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[drama 2007] Yi San - King Jeong-jo [이산 - 정조대왕]

Guest dramaok

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for the lack of time, i basically had to skim through E03 bc i was so curious as to what happened~ thanks dramaok for the summary! ^^ (the child actor of yisan improved! he has his moments when he shines. nice!)

i have a question about Hu-Kyeom. the first page says he's the adoptive son of Prince Hwa-Wan. who exactly is hwa-wan? i'm so bad with names i can't remember. and is he a real person in history? if so, what exactly does he accomplish? what's his role?

and for Dae-su~ was he really born with an abnormality? or was this a mistake?

gotta get around to watched episode 4 soon. rawr~

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Prince Hwa-Wan is really a princess in history, a daughter of Yeongjo, thus she is Jeongjo's aunt.

Hu-Kyeom i think is also a real person but i'm not sure if he was adoptive son of Hwa-Wan Ongju,

since in reality Hwa-Wan Ongju did not play such a strong political role as the drama will paint.

and Daesu's deformity i think is later fixed by itself. or rather, what they thought was deformed wasn't really deformed.

maybe late maturation.


Yisan (ep. 4):


The palace women, the eunuchs and the officers who serve Yisan are all taken to police bureau for their crime, and Yisan watches as his palace is taken apart by the soldiers here to investigate, at the king's order. Outside the palace, Song-Yeon lingers around the merchant master's home and the old man who was messing around with the rifles earlier sees her and tells her to go away or else. Daesu is working at the weapon factory and awaits an opportunity to go into the palace for errands, but the opportunity does not come by and Daeso drops a rifle but learns that the inscription shows the weapon was manufactured at the site. Minister Hong and Yisan's mom urge Yisan to confess that the weapons belong to Sado but he didn't know about it. That way at least he and Hong-ssi will be spared their life. Hong-ssi urges him to live no matter what so he can be king and the young prince is tormented and falls to his mother's embrace.

Yisan: Mother.. I am scared of this palace, and I am scared of grandpa.. what must I do today? and What must I do tomorrow? What must I do to live?

mom: You are merely 11 years old. At such a young age, you are but so young to live this darkness.

Later that night, Yisan goes before King Yeongjo and tells the king he will not confess to treason and his father did no wrong either for he only served the king and the nation with all his loyalty til the end. The King asks for proof of his and Sado's innocence, but Yisan has nothing to show and Yeongjo gets furious. At the police bureau the Byeok-Pa factioners interrogate Yisan's servants but the servants cannot confess for something they know nothing about. Minister Chae finds Eunuch Nam and brings him to the King saying Nam used to work in the weapon calvary and knows about weapons and the king assigns him as an auditor to investigate about the rifles found inside the prince's palace.


Nam also calls for Eunuch Park (Daesu's uncle) and tells him he will be assigned the utmost important task in the matter at hand. Eunuch Park goes out to where Daesu and Song-Yeon are waiting and Eunuch Park will not disclose anything except to say that the prince is most likely hopeless. That night Song-Yeon remembers the way Yisan wrapped her wound as she looks at the waist-tie left by Yisan, and Daesu watches Song-Yeon. Meanwhile, back at the palace, King Yeongjo works into the night. Eunuch Park remembers the words by Nam and his order for him to go and find the black market merchants who must have snuck the rifles in. Park remembers Nam's words that if Park isn't cooperative then he must give up his life. Next day, Eunuch Park begins his research by going around the streets asking where he can get ahold some rifles, and Park is told to go and see certain someone who might be able to get them for him in about a month and half. Daesu and Song-Yeon continue their attempt into the palace, and Daesu goes to the police bureau to throw a fit in order for the police to dispatch some men to the hideout where Eunuch Park is. Meanwhile Eunuch Park tries to befriend some thugs but when a thug calls Park an impotent man, Park loses his temper and get in fights with the men. Just then some soldiers from the police bureau arrive, and Eunuch Park saves a man, who thanks him but asks what his intention is. Park replies he wishes to acquire some long rifles and the man says not to mention such thing, however Park continues to insist on buying one, and Park succeeds at last and later tells Daesu he did a good job at the police station.


