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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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Guest koreandramadabest

★ 139회:: 2008년 3월 17일 월요일

종순은 단풍에게 끌려가면서도 백호에게 단풍을 절대 만나지 말라고 소리치고, 선재는 백호에게 단풍과 헤어지지 않으면 단풍을 미국지사로 보내버리겠다며 결정을 강요한다.. 만수는 선재와 수아를 불러 둘이 이혼을 하겠다면 정말 이혼을 시켜주겠다고 단호하게 말한다. 선재는 정규사원 최종합격자 명단에 백호의 이름이 보이자 얼굴이 굳는데... 한편 전화기를 꺼놓고 단풍과 즐거운 시간을 보내던 백호는 우리 헤어지자고 말하는데...


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Guest dramaok

Ep. 138 (Friday March 14, 08):


mom: Danpoong ah.. what is that? why are you holding in-law bachelor's hand..?

dad: wh-what is this..?

DP: mom, dad, i'd like to introduce my boyfriend to you. Baekho ssi, say hi.

BH: hello.

mom: omo! Danpoong.. are you joking right now? honey.. why.. why are they doing this..?

dad: let's have a seat first.

mom: sit? sit where!? let go of that hand or else! (hits DP and BH's hand).. why are you doing this!!

DP: mom. we're dating. i like Baekho ssi.

mom: (about to faint)


SJ comes: mom! what happened?

mom: Seon-Jae.. why is Danpoong like that? she's gone nuts!! omo!!

SJ to BH: this punk! where do you think this is for you to come again!!

dad: Seon-Jae don't talk like that to in-law bachelor.

SJ: dad, we don't need to treat him like an in-law. if he were really our in-law he wouldn't do this.

mom: then Seon-Jae.. you knew about this? In-law bachelor, i mean Baekho.. are you set to ruin my daughter's marriage prospect!?

DP: mom, why are you doing this he's here to say hi. he's the person i love.

mom: omomo... the person you love?!! (falls)

SJ: Danpoong you stop now!

dad: i don't know what this is, but i think it's better you just go today..

BH: yes..

DP: go where? we're already here!

SJ: Na Danpoong!!


BH: Danpoong ssi.. i think it's better i just leave today. bye (leaves)

DP: (goes after BH)

mom: honey! catch her!

dad: Danpoong ah!

DP: (stays)


mom: are you in your right mind?

DP: mom i'm sound minded.

mom: i don't think so. if so you wouldn't dump a great guy like Dr. Jang and go to that loser who steals his mom's money!

DP: mom. Baekho is a decent guy, and why are you bringing up Hyeonwoo ssi right now? Baekho ssi is the one i love i said.

mom: love love? (shouting) honey.. block that mouth of hers.. love? where do you stick that word right now? do you think it's love if you just stick the word somewhere!!!

DP: (shouting) do i need your permission to love!!

mom: (screaming) of course!!!


dad: Danpoong how can you act so brash today. even if you two really are dating, you should've told us in advance and set this up in advance!

DP: i'm sorry but i didn't have a choice.

mom: honey what are you saying right now? then what? if they told us in advance you would've met him? that guy that was just here!! oh my world.. can you say this still after seeing Baekho's face just now? a guy like him with a broken face going around fighting?!

DP: mom you don't even know so don't say it so easily. who's the one who made Baekho ssi's face like that! it was oppa! oppa!!! what great crime is it to love me that you beat him like that! i really hate you oppa!!

dad: is it true? how can you hit in-law bachelor like that.

SJ: but under yesterday's situation.. i don't think you would've let it go either..

mom: omo.. what situation?

SJ: (leaves)

mom: exactly what kind of behavior are you engaging in with Baekho!!!!??

DP: ---



Sonia calls Dal-Hyeon and DH finds out Sonia left. DH tries to look for her but to no avail.

then BH calls DH for a drink..


BH: Danpoong ssi grabbed my hand and went to her home to tell them proudly she loves me.

