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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest monoceros

I dislike both JY and MA... both are too annoying and frustrating to relate to. One just lets everyone walk all over her and the other one just walks over everyone else. I hope both have someone smack some sense into them like MA likes to do to everyone else.

well, if that's the case, you should dislike SA too then.. she walks over everyone too..it's a battle of presumptuousness between her and MA

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Guest damifino

^ Well, that goes without saying :) Personally, I would enjoy the show a lot more if by some freak accident SJ and SA meet JY on board a boat that sank... with no survivors! Maybe then, I wouldn't have to keep hearing each of them whine and/or mope about how miserable their lives are when they each have brought on their own misery through their own actions.

As I've said a couple of times before, the only people that I still like on the show are limited to Mr. and Mrs. Bong, and Mr. Na right now... BH and DP are slowly creeping back into my good graces after having fallen out of favor in the past few weeks :)

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what's up wih the hugging part between JY and SJ..Stop thinking about him you stupid girl..You have a very nice guy waiting for you to accept him, stop thinking about the jerk cause he is married, and although he is your ex but he is married right now, belongs to someone else.If you continue seeing him, i think you will get a another visit from the witchie granny...And this time it will be a disaster...

Sorry but i need to let go my frustration...Erm, i think the writer is trying to prove that you will regret by marrying someone bcos of money and that scene trying the sinify it??Mayb??

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Guest dramaok

ep. 123 (friday feb 22, 08 broadcast):


SJ: i'm sorry, jiyeong, sorry.. (hugs her)

JY: i've barely survived through it.. barely endured through.. at last i can live now, and what do you want me to do?

SJ: --

JY: what do you want me to do? do i continue meeting you like this? is that what you want, oppa?

SJ: no, that's not it, jiyeong.

JY: then why are you like this really (pushes him away)?

SJ: jiyeong, forgive me. i'm sorry (hugs her again)

JY: (weeps)


JY: the toughest for me to endure were the times we spent together. the sweet words you spoke to me, the things we did together, and sitting here like this eating icecream smiling and chatting.. they were all lies.

SJ: they were not lies, then.

JY: no. they are. you made them so... oppa, you and i are nothing now. even if we really miss each other and meet, there is no meaning or hope to it now. it is just painful and difficult. isn't it hard for you too, oppa?

SJ: --

JY: oppa, let's forget together. i'll forget you, and you forget me. let's do that, or else it will be really hard for me.

SJ: jiyeong ah..

JY: you can do that right?

SJ: yes i got it. i won't make it hard on your anymore.

JY: don't come anymore, and don't call anymore, and don't acknowledge me even if we run into each other at the streets.. and don't even think of me.


JY: you shouldu go.

SJ: (nods) be well.

JY: you too, oppa.


[Manager Shin tells marketing team 2 to get their acts together and be on alert since marketing team 1 already put out a soup sample]


BH's textmsg: "let's meet at the parking lot in a little bit. there's somewhere for us to go together. from: dol-soe."

[btw; 'dolsoe' is a common name of servant boy in the old days. there is also a folklore about a cow herding servant boy name dolsoe who fell in love with the madam of the house]



DP: is this the place you said we must come together today?

BH: yup

DP: what the... this place looks super expensive.

BH: i found it through the net, but i didn't realize it was this nice.

DP: let's just leave. a place like this cost a lot it's no joke.

BH: hey why.. today's is our first date! it's ok. i told you i'm buying. now let's see.. what do you want to eat, Danpoong ssi? just order everything you want.

DP: are you nuts? i said, let's just go.

BH: but..


DP: Baekho ssi. i'm not hungry..

BH: but we already came it let's have dinner. (looks at menu) oh? there's no price?

DP: let's see. oh.. you're right.

BH: it's a lotta work choosing. let's just go w/ today's menu. how about course A. (to waiter) 2 sets of course a please.

waiter: yes.

BH: wait. Danpoong ssi, how about wine?

DP: wine too?

