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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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hello everyone!

silent lurker here. just wanted to say that I am a fan of Lee Da Hae since foreve,r and seeing her in Entertainment Relay gives me so much joy and happiness, she is being her old self again and I am lovin it :rolleyes:

So Chuno all the way.

Many thanks to all for every goody!

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FINALLY! Yey a BTS photo of Dahae with the Chuno guys! :D

You made my day o-cha, thanks so much~ :)

This is the evidence Dahae is happy these days, she's so relaxed with her work environment coz she's got her oppas by her side.

aurora82 you're so welcome here... yeah, Chuno fighting!

ripgal you're almost done with CitC? gosh, my goal is to finish it this week...if rock band doesn't get in the way, lolz!

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Pics of Un-Nyun and her men! :P

So what is slave and slave hunter doing with the slave girl? I'm curious...

And oh, is it only me or do I see Da Hae sticking her tongue out or something? lolz..

aurora82, welcome to Da Hae's thread. Hope to see you more around here... make sure to adjust your level of insanity before you joint tho...we're a crazy bunch..=P

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Guest imogene_af


LOL. Who is she sticking her tongue out to?

I wish we'll get better stills/pictures from the set. Everything is like... spy undercover pictures.

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Guest imogene_af


Stars share their favorite books. Some have Korean love stories, some like the translated excerpts of famous novels like---- Ha Ji Won with Paulo Coehlo's ALCHEMIST (good choice, IMHO hehehe), some even choose Hilary Clinton's biography...

Lee Da Hae chose a cult hit American book about middle school life entitled "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeffrey Kinley.


all I know from these books that even though, they are for kids, it has quite a grown up fanbase. It tells the story of a kid in middle school through his journal entries, drawings, and adventures.

Da Hae seems to recommend this book for the heartfelt and entertaining read, encouraging people not to be intimidated by English.

If y'all remember Jang Hyuk's interview he revealed LDH is like a kid at heart, she likes reading English languaged action comic books too.

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Guest Noelle_17

Finally a pic of Da Hae from Chuno, big thanks o-cha.

Thanks to cocoa too for translating the interview, also made me curious who are the two guys she is referring too. :lol:

Hello to everyone.

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Gosh I've been pretty busy helping around my brother's business lately that I've gotten behind on LDH news...

Ehnyway... I swear she looks so happy these days! It just simply radiates... She looks so radiant in her interview and she looks super pretty! haha! and the way her hair is ponytailed it's sooooo cute... she looks younger than she normally looks... haha!

Translated (sorry if it's rough, I'm in a hurry!)

cocoa, thanks for the translation! Very much appreciated!

thanks cocoa for the translation! Always love Da Hae in interviews..she's always so candid :lol:

Finally Da Hae in Chuno...posting a BTS pic

look at her siting by the 2 men who loves Hye Won...hahahaa

OMIGOSH! Finally! Filming pics!! haha... I'm a tad disappointed with the hair... I was wishing it'd be more gruff and messy but whatever works for them works for me too... I wonder what scene they're shooting now... If she's already a noble here or still a slave... I think she's wearing plain clothes for her to be a noble here... I don't think the shot's an actual take on the filming right? because Da Hae is sticking her tongue out like a 5 year old! hahaha!

And oh, is it only me or do I see Da Hae sticking her tongue out or something? lolz...

So cute, no? I bet she's fooling around with the boys... Maybe the boys are teasing her about uhmmmm errrr her "popularity" with her guy friends... haha


Stars share their favorite books. Some have Korean love stories, some like the translated excerpts of famous novels like---- Ha Ji Won with Paulo Coehlo's ALCHEMIST (good choice, IMHO hehehe), some even choose Hilary Clinton's biography...

Lee Da Hae chose a cult hit American book about middle school life entitled "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" by Jeffrey Kinley.


all I know from these books that even though, they are for kids, it has quite a grown up fanbase. It tells the story of a kid in middle school through his journal entries, drawings, and adventures.

Da Hae seems to recommend this book for the heartfelt and entertaining read, encouraging people not to be intimidated by English.

If y'all remember Jang Hyuk's interview he revealed LDH is like a kid at heart, she likes reading English languaged action comic books too.

OMIGOSH! I heart The Alchemist! Very nice choice HJW!!! I think The Alchemist is the shortest book that I've read the LONGEST! haha... I just kept on rereading every line trying to make it stick to my mind! haha I love that it's so philosophical... I actually used it for one of my Philo paper...

