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[drama 2007] I Hate You, But It's Fine 미우나 고우나

Guest shorty_babygurl03

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posted by rubie at the news thread..

March 3, 2008

Actors of 'Likeable or Not' Say Being 'Lovey-Dovey' is Fun


Actor Kim Ji-seok and actress Han Ji-hye, who appear in the primetime drama 'Likeable or Not' on KBS, are demonstrating to viewers the essence of a "lovey-dovey" couple.

In the drama, the two characters that the actors play have always had feelings for each other but felt awkward expressing them because not only are they in-laws, but Nah Dan-pung (Han Ji-hye)'s ex-boyfriend is Kang Baek-ho (Kim Ji-seok)'s close friend. However, the two recently decided to follow their hearts and show the world how much they are in love.

Kim said that because the two characters were constantly fighting despite their feelings for each other, viewers were beginning to get tired of the whole game and even went as far as to say that the two characters should never date. The actor added that the viewers can get a chance to see the couple together at last.

Adding that the love story has nearly reached its climax, the actor promised to work hard to deliver a good performance until the very end.

Source: KBS Global


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Guest SillyYun

lol i almost thought this article meant that both of them developed feelings for each other

Just a raise of hands :P Who thinks that BH gonna pass his exams? LMAO!

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Guest bm05om

posted by rubie at the news thread..

Thanks rafaelle for bringing the article,but it seems like the English article omitted this part that was present in the Korean article (I wonder why?)where KJS was talking about acting with HJH : :)

(서울=연합뉴스) 강종훈 기자 = KBS 1TV 일일드라마 '미우나 고우나'에서 마침내 커플이 된 김지석과 한지혜가 '닭살 커플' 연기의 진수를 보여주고 있다.

그동안 서로에 대한 호감에도 사돈지간인 데다 나단풍(한지혜)의 전 연인이 강백호(김지석)의 친구여서 두 사람은 마음의 문을 열지 못했다. 그러나 최근 밀고 당기기 끝에 커플이 된 이들은 지난 시간을 보상받기라도 하듯 애정행각을 펼치고 있다.

김 지석은 최근 인터뷰에서 "그동안 시청자 게시판을 보면 백호와 단풍이가 항상 싸우기만 하니까 시청자들이 짜증내다 지쳐서 아예 사귀지 말라고까지 하셨다"면서 "이제 너무 심하다고 할 정도로 굉장한 닭살 커플이 됐는데 그동안의 갈증을 해소할 수 있을 것"이라고 말했다.

그는 이어 "사돈지간이고 이루어질 수 없는 사랑일 수도 있지만 지금은 알콩달콩 사랑 연기가 좋고 재미있게 촬영하고 있다"면서 "연기자들도 그동안 '도대체 언제 사귀느냐'며 기다렸는데 이제 그런 감정이 나오니까 기분이 좋다"고 말했다.

김지석은 커플 연기를 펼치고 있는 한지혜에 대한 칭찬도 잊지 않았다.

그는 "한지혜 씨와 처음에는 많이 서먹했는데 시간이 지나면서 호흡이 잘 맞게 됐다"면서 "같이 연기할 때 기분이 좋아지고 사람을 지치지 않게 하는 매력이 있다"고 말했다.

끝으로 김지석은 "이제 드라마가 백호와 단풍의 사랑이 맺어지는 절정이자 하이라이트 단계에 왔다"면서 "끝까지 긴장 늦추지 않고 열심히 해서 좋게 시작한 만큼 좋게 마무리하겠다"고 각오를 다졌다.

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Guest damifino

Confusing.....MS telling SJ to lie if he has to about his feelings for SA, the same way he did for SA's mother her entire life until he was able to get back with his first love? MS admits to hurting two women emotionally because of this decision he had made, but still, SJ should do the same thing?.........

WOW!!!! Please me a bottle of what he's been drinking!

Why, as a father, would he subject his daughter to a life like that? Or, is it that it doesn't matter if you hurt your first love intentionally to marry my daughter, but don't treat my daughter the same way?...... Taking another shot to actually see things from his perspective. Never mind....I'm just going to take the entire bottle and walk off on this one.

MS didn't tell SJ to lie if he has to about his feelings for SA. He told SJ to give his heart to SA and be good to her because marrying her was a choice SJ had already made and withholding his heart while accepting her in marriage is wrong. He knows this from experience. MS told SJ that as he might have already guessed, due to family opposition, he gave up the woman he loved and married SA's mom so he knows what it's like to be in SJ's position and that's why he finds SJ's behavior unforgivable... causing heartache to two women is an unspeakable act.