DH: what? then?

BH: Danpoong ssi was really amazing.. but ended up leaving without saying anything.

DH: then what? both families are gonna burst soon.

BH: uncle.. is it so wrong for us to love each other..

DH: what crime is it to love! do what you want.

BH: uncle.. what? you're supporting us?

DH: Baekho ya.. what should i do.. i can't be without Sonia..

BH: why are we such fools.. can't even be by the women we love..



Mansu tells Dongji about Baekho going through interview for permanent hire.

granny and Dongji are both surprised. MS says he was very touched by BH.

then BH and DH come home drunk...MS tells them to go rest since BH must had a tough day w/ the interview and all.


SA: yesterday you came home after brawl and today you come home drunk?

BH: oh it's my sister Soo-Ah..

SA: funny.. hey! be a graceful drunk!

then MS asks SA why she's not going to her married home yet.

SA: leave me alone dad. he doesn't care if i go home or not either.



mom: Baekho why didn't you tell me you took the regular hire exams? i didn't even know and i even scolded you..

BH: don't get your hopes up i might fail.

mom: but you're still precious.. my son..

BH: mom.. couldn't i just love Danpoong.

DH: why not? you can love her!

mom: you two go and wash up and sober up.


DP sobs alone and looks at her phone: "my poor Baekho ssi.. he can't even call thinking i'm with my family.. "

DP then tries to call BH but her mom runs in and tries to wrestle the phone away from her.


DP: mom mom! okay okay fine i'll take the battery out i won't call, okay?! mom! am i junior high kid? how can you be like this w/ a grown child?

mom: give it to me or else.

DP: (gives battery to mom)

mom: the other phones are in the masterbedroom now so just forget about calling altogether.

mom leaves and DP tries to look for her extra battery but realizes it's at work.



WJ: i won't tell you to work hard at it, but just don't block the possibility that your heart could come to me.

JY: okay. i'll do that.

WJ: really? really, okay? oh that's more exciting than getting my proposal approved. bye..


MA: omo then did you get a proposal from Woo-Jin?

JY: we're just wearing the same rings each.

MA: then couple ring? let's see... oh.. how pretty it is.. Woo-Jin does everything so beautifully even picking out rings..

GJ: oh how happy you must be.

dad: (smiles)

JY: (weary look)



next morning...


Mr. Na asks SJ when he plans to bring SA home and SJ says it's not bad to live apart for a while, but Mr. Na says spouses need to live together and tells him to go get SA soon.

DP comes and asks her mom for her phone battery back. Mrs. Na tells her not to go to work but Mr. Na urges her to give it back and Mrs. Na reluctantly does.

mom: come straight home after work, if not then i'll be going to your work starting tomorrow.

DP goes to work and Mrs. Na wonders what they should do since DP and BH can still see other everyday at work.

SJ: Danpooong isn't a dummy she won't keep this up.

dad: we should call Baekho here once and hear what his plans are.

mom: are you crazy? why would you call him here why would you hear what he has to say?

dad: because from what i saw yesterday the two of them can't be easily parted.

mom: oh.. what to do..


DP finds BH alone on the rooftop looking out and DP comes to him and hugs him from the back.



DP: wha.. it's so nice to be like this..

BH: are you alright?

DP: (nods)


BH: why did you do that yesterday..

DP: --

BH: you told me not to act brash but do you know how startled i was yesterday?

DP: Baekho ssi, do you know that your allure is in your positive attitude without any concrete plan? do you know how sad i was to see your shoulders and head drooped down like that yesterday?

BH: --

DP: i wanted to show you my heart. you are in no way a lacking person to me. you are the person i love. no matter what others say, i hope you and i never waver.


BH: (hugs her) are you really confident?

DP: (nods)

BH: actually i'm scared a lot.. that you might get hurt.



