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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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Guest antinh85


mucho gracias..i'll try to search for some soon.

She looks so cute ..like a lil kid in that pic. Thanks Maccay.

Imogene>> isn't it funny how we all grew up in the US and we are all addicted to dramas. lolz American soaps just does not do it for us eh...

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Hahahah, hair still tied up...She just updated this a few hours ago, this girl loves the internet eh?

The new one ripgal just translated for us, she just newly added that as well.

I know that's a big scrapbook, they must have compiled all their artworks and stuff...

Hey imogene you should send in your vids and fanarts too. ;)

I love those songs from Sam Milby ( one of my fave hot guys in Phil tv) and Toni Gonzaga, didn't they use to date or something? I know Sam is single now.

Can't stand american soaps either antinh :lol:

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Maccay? The fans sent the scrapbook to her directly.That's so cute. We should do something for her and send it so she knows the fans from Soompi are all fighting for her. Ok, maybe not. lolz

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Antinh- Chinese fans are pretty well organized and their president/s and members are active getting in touch with Dahae. Her fans leave messages all the time in her cyworld. They even wrote a link of their forum. Now she made a folder just for them, quite a sweetheart! Shouldn't we write our soompi link too? ;)

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~Another cyworld update~


jin tian wo shang ke de shi hou, wode lao shi zhao le zhe zhang zhao pian~^^ ni zhao de bu cuo laoshi!!^^

My teacher took this photo of me in class today. Sir/Mdm (addressing her teacher), you did a good job!!^^

Yeah, maybe we should leave a Soompi link in Da Hae's cyworld one day..

She should know that she has fans all over the world too..hehehe...

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Guest starlight tears


LOL. I think she just likes the song. :lol: I do not think the moon represents her heart either as Teresa Teng said.

And actually in the lyrics, the girl singing gets treated like ice. Why would you want to fess up your feelings to a man who treats you like ice... dunno, ask Juris (the composer). It's a nice accoustic ballad, though, just thought Juris' voice is too high. All her songs are about silent, painful love. LOL.

Sorry, Say You love me was originally sung by Patti Austin so Juris is not the composer. But MYMP acoustic version is nice too. Love that LDH listen to her fans gift. I like her more that she truly appreciate her fans.

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Guest imogene_af

Sorry, Say You love me was originally sung by Patti Austin so Juris is not the composer. But MYMP acoustic version is nice too. Love that LDH listen to her fans gift. I like her more that she truly appreciate her fans.

Oooh and here I am thinking it was one of the things they didn't cover. But yeah MYMP = cover band.

Jo- thanks for the translation. Didn't she say she has English and Chinese classes... everyday? That's pretty impressive.

in the KBS board, someone said, dunno how reliable that she will be shooting at the end of this week? Anyone know if that's true?

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My teacher took this photo of me in class today. Sir/Mdm (addressing her teacher), you did a good job!!^^

Yeah, maybe we should leave a Soompi link in Da Hae's cyworld one day..

She should know that she has fans all over the world too..hehehe...

Thanks so much ripgal, so she does go to school in learning Chinese eh? I thought she does self- studying. :D

Yeah fans from baidu and ifensi left their own links. Wonder which page should we leave the first or the last page? We should make one whole page dedicated for our letters/messages to her so it's a lot easier for her i guess, just a suggestion, any other suggestions guys? :)

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Guest imogene_af


:lol: honestly, I am too scared to bring a link. :lol: anywhere... even her seeing my work, scared. don't know why. haha. Soompi is also passworded unlike baidu. though, I think the BEST LDH website is ifensi.

Maccay- she has personal tutors who visit her, in her CeCi interview she said she goes through a few hours of English and Chinese training. She said she's more comfortable in English, but it's more of a review because since living in Korea she's been rusty with it. Chinese was from scratch... and as you can see, she's learning well. She said she'd love to learn more languages.

