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[movie 2006] Sunflower 해바라기

Guest klaritia

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Guest klaritia

fr KRW thread, credit to ling99905 :)

and thanks for the English translation too!!


Hi all....

Here're the new message from MIR by a Kim Rae Won fan who will also be doing the marketing job for 'Sunflower' movie...

basically mentioned that RW movie will start filming on 3 June. I've briefly translated it.

(2006.05.31/ MIR)


'Sunflower' movie' finally start filming this week.

From Raewon family, translated to Chinese by mewsdream


Credit to indigoangel

안녕하세요, 미르 가족 여러분

大家好 ,Mir家族成员们

hi... Mir family members,

래원님의 새영화<해바라기>가 이번 주 드뎌 크랭크인입니다


Raewon new movie 'Sunflower' will start this week.

내일 6/1에 고사를 지내고 6/1明天祭词

토요일 6/3에는크랭크인입니다 星期六6/3日开机

1 of June will be opening messages & 3 of June will start filming

어떻게 알았냐구요


how I know?

저는 래원님의 팬이면서, 영화 마케팅이라는 일을 하고 있고


I'm Raewon fan and I'm also doing marketing job for movie.

이번에<해바라기> 마케팅 스탶으로 참여하게 되었습니다

得以有机会参与这回的电影《向日葵》marketing 스탶으

This time, I've the opportunity to involve in marketing 'Sunflower' movie

앞으로도 영화 관련해서 재미난 소식들 마니마니 알려드릴께요


In future, I will continue to report news related to movie

더운 여름 내내 촬영해야 하는 래원님 힘 내시라고


In this hot summer season, wish raewon will do all his best for his coming movie

리고<해바라기> 꼬옥 멋진 영화 되라고 모두모두 기원해주시고


let's also pray that 'Sunflower' movie will be a very interesting & fantastic show

미르 가족 여러분도 올 여름 건강하셔요~~

Mir家族成员们今夏也要保持健康 …

Mir family members, please also stay good health in this summer

그럼 이 담에… 那就以后见

we shall meet again next time

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Guest Middy

Thank you ling, PChoi ^^

O... been waiting patiently for this day...... today.... haha... June 1 .... :w00t: that the production crew is gonna hold a worship ceremony ( opening ceremony ) :D

hopefully pics from it will be released later today....... :P

CANT WAIT to see a 'completely New' Rae Won arr ~~ hope losing 6-7 kgs to fit in the prisoner's image wouldnt affect his health.....><

so... they will start shooting the film Sat. ( June 3 ) ~~ :rolleyes:

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Guest choc

I just finished watching WSAYF and definitely excited to hear about his upcoming movie :) Start filming in a couple of days :D aLL the best! Thanx everyone for the news and pics ~

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Guest karkaren88

aahh... finally!! June 3!! very excited for it!!

ALL THE BEST to krw and the cast! hv a smooth, great filming!! ^ _ ^

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Guest minminfish

oh... 2 days late... so happy the movie's going to start shooting tomorrow, Finally!!! *runs around*

yay yay yay! megaa excited to see how oppa looks like.. :P

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Guest klaritia

2006.06.02 innolife news (Chinese)

[English translation by PChoi]

Park Eun Hye Will Play in Kim Rae Won’s Movie “Sunflower”


Park Eun Hye was invited to play in the movie by Kim Hae Suk who plays the mom.

Park Eun Hye played the third daughter in the 2004 SBS show “The Daughters”. Kim Hae Suk was her mom then.

After the drama, they still meet from time to time with the other collaborating actresses.

Lately, Park had a phone conversation with Kim and was invited to appear in Kim’s new movie. Park will play Kim Rae Won’s lover 10 years ago.

Park has been busy working with a weekend drama and overseas trips so it’s out of friendship that she agrees to play in “Sunflower”!

On the other hand, Park becomes popular with the MBC weekend drama “Fireworks”.

Source: www.kimraewon.cn

The following from KRW thread, credit to Middy :)


AW... Park Eun Hye will play as Rae Won's lover 10 years ago ~~ :w00t:

另一方面朴恩惠用电影`向日葵'担任金来沅的 10年前恋人角色谒见纯洁悲哀型的身姿.