BH: of course. it's our first date. we should celebrate w/ wine. (to waiter) a bottle of wine too, please.

DP: regardless, i had a delicious meal....

BH: oh this is nothing. but i guess it's because this is a classy restaurant.. the steak was so tender. let's come again next time.

DP: (nods)

BH: Danpoong ssi you go out first.


you go first.. since i'll be paying, you know...

DP: okay


BH: (takes envelope of cash out) how much is it?

cashier: 42,6000 won (~ $420 usd)

BH: what!! 42,6000? noway! can you calculate again!

cashier: it's correct. 30,0000 won for 2 course A meals and 12,6000 for the bottle of wine. so the total is 42,6000.

BH: hold on.. 42,6000! but i only have 30,0000.. what am i to do.. i dont' even have credit card.. um. excuse me.. i only have 32,1000 won with me right now. could i leave my resident id card and pay for the rest later?

cashier: what?

BH: and this watch isn't really expensive but i'll leave that too.


DP: (comes) why is it taking so long?

BH: oh i said to wait outside...

DP: is there a problem?

cashier: it seems the customer has insufficient money.

DP: what! how much is he short?

cashier: 15,0000 (~ $150)

DP: (hands credit card) please put the rest on this then..



DP: how much do you make a month to be eating at a place like this! do you do any thinking? if we left when i suggested earlier we wouldn't have suffered such embarassment.. gee i'm speechless.. you leave your resident id card when you're short on cash? wait a minute. Kang baekho ssi, is this how you always live? a little credit debt here and there and leaving behind your id card behind, a life of total wreck!

BH: oh! what is that!! (pointing to the sky)

DP: what what?

BH: there there!

DP: where!

BH: (grabs her finger and points up) there! a UFO is flying away.

DP: what? a UFO (searches for it)


BH: (glancing at her closely) heehee.

DP: hey what are you doing!!


BH: (smile) don't look at me like that.. i'm scared..

DP: what? heh!

BH: hehe. (nudges her shoulder)


DP: huhuhuh gee...



BH: go in...

DP: but it's cold. i'll take you home instead.

BH: it's okay. go in (gets out of the car)

BH: hehe go in.

DP: you go first. no.. i think it'll be really hard for you to go home on a bus at this hour. i'll take you home.

BH: heh.. are you so worried about me?

DP: ack.. it's not that..


BH: aye... but it is... hehe..


DP: oh just leave if you're gonna be a tease! omo! hurry and hide. my dad's car is coming.

BH: what? (runs to hide)

DP: dad!

dad: oh you're just arriving? let's go in.

DP: yes (looks at BH who is waving at her).

dad: what are you doing?

DP: nothing

dad: it's cold let's go in.


BH: (sigh) but until when do i need to be hiding like this..



mom: oh? what's this seaweed rice for?

BH: it'll be lunch for me and breakfast for the family. i lost a lotta points to you and granny lately..

mom: oh you know huh?

BH: course. i have that much sense. should i even make egg soup to raise the points all the way up!

mom: gee i'll make the soup okay?



BH: Na Danpoong!

DP: are you nuts! what if someone hears you?

BH: my fault. (shout) i'm sorry, team lead (bow)!

BH: jjajjan! hehe let's eat box lunch together.

DP: you made all that? that's gotta be a lotta work. why did you do that making yourself tired.

BH: (whispering) just say it if you like it!


[elevator arrives and BH whisks DP into it. SJ is standing behind them and sees the scene]



ko: Kang Baekho ssi must have something good happening to him lately. just look at how happy he is.

DP: (looks away)



[i guess ssonia is back]


[JY's dad, Jaebok seems pretty down. looks like he might lose the house to debters]


GJ: let's toast, to our Jaebok brother's health.

JB: why does this alchohol taste like water.

GJ: just drink it as alchohol. ppl drink alchohol to be comforted. so you can drink this for that, but it won't harm your healthy or pain me, so it'll kill 3 stones at once.



