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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Hmm.. anyone have info on the new trainee Hwang Yeong-Soon? I think I've fallen for her smiles.

Looks like Ju-Kyeong won't be back for any time soon (which is alright with me btw but definitely not Mr. Yoon). I wonder what role will she have besides being eyecandy. New gossiper perhaps or a spy deployed by SJ :ph34r:

Speaking of ill intent from SJ, the devil in disguise, i too have a bad feeling he'll shift the blame on whatever failing project he's dealing (perhaps the construction one or perhaps allegedly sabotaging their project together) on BH. hmmm... add me to the list of ppl doubting on the SJ and BH combo.

yeah,.. this is supposed to be a lighthearted drama but it doesn't seem so,.. today JS was screaming her heart out for most of her scenes, and I'm not impressed,..

Perhaps the PDs should give a warning or some sorts: WARNING! This show is not intended for the weak-hearted, and people with anxiety disorder as this show include the devil in the cast himself. *cough*Seon Jae*cough*

As for JS… she’d fit well as a front(wo)man in a metal group. This may sound odd but if my mom was like that, I wonder if I can focus myself to listen or rebel against her with all that screaming and refrain from bursting into laughter. I mean, I really find it funny LOL :D

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Guest merela

Oh, you guys are very good at guessing SA will rip that necklace off JY's neck. I think that may be the final thing that made JY marry WJ. JY may just marry WJ to get SA off her back--I don't know if that's the right way of thinking. JY should marry WJ because she really loves him. Unfortunately at this time, I don't think JY is that in love with WJ. We'll have to wait until Monday to find out what happens.

The writer of this show is very very good.

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Guest allydean

Perhaps the PDs should give a warning or some sorts: WARNING! This show is not intended for the weak-hearted, and people with anxiety disorder as this show include the devil in the cast himself. *cough*Seon Jae*cough*

As for JS… she’d fit well as a front(wo)man in a metal group. This may sound odd but if my mom was like that, I wonder if I can focus myself to listen or rebel against her with all that screaming and refrain from bursting into laughter. I mean, I really find it funny LOL :D


man, you're funny,.. I think I would have laughed as well,.. but, she was really screaming out on top of her lungs,.. I was watching the scene and kept thinking, 'gee, what was wrong with that woman?' I sympathized the actress,.. surely some of the scenes need to be taken in a few takes,.. he he,..

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Guest kauaisurfer

I actually have a bad feeling about BH working with SJ,.. one thing is he's not going to treat him nicely but that is expected,.. another is what if he tries to set BH up with whatever evil plans he has in mind,.. <_<

allydean...YIKES, NEVER EVER gave that scenario a thought. That would be scary!

I am thinking we have 25 episodes or less to go...So not sure if screenwriter will go that route???

I am curious how SJ's downfall and destiny with karma will be addressed!

The writer of this show is very very good.

merela...We agree Excellent Screenwriting!

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MiGo-ers,spoiler DanBaek pics! ^^

from shooting on March 20th:




the honeymooners?


seem so...wearing "couple shirts".. their fighting for love and living happily with each other will fill SJ with anger( if there's still space) more as it will remind him more of his messy life.

this could be shown next month?

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Guest allydean

MiGo-ers,spoiler DanBaek pics! ^^

from shooting on March 20th:




the honeymooners?


bm,.. I saw the pics too,..

I might be wrong after all thinking they couldn't get married this soon,.. I mean, they were wearing matching clothes and all in those pics,.. if so, looks like we get to see DanBaek's married life after all,.. and I think MS is going to suggest BH to stay in the house after he got married (which angers you-know-who),.. because I read people in other forum been discussing on how small BH's room is for him to share with DP and how BH's uncle leaving the house today is an indicator that BH's going to share the room with DP,..


he he,.. kauaisurfer,.. sorry for the scare,.. I also hope that scenario (SJ setting BH up) would never happen (unless if they extended the show even longer, yeah), or if it does, it somehow backfires,.. but bm's been teasing me about that SJ's smirk on ep 145,.. :lol:

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I think I would have laughed as well,.. but, she was really screaming out on top of her lungs,.. I was watching the scene and kept thinking, 'gee, what was wrong with that woman?'

It's funny as I was reading through again some of the previous posts in this thread, my mom, who was behind me for who-knows-how-long, came up nagging saying I needed to get a life rather than spending my time in some forum. Speak of the devil.

Like having booze everyday is better than being online and reading posts in this migo thread. Ok, that's not even close as a comparison.

