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Guest EchoOff

1) i'm happy that you listened to me and is skipping wrestling today (i hope)

2) i'm unsure if you're really skipping it for me or just for that kid

3) i'm disappointed at you for not walking me to class

4) i'm anxious- because i want to go somewhere with you this weekend

5) i'm anticipated to talk to you

6) you're oblivious to all these emotions i feel for you


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Guest nj.s.k

i'm just TIRED...

i wont wait for you

dont expect me to pine over you

whatever i do i'm not doing it to make you jealous

i'm just moving on

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Guest skadoosh!

i need you . i obviously need you. badly.

yet you obviously have no inclination to need me.

that kind of sucks.

and im supposing its time to move on, but those looks you give me?

please stop confusing me.

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Guest forum-love

john tesh you

now that i think of it,why do i allow myself to be unconsciouslly insulted by you. u ain't treeating me right,even now. u make me feel so extremely embarassed and insulted every single time. WHY do i allow myself to fall for you,when u aint treating me right!!!!

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Guest gpie9

I let myself dream, hope, and wish beyond a reasonable doubt. I'm turning into that cold, self-contained shell of a human again. I'm shutting down my emotions, my nerves, my pain. I can't seem to deal with reality right now, but when I pick myself up, I won't be sure if I can open up any longer. I still don't want to be fixed.

I'm not broken.

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Guest vanillaxluckiexsaphire

you confuse me.

yet you have a person in your life, and overall

you hang out with me more than her.

when you hug her, you look at me instead and smile at me.

what's wrong with you.

you're playing games.

just stop it already.

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Guest BakaPrincess

Summer is here, and school's over.

Wow, what a year it has been... and quite frankly, I have to say that overall, it was pretty good.

I made many new friends, experienced many things, made lots of fun memories, and most of all, took a shot at love.

I'm sad to see it all over now.

I'm sad to see everyone go home for the summer, will miss that same old crew I see and hang out with everyday, and will definitely miss those parties - not much, but they're memories. =)

So, have a great summer everyone, stay safe, and I'll see you all again in September!

And bf, I'm going to miss you the most.

That one week that we're not going to see each other is going to be so hard for us - but don't worry, we can tough it out and will see each other soon. Hehe.

I'm excited to spend this whole summer with you. =)

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Guest chopstick^^

hey U ... hmph!!!! :tongue2:

no more tears, everything is clear now! ...

why didnt u just say so? ...

okay, i will not believe every little things u do is a hint u like me..

woteva u do, blushing, looking really shy, low voice, starring at me! will ever mean anything! ..

Because now i know it doesnt! ..

This is probably normal for u... since u flirt alot with other girls! ..

Im not going to b a fool anymore! & believe u!

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Guest SHOE_box

STUPID stupid stupid!!

Why do you keep giving me hope,

But shoot it down the next moment?!

I see you staring at me from the corner of my eyes,

Yet you ignore me and walk past me in the halls.

WHILE talking to your ex-girlfriend.

Did you know..That your ex and I used to be best friends.

I guess she didn't tell you that. Well, it doesn't really matter anyway.

Just...Just stop. Okay? Don't sit at lunch facing me and my table.

I really don't wanna look at your face. It makes me mad now.

I guess you're my stupid weakness.

I've been crushed by you.

How sad. <_<

I'm so glad it's gonna be summer.

Then, you'll be out of sight and out of my mind.

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Guest --infatuated.

i guess not.

sometimes i really doubt what you tell me,

because i don't see it.

it's not up to par; what you do to what you say.

we were less than 3 minutes away...

and you were gonna leave in 5.

if you left then, i could've seen you for at least two minutes.

i'm not trippen out cus i can't see you,

just the fact that it doesn't seem like you wanna see me either.

2 days.

i don't know how ima handle.

cus erryone knows when i have time,

i think too damn much.

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Guest sassykimsamsoonpig

you make me feel... weird. i wish i could like him. it's complicated. yet i'm falling for you... trying to ignore you

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Guest Big_Bang

why did things go so wrong?

how can we turn it around?

why do you say you love me?

How can I believe you?

why do I get this feeling?

How can I erase it?

why does love hurt?

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Guest star@soompi.com

I never though of it as an end...just as a time to be somewhere happier ^_^ Even though I know it could never be true..even though my heart still wishes..i won't wait because I know you won't come...never. Sometimes I wonder if..what if? But that would never get me anywhere. I guess this is it..to say good-bye forever & ever. Maybe everything we had meant nothing to you? Maybe? Though you don't have a clue of whats in my heart I hope you well & to always smile. :D Thats what I liked about you anyway..that smile of yours...

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Guest __mill


after all these years..

if only you say things straight. we could actually be together/work things out.

i didnt know.

im sorry. kindda too late now, yea?

but im glad we both confessed and talk about it. lol. good to know that u actually thought about it.

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