DJ: Jongsoon, we are friends outside of our in-law relationship.

JS: so?

DJ: even if you ask 100 times it's still wrong that my son didn't go to the marriage match meeting, but couldn't you let it go and cover it a bit on our friendships account?

JS: omo. what are you talking about right now? i've lost my credibility because of it!

DJ: you know very well that things aren't great between me and mother lately. do you have to come here like this and be flaming the fire?

JS: gee. omomo shouldn't you be angry at your thoughtless son right now instead of me?

DJ: what did you say? thoughtless?

JS: i mean it's a basic thing to think about someone else. if he really didn't want to go he should've said it beforehand.

DJ: you shouldn't be mocking other ppl's children no matter what. why don't you leave now you must be so busy with your greatly accomplished children!

JS: omomo. yes i shall then, madam inlaw.



JY: why are you staring at me like that?

WJ: no. actually i was worried a lot about you yesterday but i think you look good today.

JY: yup you're right. i won't be drinking too much in the future, and i'll be living really well, so don't worry.

WJ: just let me know if you need me. if you ask me to grab onto you i'll do that, and if you ask me to tie you up tight i'll do that too. keke.

JY: what? tie me up tight? gee..



BH: "what are you doing? hurry and come up to the rooftop! from? dolsoe."



DP: omo. when did you all do that!

BH: hehe i borrowed this fold-up dinning set.. oh but should i have gotten permission from the teamlead?...

DP: tsk... but why box lunch all of a sudden?

DP: but you didnt' eat it the last time i brought box lunch. plus it's fun to eat this here.. like a picnic.


BH: jjan!

DP: oh it's so pretty.. it's too pretty to eat.

BH: then just watch instead while i eat.

DP: gee how can you say that infront of a hungry person!

BH: let's eat! start!


SJ: what are you two doing right now!


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Dramaok!! Welcome back!! ^_____^

Hope you had a wonderful vacation!So happy to see you again and glad/relieved that you made it back when we're still feeling the new DanBaek couple love!! :D Now I am at peace..hehehe.^^

Posted the streaming link the other day :) ,so here's a download link for those of you who wanted it:

08.02.19 YeoYuManMan - Kim Ji Suk and Han Ji Hye (WMV ~ 15.7 mb)




And a link for the older YYMM clip:

08.01.07 YYMM KJS & HJH (WMV)



And since I'm posting abt this interview,might as well post a few caps that some MiGo fans talked about...reality vs acting? :sweatingbullets::D




And thanx Khai for the cuts! :w00t:

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Hi dramaok ... glad to see you back ... hope you had a great time ! Thanks for this much-needed translations ... bm did a good job during your absence & she kept us well-informed on the exciting parts of the drama ...

I've never laughed watching a drama as much as I did while viewing the embarassing moments of BH trying to settle the dinner bill ... he even offered to leave his watch & scooped all his coins to come up with the amount to be paid, but still he run short ... I was giggling like crazy last nite. :lol::D and when DP started to scold him nonstop, he distracted her by his comical antics, pointing to an imaginary UFO ... how can DP rant in this instance ... she can't help but laugh & forgot about that awkward experience they had ...

I like this KJS ... he is a natural! :D

SJ should stop confusing JY by his unexpected & unwanted visits. Tho' JY did not seek him out, she can be blamed again by SA, Mrs. Na & granny witch ... those teary good-byes should be the last since there's nothing more to settle after SJ asked forgiveness. This is the closure we want to hear .... SJ is now ready to be the good little boy who'll be obedient to his mommy dearest to be a loving & devoted husband .... right, gerryg?

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Wooowww....dramaok, welcome back!!! Miss you so much. When I saw the summary, I knew it dramaok's style ;) So surprised :D

Thanks to khai & warrhero for cut scene also bm for the YYMM upload...Thanks friends.... :wub:

They're the younger version while BH's mother and DP's mother are the same character just older and I dislike both of them crazy

yeah..just realized it :lol:

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Guest allydean

Welcome back dramaok,..! :)

Thanks Khai for the cuts and warrhero for the much needed translation,..

