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Guest AMIbunny

i suppose i shouldn't always except something back when I do something nice to someone.

So i shall plan a great birthday for you. ^_^

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Guest rOothx33
The Greatest Irony of Love:

Loving the right person at the wrong time, having the wrong person when the time is right, and finding out you love someone right after that person walks out of your life... And sometimes, you think you're already over a person, but when you see them smile at you, you'll suddenly realize that you're just pretending to be over them just to ease the pain of knowing that they will never be yours again...

시간을 돌릴수만 있다면...

보고싶다... ㅜㅜ


ㅅㅂ 나 왜이래?

정신차려 이 년아 ㅡㅡ;

이제야 와서 이르면 어쩌라는 거야?

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Guest xXRawrwentRandomXx

Why do we always act like we don't see each other, when we are already right infront of each other's eyes?

I made so many moves already, I'm sick and tired for just waiting for something that might not even happen.

Why don't you even bother to do anything?

Stop being afraid and do something already, because I'm not planning on waiting for you forever.

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Guest pucastar


YOU THREE !! OMG >< ! stop talking to me ! i wanan run away when u talk to mee ><

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Guest x.yoru

Not only was I nice and decided to accompany you to visit YOUR friends (who are complete retards that don't have any sense of being polite, by the way) and wait while you talk to one guy for 30min and say only a sentence or two to him.

I decided to be nice and patient, but no. You freaking turn around and complain about every little thing that is wrong with you and to be honest, I don't care!

I really don't. You don't think I suffer to same pain? I endured those 10 days too and you don't see me complaining about it every second we don't have anything to talk about.

I really hope that after the first semester of uni that we stop talking as much. Because at this rate I will not survive this.

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Guest cheerydumdum

wow. i saw that you posted on fb and suddenly felt like throwing up. wth? :mellow: my goodness. wen i think about us, the memories play back in my head and it's like i'm watching everything from a different point of view. it's like all those things that happened with us is all in my head. i miss you hubby. i wonder if you really went to the place to breakdance. i miss watching you. what you don't know is that even though you guys always did the same thing over and over again, i was bored but i didn't really mind because i just wanted to be around you. :/

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Guest Sophi.e*

Ever since that night I feel even more insecured than before. I don't know why.

I feel scared to show my feelings for you.

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Do you know that I miss you? I really want to talk to you. I can't believe you are being such a jerk. How can you just leave like that? Not even word to me. If you're not interested then just tell me. Why did you have go and ask me out huh? Made us official. You got me to care about you. To think about you. To be troubled by you. Jerk face. I bet you're just playing with me. Only need me when I'm around. 2 more days. Then you'll be home. I don't even how to face you. I don't want to end it. But I'm afraid that's going to be the outcome when we talk. I actually thought there was more to us...You're such a buttface.

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Maybe the reason I can't get over you is because I allow myself to keep reminders of you.

The guest form is still in my sketchbook; your number still written in there too.

The little gifts you got for me from Japan still sit on my shelf and hang from my keys.

Your picture is still in my wallet, your number still in my phone, your username still on my buddy list.

The warmth of your touch still lingers on my skin, as I lie in bed and my sheets brush my cheek.

Even little things like fries and root beer make me sink into the memories of the school year.

Unrequited love is far more safe and secure than a relationship, but it's far more painful.

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