And Da HAe very cute book choice!! I haven't read it yet but I've been wanting to for quite some time now... It's such a cute book... it's kinda cartoonish but my friend told me that it's soooooo funny... My problem is that it's kinda expensive hahaha So I haven't got around to buying it yet... tsktsk with DH suggesting it now it shoots straight up my book list! haha

BTW aurora, welcome to the insanity! Keep on delurking in this thread! We promise you we won;t bite! haha

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^It doesn't really look a noble clothes to me. Maybe she's wandering outside so she dressed more low down.

No offense but looking at the pics. All the men in this series looks extra old and ragged. Maybe it due to the customes.

Hoping to see my cutie Kim ji suk's pic soon.

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Guest imogene_af

From the Chuno thread. The pictures were done prior to LDH joining the cast for shooting according to daum.

Extra details on Hye Won/Un Nyun:

She is/was Dae Gil's girlfriend but she has to escape for one reason or another.

the culprit of the fire is HER OWN brother, and this made the two escape.

Dae Gil is mad and part of it is, he feels betrayed but still in love with Un Nyun.

She then comes back as a noble lady, who has a fiancee. She escapes her wedding night, there she bumps into Tae Ha.

I nominate JO MIN KI as her husband! HAHAHAHA

50timesmoreawesome, I tell ya.

Is this an official KBS Chuno poster? The first one is found in DC Gallery. I cropped and enlarged the other 2 pics.





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This is truly EXCITING! Dahae a runaway bride? WHo would be the fiance? Did you just say Jo Min Ki imogene? absolutely delicious :lol:

So Un Nyun's brother is the culprit in all the mess. Again who's playing this character? I would so hate him for separating the two. She must be forced to leave with his brother but then again she cannot stay because of her brother's wrongdoing. What made him set that fire leaving Dae Gil without a family? Does her brother hate the guts of Dae Gil's family or just Dae Gil in particular? hmmmm... And Tae Ha's meeting Hye Won, would Tae Ha be helping her hide from her fiance? Tae Ha would fall in love with her and.....BAM! The slave hunter finds the slave with the love of his life. This would be the MOMENT i look forward to watching...

As much as i love the poster, i still want Hye Won in it, plz... Thanks for bringing the poster here imogene, of course hahatk.

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Guest imogene_af


It's not an official poster, it's a proposed promotional material for CHUNO's international release.

They will shoot for posters in October, according to wils who read it in DC (thanks wils!).

I swear Un Nyun/Hye Won sounds like a deliciously exciting character.

I think her brother set Dae Gil's house on fire because of the slave revolt.

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Wow, that promotional poster looks DAMN interesting!

Altho I admit it would have been better with Un-Nyun inside..hehehe..

Just when I thought Da Hae was going to receive love from only 2 men....now she's got a fiance in the drama.

A man whom she loves, and 3 men whom she will receive love from.. kinda reminds me of Na Young/Nang Ja in CITC..

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Guest imogene_af


It's not just a fiancée too... it looks like she marries him and as soon as this man is ready to get his groove thang on for their honeymoon night, she runs away from him (LOL LOL LOL) and there she runs into sexysoldierslave and will break her deliciousmaskman's heart. The bridegroom not knowing what he got into. Love quad!

I want Jo Min Ki to play the bridegroom. :lol:

This also makes it even more bleak for Hye Won/UnNyun for me.

Come on. Seriously.

a RUNAWAY bride?! a RUNAWAY bride who's pretending to be a noble but is actually a SLAVE? A RUNAWAY bride pretending to be a noble but is actually a SLAVE... having relations with public enemy number 1 Tae Ha and Ruthless Slave Hunter Dae Gil. How can this woman survive?!

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You make it sound so thrilling chinggu!!

So Da Hae will play slave, runaway bride and noble lady? COOOL~~~

Maybe Danny Ahn will play the fiance? His participation in Chuno has just been confirmed today in the news..


Meanwhile some old stuff, Da Hae's HK interview clip + CF clip


credits: baidu

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Guest imogene_af


I have no clue how to explain it. I mean, we know Un Nyun/Hye Won takes on a disguise... but I wonder if her "marriage" is actually to be a concubine, for all we know she won't take her disguise until after she runs away from her bridegroom? Oh the plot thickens, the more information I know... the more I get so antsy.

I would love for Danny to be the bridegroom... I have a feeling this bridegroom is going to be a dirty old man, though. AHAHA.

And WHY does UnNyun run away? Is it because she was forced under such circumstances? was she an unwilling concubine? Or is she still carrying a torch for her first love Dae Gil? What will Tae Ha do as soon as they cross each other's paths? oooh the questions.

I also want to know who will play demonchild arsonist brother? I hope even though he has an evil streak, he will have some touching scenes with Da Hae as the big brother. I am a sucker for sibling stories also. As despicable as his act against Dae Gil is, this villain is Hye Won/Un Nyun's flesh and blood, makes the conflict even more interesting.

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