And since I'm posting abt this interview,might as well post a few caps that some MiGo fans talked about...reality vs acting? :sweatingbullets::D

wow,.. he really looked like he didn't need to act for that scene,.. :lol: could it be,.......

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Guest dramaok

thx. oh man when did Baekho get so um.. hm... let's see... what is the word i am looking for... so... gross? no that's not it.. but he changed.. his speech and his body language everything's so much like a little boy in love. okay i need to go back to last week's episodes... they haven't made out or anything right? if so can someone just tell me the episode now? so i can re-group my CB priorities.

bom! are you starting a rumor about HJH and KJS? keke.. but i agree they have great chemistry and KJS looks like he's in love with Danpoong onscreen and offscreen. and i just realized both HJH and KJS have dimples in such unusual places. HJH has one on her upper cheek and KJS has his at the edge of his jawline. you can't see them when they smile sometimes but it comes out from different angles and i think that's so sexy and cute.

oh after not seeing the pig for a while i kinda felt sorry for him in today's episode.. but his crying in the car was super weird. it's like he's crying and checking the sideview mirror to see if someone's following him.


maybe it's Karma!! keke.

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just musing,... the last time we saw characters change their hairstyles in this show, those characters have a major change in their lives or attitute (e.g. SJ and JY),.. this time DP changes her hairstyle and she starts dating BH,.. but JY goes back to her old hairstyle,.. does that have to mean anything? or it's just me thinking too much again,.. those makeup people could be as clueless

allydean, I feel that too...DP changed her hair-style when she and BH dating. Means a new phase of their love. How about JY? Does it mean JY will be back with pig?? Oh..nooo.... :o

Hopefully the writers aren't rushing things already... just when I am starting to enjoy the start of mushy wushy DPxBH.

markiemark, I love that too. Their shy and smiling faces all around in almost whole episodes recently....love it :wub:

ke2..I don't even wanna imagine how the reaction of Witch Jr is going to be when she finds out. And yeah,we dont need a kiss scene for DanBaek's beginning,but we still need that first kiss to happen soon though,and we need it..fast!

bm, when I announce their dating to my friends, the first question is how's their first kiss :lol: I'd to tell them, unfortunately it hasn't happened yet -_-

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And since I'm posting abt this interview,might as well post a few caps that some MiGo fans talked about...reality vs acting? :sweatingbullets::D

Very keen observation whether he's BH or KJS he stared at her same way :)

Welcome back, we are so much into Danbaek loving mode.

About the kiss, before i go with the majority a DP initiated kiss will be better...but I think DP has done a lot now..so i think it will be more romantic now if its BH who will do it.


As for the "pig"...his tears will not make me pity him ever!

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Guest allydean

thx. oh man when did Baekho get so um.. hm... let's see... what is the word i am looking for... so... gross? no that's not it.. but he changed.. his speech and his body language everything's so much like a little boy in love.

He did change a bit,.. hmm,.. I think that would be since ep 122,... anybody can second this?

okay i need to go back to last week's episodes... they haven't made out or anything right? if so can someone just tell me the episode now? so i can re-group my CB priorities.

unfortunately not,.. but they did have an almost kiss scenario (and it started some interesting discussion on other forum),... that would be ep 118,..

i just realized both HJH and KJS have dimples in such unusual places. HJH has one on her upper cheek and KJS has his at the edge of his jawline. you can't see them when they smile sometimes but it comes out from different angles and i think that's so sexy and cute.

I noticed the dimples too,... hmm,.. we need screencaps of the dimples,...

oh after not seeing the pig for a while i kinda felt sorry for him in today's episode.. but his crying in the car was super weird. it's like he's crying and checking the sideview mirror to see if someone's following him.

maybe it's Karma!! keke.