It's BECAUSE he was in the same position that he can tell SJ what the right thing is in hindsight, based on his own experience. MS said that the thing that he finds the most heartaching and regrets the most are the apologetic feelings he has towards SA's mother. He said, what's so difficult about giving someone your heart that one would inflict so much pain to another person? He told SJ not to regret it later as he does and be good to SA and think of the past as the past and move on.

Had he known before SA and SJ got married that SJ was in love with another woman, MS would have told SA not to marry SJ (and probably SJ not to marry SA), but seeing as they are already married, SJ should fulfill his vows and live rightly from now on. After all, SJ can't do anything about the past with thoughts of "what if I never got married and stayed with JY?" because the fact is he DID get married and made a vow to love and honor SA. SJ should honor his decision and be good to SA, instead of causing pain to SA just because he's in pain.

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I haven't no idea who's the one tell SA about SJ paying JY's debt but that issue'll be positively the next "fire" in Na family. I wonder what dad's next move to make SA go home again :P

Clearly they gonna through some issue again...

Preview is out...

WJ gonna be the next one to know DanBaek relationship...


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Guest kerris

woojin has such boyish charms ^^

seriously at this rate, everyone in the world will find out by like.. eh.. thursday? hahaa.

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Guest kauaisurfer

Had he known before SA and SJ got married that SJ was in love with another woman, MS would have told SA not to marry SJ (and probably SJ not to marry SA), but seeing as they are already married, SJ should fulfill his vows and live rightly from now on. After all, SJ can't do anything about the past with thoughts of "what if I never got married and stayed with JY?" because the fact is he DID get married and made a vow to love and honor SA. SJ should honor his decision and be good to SA, instead of causing pain to SA just because he's in pain.

...Well said...We Agree 100%!

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Guest dramaok

Migo Ep. 129 (monday March 3rd '08):


mom: you two.. what are you doing?

DP: m-m-mom!

mom: Baekho.. i mean.. in-law bachelor... are you holding my daughter's hands right now?

DP: no.. no mom..

BH: (drops hands) well that.. it's because Dan.. i mean Teamlead had alchohol so i was helping her..

mom: Danpoong..you drank?

DP: hm?

BH: (nudges her)


DP: oh just one glass... oh i'm dizzy..

mom: so that's why he drove your car too?

DP: hm?

mom: i saw him drive your car here.

DP: oh right.. you know how disastrous it can be if you drink and drive (fake hiccup)

mom: anyway thank you for taking our Danpoong home, you should get going they must be waiting for you at home.

BH: yes. bye. (leaves)


DP: let's go in mom...

mom: but you don't even smell like alchohol.

DP: you know how the good alchohol these days don't even have smell.. plus i chewed on gum and drank water in the car to get rid of the smell.. oh but i'm still dizzy..

[DP and BH exchange a lingering look]


mom: what are you doing?

DP: nothing..

mom: from now even if you drink don't ask that guy to drive you home. what would ppl think?

DP: mom..



DP: why are you being so sensitive over something trivia as colleagues driving each other home.

mom: but what would neighbors thinks they don't even know you are inlaws. they'd think you are in that kind of relationship.

DP: gee mom..

mom: from now if you drink then get a driver for hire. don't ask Baekho again.

dad: what happened.

mom: i mean Baekho was driving her car!

DP: because i drank alchohol.

dad: well i think he was concerned since you drank.

mom: who the heck is he to be in Danpoong's car and sticking to her and holding her hands!


SJ: Kang Baekho drove your car?

DP: oh new sister is here.

SA: but i guess you're really close with Baekho.

SJ: i told you to be cautious with Kang Baekho but why are you like that?

mom: are you doing that behavior with Baekho at the company too?

DP: that behavior? mother you are too much (goes in)



DP: are you alright? you must be kinda down because of my mom. i'll apologize for her



BH: [sends pictures of himself smiling silly]

DP: oh cute...


BH: i'm fine. see i'm smiling like this!

DP: [sends pictures of herself too]






Mr. Bong and Granny are relieved to learn Sooah returned to her married home.


Chanee and DH return home and Mr. Bong asks Chanee what he needs for school and DH says they already have everything. the granny says they probably just need money.