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I didn't quite realize you were that scared imogene, me too, I'm more scared that she might ignore us. I don't even know what to say maybe something like this~~"Hey Dahae~yah i'm a rep from soompi, check your crazy fans there too" :lol:

Isn't it when you first visit soompi you can be a guest with no password? then the next time you need to be a member.

Right, how could i forget she has tutors. And she wants to learn more languages? what's next? Japanese? French? Tagalog? I'd volunteer as a tutor for free :lol:

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Why not, I don't mind if you all give her our soompi link-so she can use us as her mirror for her acting and personal live-so I can ask her to marry to the guy that I like, he he..just joking.

Well, while browing through on her news, I found this link, it is regarding her latest trip to Phuket, so she stayed at Burasari Hotel and she went there I think around early August-so she was spotted by the manager and staff there.


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Hah, no wonder Da Hae delayed her announcement regarding her participation in Chuno..

She went off to have fun! :P

It's weird cos she doesn't look Asian in the picture... maybe it's the quality of angle of the pic, she looks mixed!

I left a message in her Cyworld... and mentioned Soompi as well.. didn't leave a link, but hopefully she'll google it someday..hehehe..

I kinda called us fans her lunatic and crazy bunch, if you guys don't mind..hehehe..

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Guest Noelle_17


Newbie here. Actually this is the only thread here in soompi that I've lurked at these past couple of days.

LDH is one of my fave actress out there, and I'm glad she's/she'll be back to work soon in Chuno.

I'm just excited to see her on a new drama again (didn't really care for EOE after everything that's happened there).

Hope I'm welcome here. :D

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Aiks.. I just found out that SS501 (yes, the one with Kim Hyun Joong) are here in Malaysia right now, and in the state where I'm living right now!! Got a bit excited until I found out that they're miles away in some secluded island to film a DVD special or something... thought I could like stalk them or something..:lol:

LOL! Yah I agree with imogene you should definitely stalk them and serenade them with ALMOSSSST PAAAARADISE! haha! atty ripgal I didn't know that you are living in Malaysia! haha I always thought you were from China! haha!


She is quite popular there but I do not think she has an arranged fanbase there i.e. like in China or Thailand. Only Rain has Cloud Philippines. Like a formal club... maybe Hagrid the perv can do it. President Perv. :lol:

My conclusion is she just has a Filipino friend/acquiantance. We are everywhere, it's scary.

LOL! I'm afraid people are gonna impeach me after 2 weeks! haha! They wouldn't be able to bear with my pervy-ness! haha! You guys can take my pervy-ness because you guys are way pervy-er than I am! BWAHAHA


Hey imogene you should send in your vids and fanarts too. ;)

I love those songs from Sam Milby ( one of my fave hot guys in Phil tv) and Toni Gonzaga, didn't they use to date or something? I know Sam is single now.

yah imogene you should send your fanarts to her! haha maybe if she sees it she'll contact Piolo's people and whip up a collab together! BWAHAHA ;)

you like Sam? I liked Sam and Toni's first movie together... It was funny too bad the ending sucked! haha! I never really liked Sam's singing voice but he's a decent actor that is when he's delivering english lines... tagalog hmmm not so much... haha!

Hah, no wonder Da Hae delayed her announcement regarding her participation in Chuno..

She went off to have fun! :P

It's weird cos she doesn't look Asian in the picture... maybe it's the quality of angle of the pic, she looks mixed!

I left a message in her Cyworld... and mentioned Soompi as well.. didn't leave a link, but hopefully she'll google it someday..hehehe..

I kinda called us fans her lunatic and crazy bunch, if you guys don't mind..hehehe..

haha lunatic and crazy is just fine! just don't tell her we're a bunch of pervz that would scare her off! LOL! But... YAY!!! I hope she visits us in this thread! then she'd create her secret account and she'll be talking to us without us knowing it's her! BWAHAHA that should be fun... at least for her I think! haha


Newbie here. Actually this is the only thread here in soompi that I've lurked at these past couple of days.

LDH is one of my fave actress out there, and I'm glad she's/she'll be back to work soon in Chuno.

I'm just excited to see her on a new drama again (didn't really care for EOE after everything that's happened there).

