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Guest Big_Bang

never use those words on me ever again

I'm no longer a fool for you

My eyes are wide open now

I realise...

you're pathetic

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Guest coreancc

Well, it's almost 11:30... I suppose I should just go to bed... but...

I spent the evening with family and then with friends. That should have been enough.

Should have.

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Guest dehoot

It's 11:47 pm and I'm still smiling about something that happened at 1:45 pm today.

My heart is breaking... Each time we meet a piece of it falls. I know it'll stay on the floor.

But it's alright. I know this. This is a crush. I'm still smiling.

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Guest lido0LmisSundersto0D

you know i only like you.

i show you every possible way i can, i know i can be a chicken.

i know your vegetarian, dont eat me. i THOUGHT you loved me too?

why dont YOU show it?

sigh, do i ever cross your mind? cause all i think about is you

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Guest Cathiee

Yesterday would have been our 11 month.

April 17th would be our 1 year.

Do you even care? Do you still think about me? Am I still any part of your life? Do you miss me as much as I miss you? Do you still love me?

I love you. I love you so much even if you may think I don't care or I flirt with other guys. I wish you could have seen I never liked any of them. Or flirted, I just talked but you never knew what we were talking about so I understand why you were jealous. Me talking to Frank? A guy with a girlfriend for what 4 years was it? 3? Nothing would happen. I just talked to him. I'm sorry for making you jealous. Khoa and then lemon guy? Allan and James? William? Who else is there. All of them were merely friends. Friends that I regret making because I'd trade them all in just for you.. Because they're meaningless to me. I just wish you were here. I just wish you could see. I wish I could stop crying over this. I love you.. I'm sorry I was jealous also. Amanda, Evelyn, Nerine-chan, and Ashley.. SO much more to list but I never wanted to bug you with my jealousy.. I'm sorry. I love you. T~T I miss you.. I MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH OMGGGGGGGGG I wish I could talk to you.. I WISH SO MUCH. MAINLY JUST TO HAVE YOU HERE. CAN YOU HEAR ME CRYING OUT JUST FOR YOU? =/

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Guest Kikyo

I just don't know what it is about you. You drive me crazy in the best possible way. Today was the best day anyone could have ever given me. You always keep me surprised. Usually, I'm able to read people so easily but with you, it's like I never know. The simple things you do just make me fall more and more for you. I hope you know how important you are to me. I know that sometimes, the way I act, seems as if I don't care---but it's just me, my defense mechanism, for trying to keep myself from getting hurt. I try so hard to pretend like I don't like you as much as I do.. but it seems almost as if I can't do that anymore. When I say that I'm stuck with you forever, I think I mean it, I really do. I just wonder what I did right to deserve someone so great.. so perfect, as you.

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Guest xlush

i regret what i did 2 years ago...when you confessed to me..

and now you're gone.. and im stuck here thinking about you

you moved on... but something tells me we still have something

if i told you i was sorry.. is it still too late?

it feels like i odn't even know you anymore. we're on opposite end of the rainbow..

thers only 3 months left before it all ends..

but i can't forget abuot you...

just say soemthing and i'll be there...

im hurting...

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

I don't know you well, but I can tell there's something between us


I didn't get to thank you for the watermelon ice cream^^

you're so adorable <3

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Guest okaylikegetaway

It drives me crazy to think that you're the only guy I've ever liked when I never really even knew you. It was a crush from afar taken TOO far. Either way, I certainly was crazy for you, do I dare say that I loved you? We're so alike in so many ways, that it attracted me to you. But that same similarity is the reason why I'm afraid that we can never be real friends, no matter how much I'd like us to. I know I should be done hoping for us to be friends when he have 3 months left of school together, but its the what if factor, what if we weren't awkward, what if we didn't have to bump into each other at a mutual friend's party and be at a loss for words.

I guess, what I'm trying to say is that at the party on Saturday I felt nothing towards you. Even when you were being your typical self, being flirty and touchy feely with me. A year ago, I would have been jumping off the walls from joy just because you wrapped your arm around me and hung yourself on me, but this year I wasn't. I was over you, I am over you, it no longer meant anything to me, except for that you're a total tease. & I'm not going to say oh I FINALLY realised that you're not the guy for me, when it's not like that. Because I know that you were the guy for me, the ONLY guy for me, last year, three years ago when I started liking you, even five months ago when I still wasn't sure if I was over you or not. But in the past few months I grew up. I don't know what it was, but I did, and now, I no longer have any feelings for you.

&&I'm grateful that I was able to reach this conclusion, as kind of a closure to high school in preparation for college next year. I certainly will never forget my experiences with you, my obsession over you, my longing for you, etc. but I won't ever return to them again.

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Guest twist&fall-

It's ... weird. really. weird.

I wonder why did you did that .. like twice? or was it thrice? O_O

it's not like the other guy likes me or something... or does he?

akhsdshs whatever, somehow, i felt quite uneasy about it when you did so.

because what if, there is someone from our class, who happened to like him and gets

jealous cause you did that? -_____-; i know i'm overreacting but i can't help it when...

when... well, WHY AM I FEELING UNEASY ANYWAY? ;____; it's not like it's something biggie

but seriously.. you did it infront of the whole class. they were glancing our way whenever you did that.

it was awkward... the way you did it. like what on earth?

or maybe.. i'm feeling like this so because i do actually like that guy?

............ oh boy, i don't know myself anymore. lol

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thank you so much for today. even though it sucked at one point, thank you for skipping your lectures.. even though that shouldn't happen! thank you for taking me to uni and deciding to stay and wait for me... thank you for waiting for my bus with me.. <3 you're so awesome. <3 can't wait to see you tomorrow again.

but can't wait until i talk to you again, tonight. ^^

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seriously, sometimes I REALLY don't like you.

who are you to judge?

you shouldn't say something typical when you don't even know much about them.

sometimes I wonder who you really are.

I used to think you were two-faced,

when you were being so nice to this guy but then later overexaggerated

and made shet up about him which wasn't even true.

one second you agree with me on everything about liking him,

up to the point that you KNOW how much I like him,

but then the next second you side with someone else

and tell me to get a reality check.


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Guest Kare1989

Ohh... what will the future brings??

Will i ever forget u!!

Its been just a week that i dont talk to u...

I miss it so much :tears:

But i know its the end!! The end of OUR time...

It hurts me really much. But it isnt a other way to forget u...

I must be strong and dont think of me and u !!

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