Inside the palace, Eunuch Nam tells Minister Chae he will find out something by tomorrow and Minister Chae says to make it even faster or else someone might be unto them. Prince Yisan continues to kneel outside the King's palace, and one of the servants confess to the crime, and the king is told that Yisan must be exiled from the palace and Hong-ssi who knew about the treason attempt must be rid of as well. Minister Hong tells Hong-ssi it is all over now, while Minister Chae stays by the King's side, awaiting his decision. Nam and Park trail the man who agreed to sell Park some rifle but the man is killed by a masked man who flees immediately after the scene. Nam goes to see the King and reports from what he could find, the evidence of paper left points to Crown Prince Sado, and the king is dismayed. Prince Yisan is taken to the police station, and Song-Yeon watches from the crowd. Song-Yeon then rushes to tell Daesu, but overhears Daesu talking to his uncle saying all they needed to do is to find rifles. Song-Yeon remembers seeing the rifles previously and runs in to tell Eunuch Park she knows where the rifles are. Park rushes back to the palace to inform Nam about this, and a group of soldiers are dispatched to the merchant lord's house Song-Yeon points to. Prince Yisan is brought before the ministers at the police bureau and Yisan is about to receive torture for not confessing, but the King arrives just then, and King Yeongjo tells them to stop the interrogation since there's still something they are trying to verify. The king orders for the rifles found in Yisan's palace brought out before everyone, and King Yeongjo shows everyone the marking that should appear on the rifles, indicating they are manufactured at the weapon factory, and below the marking each rifle is also inscribed with the date it is manufactured. King Yeongjo asks the Byeok-Pa minister to announce the marking from the rifles found at Yisan's palace, and the minister hesitates as he announces it is made in the month of June. Yeongjo says the rifles are newly made, and they were made after Sado's death, which occurred in the month of May. King Yeongjo says unless a ghost can arrange such, someone must be plotting a conspiracy against the young prince.


King Yeongjo brings forward the man who was behind the smuggling of the rifles and the king announces he will not end the matter until the man confesses who ordered him to do these things. Yeongjo orders some of the minsiters to be taken away for their suspicion to conspiracy, and King Yeongjo glances at Yisan who remains still and silent. Afterwards, King Yeongjo looks at Eunuch Nam and smiles slightly as he leaves. The interrogation palaze is cleared, but Yisan remains standing alone, while Nam goes out and tells Song-Yeon and Daesu they did a great job. Song-Yeon says she's glad she could help the prince, but Daesu says it's no use since he probably won't even know about their contribution. That night another secret meeting is held among the Byeok-Pa faction, and they agree they must block all the mouths that can talk. Thus, the man who was locked up in jail is killed by poison, while the other men who worked for Nam were also killed by masked attackers wearing black.


Eunuch Nam informs Yisan about Daesu and Song-Yeon helping him in the matter, and Yisan asks if he can meet them, and Yisan goes out of the palace. In town, Eunuch Park and Daesu are followed by assassins, and Song-Yeon is also approached by another assassin. Song-Yeon is about to be slashed by the assassin, but Park saves her and the three begin to escape with the men trailing closely behind. By the time Yisan and Nam arrive at the Park house, they only discover ripped cloth and remnants of destruction. Song-Yeon, Park and Daesu get on a boat to leave town, while Yisan lingers around the house wondering the fate of his comrades. Aboard the boat, Daesu asks Park where they are going and who the men are, but Park says he doesn't know and he won't say much about the men. Song-Yeon tries to cheer him up by showing him how small the capital is from afar, and Song-Yeon asks Daesu if he thinks the prince knows they left, and how regrettable that they didn't say goodbye to him. Daesu calls Song-Yeon a fool and they can still say goodbye from where they are. Daesu shouts out from the boat his farewell to the prince and he promises he will come back for sure. Song-Yeon also shouts out toward the capital that she will surely come back thus the prince must not forget about their promise. Daesu then suggests they should shout for the prince really loud so that the prince might be able to hear him..


Some years later, Yisan awakes in the middle of the night by the sound of his comrades shouting out for him, and Yisan realizes he dreamed the same dream again. Just then he hears some sounds from outside from the intruder, and the intruder comes in only to discover the prince is not sleeping in his chamber. Instead, Prince Yisan appears infront of him.


Yisan: who sent you?

man: who are you?

Yisan: Who do you think I am? I am Yisan of Eastern Palace, whom you are here to kill.


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hwa-wan ong ju - > 和缓翁主 [ the daughter of King Yeong Jo aka Jeong Jo's aunt . In the drama . i think she is a force which will be creating rivalry for king jeong jo . .