:lol: he's paranoid already!

ke2, I hope JY going back to her old hairstyle is just a matter of fashion,... JY looks like she's ready to move on,.. SJ, not so much,.. but he did take a second look at SA

rafaelle,.. I'm with you on BH to initiate the first kiss,..

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HAHAHAAAAAAAA.......DanBaek 1st date was soooo hilarious..... :lol::lol:

Can't stop laughing seeing BH facial expression when he heard the bills he should pays & DP keep nagging at BH after they left the restaurant until BH can't stand 2 hear it anymore & starts make a trick that he saw UFO,DP get excited with the UFO!!! :lol::lol: (if i'm not mistaken. :unsure: )

Heard BH said UFO & i guess he makes a trick 2 DP in order 2 make her stop nagging....hahaaa..so funny...

I've never laughed watching a drama as much as I did while viewing the embarassing moments of BH trying to settle the dinner bill ... he even offered to leave his watch & scooped all his coins to come up with the amount to be paid, but still he run short ... I was giggling like crazy last nite. :lol::D and when DP started to scold him nonstop, he distracted her by his comical antics, pointing to an imaginary UFO ... how can DP rant in this instance ... she can't help but laugh & forgot about that awkward experience they had ...

I like this KJS ... he is a natural! :D

hafi and Carmina,I totally laughed out loud watching those scenes myself too last night! :lol: BH's various expressions/antics; shocked at the bill's total-desperately coaxing the cashier-embrassed and guilty in front of DP-trying to distract DP with an UFO appearance(no less);they were just really :lol::lol: .And honestly,wasn't the sequence of events that happened on their first date exactly like what one would expect from DanBaek,considering the way they've had their relationship going so far?? :lol:

thx. oh man when did Baekho get so um.. hm... let's see... what is the word i am looking for... so... gross? no that's not it.. but he changed.. his speech and his body language everything's so much like a little boy in love.

He is..acting like a silly school boy in love for the first time that is. :lol: It can be a bit awkward to watch,makes you cringe at times,but he can't help himself..he's just so in love,probably too much in love to care how silly he looks. :lol: And somehow I love looking at BH finally able to show off his true feelings after trying so hard to keep it bottled up inside all this time. :)

bom! are you starting a rumor about HJH and KJS? keke.. but i agree they have great chemistry and KJS looks like he's in love with Danpoong onscreen and offscreen. and i just realized both HJH and KJS have dimples in such unusual places. HJH has one on her upper cheek and KJS has his at the edge of his jawline. you can't see them when they smile sometimes but it comes out from different angles and i think that's so sexy and cute.

:sweatingbullets: Aniyo,I really didn't have that intention dramaok..really. :D Someone posted them at dcgall and after I read what people were saying about it,thought maybe I could share it here as well..You know,see what other people thinks of it..keke. And I didn't mention the dimples now did I? :P I think it should be more obvious with caps though. ;)

And the eps to watch should be 121-122..it seemed like a number of people purposely missed out on these eps in Korea,only to watch 123 in surprise to discover that they're already together! B)

maybe it's Karma!! keke.

maybe it really was!!slowly creeping up on him.. :lol:

but I think DP has done a lot now..so i think it will be more romantic now if its BH who will do it.

Good point rafaelle..I guess after all that's been said and done,BH should be the one making the move,after all I'm sure he's just raring to do so! :lol:

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Guest koreandramadabest


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Ep.123 caps Part 1:

Dialogue translations by dramaok.

SJ: i'm sorry, jiyeong, sorry.. (hugs her)

JY: i've barely survived through it.. barely endured through.. at last i can live now, and what do you want me to do?

SJ: --

JY: what do you want me to do? do i continue meeting you like this? is that what you want, oppa?

SJ: no, that's not it, jiyeong.

JY: then why are you like this really (pushes him away)?

SJ: jiyeong, forgive me. i'm sorry (hugs her again)

JY: (weeps)



JY: the toughest for me to endure were the times we spent together. the sweet words you spoke to me, the things we did together, and sitting here like this eating icecream smiling and chatting.. they were all lies.