SA: "not only does he not show up to apologize, he's not even calling? ack! Bong Soo-Ah just forget it! why are you waiting for his call!.. "

SA then thinks of a plan and goes to Mr. Bong's work and asks to have lunch together. MS calls SJ on the phone and says to have lunch together at the Japanese place they went last time.


SA: who did you call?

MS: son in law Na of course.

SA: dad!

MS: i'm the elder so you just stay still.


SJ comes and is surprised to see SA there.

MS: come in.

SJ: yes.

MS: aren't you two gonna greet each other?

SA: dad, i'm hungry let's eat. hurry..

MS: okay.. let's see.. (phone rings). hello Mr. Kim? what? okay.. i'll be right there.

MS tells SA his old teacher came up to Seoul so he's gonna go see him, and MS leaves and SJ starts eating.


SA: why aren't you looking at me? are you really gonna not speak to me?

SJ: speak about what?

SA: what do you plan to do about us?

SJ: didn't we decide on divorce?

SA: are you for real? Na Seon-Jae ssi you should know the limit. do you really want to divorce? if you divorce me, then you should know you will lose your title as Bonjour foods inlaw and planning director too.

SJ: Bong Soo-Ah. you still don't know me it seems, a mere title like that i can throw away easily anytime. (leaves)

SA: omomo that man.. does he mean to go all the way to the end then?


JS calls BH to meet...


JS: you're here.. have a seat. you know why i'm here. don't meet our Danpoong anymore from now on. even if she asks to meet don't meet her. i came to ask you to do that.

BH: mother..

JS: but who are you calling mother? we're in-laws.. inlaws..

BH: i really love Danpoong sincerely and i am really confident i can make her happy.

JS: i really loved Choi Woo-Ryeong sincerely too a long time ago. do you think everyone ends up married just because they love sincerely? i won't say anything else, but Baekho you think about it yourself whether or not you are suitable for Danpoong. if a person doesn't know their boundry then they will end up paying for it. that's why from the old days, ppl have always said to live w/in your limit and if it's beyond it then don't even look at it. if you climb up wrongly you could fall and die. i didn't raise Danpoong so preciously to give her to a pathetic bum like you.

BH: i'm not a bum.

JS: no, in my eyes you are still a pathetic bum. if your mom didn't marry how would you get into a company like that, right? just meet a girl at your level and marry. as for my Danpoong she will meet someone right for her.


BH: --

JS: today i will let it go nicely because you're my friend's son as well as my in-law, and as for you two working together there's nothing i can do about it for now, but if you i catch you seeing her outside of work one more time, then it's the death of you and the death of me, got it?


JS then calls Dongji to meet. DJ says she's gotta be home today and JS says she'll go over there.


DH is down because of Sonia. MA brings lunch to see DH but DH goes out to the stairway..


MA: why? cuz Sonia left? Sonia left our home too w/ a letter.. she left to bless you and me.

DH: --

MA: i am a selfish woman.. i am more important than others and our Chanee is more important.. thus i hope you can return to us. you're not a little child. haven't you passed the age of throwing yourself at love? i'm telling you this again, but i will be good to you. i regret divorcing you, and i want to be a good mother to Chanee now. honey.. so couldn't you start over as Chanee's dad, and Hwang Mi-ae's husband?


DP checks the name list and sees Kang Baekho passed the test.



DP: omo.. passed! but where did this man go.. in such an important time.


BH: i passed?

DP: yup passed!

BH: where

DP: look!



JS: omo omo then you knew?

DJ: i just found out not long ago.

JS: omo how can you betray someone like this?

DJ: what do you talk like that i was really shocked to find out too.

JS: do you think this make sense? how dare your son... my daughter.

DJ: i understand you're under shock right now, but your words are too extreme. how dare my son? gee do you think your daughter's some fair maiden and my son is a servant then?

JS: but that's the truth!

DJ: hey! you raised your daughter preciously but i raised my son preciously too! he's not as educated as your daughter but he's not lacking compared to her in any other way.