Yisan (Ep. 3):

Yisan confesses to the king and everyone gathered that he was the one at the plaza and asks his grandpa to reconsider his father's loyalty. King Yeongjo is irate about Yisan disobeying his rules and orders for Yisan to be dragged away. Minister HOng pleads for Yisan saying he is only a child, and Yisan continues to plead for his father's forgiveness, telling Yeongjo he is a father too but Yeongjo says he is not, and he is rather the monarch of a nation. All the ministers plead for Yisan, but the King says he will not and gets up to take Yisan away himself, but just then a copule of soldiers arrive on fast horse to announce the passing of Crown Prince Sado. Yisan cannot believe it and falls to his knees crying for his father, while Yeongjo asks the soldier when and is told just a moment ago. Shaken, King Yeongjo walks back to his carriage and tells the ministers to free Yisan, and says Yisan's father saved him today. The king and his entourage leave, and Yisan is left behind kneeling and crying remembering his past times with his father, and Song-Yeon and Dae-Su linger by him. Yisan cries out to his father he has yet to teach him how to shoot an arrow and they have yet to name their puppy thus he cannot leave him like this. Song-Yeon and Dae-Su cry along as they tell Yisan not to weep, but Yisan says he killed his father that the crown prince died because of him.

They urge for the king to call Yisan in and ask him at once, and Yisan is running toward his palace, where they have dugged up some boxes of weapons in the yard. Yisan asks what they are and why they are here. The king arrives and states a few years ago there was a report that Crown Prince Sado was plotting a revolt and acquired secret weapons but he did not believe his son would do such, but now these weapons have surfaced, and the King asks Yisan why they are here, but Yisan kneels and cries out he knows nothing about it.


thx! and thx for the spoilers. haven't had a chance to watch yesterday's episode (ep. 4) but i'm looking forward to it.

Yisan / Jeongjo was supposedly haunted down all his life and there were many many attempts to assasinate him during his reign..

so sad.. T.T. i like the direction of this drama. at first i was thinking it took too long to focus on Yisan's childhood,,

but i think it's very appropriate because his father's death really affected him and really mapped out the course for him to be the eventual righteous king who would not compromise.

so sad . he has so many assasination attempts .@ @ ..seriously seeing how the guards did what they did ..i am amazed he live to the age he had .you cant even live safely in your own palace ..and there isnt anyone you can trust...the king must really be quite a character to endure and go through all this .and still managed to be a wise king .

wow then he must have taken really great care or there must be people who really went out to protect the king .... but yet still at the end ...sigh ..:(

ya .they need to focus on his childhood and how much he had to face with his father death that bond .between father and son .. it will be a more solid foundation for the further happenings ..and tales of his devotion to his deceased father .and the things he do to right his father name . and ohhhhhhhh i read in history . . two years after Prince Sado 's death , King Yeong Jo issued a decree making Prince yi san a posthumously adopted son of Prince Hyojang, the deceased older brother of Prince Sado . . so i guess being Prince Hyojang adopted son make his claim on the throne more proper .then being the son of a Prince who is considered a criminal . son of a criminal cannot hold public office much less become the king . ...i sort of understand why king yeong jo did that .so to make the Grand Heir have a more legitimate claim to the throne ... [it will sort of avoid the shadow of prince sado "supposed crimes" over his son legitimacy ] but it just feel so sad that even his parentage had to be "changed " he must have felt such grief from this .yet he had to accept it .

i still dun get it abt the painting though --;;er will it surfaced later ..strange to bring it up yet end it with such a note but ...that scene of the news coming with prince sado passing was quite emtotional ...

sigh his mother words to him to convince him to go back to the palace again ..sigh it feel like he is send back to the very place which will cost him his life ...but there isnt much choice ..since staying out of it ..will not guaranteer his safety .his mother give him the best possible choice knowing the dangers surrounding them .? .

he just a 11 year old child ...imagine a child like him subject to such situtation ..

Edit .!

thanks for the summaries for the esp 4 as well .! ...the kid is really brave to stand by what he believed in . ..never yielding even when they all assumed there is no othe way out but to place the blame on Prince Sado ..but at the same time i think he feel lost and confused as so many lives also hang on his decision .

i feel touched by his devoted to his father and belief in him .


here some interesting writing on King Jeong Jo .

from http://www.cha.go.kr/english/world_heritage_new/Hwaseong.jsp [ i posted this link before .but this is a part of the article which focus on king jeong jo .filial piety ...