SJ: they were not lies, then.

JY: no. they are. you made them so... oppa, you and i are nothing now. even if we really miss each other and meet, there is no meaning or hope to it now. it is just painful and difficult. isn't it hard for you too, oppa?

SJ: --

JY: oppa, let's forget together. i'll forget you, and you forget me. let's do that, or else it will be really hard for me.

SJ: jiyeong ah..

JY: you can do that right?

SJ: yes i got it. i won't make it hard on your anymore.

JY: don't come anymore, and don't call anymore, and don't acknowledge me even if we run into each other at the streets.. and don't even think of me



JY: you should go.

SJ: (nods) be well.

JY: you too, oppa.



BH's textmsg: "let's meet at the parking lot in a little bit. there's somewhere for us to go together. from: dol-soe."




DP: is this the place you said we must come together today?

BH: yup

DP: what the... this place looks super expensive.

BH: i found it through the net, but i didn't realize it was this nice.

DP: let's just leave. a place like this cost a lot it's no joke.

BH: hey why.. today's is our first date! it's ok. i told you i'm buying. now let's see.. what do you want to eat, Danpoong ssi? just order everything you want.

DP: are you nuts? i said, let's just go.

BH: but..



The menu has no price listed...of course :lol:


BH:Danpoong ssi you go out first.


BH:you go first.. since i'll be paying, you know...

DP: okay


BH: (takes envelope of cash out) how much is it?

cashier: 42,6000 won (~ $420 usd)

BH: what!! 42,6000? noway! can you calculate again!

cashier: it's correct. 30,0000 won for 2 course A meals and 12,6000 for the bottle of wine. so the total is 42,6000.

BH: hold on.. 42,6000! but i only have 30,0000.. what am i to do.. i dont' even have credit card.. um. excuse me.. i only have 32,1000 won with me right now. could i leave my resident id card and pay for the rest later?

cashier: what?

BH: and this watch isn't really expensive but i'll leave that too.





DP: (comes) why is it taking so long?

BH: oh i said to wait outside...

DP: is there a problem?

cashier: it seems the customer has insufficient money.

DP: what! how much is he short?

cashier: 15,0000 (~ $150)

DP: (hands credit card) please put the rest on this then..


Check out BH's ID card..it's probably KJS's real one..:lol:




DP's exasperated expressions..



..while BH's wishing he's anywhere else but standing there..



DP: how much do you make a month to be eating at a place like this! do you do any thinking? if we left when i suggested earlier we wouldn't have suffered such embarassment.. gee i'm speechless.. you leave your resident id card when you're short on cash? wait a minute. Kang baekho ssi, is this how you always live? a little credit debt here and there and leaving behind your id card behind, a life of total wreck!

DP nags on BH..and keeps on nagging ..( :lol: they look like a old married couple already,you'd never think they are on their first date)






BH: oh! what is that!! (pointing to the sky)

DP: what what?

BH: there there!

DP: where!

BH: (grabs her finger and points up) there! a UFO is flying away.

DP: what? a UFO (searches for it)






DP..so smart and sensible,and yet so gullible..



BH: (smile) don't look at me like that.. i'm scared..

DP: what? heh!

BH: hehe. (nudges her shoulder)







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Welcome back dramaok! Thanks for the translations. bm05om, thanks for the additional caps! You guys make an awesome team.

I just finish uploading DanBaek cut at yt. Here the link...

Episode 119

Episode 120

Happy nice weekend...

Much appreciated. Thank you.

I say it all the time but I really hope this is the end of JY and SJ for good. I hope she never cries for him ever again and he leaves her the heck alone.

$400+ for dinner? lol. Hell no. BH should have done his online research better. It's so easy to find a restuarant's price range. The menu has English translations... is this common in the more expensive restuarants in Korea? Although I must say that's common in many large non-English speaking cities - even in regular restuarants.

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