JS: you thief!

DJ: what? thief?

JS: then you're saying your son and my daughter are okay? then that's robbery or what else is robbery!!!

DJ: hey! stop being delusional. i don't want to send my son to mother in law like you either!


granny: are you two fighting? then.. in-law miss and Baekho are in a relationship?

JS: oh i stayed too late.. i'm sorry..

DJ: (grabs JS's phone) she forgot her phone let me get it to her..

outside DP and BH arrive...


DP: go and rest well today and tell the elders you passed!

BH: okay.. go on.. (touches DP's face and leans in to kiss her)


JS: omo! hey! let go of that hand from my daughter or else!

DJ: (!)

JS: where do you think you're touching! (goes to beat BH)


DJ: (stops JS) hey! Lee Jong-Soon!


139회:: 2008년 3월 17일 월요일

종순은 단풍에게 끌려가면서도 백호에게 단풍을 절대 만나지 말라고 소리치고, 선재는 백호에게 단풍과 헤어지지 않으면 단풍을 미국지사로 보내버리겠다며 결정을 강요한다.. 만수는 선재와 수아를 불러 둘이 이혼을 하겠다면 정말 이혼을 시켜주겠다고 단호하게 말한다. 선재는 정규사원 최종합격자 명단에 백호의 이름이 보이자 얼굴이 굳는데... 한편 전화기를 꺼놓고 단풍과 즐거운 시간을 보내던 백호는 우리 헤어지자고 말하는데...

monday EP. 139 (3-17-08) preview:

Danpoong drags Jong-Soon away but Jong-Soon still shouts at Baekho telling him not to see Danpoong, and Seon-Jae tells Baekho if he doesn't break up with Danpoong then he will send her to work abroad in America, thus Seon-Jae forces Baekho to make a decision. Mansoo brings Seon-Jae and Soo-Ah together and tells them to the point if they want divorce then he will get the divorce for them. Seon-Jae sees Baekho's name on the list of ppl who passed as regular hires and Seon-Jae becomes stiff-faced. Meanwhile, with the phone off, Baekho and Danpoong spend a good time together on a date, but then Baekho tells Danpoong to break up.

today's best scene:





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Guest lukee

hi :rolleyes:

Today E138 HQ file is fast come.

I Hate You, But It's Fine E138 HQ file upload finshed in My clubbox.

Hate You,But It's Fine E138 HQ file Download link

credit- http://clubbox.co.kr/mdy80

you join my clubbox,you can download file.

I'd join the site to download the movie, but i dont understand korean.

The site dont have english version.

Is there anything you can do ?

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actually it's not too much work for me i type fast and i've gotten really used to capping. like i said it's a routine and something to break off from other mundane tasks.. so it's good ^^ just wanted to make sure the format was working w/ all the spoilers everywhere.. thx for the input.


about Woo-Jin..

wanted to comment on him sooner but keep slipping my mind..

i actually like him a lot.. and wish he had more screen time.

you know i could really do w/out the Dal-Hyeon and Eul-Soo screentimes.. give them to WJ seonbae.. :wub:

yes he's kinda dumb and weird to go after a woman who doesn't love him.. and worse yet.. still lingers after the ex who dumped her for money..

but i think Woo-Jin does love Ji-Yeong (i wonder what they were like in college) and i think he is confident enough to know Ji-Yeong is the type of woman, once married, would never betray her husband.. plus she has good wifey and mother written on her forehead. in the long run.. she is a safe choice for wife..

also.. i think the actor who plays Woo-Jin is super adorable.. his mouth (lips specifically) is a little weird looking, but love his eyes, and those dimples.. plus i think this must be the Korean in me.. but knowing the actor is a graduate of Korea's best college Seoul University (Physics major on top of that!).. definitely scores pts w/ me...


actor: Lee Sang-Yoon (이상윤)

born: 1981


calling ZAEYA !!!

please bring back some Karma script.. and tell Karma to shrink Seon-Jae's balls or something..

he's getting freaky on me..