DH tells Dongji he plans to move up next month and he plans to go to Kazakstan too to get approval from Ssonia's parents for marriage.


DJ: omo are you out of your mind?

DH: sis, my mind is perfectly fine. i thought you'd be happy for me and Ssonia!

DJ: you really don't know why i'm like this?

DH: no! i don't! but you're similar to Ssonia! Ssonia is kind and pretty.

DJ: fine yes she is! i like her too! but it doesn't escape problems of reality! do you have money to get a room? will you have money to send to her hometown and be responsible for her and her family after paying rent?! how are you gonna be responsible for all that!

DH: i'm gonna work to death to make money!

DJ: are you telling me to watch you suffer right now?

DH: then what? do you want me to die?

DJ: just put away your feelings. and start over with Chanee's mom.

DH: sis.. i can't be without Ssonia.. Ssonia is the person who gave me strength when i was suffering the most. she is the woman who gave me desire to live again! can't you help us?

DJ: i don't know you fool! how can you be so reckless at your age still?! i can't live because of you (storms out)



at the Hwang's, the realestate agent comes by with a potential buyer and JY is surprised that their house if for sale.

JY is confused as no one will tell her why.. then WJ calls JY to meet by the park.


WJ: oh you really came.

JY: then do i come for not real?

WJ: wait (puts scarf on the swing before JY sits)

JY: it's okay.

WJ: but it's cold. it's warm since i've been wearing it on my neck right?

JY: yup.

WJ: did something happen?

JY: our house is for sale. that's why i was kinda down.

WJ: ic.


JY: i thought the guarantee problem was over, but i think something must be wrong. and that Park In-Seok man is related.

WJ: your father doesn't say anything.

JY: he just says it's cuz things are hard everywhere.

WJ: if that's what he says then don't worry too much.


BH types up a plan for him and DP:


"Marketing Strategy of Dol-Soe and Madam's Love" - by Kang Baekho.



SA: i think you should wear this one instead.

SJ: okay i'll wear what you suggest.

SA: are you gonna be late tonight?

SJ: i don't think so... why?

SA: come home early today. let's have a party with the family members.

SJ: okay. i'll come home early.


at breakfast, Mr. Na tells SA how great it is to have her back, while Mrs. Na scolds DP again for letting BH drive her home and touching her hands.



Park In-Seok tells SJ about WJ coming to see him asking if SJ was the one who asked him to help the Hwang's with the debt money. SJ says to continue to act like he doesn't know anything.


BH: can you come up to the rooftop briefly when you get to work?


DP: what are you doing?

BH: oh you're here.. come look at this..

DP: what is it? did you already come up with another plan or something?

BH: --

DP: but what is this?

BH: i read this in the book and they say even love needs a strategy so we should definitely have a plan.

DP: Kang Baekho ssi..

BH: what? why are you saying Kang Baekho ssi..

DP: are you out of your mind?

BH: just look through it first and think what's lacking.

DP: are you really gonna be like this? do you have time to be doing this!! you don't even have enough time to study as is. if you have spare time you should be studying for the exam! you were doing so good for a little there and now i'm so disappointed! (walks away)


BH: how long do you plan to hide this?! how long must we love in secret fear of people like this?

DP: are you like this because of running into my mom yesterday?

BH: that too.. but you and i we can't be scared of loving each other and avoiding ppl like this!

DP: --

BH: i don't want to become a coward in loving you. i want to love you the way i want to love you with all my heart. i don't want to love you like a coward hiding from others.

DP: do you think i want to? but this isn't the right now. first you should take the test and..

BH: is that the issue right now? regardless. if something like that happens again i'm gonna say it proudly that i love you. so know it as so!




Miae: do you know where i'm going right now? i'm going to Chanee's school entrance ceremony. to be honest i don't understand you. if you want to be with Chanee's dad you have to become Chanee's mother too. have you ever thought of that?

Ssonia: i like Chanee.

MA: hey! i like the kids that pass by in the neighborhood too! but is that the same as being a mom!

Ssonia: --

MA: i don't even care anymore whehter or not you two marry or not but one thing for sure is i cannot put Chanee in your care! but to be honest that's no loss to you either, right?


Ssonia: why did you come so fast? you should take Miae sister and Chanee out for something yummy.

DH: oh how did you know?

Ssonia: i saw Miae sister as i was coming out.

