me???

Me ????

Im still thinking about you

Was life hard without you???


I didn't have you from the very beginning.

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oi T-T

are you okay? you didn't pick up your phone. i looked at your myspace mood and it said uncomfortable...are you okay? oiiiii T-T

i just wanted to call to wish you a happy new year and to check to see if you were okay...oi

[inserts his name] i'm so sorry.

i know you're tired and you get irritated that i'm always apologizing for things i don't even do and out of the blue..but i really am. i say it because i'm just so useless. i hate not knowing what to do. here i am on the phone with you and you're having such a hard day or a rough time, i can't just sit back and nod and say, "oh" all the time. it hurts not knowing you can't do anything to help.

i swear, when i see you...i'm going to give you the biggest hug ever and the longest one too. it's gonna fill in for all those moments i felt useless over the phone. honestly, i don't know what to do. i know you're in distress, this end of the year was not a good one for you, i know that. i...i just don't know what to do except for say how sorry i am. i wanna help you, i really do. i don't want you to feel sad, mad, or whatever that you're feeling. it's a new year...

i know you're going through more than what you tell me. just please...lemme know if i can help. you know i'm always here for you at anytime. but jeez...i'm really worried about you. are you okay? lemme know. call me back please. i hate seeing you like this. it bring tears in my eyes. you'll never know that i secretly cry for you...or how much i feel towards you.

[inserts his name] just please be okay. i wanna talk to you. listening to your voicemail i was already hoping to hear more of your cute voice. is it that you're not there? or do you not want to talk to me? sigh......oh well...just please stay safe and be careful. i wanna give you hug and whisper in your ear to say everything will be okay.

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Guest --infatuated.


still continuing though. :]



PAJAMAS JAMAS DAY! better kick it offf reaaaals smooth.

awesome present. MORE TO COME. ;]

if ya know what i meaaaan.

"got a little bit a gold and a pager"

UNCOOL. buuuuut WOULD SACRIFICE that. hahaha.

y'know how we rooooolllin!


rounnnnnd3? nah. we girrls.

we ROCK it. don't jock it.

i betchu NO one understands me,


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maybe i really don't miss you anymore. maybe what i really miss, is just the feeling after all. oh, but i don't know. what do i know, right? but that is right, i really don't know anything at all! inside there's this feeling that is there 24/7. it's just there. i don't know how to describe it, but i know it's there because of you. because when i think of you, everything seems to somehow connect, and it feels alright. but when i'm not thinking of you, there's this longing inside that is telling me to think of you. is that strange? haha. this morning, when i woke up, i was shaking the magic eight ball and asking questions about you. apparently, i will not love anyone more than you. i will not love anyone less than you. and i will not love anyone the same as i loved you. but i will love someone, different from you, and it will also be a beautiful love that will bring me utter happiness. so i asked the magic eight ball, if you will find love again and it said yes. and i asked if it would be the same kind of love you had for me, and it also said yes. that made me sad... because the love i had for you was only for you, but the love you had for me, can easily be given to another girl. hmm. well, the magic eight ball said that you still think of me. and it also said that you still love me. but it said that you don't miss me. so i asked if i loved you, and it said yes. but i forgot to ask if i missed you, so that i can't answer. and right now, i'm not sure if i really do miss you. but it's something like that. there's something missing, so i must be missing something. well, whatever, right? the magic ball said that this is it for us. and it also said that i'm never going to see you again. so, i shouldn't wait or dwell anymore. hah, i told myself that two months ago, and look at me still on soompi crying, so let's just see if i really keep to my word this time. it's weird that i'm putting my trust in a magic ball. but to test that ball's truth, i asked if today was going to be a good day, and it said yes... and now that the day is 3 hours over, i've got to say that although i have done nothing spectacular, today has not been a bad day, but rather a satisfying day. so.. i guess that means the ball does speak truth. what can i do? i was hoping to prove it wrong, and still hang onto my hopes of one day falling back in love with you and getting married like we planned all along. oh well right? yes, oh well. it's 2008. and the ball said you're going to move on anyways. too bad i dont have the ball with me now, because tons of questions just popped up in my head. hmm. i guess i'll be seeing you around in my dreams then. that's where you belong anyways, remember? goodnight oppa.

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