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First Makeout Session -

Guest Elee

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Guest mizz_J

im a hygiene freak, i dont even share drinks with others.

so i wonder how i'll react when theres another's saliva in my mouth LOL

haha i know, me too

except i share drinks with others lol.

Some of these stories made me laugh, nice experiences guys =)

I'd been with my bf for a year & 5 months and we'd never kissed or make-out, except for maybe a peck on the cheek or something. i dont know, it weirds me out i guess.

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Guest angel_b3k

im a hygiene freak, i dont even share drinks with others.

so i wonder how i'll react when theres another's saliva in my mouth LOL


Same here...yet I thought I'm the only rare species on this planet xD haha.

But..sometimes when I feel like it I share drinks/food with others..haha.

Hmm, I'm worried about my first makeout session too xD lol

Yup Yup. You guessed it..no experience =D

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I thought mine was going to be bad because

neither me not my boyfriend had done it before.

But one night we were sitting on the couch

in my house and just went for it! LOL, it was a little

bumpy at first but then everything smoothed out.

I had asked my friend beforehand how it's done

and she told me to just go with the flow. GOOD ADVICE!!

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Guest yummy_cake

My fist time my mom walked in on me. She was like "what are you doing with that pillow!?!"




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Guest AzNxSwtAngeL

My fist time my mom walked in on me. She was like "what are you doing with that pillow!?!"

LOL ahhahhaha OMG, i'd be so embarrassed xP

my first makeout session was..nice (:

my ex and i had gone to disneyland just before christmas..we'd just watched the fireworks and were leaving the park..my friends wanted to go into downtown disney and look around, so he and i sat near the fountain and waited for them..i'd been laying my head on his shoulder, and he just turned to me and asked how if i'd enjoyed my day..i said yes, and then he leaned in and kissed me..and then we started making out xD probably not the best place, considering there were all these little kids walking by, and parents were probably thinking "WTF are these kids doing"..(:

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My fist time my mom walked in on me. She was like "what are you doing with that pillow!?!"

omfg your posts make me crack up x]

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Guest jeahh

the majority of people seemed to have such bad experiences!! :lol: i guess mine was pleasantly surprising because he just said "i know you want to kiss me" and then went at it :P

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Guest `Niiie

he said smthing mean to me so i tickle him & so he tickle me back. we both tickle each other till i was on top of him somehow.

then he lift his head up & kiss me. i kiss him back without notice we fell off the couch...with him on top of me. i try to break loose

but he pin me down & continue kissing my ear. eyelid. tip of my nose & neck.

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My fist time my mom walked in on me. She was like "what are you doing with that pillow!?!"

oooo lol...


that jus made my day

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Guest xoxl0v3xox

My fist time my mom walked in on me. She was like "what are you doing with that pillow!?!"

LMAO. HAHA :lol:

your post make me laugh. hihi

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Guest Osakagrl

uhm my first makeout session was like 2 days ago haha....we were hugging a long time outside my friends house near his car because he was leaving. i was practically going to cry because i didnt want him to leave. *because im moving a little ways away soon so i didnt know when i would see him next* so he was just holding me and then he kinda nudged me with his shoulder in a way where i knew he was signaling he wanted to kiss me. so i just looked up at him and he smiled at me and then slowly just kissed me really gently and then kissed me again.....but this time with tongue. I WAS SO SUPRISED! I didnt expect it but then i just went with the flow and it worked out perfectly lol. i didnt think i would enjoy it but i actually did. and then when we pulled away he just gently kissed me on the lips one more time and said I love you. *sigh* not really all that amazing but im glad it wasnt a BAD experience lol

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Guest tarochan

It was in the rain. :rolleyes: Too bad it had to end early though. Haha. I was confused the whole time and I forgot to breathe. LMAO.

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Guest Hemera

some of you guys' stories are so sweet while some are so :crazy:

i haven't even kissed a boy yet...maybe im still a baby, but just the thought of someone sticking their tongue and spit in my mouth is beyond vomit inducing =X i don't even like sharing a cup with my mom

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Guest IaMsEo

didn't have mines yet...having tongue and saliva in your mouth is just :crazy: eww

my friend and me were playing "would you rather" and she gave me a question like this "would you rather drink a cup of spit or a cup of sweat?" i'm like "WtFudge!!"

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Guest babii_gurl

my first make out session was jus spontaneous.. O_O? lol..

my ex was just holding me and we were jus chillin and talking..then i was in the middle of a sentence and he just went in..

it scared the crap outta me first cuz i didnt see it coming..lol..but yea..it was fun at the same time..lol xD

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Guest nataku_pilot

lol, reading this thread makes me glad I haven't had mine as yet!

Every time I think of making out I think of this study my sociology teacher told us about. It involved spitting in a spoon and giving it to your s.o to swallow! And when ppl refused the researchers pointed out kissing is practically the same thing lol!

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Guest greenti


wasn't my VERY first kiss..

but it was my first kiss with him...

we were at the homecoming dance..

and we just kissed. and then..yeah..~

but everytime we did that, i kept breaking it off...

i don't know why but i can't do it for a long time..

i keep like blushing, and i start to laugh



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