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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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just drop b y to say congratulation to LDH. Wow a new project.

LDH and HJH , BFF has the same type of project. I am very happy for them.

Miss this thread.

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Guest ripgal

The wait is really making me :crazy:..

I just read in krdrama.com... apparently there was a brief response from Da Hae's management?

The statement said that everything in the news about Da Hae being cast in Chuno has not been confirmed yet. The script is admittedly amongst the several scripts that Da Hae is considering right now, and an official statement will be released once she makes a decision.


Please pick this one Da Hae ssii.

Once in a lifetime opportunity...

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^ OHMIGOSH!!! They can't turn back now! I've prepared myself for a sageuk already! She needs to pick this one! I hope she confirms soon! I'm going nuts waiting! haha! gosh if she rejects this I'm never gonna be hyped out about any other 'rumored' project again! It keeps getting jinxed whenever I get hyped up! BOOO!!!

JTUNES can you like confirm now! What are you saving her for? Are you trying to free her sched for Rain's comeback drama or what!?! If it isn't the case can they sign the freakin' deal already!!!

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Guest antinh85


seriously? my lord. They are shooting soon and she's still deciding. My god girl, just come back!!!!!! You're passing on good stuff.

At first i thought she would just be in servant clothes but if she goes to a noble family, then she'll be glam up...woot.. that would be lovely. It would make another dream of mine come true if she's in a chinese ancient customes. They are usually more elaborate. Chinese ancient series are usually better in fighting scenes and they are more interesting than korean ones. But we gotta take what ever we can get right.

I feel like she's so hesitant and afraid because of her failures from the last three dramas. She probably have alot of good offers through out this year but she decided to pass them on anyhow. I hope she's not going it again.

I hope we are not raising our hopes up like "heading".

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Guest imogene_af

The wait is really making me :crazy:..

I just read in krdrama.com... apparently there was a brief response from Da Hae's management?

The statement said that everything in the news about Da Hae being cast in Chuno has not been confirmed yet. The script is admittedly amongst the several scripts that Da Hae is considering right now, and an official statement will be released once she makes a decision.


Please pick this one Da Hae ssii.

Once in a lifetime opportunity...

The fact that they didn't deny it, seems like a good, positive response. Usually they would have denied it at once.

I really hope she takes this. That's one good PD and successful writer. Girls would kill for that job.

I still think they're just ironing out things before she will accept it. i.e. talent fee, conditions, etc.



There was someone from KBS interviewed and they said that they are looking for Lee Da Hae to play the heroine, though it is not confirmed on her part, they are very positive that she'll take it. They just need to complete the contract.

Looks like they met up with her 31st of July? There was probably a verbal agreement of sorts.

KBS and the production company though is jumping the gun waaay too soon. :lol: how about let her confirm first? :lol: then again Jang Hyuk has not really confirmed either, but there was no Sidus denial.

Any producer though should know that Lee Da Hae is trained for YEARS in traditional dance, traditional drumming, etc. so she's perfect for a historical. I hope they use her rather hidden talents for this one if she confirms, it was used in Hello! Miss but it was such a random and silly setting.

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Gosh! YJH was just confirmed for medical sageuk drama...

just to keep a tab Jtunes...

YJH - check

Bi - busy with a bunch of stuff

LDH - scripts still under consideration

come on now... I'd really really REALLY want a check next to LDH's name!

Really I wish JTUNES' good mood continues for LDH to sign on to Chuno! Come on Jtunes! keep your talents busy! more work more profit (be more like SM! errrr... no not really! haha)! Anyway send away your talents to work on sageuks at the same time! That would be awesome! Now, now I realized that EOE people are taking on the same work path... HJH, YJH and possibly LDH are all lined up for sageuks... who's next? SSH? PHJ? haha

anyway... I'm wondering where sunocox is? Hey girl we need us some of your crazy fanfics to work up our imagination while we survive this unbearable wait...

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Guest imogene_af


well, LDH better make a decision soon, production starts in TWO DAYS.

I am quite 89% positive she's taking it, though. HEADING didn't have this much news on her.

I really hope her transformation from slave to disguised nobleman's daughter... would be fierce. Hope she'll portray a meaner streak. Hehehehe.

But really Jtune and LDH need to make a decision, stat. Because according to this article: http://star.mt.co.kr/view/stview.php?no=20...2878&type=1

they cannot even start with the readings yet, until she's (a heroine) casted!

I was browsing through blogs in DC about Chuno, and well the reaction was positive with LDH's possible casting. One even said they were worried about the "weak" casting but kind of felt relief when she is possibly doing this. They are also suddenly interested in watching "Robbers" to check Hyuk and Da Hae's chemistry. They also made various caps of their kissing scenes wondering if Chuno will have the same kind of scenes (hah! see! I was thinking right!).

LDH has worked with most of the people in Chuno.

LDH with LJH:


LDH with GHJ:


LDH with Jang Hyuk:


credits: DCGALL

we just need a side by side with OJH too.

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Guest antinh85

hahah.. how come she look so weird in the second pic? or is it just a bad picture. If you didn't tell me i wouldn't think it's her.

i really love that first pic with Lee Jong huyk. She was so demure and pretty in "Green Rose". I remember seeing that series and thought that she had such a pristine presence to her. At that time i was a not fan yet.

From what you had mentioned Imogene, it seems like production is really going for Da Hae only. Usually they would have gone for more candidates to see which one pops up. Seems like she's a high contender.

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Guest ripgal

Some fans at krdrama.com said it's just a publicity stunt...it happened all the same when Hello!Miss and Robbers came out back then..