I sympathized the actress,.. surely some of the scenes need to be taken in a few takes,.. he he,..

I agree with you. The actress probably needed lots and lots of water to clear her throat.

EDIT: Whoaaa! Thanks for the pics bm!

The first picture (correct me if I'm wrong)... that one looked like they havent started the shoot-take-whatever yet and still holding hands. Aaawwwwwwww....

And YAY! for letting us see the "afterlife" aka life-after-getting-married of BHxDP!

I need to bow down and kiss the feet of the PDs now. *runs along*

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Guest bm05om

seem so...wearing "couple shirts"..

this could be shown next month?

bm,.. I saw the pics too,..

I might be wrong after all thinking they couldn't get married this soon,.. I mean, they were wearing matching clothes and all in those pics,.. if so, looks like we get to see DanBaek's married life after all,.. and I think MS is going to suggest BH to stay in the house after he got married (which angers you-know-who),.. because I read people in other forum been discussing on how small BH's room is for him to share with DP and how BH's uncle leaving the house today is an indicator that BH's going to share the room with DP,..


yup I think so rafaelle,and ally..

you got that right,the DanBaek wedding might be coming very soon after all,and DH suddenly moving out of the house to marry Sonya in tonight's ep might be to pave the way for BH..heh,as you've read all the discussions.

:D and I think MS suggested to buy BH a new house but Witch wont allow it,or I could be wrong so yeah.actually,according to the description of the pics at the source blog,they ARE on their honeymoon trip..so basically,it confirms the fact that the wedding isnt that far off.. :D ..I must admit I'm very surprised and honestly I wish to see more of them doing the dating routine,just for a bit more,but I guess it'd be lovely to see them in their married life quicker than expected as well.


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I must admit I'm very surprised and honestly I wish to see more of them doing the dating routine for a bit more,but I guess it'd be lovely to see them in their married life quicker than expected as well.


This is far fetched and perhaps going to far but maybe, maybe... we'll see them having babies too beating SJ and SA? At least giving the hag something to smile about. A new baby in the family!

Lol, far fetched indeed but that would be nice too :D

btw, thanks again for the info bm! all this has made me impatient. :rolleyes: so, will this happen somewhere next week or are we going to see next month like rafa says? next month... <_<

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Guest allydean

yup I think so rafaelle,and ally..

you got that right,the DanBaek wedding might be coming very soon after all,and DH suddenly moving out of the house to marry Sonya in tonight's ep might be to pave the way for BH..heh,as you've read all the discussions.

:D and I think MS suggested to buy BH a new house but Witch wont allow it,or I could be wrong so yeah.actually,according to the description of the pics at the source blog,they ARE on their honeymoon trip..so basically,it confirms the fact that the wedding isnt that far off.. :D ..I must admit I'm very surprised and honestly I wish to see more of them doing the dating routine for a bit more,but I guess it'd be lovely to see them in their married life quicker than expected as well.


aahhh,.. that makes more sense regarding

MS wanting to buy BH a house (and angers the witch),.. my bad,.. hmm,.. the writers must be thinking of showing how this couple is going to survive on their own without full support from both families,.. I mean granny would rather die than let MS gives BH financial support,.. well,.. not that I don't want to see her RIP in this show but really without her the house would be so dull

markiemark,.. I love that idea!

what makes it more interesting is if they are having a baby boy

:D SA would be in a fit of jealousy! and SJ will grow thinner and thinner thinking what else he should do to own Bonjour,..

he he,.. next month is not that far away,.. cheer up,.. :)

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Guest bm05om

ally,your last line about the witch..LMAO :lol::lol: !!

Whoaaa! Thanks for the pics bm! The first picture (correct me if I'm wrong)... that one looked like they havent started the shoot-take-whatever yet and still holding hands. Aaawwwwwwww....

markiemark,careful now with all the spoilers,your "Edit" additions ;) ..and yeah,

yay for the "afterlife"...I mean when we all thought the wedding might only happen in the last few eps,there's a big possibility of a lot of the afterlife being shown for us!!which in a daily drama should also allow for more touchy-feely action between the couple,no?I mean,being legally married..keke,seriously if this is the case I want to see a lot of ACTION between DanBaek!kisses and more kisses please..lols..

:D thats what I thought too about them holding hands very casually prior to the director's call..awwww,already very comfortable with each other.^^ And KJS looked very husband-ly,I think.. :blush:

and a DanBaek baby?maybe not too farfetched after all..kekeke.

