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Iple.com Tutorials

Guest Paku

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Guest <3Candi

I still don't know how to change the back ground... because it doesnt say "Big Event" on the top, but instead it says "Iple Tutorials" which leads me to here in soompi XDXD~~

can anyone help? thanks so much~~

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Guest jafa100

1st question: How do you cancel an Iple account?

2nd: How do yu change the sex, if it's possible? 'cause i was making an Iple account so fast that i didn't notice that part, so they put me as a male!!! and i'm a girl .

So i made another account just in case, but i would like to know how you do those things.

Weirdest thing ever to see another person from my country here in soompi, this is the first time i see one ( CrazyYochy), and more weird that my post follows yours haha.

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Guest stupidchilli

hi!! really acknowledge the great work u guys haf done to help us with iple!! KUDOS TO YOU GUYS!!

just wanted to ask a question: recently made a new account but can't sign in. instead a pop-up block comes up. sorry but i dunno how to show it and don't understand korean. but in the end it says "er:-2" can anyone tell me what it is, please? or if sum1 has alr explained why, cn i ask a HUGE HUGE favour and direct me to the page??

thank you so much for your help!! :)

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Guest stupidchilli

hehe..decided to make a new account all over again..please feel free to add mine..izzit ok if i add the other people here too??


tried getting all sorts of iple ids and this is the only one that worked..lol!


keep getting this dialog box every time i try to change my left panel profile/picture. lotsa people haf come across this problem too but somehow nothing is working..cn u help please?? bcoz even tho the picture is 140 x 105 and only 4.56 kB, and the edited picture is alr save in the comm, it STILL comes up with this box for some reason..

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Guest Shaneira

hello i'm a newbie using iple...i've had an account before but then one day an error:-2 always kept popping out so i decided to make a new one 2 days ago....i used IE to sign up....but yesterday i tried to log in and there was this error again! what should i do? and after signing up with IE is it necessary to use IE always or can i also use firefox?


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Hie i cnt upload pics altho i keep pressing the orange button thing.. TT.TT

help me!! TT.TT

after pressing the orange button

a window appear i couldnt read it and after pressing the button nth happen

the pic doesnt appear on my post.. TT.TT

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Guest tvxqforever

hi there..

i'ma newbie in iple..

may i knw how to EDIT my entrys?..

cos when i'm posting my entry, i was decorating the pics.. but i keep re-do it..

therefore, when i have finally post the entry out.

there turns out to be extra photos..

this is my actual, correct post.


but, in the front page.. its shows..


anyone knw how?..

and erm, how to change backgrd..??

i try following the tutorial.. but..


i dun have this.. ' BIG EVENT ' on the top

thus, i cant go to that page.. to search and change my themes..

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Guest RainingWendy

Thank you sooo much You rock!!! The people that did these tutorials are great! Either way I have no idea about the background but I guess I am ok now without it. The 1st thing I did when going on iple was comment on Junsu (DBSK) profile! I tried to use my lack of korean to do that. Either way this is my iple http://istyle.iple.com/Seouluna

nothing much but a few pics about me I have no idea what else do put

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Guest x_hellie

thx soooooo much for this info! it's so helpful. it's so helpful that even iple linked this thread! lol how'd that happen? so awesome.

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Guest Saebin :D

I'm stuck at step 2, the link to the grey box (check availability of this ID) doesn't work :(

Nevermind:) i tried IE. it works on Internet explorer. ugh i hate firefox now (i'm switching back to IE. hahaha)


i changed something and the main page (home) of my iple shows my posts instead of the pictures/videos..

I can't seem to change it back ToT

can someone help?


LMAO nevermind again :lol:

I'm a very impatient person.. so instead of waiting for an answer i went to try it out myself lol XD

Anyway.. i searched through all 20 pages to learn more about how to use iple ^_^

After doing that, i really feel those who have doubts should go through the thread too, because MANY questions were repeated. although it might seem a bit tiring (I took more an hour + to read everything), the people answering the questions are more tired :]

it's worth it. :)

here's my iple. do add me!: http://istyle.iple.com/ksaebin

Active X를 설치하여 주세요.

i'm still getting this message...

how? ottoke?

at first, when i'm first log in to ipple, i've already run the active x..


there were many different ActiveX(s) for me.. i had to download many different ones (some for uploading pictures, and other stuff).

maybe you didn't run the others?

i'm not sure about this though ^_^

I still don't know how to change the back ground... because it doesnt say "Big Event" on the top, but instead it says "Iple Tutorials" which leads me to here in soompi XDXD~~

can anyone help? thanks so much~~

The event is over.. now the layout-changing is no longer free and you have to pay for it.

Aish.. let's wait for the next event haha

p.s.: I have a question though. Sometimes iple is veryyy slow for me :/ Sometimes the pages load too long until it says: "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage". pshh.

Is it always like that (high traffic?) or is it just my lousy internet speed? o__O;;

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Guest willyly

wow i was soooo surprised when i was linked here after i pressed "iple tutorial" on iple's homepage~

this tutorial is FAMOUS!!!


okay i should go make one for myself!!!

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