Legacy of Filial Piety

Jeongjo was one of the most able and accomplished monarchs of the Joseon Dynasty, but his reign is often associated primarily with his affection for his parents and artifacts related to his filial devotion. As filial piety was a primary virtue, as much prized as loyalty to the king, in traditional Korean society, Hwaseong Fortress served as a moral inspiration for the people though it had a tragic overtone due to the intensity and pathos characterizing Jeongjo's love for his parents.

The annals of Jeongjo and some literary writings dating from his reign depict week-long festivities held at the newly built city of Hwaseong in the second lunar month of 1795, when construction of the fortress was still under way. Jeongjo ordered festivities to celebrate the 60th birthday of his mother. He also ordered the court artists to paint the scenes of the birthday celebration as well as the procession of the royal entourage to Hwaseong and the memorial rites for Prince Sado observed at his grave. The paintings were mounted in an eight-fold screen which is now kept at the National Museum in Seoul.

Lady Hyegyeong herself described the feast in her memoirs written in 1802. She wrote: "In the spring of Eulmyo year (1795), the late king (Jeongjo) took me to the Prince's tomb and together we paid our respects. Afterwards he held a great feast at Bongsu Pavilion to which he invited male and female relatives and civil and military officials as well, giving them the chance to enjoy themselves drinking and eating until the small hours of the morning. The aged were offered drink at Nangnam Pavilion and the poor were given rice at Sinpung Pavilion. Joyful spirits and the sounds of merriment filled the air from Hwaseong to the capital. All this was to express filial affection for his old mother. Who among the officials and subjects of the entire nation did not admire him and sing his praise?"

The princess was immensely proud of her son and at the same time appreciated his love for her. She wrote about Jeongjo's personality, his academic accomplishments and his love for his parents, as following (Translation from "The Memoirs of Lady Hyegyeong" by JaHyun Kim Haboush):

"The late king was extraordinarily endowed. He had a beautiful and dignified face, an exceptional carriage, and a magnificent physique. He learned to speak and to read at a very early age. From childhood, he was diligent and hard-working; except when he slept and ate, he was seldom without a book in his hand. His accomplishments were superior to those of the wise rulers of old. There was nothing he did not know. Of all the rulers since the sage kings of antiquity, there was none to equal the late king in scholarship or composition, in sagacious virtue, or in wise administration."

"The late king had an innately filial nature. In his later years his filial attentions grew even more thorough and careful, and he served me as though he could not do enough. When he made excursions, even within the city, in recognition of his mother's anxious concern, he repeatedly dispatched messengers bearing notes and greetings. Trips to his father's tomb took days, but, considering my nervousness, he stopped his entourage on the road every two hours to send me his messages. Where can I go now for even one letter from him? Ah! Sadness!"

On the day Prince Sado was ordered to enter a rice chest, Jeongjo, a child not yet ten, lay prostrate behind his father, begging the enraged Yeongjo for his father's life until he was physically removed from the scene. He grieved like an adult and his sad bearing and piteous cries moved all who were present. Two years after Prince Sado's death, Yeongjo issued a decree making the Grand Heir a posthumously adopted son of Prince Hyojang, the deceased older brother of Prince Sado. The decree was to sever the legal relationship of the future king with his father who was condemned for a crime. But it further deepened the sorrow and grudge of Jeongjo for his parents.

After he moved his father's tomb to Mt. Hwasan, Jeongjo built a Buddhist temple named Yongjusa (Dragon Bead Temple) near the tomb and designated it as the tutelary temple for his father. He had his own portrait hung in a pavilion beside his father's tomb to symbolize his wish to be always there. Though he made a wise and able monarch, Jeongjo apparently did not enjoy being on the throne. He said to his mother, "I have occupied the throne not because I coveted it but because I had to do for the nation. In the coming Gapja year (1804), my son will reach his fifteenth year, and I will be able to abdicate the throne to him. I will then be able to fulfill my greatest wishes. I will retire to Hwaseong with Your Ladyship to the task of rendering to Prince Sado the supreme honors that I could not grant from the throne."

Through his son, Jeongjo wished to honor his condemned father with the title of a posthumous king and his mother the title of a queen. But he died suddenly in 1800 for a mysterious reason, without seeing his lifelong wishes realized by his son, Seonjo.