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aahhh,.. that makes more sense regarding

MS wanting to buy BH a house (and angers the witch),.. my bad,.. hmm,.. the writers must be thinking of showing how this couple is going to survive on their own without full support from both families,.. I mean granny would rather die than let MS gives BH financial support,.. well,.. not that I don't want to see her RIP in this show but really without her the house would be so dull

I thought the Hag was eager to let BH leave the house. I remember in the past episodes, if I got it right, the hag offered help to BH mom to find BH a place to stay instead of staying in their house. Now she doesn't want any of that? Hmm... sounds like the hag can't make up her mind. the idea of showing how the highly new anticipated newlyweds go through life without full support is a good idea.

I'm wondering what kind of plots would they make. This is going to be interesting! I don't mind them dragging this to ep 200. That'd be something to put on the records but then again we'd be seeing complaints on how this is being dragged or rants on when its going to end. Lols.

he he,.. next month is not that far away,.. cheer up,.. :)

Heheh, i know and im trying to.

markiemark,careful now with all the spoilers,your "Edit" additions ;)

My bad... I've edited them ;) Hope its "hidden" enough. my apologies. i was caught in this

awesome surprise/madness

. hope no one noticed it as fast as you did. hehehe

yay for the "afterlife"...I mean when we all thought the wedding might only happen in the last few eps,there's a big possibility of a lot of the afterlife being shown for us!!which in a daily drama should also allow for more touchy-feely action between the couple,no?I mean,being legally married..keke,seriously if this is the case I want to see a lot of ACTION between DanBaek!kisses and more kisses please..lols.. biggrin.gif thats what I thought too about them holding hands very casually prior to the director's call..awwww,already very comfortable with each other.^^ And KJS looked very husband-ly,I think.. blush.gif

and a DanBaek baby?maybe not too farfetched after all..kekek

yes MORE ACTION is expected. Let me re-emphasize that again. MORE ACTION! as for the reality check, I definitely wouldn't mind KJS and HJH going out. :rolleyes:

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Guest allydean

yay for the "afterlife"...I mean when we all thought the wedding might only happen in the last few eps,there's a big possibility of a lot of the afterlife being shown for us!!which in a daily drama should also allow for more touchy-feely action between the couple,no?I mean,being legally married..keke,seriously if this is the case I want to see a lot of ACTION between DanBaek!kisses and more kisses please..lols..

:D thats what I thought too about them holding hands very casually prior to the director's call..awwww,already very comfortable with each other.^^ And KJS looked very husband-ly,I think.. :blush:

and a DanBaek baby?maybe not too farfetched after all..kekeke.


I saw the hands too,.. and it didn't look like they're acting,.. probably preparing for the scene,.. or may be they've forgotten that they should wait for the director's call of 'action', then act,..

;) and speaking about kisses,.. I remember some of us have speculated that the kiss would come after or a day before the wedding,.. it might be true after all,.. though I wonder how they could keep themselves apart after such intense scenes today, on DP's side especially,.. however, first kiss on their wedding night,.. nice,... and then since they are legally married, it wouldn't hurt to show us lovey dovey scenes of DanBaek's married life,.. they've shown us SJ and SA's, anyway <_< though, they are more at each other's throat than being lovey dovey IMO

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Guest hnitao

Just read a news from one of the forum... it said that Han Ji Hye (DP)'s ex boyfriend's younger brother found death in Australia in an accident. I rememebered Ji Hye was quite close with the brother while she was dating with Lee don kin (dont know how to spell his name correctly :P).. Hope she wont be impact by this news.....

Sorry to put a news that is not relate directly to the drama.. but since it is about Ji Hye's ex bf....

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Guest kauaisurfer

I think Mr Bong has a reason to place BH under SJ. Maybe Mr Bong already knows what SJ is doing behind his back.

monalisa...We in Kauai are SERIOUSLY HOPING ...You are Correct. If Mr. bong already knows than SJ can not set up BH with any success!

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Guest dramaok

EP. 143 (Friday, March 21, 08):



JS: do something about him!

DP: Baekho ssi get up.. what did you do wrong to be kneeling!

BH: no i'm fine. i can do more if i can receive your parents' approval.

JS: oh how virtuous! virtuous! huh!

DP: (looks around the mess) mom! how can you do this really? even if you don't like it you don't do this to a present given by someone.

JS: i don't want to receive these things! tell him to take this all and leave. leave now!

meanwhile DJ rushes to get to the Na's.. as BH refuses to get up.

DP: get up! get up please!!!