DH: Ssonia you're moving out right? let's look for a new place for us together as soon as you move out.

Ssonia: --

DH: i have some saved up and you let me worry about money.

Ssonia: did you tell Chanee?

DH: Chanee? oh.. i plan to tell him soon. he will like it too.

Ssonia: but what if he doesn't? that can happen. but that's more important than money! (leaves)

DH: Ssonia!!!



DP: gee when are you gonna stop going around pouting like a kid. you were quiet and acting upset at the lab too..

BH: i'm not in a great mood so don't dispute..

DP: gee how is a man with such a tiny heart..

BH: i told you not to dispute!

DP: omomo are you raising your voice at me?

BH: yes!

DP: omomo what did i do wrong? huh?

BH: let's be honest.

DP: what?

BH: do you have thought in your heart to proudly announce me as your boyfriend to the world?

DP: what do you mean by that right now?

BH: to be honest you wanting me to be a regular hire is because you're ashamed of me too!

DP: omomo are you done?

BH: yes! i'm done!

DP: gee this is funny.

BH: put your hand on your heart and ask yourself honestly why don't you (walks away0

DP: stay still Kang Baekho ssi. where do you think you're running away to!

BH: i'm walking away with my own feet right now. (leaves)



DP: after doing market analysis yesterday with Kang Baekho ssi, we thought of targeting to kids who are growing. something they can eat as snack while they sit hours by the desk studying and something that their parents would approve easily since it's a healthy porridge under the concept of well-being. so tomorrow i hope we can do a demo at the In-Keun elementary and junior high. what do you think?

Ko: yes that's great! something refreshing away from the conventional image that porridge is for the elderly or the ill...

Yoon: gee teamlead and Kang Baekho ssi are such harmonious well-suited couple!

BH: harmony? gee is that something that can easily match with anyone..


DP: (dirty look)


BH: (stare)

Ko: did you two fight?

BH: gee of course not! how would i dare to fight with teamlead. right?

DP: right! would you even be a match for me! nonsense.

[more stares]

Yoon: what is this.. i think you two really did fight.. let's go out for some beer today.. to toast for tomorrow too..

Seo: yes.. let's have some refreshing beer.. and we can go sing karaoke too..

Ko: oh but i have an appointment today...




DP and BH: more beer!!

Yoon: you two should make up.

DP and BH: we didn't fight!!!

Yoon: why don't you do a love shot!

Seo: why would do a love shot they're not lovers!

Yoon: that..

BH: right! you don't do a love shot with just anyone!

Seo: then.. Baekho ssi do a love shot with me!

Yoon: Seo Ju-Kyeong you're nuts. if you insist then do it w/ me instead!



SA makes a 'designer cuisine' kimchee bacon stew she learned from cooking school for dinner and everyone genuniely likes it this time.

DP isn't home yet and SJ looks bothered.


Yoon, Seo, BH and DP are all drunk.. Seo leaves first and Yoon goes after her..


BH: are you okay? gee you were drinking like life and death! what kind of woman drinks like that?!

DP: gee.. why would you bring up the talk of woman here! you drank just the same too! don't worry about me you go where you need to go (leaves)

BH: (follows her and gets into her car too)


DP: ack.. why are you coming in! i told you to go your way!

BH: since you're getting a driver for hire let me get a ride then! it's hard to get a cab at this hour.

DP: are you gonna keep this up!!

BH: (gestures stop) let's stop here today. i'm exhausted so let's just go. (closes eyes to sleeps)

DP: ---

the two doze off before the driver is called and they finally awake at dusk and scream in shock.



DP: omo!!! what is this!!!

BH: omo. i think we forgot and dozed off.

DP: omo!!! but morning is almost here! omo!!! what to do....!!!

BH: but did you not call the driver for hire!

DP: i thought you did!

BH: no i thought you were going to!

DP: but you said you were going to!

BH: what are you talking about i don't remember that!

DP: did you do this on purpose!!

BH :we don't have time to fight like this right now. hurry and go.

DP: what about you?

BH: i'll go in a cab so you should hurry.

DP: okay..


BH: (knocks on window) drive slowly don't get into an accident rushing.

DP: okay i'll see you later..




mom: Danpoong!

DP: mom!

mom: are you coming back now or are you leaving?

DP: mom.. that...


preview for 130:

Jongsoon to Dongji:

what? your son didn't come last night either?

