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Guest tokyochicdoll

I want you to regret.

I hate how you chose to abandon me.

I didn't do anything wrong. Except for having hope in you.

It was your last chance. You wasted it.

You'll never see me again.

You'll never find someone like me again.

I hope regret haunts your soul every second I'm away.

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Guest Romancer.

Are you not talking to me? I can't figure out what your intentions are. What exactly is it that you want?

I just found an amazing recipe to bake you that cake you said you wanted. I am ridiculously excited to bake it. If you're still talking to me then I'll bring it along to our drinking session.

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i found out. And I don't feel a thing. Which is weird considering how i was crying over you just a few days ago.

Has it just not sunk in yet, or...is the sad truth that I don't even know what liking someone actually feels like, and just thought that i liked you?

Either ways, it's equally depressing.

I want to be happy. And i will be.

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Guest 정유미

I am utterly sick of this. The past few days have taken its toll on me; all our friends are being so shallow, getting upset for the most ridiculous reasons. You know this. Heck, I've told you how I felt. And today, you became exactly what I hated. That's just great. Now I feel so betrayed. Next time I won't make so much as a single joke because even if i think it's nothing to be upset over, people get upset anyways. I feel like no one's real anymore.

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Guest Bby-GIE

Why is your mood and the way you talk to me always changing.

It's really messing with my head. dude if there are any motifs, please just get to the point, I really don't want to suffer being mentally

tampered with.

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Guest miss_kizuna

Lately it's been getting worse..

I'm dreaming about you a lot..almost every night. I keep thinking you're still there?

I'm becoming delusional..

no, i am delusional.

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Guest BakaPrincess

You've been really annoying lately and everything you've been doing is just really getting on my nerves.

If you feel that I've been ignoring you, I am.

And geezus, it won't hurt to clean up after yourself too, okay?

Dang, I have to look at your nasty dishes for weeks upon weeks.

Plus, you never help to clean around here. I'm always the one cleaning.

And don't use that stupid excuse that I'm around here more often when I've seen your lazy richard simmons around too doing nothing. <_<

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It started.


Can you believe it? Just like you predicted it.

I could hear you now, not even a day and already missing me

with that shameful smirk of yours. Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm that

lost without you. It's your fault!

So come back home soon jerk, if you don't want the life squeezed out of you!

30 more days<3

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Guest starlightt*

what the shiiiiit. did you make a facebook JUST to add me as a friend?

duuude, that's a bit...uh, weird. and what was up with that question ._.

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Guest prosecco

It has been almost a decade since I've seen you. I keep the gift you gave me in plain sight every day, even though its calendar is sorely out of date, and every day I wonder how you're doing.

(I never wrote on any of the pages ... I didn't want to ruin them. When other people wrote their numbers and addresses in it I eventually tore them all out except for yours.)

You were sort of like my first love, you know ... no physical attraction, but I can say that, looking back, I was certainly infatuated with you. You opened my mind to new cultures and manners and you were every bit of the calmness and prettiness I wanted to become. I'm still working to reach your level of kindness.

The day you left to go back to Korea I cried. I cried because it was so sudden, and I feel like I didn't even properly tell you goodbye because I was too busy burying my face on my desk. Tucked inside my gift is your address and email address ... I'm too afraid to find out if they're still accurate.

I have you to thank for Korean dramas, and my neat handwriting, and my love of all things classy. I hope we'll meet again one day, even if only for a minute. Lucy remembers and misses you too.

and every time I watch a Korean movie, or drama, or music video, I wonder if you've watched it too. It's a little comforting to think that there's every possibility that you might like Soeulmates and Korean boy bands the same as me. I miss you, Min. But just writing this out does make me feel better.

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Guest miss_kizuna

if i could have one wish this entire summer,

it would be for you to come to my exhibition..


-__- like that's going to happen.

have fun


i think the reason why i've been so delusional for the past week is because i don't what's going on over there

i should check your facebook more often even though I don't want to

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Guest lovenotee

you lost a good pinkberry. so stop clinging. trust me when i say, i will never give you another chance.

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Guest motheritried

I can't stop thinking about what you said. It was such a subtle, off hand thing and I don't know what it means. "I like you, don't I? I know, it was TOO obvious." We're friends though, right? Why would it be too obvious? I don't know, you're trying to keep conversations with me to a minimum and you have had feelings for me in the past and even regret that you didn't choose me. I think about it too. Do you have feelings for me again? I want to ask but it's so silly.

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