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[japanese Movie] Suicide Club

Guest Plissken

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Guest Plissken

Has anyone seen that Japanese movie Suicide Club? So strange but in a way I kind of like it...I don't really get the message though. I understand its supposed to be how pop culture is affecting Japanese youth in someway. I mean of course, pop culture has a negative effect but what the...I don't understand how the movie is trying to portray this. So confused... :wacko:

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i thought the movie was about just loving yourself no matter what?

i kinda liked this movie.. it was a little weird though but i liked how it ended i guess...

and those little japanese girls had nice songs.. :D

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Guest cyberfruit

Suicide Club is kind of confusing, yes, but to really understand it you have to know about Japanese pop culture and how comformist of a society Japan is.

All those girls jumped in front of a train, they weren't having a bad life, they just did it because their friends doing it. One girl jumped off the school building because she thought it would be cool to die. Dessert sang songs with hidden messages about death that they knew would work because the teens were impressionable.

I'm guessing you haven't heard much about the suicide pacts teens and young adults make online in Japanese. It's like monkey see-monkey do, almost. In the 1930s (if my memory serves me correct), a woman jumped into a volcano, weeks later, more and more people were jumping into volcanoes.

"Are you connected to yourself?", what I got from it was, "do you know yourself? Are you you're own person, a leader not a follower?" When the girl (Miki? Haven't seen the movie in a while) said that she was, Dessert broke up and suicides stopped.

That's the best I can give you. If you still find it confusing, say so.

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I liked this movie even though it was confusing in.. most parts. and the ending didnt really calrify anything. I htink cyberfruit's explanation makes a lot of sense though

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Guest Plissken

Suicide Club is kind of confusing, yes, but to really understand it you have to know about Japanese pop culture and how comformist of a society Japan is.

All those girls jumped in front of a train, they weren't having a bad life, they just did it because their friends doing it. One girl jumped off the school building because she thought it would be cool to die. Dessert sang songs with hidden messages about death that they knew would work because the teens were impressionable.

I'm guessing you haven't heard much about the suicide pacts teens and young adults make online in Japanese. It's like monkey see-monkey do, almost. In the 1930s (if my memory serves me correct), a woman jumped into a volcano, weeks later, more and more people were jumping into volcanoes.

"Are you connected to yourself?", what I got from it was, "do you know yourself? Are you you're own person, a leader not a follower?" When the girl (Miki? Haven't seen the movie in a while) said that she was, Dessert broke up and suicides stopped.

That's the best I can give you. If you still find it confusing, say so.

Ahh. I see. That makes sense...I knew about the suicides lately especially forming online. but...

I didn't know what it meant by 'are you connected to yourself.' But since you told me about the conformist view, it makes sense. Yeah, I thought people were maybe committing the suicides because they were unhappy with their lives or something..


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest fairy_mystik

Okay, I just watched this today. During most of the movie I kept thinking "Wtf"..Can someone explain to me what the hell was up with that rock band? They just started singing out of nowhere. I liked the song but still. And didn't the girl get her skin cut out in the end, which means that she was supposed kill herself?

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  • 1 year later...
Guest itachi

this movie was really good! but i have a bit a problem with the ending...eh~ it seemed to leave a bunch of loose ends... can anyone share their opinions with me? I'm still confused about how the suicides were caused and how the children tie in to everything... haha...i'm slow... other than the ending...i thought this movie was really interesting.

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Guest Malice_Kaiser

Suicide Club is kind of confusing, yes, but to really understand it you have to know about Japanese pop culture and how comformist of a society Japan is.

All those girls jumped in front of a train, they weren't having a bad life, they just did it because their friends doing it. One girl jumped off the school building because she thought it would be cool to die. Dessert sang songs with hidden messages about death that they knew would work because the teens were impressionable.

I'm guessing you haven't heard much about the suicide pacts teens and young adults make online in Japanese. It's like monkey see-monkey do, almost. In the 1930s (if my memory serves me correct), a woman jumped into a volcano, weeks later, more and more people were jumping into volcanoes.

"Are you connected to yourself?", what I got from it was, "do you know yourself? Are you you're own person, a leader not a follower?" When the girl (Miki? Haven't seen the movie in a while) said that she was, Dessert broke up and suicides stopped.

That's the best I can give you. If you still find it confusing, say so.

Ahh, thank you, it makes a lot more sense now. ^^ I'm glad. Like I loved the movie as a source of entertainment, but I was disappointed because I thought it made no sense and I really wanted it to. ^^;;

The ending seemed so open-ended, though, like they forgot to finish it or something.

But Ryo Ishibashi's in it! I love that guy. :w00t:

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Guest ante_torsion

I swear some of these deep and meaningful japanese movies annoy me profoundly maybe coz i'm not DEEP AND MEANINGFULL ENOUGH! seriously I really didn't get the plot, watched it cause I was bored as a horror movie it was alright but entertainment... errr (refraining from atrocities) not very good

I liked the part were the mother kept chopin her fingers off though that was interesting... i'm weird i know...

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OoOoOOoO its a really good film!!!! And i WUV the songs the girl band 'dessert' does, MAIL ME!! XD...omg and i love genesis at the end!! even though he scares meeeeee T___T...i want to read the manga as welll ..i can remember after watching the film i was dying to find a sucide club site- like the one in the film, i was trying to scare myself lol X_X; GAH!

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thanks for clearing things up cyberfruit

the movie was pretty gross, but i kind of enjoyed it

and i must say, the songs in the movie were really catchy

but had subliminal messages, which you had to play attention to

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