Hello everyone. It's my first time to post here but I've been a die hard fan of both the show and Han Ji Hye. Just wanted to share some facts about Lee Sang-Yoon(Woo-Jin) coz I've been swooned by this guy.

Meet Lee Sang Yoon aka "male Kim Tae Hee"

May 2, 2007



Other than being drop dead gorgeous, do you know why Kim Tae Hee is loved by all? It’s also because she attends Korea’s Harvard, Seoul National University. Her looks and smarts were enough to win over the entire nation, despite her disappointing acting performances. Now, new face Lee Sang Yoon, also a SNU student, is following Kim Tae Hee’s footsteps. He started out his career with various CFs and now he’s debuting as a supporting actor in highly anticipated drama Air City, starring Choi Ji Woo and Lee Jung Jae.

Hopefully his acting career will exceed that of Kim Tae Hee’s, but even if it doesn’t, it’s okay because he has the looks and the smarts to win over the nation just like his sunbae. Good luck in Air City!

Credit: popseoul

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Guest allydean

:lol: I love the last scene as well (way to go DJ! gotta love that look,.. JS is no contest!) and the look on JS's face when she saw BH and DP were about to kiss is very funny,.. the background music in that scene made it looked very funny, I couldn't help laughing while cheering for DJ when I watched it,.. I simply love this side of DJ,..

DJ knows her friend well enough not to let her son to have her as his mother in law,...

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Guest guccijana

omg omg the look on DJ face when she stops JS from hitting BH "im gonna kill you if you touch him" kinda look... what a episode--DP and BH are cuter and cuter by the minute, especially when she hugs him from behind (soo cute)... I really like DP dad-i think he and DP mom are going to be their strongest supporters. JS is such a snake--just like SJ they are one of a kind-- I think at the end they are going to be the most miserable with life... Ohh i can't wait till sunday..

--My prediction is that DP will be really mad at BH for saying to break up--wount talk to him for a while and than she'll realize what happened and forgive him...

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Yeah...BH's mom is the best.Although she doesn't agree with BH but she still protect her son from the mad junior witch,JS... :lol:

That look will remind JS forever,so that she won't touch DJ's son again...... :lol::lol::P

DanBaek break up?????Ann Dwae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After 100+ ep they can be together&date,how come they break up so soon.....How hard they accept & realize their felling for each other,then the writer wanna separate them once again????I can't believe it.I just hope DP won't agree with BH.

I really don't understand SJ.Why did he hate BH so much???(not because he knows BH love DP,but after he knew BH&JY are in-laws).I know BH also don't like him but he still respect him as his sister's husband & planning manager but SJ never even once respect BH as his bro-in-law.Hate that guys very much. :crazy: :tongue2: :crazy:

Sometimes I can't see his face anymore,I feel like wanna kick his butt+pull his hair+slap his face+etc everytime I saw his face on TV. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest uni33

I think SJ hates BH because BH knows what SJ did to JY and BH is the only who realizes how deeply he betrayed and hurt JY. Everyone else thinks or wants to believe that JY was a short fling and fairly meaningless but BH is the only one that made him face up to his wrongdoing when he tried to get him to go visit JY at the hospital. I think SJ wants to believe that he is a person of integrity like his father and he will never forgive BH for calling him out over the whole JY fiasco. I know people want him killed off but that seems too easy. The best scenario (and very kdrama moral ending) would be if his father and sister realized that he was willing to sacrifice DP's happiness in order to get revenge over BH. That would be the ultimate betrayal of family loyalty and love and his family (omitting crazy mother) would be appalled. The ending would be something along the lines of BH being accepted into both families and SJ no longer being the good child. SJ would still be rich and powerful but the whole point would be that these things are useless and empty without family. You can kind of see it already when SJ catches BH and WJ hanging out and joking together, it seems like some part of him is a little jealous of BH's ability to form such easy friendships. I think they're starting to set up the scenario where SA will realize how important family is and she will be rehabilitated...somehow...anybody have any thoughts on this?