JS: if he insists on this outrage at someone else's home, i will have to call the police then!

DP: mom what did you just say? call the police?

JS: that's why i say to leave! get out i dont' even wannna see him!

DP: fine! we'll leave. i'm leaving too. Baekho ssi get up let's go..

JS: yeah! you're not my daughter anymore! no more!

BH: Danpoong ssi please.. just go to your room..

DP: i don't want to see you suffer like this.. please..

GT arrives: what is all this!

DP: dad..!

GT: inlaw bachelor! i mean, Baekho.. get up, then talk..

BH: (gets up)

DP: let's leave now..

JS: what! where are you going!

DP: you said i wasn't your daughter anymore. i'm leaving.

JS: (hits DP) crazy! crazy! you're crazy!!!

DP: then what!! (crying)


DJ arrives: Baekho ya!

GT: oh.. uh.. please.. have a seat..

JS: hey you got here in a good time. take your son out immediately!

DJ: (yanks BH out by the hand) let's go.. go...

GT: oh.. what just happened!?

JS: huh does he think i will accept him if he kneels here like this!

DP: (sob) mom you're too much!

JS: you'll thank me later!


DJ: (slapping BH on the back) Baekho why did you come here! who welcomes you here! must you show this to your mom too!

BH: --

DJ: (crying) i feel so miserable. do you have to hurt me so much like this!

BH: mom.. can you buy me a drink somewhere..

DJ: what?!

DP packs up.


DP: did you forget? you said to leave. and i don't need your approval anymore.

JS: nuts! crazy! you like him that much!! that you're turning against us ungratefully?!

DP: then what? i can't be w/out Baekho ssi. what do you want me to do!

JS: Danpoong ah!!! Danpoong ah why are you like this!!! wake up Danpoong..

GT comes: honey you calm down and Danpoong you stop it too. this is just hurting one another more.

JS leaves but takes DP's purse and phone and tells DP she's not to leave the home anymore, not even work.

DP: you can't do that!!

JS: i can because i am your mother! your mother! you can't leave here one step until you leave for America!

DP: i'd rather die than to leave alone.

JS: omo... listen to what she's saying... is that something you should be saying to your parents!!

DP: from now on i'm not gonna drink anything and i'm not gonna eat anything..

JS: yeah.. fine.. do that.. and see how long you last!!!


GT: let's stop.. and let it go.. no parents can outwin their children. if you keep this up you and Danpoong will just hurt each other more.

JS: what are you talking about right now? are you saying to approve their marriage?

GT: yes. or else what will happen if she stops eating and drinking to the end...

JS: yeah tell her not to eat.. (screaming) it's better that she starves to death than to marry a pathethic loser like that!! (crying)


DJ: Baekho ya.. break up with Danpoong.. i plead you.. mom can't see you like this anymore.. hm?

BH: today.. as i was going to Danpoong ssi's home.. i told myself no matter what happens today i must get their approval. if not, then i have to keep persuading them earnestly until they do.. that was my plan. i was confident.. because i love Danpoong ssi more than anyone else. but mom.. (crying) i really have nothing.. i own nothing except for my heart.. but i couldnt' show them my heart..

DJ: are you crying infront of your mom right now? over a woman?

BH: mom.. i think i am really too lacking to be loving Danpoong ssi.. her parents objecting me.. is too rightly so.. (sob)

DJ: Kang Baekho! what do you lack! you lack nothing!

BH: mom..

DJ: what to do w/ him...

BH: (sob)


DJ: (drinks soju) fine. my son.. marry! do it!

BH: mom!

DJ: i'll do whatever it takes to marry you and Danpoong!

BH: mom!

DJ: stop crying! you're a man! and drink!



G: but what time is it? she didn't even think of coming home to make you dinner.

MS: but i'm happy i got to eat your cooking i hadn't had in so long.

G: oh don't try to cover for her like that.

MS: no... her cooking is great.. but she's still far from making soybean stew the way you can.

G: well.. that's true.. ever since a long time ago.. no one can make soybean stew like me.. but where did she go w/out even a call.

MS: i'm sure she'll be here soon..

BH and DJ come back kinda drunk... granny is appalled..


DJ: mother. and honey.. i have something to say..

G: what is it.? i'm scared w/ you drunk like this..

DJ: i've decided to approve Baekho's marriage.

MS: oh.. good.. you made a good decision..

DJ: therefore.. in the future, if you're unhappy about Baekho's marriage then don't say this and that to him.. tell me instead.

