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Left Handed Or Right Handed?

Guest VindictusDame

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Guest Banana Robot

Right handed dood. idek wai i find left handed peepz cool. lol like my sis i'm always amuzed when she's writing something.

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Guest tranceeee

me and my cousin are left-handed =D

i hear that left-handers die an earlier death and that they're also smarter than right-handers... i doubt those are both true though O_O


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I'm lefted handed but I write with my right hand.

When I was young my grandmother would force me to write with my right hand and I hated it but now I'm really grateful that she did that.

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Guest entermuriel

i'm left handed. i write and eat with the left hand...

but everything else i do with the right, such as holding scissors or using the mouse...

i'm actually stronger with my right hand lol

so.. i guess i'm kind of ambidextrous? haha

although i'm left-handed, i hate those desks made for lefties lol

they're so annoying -___- they don't help me at all but just make me uncomfortable while writing

rightie desks are better haha... maybe i'm the only one who feels that way -shrugs- lmao

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I'm left handed o___o Man some scissors are hard to cut with and I hate writing, ink always get smudged or I would have ink on the side of my left pinky :/ urgh

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