Hope I'm welcome here. :D

hello noelle! of corz you're welcomed here silly! well welcome to the crazy thread of LDH! and Hurray for coming out of lurkerdom! bwahaha

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Guest imogene_af


Newbie here. Actually this is the only thread here in soompi that I've lurked at these past couple of days.

LDH is one of my fave actress out there, and I'm glad she's/she'll be back to work soon in Chuno.

I'm just excited to see her on a new drama again (didn't really care for EOE after everything that's happened there).

Hope I'm welcome here. :D

bwah! I think I know youuuuuuu. thank yaaaa for delurking!


The Thai website, agree, she looks mixed! Weiiiiird.

OT: hagrid- no I actually don't like Sem (Yes, I call him SEM). LOL but but but but, he was sooo good in "And I Love You So", I have a new found respect for the dude.

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Guest imogene_af

I didn't know that CHUNO will be produced by Chorokbaem Media, same people who did Jumong and uhm... East of Eden. But they just spitting up the money ... different people in charge this time. Different station, different writer, and a talented PD.

Mr. X gave us a preview of what's coming for CHUNO in his blog. I will only pick the excerpt for Lee Da Hae since this is her thread.


- 이다해 (Lee Da-Hae)

SAGEUK EXPERIENCE: 어사 박문수 (Royal Emissary Park Moon-Soo, 2002 MBC) - 30 second cameo



UPSIDE: *****

CHOICE OF PROJECTS: * Me: sigh. sad but true


Potentially? The best Korean actress under 30, and that means surpassing current "titleholders" Son Ye-Jin, Cha Su-Yeon and Gong Hyo-Jin, not a small feat. Technique can always be improved upon, but Lee was already very good in her early days, on Im Sung-Han's idiotic 왕꽃 선녀님 (Lotus Flower Fairy) and particularly 그린로즈 (Green Rose). Her talent and nearly limitless upside are hard to debate, not to mention her range, considering she can go from girl next door to sophisticated woman (need I explain the difference, particularly when it comes to acting? That's something you can't learn) with disarming ease. But getting to the top of the mountain is quite a difficult journey, particularly when you don't seem to know what is best for your career. That has been the biggest deterrent of Lee's young legacy as an actress so far, until she made this choice.

The issue wasn't really some of her horribly misguided choices like 헬로! 애기씨 (Hello! Baby). It's as if Lee didn't realize her potential, and considered herself not to be worthy of meatier, more challenging projects, hence the array of lightweight romcoms and hackneyed melodramas. The other issue, which is harder to notice but related to the aforementioned matters, is the fact that her talent often outshines her technique. It's like a river itching to flood a valley, barely contained by a dam. And that's where a talented director able to somewhat constrain, limit all that raw power is needed. Think of 불한당 (Robber) and her crying scenes, wonderful for the first few minutes, and then exploding into over the top madness, as PD Yoo In-Shik fails to contain her power. It's just a matter of technique (controlling your emotional releases is part of the game, and something you can clearly learn to perfect), and something Kwak will likely help her with. Whatever happens to this drama popularity wise, her decision in itself will change her career forever exactly because of that: she will finally work with someone who knows how to deal with talented people. Whether this role will open a second chapter of Lee's career is yet to be seen, but I could envision her waking up to the joys of real acting, and maybe venturing into more serious roles (perhaps even in Chungmuro, where leading ladies her age are not exactly falling from the sky) in the future.

More than believing in Lee, I believe in Kwak's potential ability to get the best out of her, but she made the first move. She accepted the most challenging and important role of her career, and that's already one step in the right direction, on the way to the top, up high where only the best are accepted.

... and though, I am usually with the one with words and ramblings... I will leave you with a simple note that there is a happily nervous thud in my heart.

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same with me Imogene-one of the best description on Dahae after a long time-how good he put the words describing why she cannot be on top-Yes she don't know how to spread her talent until this drama-hopefully a second chapter for her actress career. BASYA LDH-make my day today.

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