Lee Kyong-hee, World Heritage in Korea (Seoul: Organizing Committee for thr Year of Cultural Heritage 1997 & Samsung Foundation of Culture, 1997)


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Guest mineowyn

On the day Prince Sado was ordered to enter a rice chest, Jeongjo, a child not yet ten, lay prostrate behind his father, begging the enraged Yeongjo for his father's life until he was physically removed from the scene. He grieved like an adult and his sad bearing and piteous cries moved all who were present. Two years after Prince Sado's death, Yeongjo issued a decree making the Grand Heir a posthumously adopted son of Prince Hyojang, the deceased older brother of Prince Sado. The decree was to sever the legal relationship of the future king with his father who was condemned for a crime. But it further deepened the sorrow and grudge of Jeongjo for his parents.

Wow, Jeong-Jo still hated his mom? o_O

I think I would have been severely traumatized if I had to deal with death and politics at the age of 11.

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Guest babymarzy07

^^happy chuseok ..in my area we called it as mid autumn festival .^^

yes the kid need a hug .poor boy ..throw into such situation . he just a kid and already ..people are seeing him as a obstacle they need to remove .

or mooncake festival right? i celebrate the same :)

i felt so bad for Yi San as a boy growing up. he had to undergo so many hardships. and even if the future. i admire his filial piety.

i understand his grandpa meant well not favoring him and not consenting to everything but i find he has an "iron hand" and is one to easily get dsipleased. even in the future, it seems with all the drama and politics of the palace. but he seems like a very old soul even when he is young. i love those flashbacks with Yi san and Prince Sado.

oh... question, he calls the king chona or choha too? and people call him the same isnt it confusing especially if they are in the same scene together? hehehe who are they actually referring too.

hi! i am/was, but i haven't been able to for a very long time bc i've been so busy! i have no idea if they're going to pick up on it~ i apologize! >_<

no need for spoiler marks since it already happened~ hehe one of the palace workers (i don't know her character's name, but her real name is cho sumi) later tells the head queen that if he marries so yeon, there will be war and turmoil in the palace~ and the politics of king/workers/etc. will be ruined. (i can't remember the EXACT details, but it's somewhere along these lines. if i'm totally wrong, someone please correct me!) so despite the fact that the other girl that yisan marries cannot have children, the queen choose her to be his bride. (right? i'm pretty sure the maid said she cannot give birth.)

hmmm.. sounds like the same reason on King and I a bit... So now im curious.. can anyone verify? ^^

thanks dramaok!! that makes better sense. now i understand better. looks like that other kid, will spell trouble in the later eps? or not?

aghhhh i wanna see Soo Yeon and Yi San meet up again after all this while!!

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hmmm.. sounds like the same reason on King and I a bit... So now im curious.. can anyone verify? ^^

thanks dramaok!! that makes better sense. now i understand better. looks like that other kid, will spell trouble in the later eps? or not?

aghhhh i wanna see Soo Yeon and Yi San meet up again after all this while!!

OMG! babymarzy07! i can't believe no one corrected me before now! YOU'RE RIGHT! IT IS FROM KING AND I! i got them mixed up! HAHAHAHA soooo sorry for the confusion! ok. totally ignore my postttttttt!!! *runs off to edit*

thanks dramaok and shirley for the info!!!!!!!! but that's so weird. o_O they changed a female into a male? i wonder why.. (or am i totally missing something).. i probably am. sorry i am so slow! o_Ov

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<!--quoteo(post=7253622:date=Sep 26 2007, 02:53 AM:name=mikaney.)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mikaney. @ Sep 26 2007, 02:53 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=7253622"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->but that's so weird. o_O they changed a female into a male? i wonder why.. (or am i totally missing something).. i probably am. sorry i am so slow! o_Ov <!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

what o.O

i think that's King and I too. <img src="http://cdn.vanillaforums.com/soompi.vanillaforums.com/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />


<!--quoteo(post=7252981:date=Sep 26 2007, 12:29 AM:name=babymarzy07)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(babymarzy07 @ Sep 26 2007, 12:29 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=7252981"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->oh... question, he calls the king chona or choha too? and people call him the same isnt it confusing especially if they are in the same scene together? hehehe who are they actually referring too.

hmmm.. sounds like the same reason on King and I a bit... So now im curious.. can anyone verify? ^^<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

<!--coloro:#FF0000--><span style="color:#FF0000"><!--/coloro--><b>see post below for corrected answer.</b><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->

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I thought that the JeonHa title refers to the Crown Prince? Am I wrong? Or is it Taeja Jeonha? :huh:

actually i was wrong earlier too.

there's a difference..