Dalhyeon to Baekho:

do you plan to marry inlaw miss or something?


what? marriage?

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Guest dramaok

ep. 130 preview:

단풍은 살금살금 집으로 들어오지만 종순이 떡 하니 서 있자 기겁하고, 선재는 급한 일이 없는데 정말 밤새 일을 했냐며 따져 묻는다. 만수는 선재에게 수아와 또 다시 일이 생기면 앞으로 불편해질 거라며 뼈있게 말하고, 선재는 점점 불안해진다. 최여사 집에 찾아 간 종순은 백호도 어제 안 들어왔다는 말을 듣고 단풍의 회사를 찾아가고, 백호와 함께 걸어오는 단풍을 보며 얼굴이 굳어진다. 한편 선재와의 데이트를 위해 선재 사무실을 찾아간 수아는 재복이 있자 놀라는데...

Danpoong sneaks into home cautiously but is startled to find Jongsoon standing right there, and Seon-Jae arguingly asks her if she really needed to work overnight when there's not much work to be done. Mansoo tells Seon-Jae harshly that if something should happen to Soo-ah again he and Seon-Jae's relationship will become difficult, and Seon-Jae starts to feel uneasy. Jongsoon goes to Mz. Choi's home (Bong's) and when she learns Baekho also did not come home last night, Jongsoon is bothered by it and goes to the company looking for Danpoong, and she becomes stiff-faced when she sees Baekho and Danpoong walking together. Meanwhile Sooah who comes to Seon-Jae's office to go on their date sees Jae-Bok (mr. Hwang) there, and Soo-Ah is startled by it.


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Mansoo tells Seon-Jae harshly that if something should happen to Soo-ah again he and Seon-Jae's relationship will become difficult, and Seon-Jae starts to feel uneasy.

I personally do not think Mansoo is a noble character. The way I see it, he is only concern about his own comfort.

He left DJ when he was young because he didn't want to experience the discomfort he imagined his mother could make of his life. When he was married to SA's mother he never went to her because again he didn't want to experience the discomfort of loving one woman while there was still another woman in his heart. He just avoided the process all together.

As far his SA goes. He doesn't want SA to be hurt in the same manner as her mother was hurt simply because that will bring him discomfort. SA's mother was only an extension of his life while SA is a part of his life, so her discomfort is his discomfort.

As far as DJ goes. As long as she provides him with all the goodies a wife brings he's satisfied. He really doesn't care too much about how she is treated. As long as DJ doesn't complain he doesn't take any action. Only when she voices her objections will he do something other than that he doesn't excert any engery what so ever. This guy is sailing pretty smoothly through life.

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I personally do not think Mansoo is a noble character. The way I see it, he is only concern about his own comfort.

He left DJ when he was young because he didn't want to experience the discomfort he imagined his mother could make of his life. When he was married to SA's mother he never went to her because again he didn't want to experience the discomfort of loving one woman while there was still another woman in his heart. He just avoided the process all together.

As far his SA goes. He doesn't want SA to be hurt in the same manner as her mother was hurt simply because that will bring him discomfort. SA's mother was only an extension of his life while SA is a part of his life, so her discomfort is his discomfort.

As far as DJ goes. As long as she provides him with all the goodies a wife brings he's satisfied. He really doesn't care too much about how she is treated. As long as DJ doesn't complain he doesn't take any action. Only when she voices her objections will he do something other than that he doesn't excert any engery what so ever. This guy is sailing pretty smoothly through life.

gerryg I agree with you 110%!

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Guest merela

That last scene in ep. 129 is so funny.

I don't think they can keep the secret any longer.

But falling asleep in the car and waking up in the wee morning is the best scriptwriting ever!

It's like spending the night with a guy, but not really (you know what I mean?). Imagine DP trying to explain this one away! Who is going to believe they spent the night together in the car....and did nothing?!

DP's car must be very small because I fail to see how she can sleep on BH's shoulder comfortably.

NEVERMIND, I found the answer to my own question. They were both in the backseat thinking they are getting a driver to drive them home.

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Guest SillyYun

Thanks dramaok..

My guesses were right again :P

DP and BH come up with something hiding to DP's mom..

Expected that Yoon daeli gonna do that to Jukyung haha~

So ep 130 onwards gonna be even more interesting..