박은혜 영화 ‘해바라기’ 김래원 첫사랑 낙점

http://news.media.daum.net/enter ... wsen/v12913960.html


박은혜가 의리의 우정출연을 감행한다.박은혜는 SBS 드라마 ‘작은아씨들’에서 어머니로 출연했던 김해숙씨의 출연 제의를 받고 영화 ‘해바라기’에서 김래원의 10년 전 첫사랑으로 출연할 계획이다.박은혜 측은 2일“오래 전부터 연예계 의리파로 소문난 박은혜가 2004년 SBS 드라마 ‘작은아씨들’에서 ‘모녀’인연을 맺은 김해숙의 추천을 흔쾌히 받아들였다”며 “박은혜는 김해숙 박예진 유선 이윤미 등 ‘작은아씨들’ 출연진과 특별한 모임을 꾸준히 이어오는 등 돈독한 의리를 보여왔다”고 밝혔다.평소에도 ‘작은아씨들’에서 극중 어머니로 출연했던 김혜숙에게 연기에 대한 조언을 구해왔던 박은혜는 최근 전화 통화 중 갑작스런 김해숙씨의 영화 출연 추천을 받았던 것.박은혜는 현재 MBC 주말극 ‘불꽃놀이’출연과 해외 스케줄로 눈코뜰새 없이 바쁜 와중이지만, 김혜숙과의 의리를 지키기 위해 두말없이 받아들였다.박은혜 측은 “드라마 ‘대장금’에서 장금이를 위해 희생도 마다하지 않았던 밝고 착한 ‘연생이’로 국내 뿐 아니라 대만과 아시아권에서 인기를 얻으며 한류스타로 부상한 박은혜가 실제로도 ‘연생이’ 같은 심성과 의리를 증명한 셈이다”고 전했다.

한편 박은혜는 영화 ‘해바라기’에서 김래원의 10년 전 연인 역을 맡아 청순가련형의 모습을 선보인다.

credit to Radeihead ^^ fr: koreanwind


Her brief profile ----- :D

Name : Park Eun Hye

Birthdate : February 21, 1978

Height : 164 cm

Weight : 46kg

Blood-type : O

Debut : Jjang (1998)

Drama : KBS 열여덟 스물아홉, SBS 섬마을 선생님, SBS 작은아씨들, MBC 대장금

She has a HongKong drama with Zai Zai


credit to mel from her thread

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Guest klaritia

1 more related news article>>>

:w00t:found this news article from koreanwind posted by Radiohead ^^~ :w00t:




朴恩惠 在金海淑的推荐下 友情出演<向日葵>



朴恩惠 SBS TV '小淑女们'和金海淑一起演母女

最近在电话通话中高兴地接受了金海淑的电影演出推荐.朴恩惠决定演出 '向日葵'. 朴恩惠将在'向日葵'担任金来沅的10年前恋人一角.

박은혜, 김해숙 추천 '해바라기' 우정 출연

http://news.naver.com/news/read. ... _id=106&menu_id=106


[마이데일리 = 강승훈 기자] 배우 박은혜가 선배 연기자 김해숙의 추천으로 영화 '해바라기'에 우정출연한다.박은혜는 SBS TV '작은 아씨들'에서 김해숙의 모녀로 출연한 바 있다. '작은 아씨들'이 끝난 이후에도 함께 출연한 박예진, 유선, 이윤미, 김해숙 등이 특별한 모임을 만들어, 꾸준한 만남을 유지하고 있다.이번에 박은혜는 김해숙에게 고마움을 표현하고 싶어 '해바라기'에 깜짝 출연을 결정했다. 평소에도 극중 어머니로 출연했던 김해숙의 말을 귀담아 들어온 박은혜는 최근 전화 통화 중 갑작스런 김해숙씨의 영화 출연 추천을 흔쾌히 받아들였다. 박은혜는 '해바라기'에서 김래원의 10년 전 연인 역을 맡게 됐다.주말 드라마 촬영과 해외 스케쥴로 바쁜 가운데도, 김해숙씨와의 의리를 지키기 위해 '해바라기'의 출연도 결심한 박은혜는 평소에도 선행과 효심이 깊은 연예인으로 국내외의 다양한 연령층 팬들의 사랑을 받고 있다. 한편, 박은혜는 '불꽃놀이'에서 화장품 운영 스토어 팀장 차미래로 분해 열연하고 있다.[박은혜(왼쪽)가 선배 김해숙의 추천으로 '해바라기'에 우정 출연한다. 사진 = 마이데일리 사진 DB, KBS](강승훈 기자 tarophine@mydaily.co.kr)- NO1.뉴미디어 실시간뉴스 마이데일리(www.mydaily.co.kr) 저작권자 ⓒ 마이데일리. 무단전재&재배포 금지 -