Jeon-ha [전하]= royal highness/majesty (for KING)

Jeo-Ha [저하]= royal highness/majesty (for Prince)

they sound similar but not quite. Song-Yeon and the other subordinates are calling Yisan 'Jeo-Ha'..

but the king is called 'Jeon-Ha' or sometimes 'Jusang Jeonha' (your sovereign majesty).

The king and Yisan's mother are caling Yisan 'Se Sohn' for 'royal heir'.

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what o.O

i think that's King and I too. :D

no i mean for this: (on first page)

"Jo Yeon-Woo [조연우]

as Jeong Hu-Kyeom [정후겸]

Prince Hwa-Wan's adoptive son.

Jo yeon-woo was in 'what's up fox' and currently on 'moon-hee'"

didn't shirley say "hwa-wan ong ju - > 和缓翁主 [ the daughter of King Yeong Jo aka Jeong Jo's aunt . In the drama . i think she is a force which will be creating rivalry for king jeong jo ." << it's a SHE? i'm so lost.. i give up!

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Guest mariella

the little actor playing Yisan~ he's such a good kid actor,, I remember seeing him in that movie [forgot the name > <]

it was a movie who also stars Cha In Pyo's wife~ and I remember how talented he is! Can't wait for the next EP! ^^

The movie was called icekeki. He was also in the beginning several episodes to the drama "Golden Apple" (with the lead girl from "Golden Bride" ironically). He was SO amazing in that one and this was I think two years ago.

He was in a lot of dramas actually. I think this role is his most challenging one so far. I'm impressed he's able to say all those ancient, official, Korean words so naturally.

As for the other two kids, they were so adorable.. but I'm wasn't that impressed with their acting. Children actor/actresses these days are just really good and the standards have become higher.

I translated some parts to this article for those that are interested.

[추석 연휴 TV] 드라마 이산… “푸근한 사랑 나누는 명절 되세요”


  “국민일보 독자 여러분, 긴 연휴 기간을 알차게 보내시고 고향길 오가시는 데 특별히 사고 생기지 않도록 조심하시기 바랍니다.”(이서진)

  “사랑하는 이와 풍성한 한가위를 보내지 못하는 분들이 주변에 많은 것 같아요. 모든 분과 사랑을 나누는 한가위 되세요.”(한지민)

  인기리에 방송 중인 MBC 드라마 ‘이산’의 남녀 주인공 이서진(34)과 한지민(25)이 추석을 맞아 덕담을 나누었다. 서울 여의도동 MBC 본사 스튜디오에서 만난 두 사람은 풍성한 명절이 되기를 기원했다.

  정작 자신들은 ‘이산’ 촬영 때문에 추석 연휴를 반납했다. 비록 몸은 가족과 함께할 수 없어도 추석에 얽힌 추억을 떠올리는 것만으로도 행복하단다.

  한지민에게 추석은 왁자지껄한 잔치다. “할아버지, 할머니를 모시고 살았기 때문에 추석 때면 친척들이 다 우리 집으로 모였어요. 많을 때는 20명도 넘었죠. 그래서 엄마랑 음식 준

For HJM, Chusok means family feast. "Because we also lived with my grandfather and grandmother, over 20 relatives would come to our house during Chusok.

비도 많이 했어요. 녹두고 갈고, 동그랑땡도 만들고, 송편도 빚고. 나름대로 한다고 했는데 엄마는 옆에 없는 게 도와주는 거라고 핀잔을 주시던데요.”

That is why my mother and I did a lot of food preparations. I would grind nokdoo, make dongurangteng, make songpyun. I tried my best but my mother would always jokingly say that not being there would be more helpful to her."

  한지민은 “어렸을 때는 마냥 좋았는데 나이가 들면서 엄마가 참 힘드셨겠다는 생각을 했어요. 저는 나중에 엄마처럼 할 수 있을지 모르겠어요”라며 어머니의 노고를 잊지 않았다.

For HJM "When I was young, Chusok was just enjoyable but now that I'm older I realize how difficult it was for my mother. When I become a mother, I wonder if I can do it as well as her" HJM said, not forgetting the tireless efforts of her mother.