SA gonna find out about SJ and JY again, I think this time is really GONE CASE..SJ will prob lost everything..

actually DP is right about telling everyone later that they're dating, cos i feel that its not really a good time. Education and qualifications is really important, its not about looking down, but who would want their daughter to marry some guy with high sch grad who cant support her for living and shes higher educated and post compared to him? I wouldnt let my daughter marry a guy whom I feel that he cant give my daughter a good life in future. DP is really sensible at that but BH didnt understand and misunderstood that shes being coward.

Its so fast we have only 30eps more..which means just in a month more its over..

so far my guesses were going well about SA being nice LOL..she probably later gonna be liked by everyone! If she doesnt get influenced by her MEANIE WICKED GRANDMOTHER!

If BH passes, he prob get a permanent position in job, and Grandma prob going to dig out that contract between DJ and her about not taking their assets etc..its gonna be a huge chaos..I think Mansoo is being patience, sooner or later he will BLOW OUT HIS FIRE like a dragon..

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That last scene in ep. 129 is so funny.

I don't think they can keep the secret any longer.

But falling asleep in the car and waking up in the wee morning is the best scriptwriting ever!

It's like spending the night with a guy, but not really (you know what I mean?). Imagine DP trying to explain this one away! Who is going to believe they spent the night together in the car....and did nothing?!

DP's car must be very small because I fail to see how she can sleep on BH's shoulder comfortably.

NEVERMIND, I found the answer to my own question. They were both in the backseat thinking they are getting a driver to drive them home.

:lol::lol: You're right, merela. No one is going to believe nothing happened between them spending night together. I wonder what DP's next reason to her mom. :P

If that car could speak out its mind, I think it would begin impatient with them, have to witness all their clumsiness again and again. It'd say "If you don't wanna stop it and make a "real" action, then you'd better get out of me..." :ph34r:

If BH passes, he prob get a permanent position in job, and Grandma prob going to dig out that contract between DJ and her about not taking their assets etc..its gonna be a huge chaos..I think Mansoo is being patience, sooner or later he will BLOW OUT HIS FIRE like a dragon..

Agree, SillyYun. I'm quite certain BH will pass the test. Maybe afterwards, they'll tell everyone the truth that they're dating, meanwhile some of them already known about it coz BH-DP hardly keep their love secret. Their eyes, expressions and gestures already spilt it out :D

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Thanks dramaok for the summaries. If only her car can speak:) :)

DP should really face the consequence of falling in love with BH. She knows BH is not "dream son in law" of her Mom but considering her somewhat feisty smart character she should act of this quicky...but then there there still some 40 episodes.

want to share Han Ji Hye's message to her fans in her korean cafe jihyenara as translated by my friend kate..

cute how she identified herself as DP in her fan message.

Message from HAN JI HYE @ Jihyenara (2008.3.2)

"I am Danpon ^^

Because of the promotion of "humming", I am very busy ..^^

Without a rest day, busy for the interview and showing, but I did them all well without any careless...quite self satisflied.... haha^^

Now I got a lot of love, I can feel it by my body and heart, I havent lost any happiness and just enjoy it....

When receiving love, wonder when this care and love will end....anxious and worried...

Now know how to enjoy it.

I am really busy for the promotion for the movie and shooting of the drama, but still not think it is hard.

Now I am quite in busy life, watch movie and performance, also do the study.

I really live by my heart....

Now the shooting of drama just leaves two months.

Now I am a bit tired, but when know that there is not much left, I gain back my energy and do my best for it....

the story of DP and PH has been started, so I have to do it much better.

Not many days left for the showing of the movie....

I have done my best to show the best acting, I will do the promotion by my heart for making our movie "humming" become a shiny and bright movie.

All have to be happy ....stay healthy, Pls love DP more untill the end...

I will live more by my heart, to this extent...to go first !!"

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Guest bm05om

Ep.129 caps part 1 (DP♥BH):

caught! :o


[DP and BH exchange a lingering look]

mom: what are you doing?

DP: nothing..

mom: from now even if you drink don't ask that guy to drive you home. what would ppl think?

DP: mom..

I felt so bad for both of them in this scene..BH walking away feeling down as the rain drizzled on him.. :(





DP: are you alright? you must be kinda down because of my mom. i'll apologize for her



BH: [sends pictures of himself smiling silly]



DP: oh cute...


BH: i'm fine. see i'm smiling like this!

DP: [sends pictures of herself too]



BH received the pictures..





So daksal,but so cute. :blush:





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