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So is anyone hoping WJ's family is filthy rich? Moreover, does anyone hope SJ gets Bonjour into trouble and WJ's family comes to MS rescue?

I hope so. I keep thinking how arrograntly WJ pointed out to SA that the company was not her's but rather her father's. It was as if he comes from a wealthy family too but views their wealth as belonging to them and he in return will obtain his own wealth. Who knows maybe he is working at Bonjour for experience so he can open his own food company. :rolleyes:

Just wondering how wonderful is Mr. Wonderful :sweatingbullets:

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Guest kauaisurfer

Just wondering how wonderful is Mr. Wonderful :sweatingbullets:

...Mr Wonderful is Sooooo Wonderful...We think he might just be ...gerryg in disguise.

I think SJ hates BH because BH knows what SJ did to JY and BH is the only who realizes how deeply he betrayed and hurt JY. Everyone else thinks or wants to believe that JY was a short fling and fairly meaningless but BH is the only one that made him face up to his wrongdoing when he tried to get him to go visit JY at the hospital. I think SJ wants to believe that he is a person of integrity like his father and he will never forgive BH for calling him out over the whole JY fiasco. I know people want him killed off but that seems too easy. The best scenario (and very kdrama moral ending) would be if his father and sister realized that he was willing to sacrifice DP's happiness in order to get revenge over BH. That would be the ultimate betrayal of family loyalty and love and his family (omitting crazy mother) would be appalled. The ending would be something along the lines of BH being accepted into both families and SJ no longer being the good child. SJ would still be rich and powerful but the whole point would be that these things are useless and empty without family. You can kind of see it already when SJ catches BH and WJ hanging out and joking together, it seems like some part of him is a little jealous of BH's ability to form such easy friendships. I think they're starting to set up the scenario where SA will realize how important family is and she will be rehabilitated...somehow...anybody have any thoughts on this?

SJ is Delusional, Narcissitic and a Coward!

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Guest Cerise

So is anyone hoping WJ's family is filthy rich? Moreover, does anyone hope SJ gets Bonjour into trouble and WJ's family comes to MS rescue?

I hope so. I keep thinking how arrograntly WJ pointed out to SA that the company was not her's but rather her father's. It was as if he comes from a wealthy family too but views their wealth as belonging to them and he in return will obtain his own wealth. Who knows maybe he is working at Bonjour for experience so he can open his own food company. :rolleyes:

Just wondering how wonderful is Mr. Wonderful :sweatingbullets:

Didn't WJ once mentioned that his family is running a resort but they wanted him to do his thing? I'm guessing they're super nice. He even talked to his Mom few times through the phone and their relationship seemed very cool. I'd love to see him bigger than SJ.

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It's true - WJ's family runs a resort. He told MA about that when she asked about his family and MA's eyes were full of dollar signs! I've said before that should Bonjour gets into a crisis because of SJ, it's BH that will save the company. That will shut up Mrs Na in a jiffy!

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Guest Cerise

It's true - WJ's family runs a resort. He told MA about that when she asked about his family and MA's eyes were full of dollar signs! I've said before that should Bonjour gets into a crisis because of SJ, it's BH that will save the company. That will shut up Mrs Na in a jiffy!

And what's not better than BH and WJ teaming up. If you ask me they're blowing up my mind just appearing in the same scene together. HAHA! Thinking about it, BH and WJ should team up to save the situation. BH alone is kinda extreme, he has little knowledge of the business world. He's creative, full of ideas, and his guts always lead him to the right places, though. WJ, too, he can't just show up and save the day, like a fairytale. (It would be cool I agree :wub:) Could he buy the whole company? I doubt it.