  음식 얘기가 나오자 “차례상에 올라가는 닭고기를 너무 좋아해요. 닭을 삶아서 간장소스를 적당히 끼얹는 건데 아주 맛있어요”라며 눈을 반짝거렸다. 한자리에 모인 친척은 그녀의 든든한 후원군이다. “밤낮없이 일하다 보니 건강을 염려하는 분들이 많아요. 드라마에 대해서도 좋은 얘기를 많이 해주시고요.”

As soon as the topic of food comes out "On the feast table, I love the chicken the best. The chicken has a slight soy sauce sauce but is really delicious." she says while her eyes twinkle. The relatives who gathered together are her supporters. "Because I work all day and night, they(relatives) worry about me a lot. They even discuss things about the drama with me."

  반면 외국 생활을 많이 한 이서진은 추석에 대한 추억이 별로 없다며 머쓱해했다. “외국 생활 후에 군대를 다녀왔고 바로 연예계 일을 시작해서 온 가족이 모여 추석을 보낸 기억이 없어요. 올해도 이산 촬영 때문에 쉬는 날 없이 촬영장에서 추석을 보낼 것 같네요. 촬영장에 있는 사람들이 친척 같아요.”

On the other hand, LSJ who has lived abroad a lot, doesn't have many Chusok memories. "I went to the army and lived abroad then went right into the entertainment industry so I don't have memories of my family getting together for Chusok. Because of Yisan, I don't have a day off this year too so it seems I spent Chusok here as well on the set. It seems that the people here on the set are my relatives."

  그러나 ‘이산’에 대한 열정 때문에 아쉬워할 틈도 없는 그다. “이산은 정조대왕의 인간적인 모습을 다룹니다. 한 개인이 왕이 되는 과정을 다루고 궁중 장면도 기존과 다른 시각에서 접근하는 만큼 멋진 드라마가 될 겁니다.”

  두 사람은 이번에 처음 연기 호흡을 맞춘다. “지민씨는 적극적으로 열심히 하고 자기 생각이 뚜렷해요. 자기 몫을 충분히 하는 배우라고 생각합니다.”(이서진)

This is the first time collaborating for the two leads. " HJM is extremely hard working/diligent and she has clear,strong morals/beliefs. She always does her job more than expected." (from LSJ)

  “빨리 친해져 평소엔 장난도 치면서 지내지만 연기를 할 때면 아주 진지하고 친절하게 가르쳐 줘요.”(한지민)

"We became close fast because he was always joking with me but when he acts, he's very serious and helpful (as a senior)" (from HJM)

  ‘이산’은 한 달 가량 먼저 방송된 SBS ‘왕과 나’와 맞대결을 펼쳐야 한다. 시청률에 대한 부담이 있을 법하지만 두 배우는 시청률에 연연하지 않는 의연함을 보였다. 이서진은 “욕심을 버리고 촬영에 임하고 있습니다. 잘하려다 보면 힘이 많이 들어가더라고요”라며 담담하게 말했다.

(article mentions their rival "King and I" on SBS)

LSJ: "I have thrown away ambition/greed and come to the set that way. If I try too hard, I find that it becomes too difficult"

  사극 첫 주연을 맡은 한지민은 “부담감보다는 책임감을 느끼면서 임하고 있어요. 배역 맡는 것을 결정하기까지는 어려웠지만 이후로는 긍정적인 생각을 많이 해요. 왕과 나와 경쟁하는 것은 사극에 대한 관심이 많아진다는 점에서 좋은 것 같아요”라고 말했다.

HJM: " Instead of being burdened, I want to just feel responsibility when working. It was a difficult decision for me to take on this role, but now I only think positively. Because there is a lot of interest between the rivalry of King and I and our drama, it just means there has been a significant increase in interest in Korean Saguek dramas and that is a wonderful thing."

  두 사람은 추석 연휴에도 ‘이산’을 사랑해줄 것을 당부했다. “연휴 기간 온가족이 함께 둘러 앉아서 ‘이산’ 많이 봐주세요.”

"Please watch lots of Yisan with all your family" (both)

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Some happy news for our wonderful soompiers.. I have decided to coordinate this project with the fabulous MrsKorea and we will do this project as an INDEPENDENT PROJECT. Of course, my fellow WITH S2 members will help us out if needed, but this project is NOT a WITH S2 project.