fr: koreanwind

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Guest klaritia

The following posted by Middy on the KRW thread~ :D

A pic of Rae Won w/ the director of his new movie "Sunflower" ~~

OoO.... after losing 6-7 kgs, Rae Won does look pretty much slimmer ...... :o:mellow: but his head still big..... :P



credit to hyu ^^ fr: koreanwind

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Guest tisyankee

AHH... he's really gotten thinner, but still looks so good! :D

is it jus me? PEH and the newbie actress looks a lil alike, so they both will play KRW's lovers! wow, can't waitttt!!


thxx for the news and pix!

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Guest karkaren88

The following posted by Middy on the KRW thread~ :D

A pic of Rae Won w/ the director of his new movie "Sunflower" ~~

OoO.... after losing 6-7 kgs, Rae Won does look pretty much slimmer ...... :o:mellow: but his head still big..... :P



credit to hyu ^^ fr: koreanwind

Orz.. he looks soo much thinner.. :o I hope he won't need to lose more weight after shooting the part of being released from the prison...

Yes, the movie began filming yesterday, can't wait for his pix and more news..

^ _ ^

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Hi all...

RW new image in ‘Sunflower movie

Ah... his new hairstyle is so short.. even shorter than his hairstyle in ‘Life is beautiful drama” .. like serving army.. :P

Really hope his health is ok...

Credit to indigoangel from RW family




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Guest karkaren88

OOHH>> I like his new hair, COOL!!! very refreshing!!! totally different from WHICH STAR ARE YOU FROM!! :w00t:

he plays a tough guy?!~ ^ __ ^

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Guest doroAnxx05


whoah, he still lookz freakin' manly handsome!! I lyke his new image alot!

does life in prison dat miserable? he had to lose 6 kgs??? :o

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Thanks PChoi and Ling for the updates! :D

He does look more youthful with the shorter hair and the smaller built.

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Guest obbsaran

yeh.. refreshing, youthful, I like his new look, even betta than in Life is beautiful. ^.^^ looking 4wrd to cing him in action!

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Guest Middy

Hi all...

RW new image in ‘Sunflower movie

Ah... his new hairstyle is so short.. even shorter than his hairstyle in ‘Life is beautiful drama” .. like serving army.. :P

Really hope his health is ok...

Credit to indigoangel from RW family




:w00t: THANKs for the pics ~~ ling ~ ^^ haha... Rae Won gave us another Surprise again..... :w00t:

O... I LOVe his short hair ~~ looks really refreshing, cool... & ..yeah... kim^^... youthful ~~ B):wub:

hee... it does look like serving in army hairstyle..... haha.. maybe Rae Won wants us to get used to his future look when he goes to the military next year ...... :rolleyes::lol:

haha... its really similar to his hair in 2001 drama "Life is Beautiful" .... :P




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Guest miduhyo_


this is going to be an action movie?

hmm.. from the title Sunflower, i thought it was going to tame and cute Rae Won

but seeing his new hair-do and message of a completely different different him... :rolleyes:

guess we'll be expecting a stunning appearance :)

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Guest Middy


BIG, nice pics of ....

CooL Rae Won after worship ceremony (6/1) --- ^__^











fr: fanmir


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Guest minminfish


this is going to be an action movie?

hmm.. from the title Sunflower, i thought it was going to tame and cute Rae Won

but seeing his new hair-do and message of a completely different different him... :rolleyes:

guess we'll be expecting a stunning appearance :)

I don't think it's an action movie, looks like it's a mix of everything?__? I can't wait for the trailers!!! he looks a lil like his image in Mr. socrates of last year, but younger here.. :P

so dashing!!<3<3


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BIG, nice pics of ....

CooL Rae Won after worship ceremony (6/1) --- ^__^





fr: fanmir


Hi.. middy..

According to the news posted from indigoangel , read that even the resident in “金海市” also participate in the worship ceremony, so from the pics you posted, we can tell that the atmosphere was really good.

haha... still look like an army guy to me

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