SJ only will continue screw up his life more. Maybe, BH will help him stay as his subordinate in the end, only out of pity, and for DP's sake. Mrs Na then will be thankful and shut up for the rest of her life. HAHA :D

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Guest dramaok

ya Woo-Jin's family should be filthy rich. you gotta be in order to own a resort in Jeju island.. multi-millionaire probablly.

wow Woo-Jin is not only well-educated, kind, tall and good looking, sweet singer and atheletic, he's also the only heir to a big pile of money.. maybe Seon-Jae will 'fall in love' with him instead in order to get a new hot job..

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It's true - WJ's family runs a resort. He told MA about that when she asked about his family and MA's eyes were full of dollar signs! I've said before that should Bonjour gets into a crisis because of SJ, it's BH that will save the company. That will shut up Mrs Na in a jiffy!

Let's bet the key to solving the crisis is a person with good english speaking skills!

Wha-da yall think?????

ya Woo-Jin's family should be filthy rich. you gotta be in order to own a resort in Jeju island.. multi-millionaire probablly.

wow Woo-Jin is not only well-educated, kind, tall and good looking, sweet singer and atheletic, he's also the only heir to a big pile of money.. maybe Seon-Jae will 'fall in love' with him instead in order to get a new hot job..

You know you have become very funny :lol:

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Guest Cerise

ya Woo-Jin's family should be filthy rich. you gotta be in order to own a resort in Jeju island.. multi-millionaire probablly.

wow Woo-Jin is not only well-educated, kind, tall and good looking, sweet singer and atheletic, he's also the only heir to a big pile of money.. maybe Seon-Jae will 'fall in love' with him instead in order to get a new hot job..


SJ won't think twice about it. He'll go like "I don't care if you're a man or an alien. Let's get married."

Then WJ will slap SA few times and acusing her of seducing his husband. JY would be in her father's clinic clueless as always.


BH and DP what next for these two?

DP better slap BH when he mention breaking up.

Will they separate themselves forcefully?

BH could move to another department after he turn to a full time employe. They both will be so lonely and pale, acting like stangers.

I don't like this.

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Guest hnitao

I heard a good news from one of the Chinese Forum, someone found a clip posted in a Korean website.. which expected to be shown on next Tue or Wed ep. In the clip, DP and BH asked both moms out to hotel... it looks like they are still together.. so even BH said break up with DP, but DP doesnt accept it!!! :P:P

see if the cap work.. it is the cap from the clip!!!

Credit to 小贝


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Guest joannabk

yeah I don't know what I was feeling a few nights ago, defending SJ. He does seem be despicable. Especially after he hits BH and gives him a zero at the interview. I still think JY was being a drama queen and completely unrealistic when she thought he was serious about her! I agree with her family, she needs to get with WJ! Interesting how when her family sets her up with someone, even though they're doing the same thing SJ/DP's mom does, it doesn't seem bad at all!

I was crushed when I read the preview for the next episode, but thanks hnitao for finding that post! It gave me hope that things work out!

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Guest violetish

Yeah, i don't know what's up with SJ. Isn't he supposed to be :tears: 'cause of the whole divorce-CouldLooseWork-JYsayingshedoesn'tWANThim dilemma(s)?

Instead he's :tongue2: and his ambitions have become (1) more frank and (2) more... well, ambitious.

Ugh, despicable.

(and my brother would so not care what type of dude i dated (poor, ugly, ugly, ugly), i suppose that's a Good Thing)

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SJ won't think twice about it. He'll go like "I don't care if you're a man or an alien. Let's get married."

See, only a Kdrama addict (such as myself) knows just how funny in fact hilarious this statement really is :lol:

(and my brother would so not care what type of dude i dated (poor, ugly, ugly, ugly), i suppose that's a Good Thing)

Yeah, he does care he just doesn't show it.... Let Freddie Kruger come walking into your house besides running behind the couch and screaming in a soprano tone he will also grab your hand and hide you behind the couch too! :lol::lol:

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