It's an independent project with MrsKorea subbing on her own and me helping her out. Our progress will be slower (since MrsKorea is subbing Legend for WITH S2 also)- but we will do the best we can. The subs might not be as flawless.. but MrsKorea is one of the best translator I've known.. so we're in great shape.

Please cheer us on.. as it's 60 episodes (* thank you mic for the correction.. OMG.. *faint*) .. but we are both very dedicated and it's our goal to finish off this project.!!!

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actually i was wrong earlier too.

there's a difference..

Jeon-ha [전하]= royal highness/majesty (for KING)

Jeo-Ha [저하]= royal highness/majesty (for Prince)

they sound similar but not quite. Song-Yeon and the other subordinates are calling Yisan 'Jeo-Ha'..

but the king is called 'Jeon-Ha' or sometimes 'Jusang Jeonha' (your sovereign majesty).

The king and Yisan's mother are caling Yisan 'Se Sohn' for 'royal heir'.

ohh thks . now i got a better picture of the terms use.^

no i mean for this: (on first page)

"Jo Yeon-Woo [조연우]

as Jeong Hu-Kyeom [정후겸]

Prince Hwa-Wan's adoptive son.

Jo yeon-woo was in 'what's up fox' and currently on 'moon-hee'"

didn't shirley say "hwa-wan ong ju - > 和缓翁主 [ the daughter of King Yeong Jo aka Jeong Jo's aunt . In the drama . i think she is a force which will be creating rivalry for king jeong jo ." << it's a SHE? i'm so lost.. i give up!

:P i never notice it was wriiten as Prince Hwa Wan ..but i am pretty sure it should be a princess -; or am i confused too ..

lol ya when u watch too many dramas at the same time you can kinda of mixed up the characters and story ..especially between King and I and YI san ..is like i need to be careful of which part of chosun dynasty i am in ..

The movie was called icekeki. He was also in the beginning several episodes to the drama "Golden Apple" (with the lead girl from "Golden Bride" ironically). He was SO amazing in that one and this was I think two years ago.

He was in a lot of dramas actually. I think this role is his most challenging one so far. I'm impressed he's able to say all those ancient, official, Korean words so naturally.

As for the other two kids, they were so adorable.. but I'm wasn't that impressed with their acting. Children actor/actresses these days are just really good and the standards have become higher.

I translated some parts to this article for those that are interested.

ya . i think the performance of some child/teenage actors had set such high standards . seeing how he put emotions into those long lines he had to speak ..was impressive ..for a kid his age . ..though at times the offical and serious tone was just so "heavy" to hear from a kid ....the other two child actors dont really stand out as much but still adorable especially young dae suk .lol ..

thanks for the translation on HJM and LSJ's Chusok holidays


Some happy news for our wonderful soompiers.. I have decided to coordinate this project with the fabulous MrsKorea and we will do this project as an INDEPENDENT PROJECT. Of course, my fellow WITH S2 members will help us out when they can, but this project is NOT a WITH S2 project.

that's great news .thks mily2 and Mrskorea ! .hope more ppl will get to watch this drama soon !

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wave wave to Mic & shirley and the "old" damo crew.. glad to see familiar faces.. ehhehe.. Will definitely stop by this thread often .. thank you shirley and mic for all the goodies.. you guys rock!!

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Guest babymarzy07

OMG! babymarzy07! i can't believe no one corrected me before now! YOU'RE RIGHT! IT IS FROM KING AND I! i got them mixed up! HAHAHAHA soooo sorry for the confusion! ok. totally ignore my postttttttt!!! *runs off to edit*

lol!! hehehe that's cool. i confuse timelines too sometimes and the names. so yeah no biggie. :)

actually i was wrong earlier too.

there's a difference..

Jeon-ha [전하]= royal highness/majesty (for KING)

Jeo-Ha [저하]= royal highness/majesty (for Prince)

they sound similar but not quite. Song-Yeon and the other subordinates are calling Yisan 'Jeo-Ha'..

but the king is called 'Jeon-Ha' or sometimes 'Jusang Jeonha' (your sovereign majesty).

The king and Yisan's mother are caling Yisan 'Se Sohn' for 'royal heir'.

thanks for the clarification dramaok! it did sound a bit different but i wasnt too sure about the words. im not that familiar with.

thanks mariella for the trans! i really like HJM, she seems very genuine and down to earth. :)

thank u emily and MrsKorea! lets do our best to support them!! :) aja aja!! drop by more often emily :)

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