Don't think the broadcasting station would wanna risk losing a leading lady (again) right after confirmation on their part? Hopefully they'll get a confirmation from Da Hae soon...

More news today saying that Da Hae has yet to make a final decision..




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Guest ripgal

Lee Da-hae still undecided on Chuno

August 4th, 2009 // by javabeans

With Han Hyo-joo out of the historical drama Chuno [추노, aka Pursuing Servants], speculation has been rampant that Lee Da-hae would be filling in the vacancy. On August 4, her management spoke out and gave the official stance: “She has received the offer, but it’s only one of several projects she is looking at. She has not decided on anything yet and is seriously considering several scripts.”

I think despite the cautious wording, there’s a strong likelihood that Lee Da-hae will indeed take on the role. For whatever reason, her management is approaching the situation tentatively, but in cases like this, often the early rumors are confirmed in due course.

If she does take on this drama, this will be Lee’s first sageuk role, and she will be reuniting with her Robber (Bulhandang) co-star Jang Hyuk. It’ll be the first project following her much-talked-about (and much-maligned) quitting of East of Eden, which earned her a lot of heated criticism. (To be fair, the whole production was a hotbed of crazy, so it’s understandable that she wanted out. Her reputation, however, did take a hit.)

I think Lee Da-hae is a talented actress — one of the better ones in her generation — who hasn’t always picked the best projects. (I don’t think she’s made a good choice since Green Rose and My Girl. The three subsequent dramas — Hello Miss, Robber, East of Eden — were duds for her career.) If she does accept Chuno, she’s working with some good actors (Oh Ji-ho isn’t that exciting, but I can’t wait to see if she has rapport with the intense, charismatic Lee Jong-hyuk) and a talented director (Conspiracy in the Court). Funnyman Gong Hyung-jin and Kim Ji-seok are also cast.

Chuno will air on KBS in October.

Via TV Report

Please keep your calm when reading negative comments there..

We know how harsh some of her detractors can be.. ^_^

At least the critics still think she's one of the better younger actresses out there...

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Guest imogene_af

Some fans at krdrama.com said it's just a publicity stunt...it happened all the same when Hello!Miss and Robbers came out back then..

Don't think the broadcasting station would wanna risk losing a leading lady (again) right after confirmation on their part? Hopefully they'll get a confirmation from Da Hae soon...

More news today saying that Da Hae has yet to make a final decision..




I honestly think it's just usual management protocol to not confirm until things in the contract will be ironed out.

Her management used the same ol' lines... "looking at the script".... "looking at it positively..." "still making a decision" like all managements did.

It's usual press release stuff, heck, even Yunho denied he'll be in "Heading" and we all knew what happened afterwards.

They are probably discussing contract conditions, with the last EoE hoopla, I'm sure the lawyers are working hard that she won't get another Hye-rin this time.

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Guest ripgal

^ Haha, another Hye Rin huh? :lol:

We definitely won't want that to happen.

Anywayz, remember the picture of Da Hae in that red dress in ALLURE?

Actually that ahjusshi standing beside her is her stylist.

That pictorial spread was actually a special featuring celebs and their personal make-up artists/stylists.. ^_^

And we thought he was some unknown ahjusshi.... he's the one who brings to us the Da Hae that we always see on screen..hehehe..


2009 is sure a good year for couples to come out huh? Now it's SHK and HB.. where is hagrid when she's needed? haha..

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Guest imogene_af


OT: What a pretty couple, huh? cute.

That's her stylist? Don't you think he looks like Bachelor Baek?

Yeah, I am pretty sure her management is pulling strings that their talent won't be double crossed like last time, hence, the lack of confirmation. It also drums up publicity.

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Guest ripgal

Oh noz, Bachelor Baek! Totally forgot about him! :lol:

Well if that's the case, I'm all for them taking precautionary steps to ensure that Da Hae's protected this time around. If Dahee and DB are feeling positive of this casting, there shouldn't be a problem right? ^_^

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Hagrid : "Sunocox! wake up, wake up! Dahae got a drama! Historical, your favourite!"

Sunocox : "ok, ok...I am awake. ......But it is not on until Dec, can I go back to sleep ?". :lol:

Wow, her first historical drama, very good, very good.

I can't resist doing my first historical drama too! B)


Hope you like it B)

Thanks !

奴.노예.Slave Scholar


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Guest imogene_af


ohmyGoodness, sunocox, you are killing me here! Killing me! NankiPoo? Kingdom of Pooh? All the mystery behind it too? You are killin' me! HAHAHAHA! The best!

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Guest ripgal

OMG, I nearly laughed out loud in my office. :lol:

sunocox, you're one damn brilliant story-teller.

I just could not stop laughing at NankiPoo!! HAHAHAHAHA....

The Queen should keep NankiPoo to herself!a

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Guest o-cha

It's super duper OFFICIAL now ladies..Da Hae is reading the script already and will be filming soon.

I'll come back with full article translation ASAP.

In the meantime from reading all the recent articles...seemed like last minute negotiation was over money at least that's what it sounded like. But all that has been squared away and she is officially part of Chuno now.

Edit: Do you guys want all of the articles? Or just the last one? hahahaha...I translated 3-4 articles before the official announcement came out... can't you tell I'm excited over Chuno? :lol:

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Guest ripgal


o-cha chinggu, thank you so much for the wonderful news!!

You have no idea how the word OFFICIAL made me go :crazy:

I don't mind you posting all the articles here chinggu. Or at the Chuno thread.

Since you've spent time on em, dun wanna waste your effort right?

Maybe you can just post em in chronological order...that will do..

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