G: what... you.. are you saying that to me right now? but are you in your right mind? how can you marry in-laws.. what do that say over there?!

DJ: well i will take care of that.. Baekho you go up.

BH: good night..

DJ: i'm going in too..

G: aigo! ack.. is she crazy? she drinks and what..

MS: --



SA's phone continues to be off, as she parties, then SJ comes home and sees SA getting dropped off by a man who has his hands all over her.


SA: it's my great husband.

guy: oh.. hi. then i'm leaving..

SA: i'll call you again!!!

guy: okay..


SA: omo.. why do you look at me like that.. it's not like you're jealoused.

SJ: --

SA: omo.. honey.. are you mad?? but why would you get mad.. isn't this just a fair game? if you see that girl once, then i'll see my boyfriend once.. one for one.. hehehe..

SJ: (leaves)


JS gets GT to bring some snack and juice to DP. GT laughs at JS then takes the tray up to DP's..

then SA and SJ come home and JS asks why only SA is drunk, and SA says she thinks that's peculiar too.


GT: Danpoong here at least have some water.

DP: dad, i'm sorry but i won't take anything.

GT: drink something so you'll have energy to win over your mom.

DP: no. mom.. she won't change her mind until i die.

JS comes: yeah.. don't take anything.. starve then you'll know how precious i am for cooking everyday.. honey you leave too.

GT: acham...

JS: don't even dream that anything will change.


SJ comes: what's happened.

JS: oh my world Seon-Jae, Danpoong says she's gonna starve to death if we don't let her marry Baekho.

SJ: gee.. you're not a teenager in puberty.. what kinda childish tactic is this!

JS: Seon-Jae, when are you gonna send her off to America.

SJ: well i'll book it for next week then.

DP: going on who's term! i'm not going!!

then phone rings and it's BH. JS grabs the phone while JS keeps DP away.


JS: what? Dol-Soe? gee.. hey i told you not to call didn't i! don't you ever call our Danpoong ever again! got it!!

BH: is Danpoong alright? just tell me that...

BH hears DP yelling in the background... and then the phone hangs up..



SJ: (tries to help SA get comfortable)

SA: where the heck are you touching. don't lay your hand on my body.

SJ brings blanket out to sleep, but sees JS there keeping eye on DP..


JS: did you two fight again?

SJ: no..

JS: i'm already like this because of Danpoong.. if you guys are like that too then i really won't be able to live.. you go sleep in the room.. hurry.

SJ goes back to the room and sleeps on the floor instead. SA wakes up and sees SJ on the floor and looks more pissed.


NEXT day..


JS: you! your lips are all dried already. you should at least drink some water.

DP: why would a dying person need water.

JS: you stubborn girl.. do you think i will waver? no way! are you really my daughter? (beats DP over the blanket) that Baekho took my daughter away.. you're not my daughter! no! why!!

DP: don't mock Baekho ssi infront of me.. this is between you and me!

JS: where are you taking sides!! huh! you.. fine. go and live in America forever. don't come back..

DP: nope! i'm not going to America. know why? cuz i'll starve to death first!

JS: omo.. fine.. do what you want (takes water out)..

JS asks SJ to take care of things and put DP on a vacation break for now. SJ also assures once DP goes to America things wil change.


SA: mother.. why is it so noisy so early in the morning..

JS: oh.. sorry.. you should come down for breakfast too..

SA: no thx.. but gee i can't even sleep right w/ all this noise..



DH: um.. i will be moving out today.. brother in law.. inlaw elder.. i imposed on you a lot.. and thank you so much.

MS: but why this all out of a sudden..

DH: i think i will be getting married soon..

MS: what? oh.. with who?

DH: i'm sorry.. i've been busy living so i haven't had a chance to tell you but i will bring her here once to introduce her.

Granny: well.. since you're leaving for a good thing.. i feel good about it too. congrats!

DH: thank you.

MS: oh.. since it came about sudden i am a little shocked..

DJ: (stare)


BH: uncle.. what the! you didn't say anything to me..

DH: you've been preoccupied w/ your own issues too... Sonia and i plan to register our marriage first.

BH: do you even have a place to live? you don't have money..

DH: hey don't you worry about me.. just worry about you!

BH: regardless, congrats! i gotta go to work so we'll talk later..

DH: yup you should get going..

BH: acham. uncle! you gotta be happy no matter what okay!

DH: of course..

BH leaves and DJ comes..


DJ: am i really your sister? you didn't even discuss..

DH: i'm sorry sis.. but i made the decision after serious thinking.. so don't worry. i will work hard and live well, and pay the debt back to you that i'm imposed..

DJ: who asked you to pay anything back! but are you confident?

DH: yes. later on i will invite you, and brother in law, and Baekho properly... so don't worry..

DJ: since it's gotten to this.. you must live well then..


DH: Sonia, i want to be with you all the time from now on. work together and live together, do everything together.. Sonia, will you marry me?

Sonia: (smiles and puts finger out for DH to put ring on)

DH: i won't say anything else, but i will promise you one thing.. i will not change my heart for you, just like this ring..

Sonia: i trust you..

DH: i'm sorry it's so humble..

Sonia: it's not humble at all..


BH is concerned DP hasn't shown up for work. Manager Shin comes and says DP is leaving for America next week and she won't be here anymore since she has to prepare for her departure.

everyone is wondering why the rush but Mr. shin says they just have to do as told...


YS: um. does this mean my party is cancelled today?

Yoon: gee.. how she's senseless...

BH: Miss Ko, i'm worried, so can you call teamlead?


DP cries nonstop at home and JS goes bonkers.. then Ko calls to ask if she can speak with DP..

JS says DP is asleep cuz she's sick.. Ko asks JS to have DP call back then...


JS: wait a minute.. this is Baekho's idea isn't it.. i told Seon-Jae to tell them DP won't be at work already..



MS: what happened? there's rumor that the residents are protesting severely.. with just a few days left before the construction is set to start.. is this true?

SJ: yes.. but that always happens in this kind of situation. you don't need to worry.

MS: are you sure there isn't any problem?

SJ: yes.


JY dresses up and goes out to dinner with WJ for birthday date..


WJ: little girl.. happy birthday!

JY: thanks, seonbae...

WJ: hey.. when are you gonna stop calling me seonbae? we're steady right now so shouldn't you be calling me something more intimate?

JY: but i think seonbae is better.. more comfortable..

WJ: really? then seonbae.. okay.. good for me too.. but in exchange, i'm the only one you call seonbae, okay?

JY: gee...


WJ: (puts arm around her) cham... and today's date itiniery is all up to me, okay?

JY: ---


WJ: let's toast! to thank God for making today possible.

JY: seonbae.. aren't you trying too hard today?

WJ: but today's a special day. specials day need to be memorable.

JY: but i think the gift is too much for me.. thank you..

WJ: uh.. it's not over.. here.. open it..

JY: (sees pearl strand)..

WJ: do you like it?

JY: seonbae. it's pretty.. but this looks expensive.. isn't it too much?

WJ: i'll decline the nagging. here let me put it on you.. oh it's beautiful.. it suits you well..


JY: thanks. (weary look)


JS gets worried about DP who stopped making crying noises...


SA: Danpoong ssi still hasn't come out?

JS: oh.. well.. she's like stubborn like that and i always give in, but this time i'm not giving in!

SA: she hasn't ate anything since yesterday?

JS: that stubborn girl.. she didn't eat anything and didn't even drink a drop of water.

SA: but she should at least drink water or else.. mother! what if something went wrong!

JS: what? wrong?

SA: i suddenly remember my friend.. her parents were against her marriage choice too and she took sleeping pills to die it was no joke.

JS: (!) sleeping pills..?



JS gets frantic and asks SA to go fetch keys from the kitchen.....

JS opens the door as she screams in tears and finds DP unconscious..


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I think Mr Bong has a reason to place BH under SJ. Maybe Mr Bong already knows what SJ is doing behind his back.

I digress. At least not as of yet. That would prolly limit the PD to drag this show.

I think what Mr Bong was trying to do here was probably build a good relationship between those two. I feel that he prolly noticed the tension between them. And since both of them are seemingly in some "good" (or not) track in their respective jobs, he prolly thought that pairing them would produce better results thus, making it a win-win situation for both personal and work issues and not to mention for Bonjour as well.

What he doesn't know however, is that this would definitely not work as SJ views BH as a "rival" and now an "annoyance/enemy" together with his mom.

If Mr Bong knew something was happening, he could've at least shown a hint of his suspicion but as far as I'm concerned I've noticed nothing yet except for concerned looks mostly due to SJ's rocky marriage (prolly because I skip too much parts just to see DP). Somebody correct me if there was such of a hint.

EDIT: Ok, after reading dramaok's excellent translations (thanks dramaok!), Mr Bong could be suspicious. This is strike two for questionable decisions made by SJ.

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